6 Explanation time

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"Y/N?" Someone said. You slowly started opening your eyes. You were still on Thor's arms on the sofa.


You finally managed to open your eyes. All the team was there. Looking at you while you were sleeping. You didn't realize you were sleeping with Thor.

"Peter? Good morning!" You said smiling at him while slowly closing your eyes again.

"What's going on?" Peter said with little tears on his eyes.

You looked above your head. There was Thor's face.

"Oh! OH! OH! NONONONO!" You said quickly standing up making Thor wake up.

"NONONO! IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" You said pointing at Thor.

"Then what is it?" Peter asked stepping back.
All the team was watching you with a disappointed face. Tony and Bucky weren't there yet. You guessed they were sleeping.

"He's... He's one of my friends." You said looking at him.

"Is he... the one you talked to me about?" Nat asked quietly.

"No... He's... His brother" You said embarrassed. It really looked like you told Nat about someone and then slept with his brother while dating Peter.

"You have a LOT of explaining to do." Cap said.

"Yeah, I know. It's best if you sit down." You looked at Peter. "Please"

He sat down next to the others. You were sitting down next to Thor.
Tony and Bucky arrived and sat down quickly. They knew you were going to do the explanation to everything.

There was silence.

"Okay so... um... I should start by saying I'm sorry for lying to everyone. I'm not from Earth." You said looking at them.

"Yeah, And I'm from Jupiter." Sam said sarcastically.

"She's serious." Thor said.

"I'm from Asgard." You said. "The king, Odin." You looked at Thor. "His father, kicked me out of the planet and sent me here as a punishment."

"Why?" Nat asked.

"Well um... Thor has a brother, who's adopted. And Odin has never been a good dad to him and, one day Thor's Brother, Loki" You got interrupted by Bruce.

"Loki? The guy with long black hair who has an obsession with the color green?" Bruce asked.

"Yes. That's him. How do you know about my brother?" Thor asked.

"My friend, Doctor Selvig talks about him all the time." He said. "He says he's a dangerous smart man."

"He is dangerous. That's why I'm here, to take him back to Asgard and... take him to my father." Thor said.

"To Odin? What? Why?" You asked.

"He um... I didn't explain everything to you a few hours ago..." He said.

Everyone was really into the story. Peter wad wiping his tears off, Clint and Bucky were baking popcorns and Tony was eating a cheeseburger.

"Explain" You ordered.

"Well, when Odin said you passed away, Loki was very affected by that. He did not leave his room for months and only ate when I gave him food. After months of mourning your death, he started doing crimes, such as killing and stealing things."

"Killing?" Clint gasped and choked on the popcorn he was eating.

"Shh!" Bucky whispered to Clint.

"Odin put him on a cell. Which later on, he escaped and went to Midgard." Thor said.

"You missed an important part!" You said angry-" You told me he made a friend." 

"That's good!" Cap said. "It's better to no be alone during hard times!"

"No, it's not. You don't know how he makes friends." You said.

"His name is Thanos, he promised my brother something he craves for in exchange of something we do not know." Thor said.

"What does he crave for?" You asked.

"You. But since you are supposed to be dead, he wants the Tesseract." Thor replied.

Bucky choked on his drink.

"Did he just say Loki craves her?" Bucky whispered to Sam.

"Yeah, he did." Sam replied.

"Tesseract?" Tony asked. "Fury told me something about it. It can give us unlimited power. They guard it on the SHIELD Headquarters."

"Selvig works with it." Bruce said.

"Loki is planning something. Something not good." Thor said.

"How do you know that?" Cap asked.

"Well, it's obvious. Loki doesn't make friends, he only has Sif, Thor and well, he had me." You said sadly.

"When he makes friends bad things happen." Thor said.

"Also, That's too much of a coincidence. Odin sent the Tesseract to Midgard, I don't know why. Loki is on Midgard. Doctor Selvig works with SHIELD with the Tesseract project and Loki knows Selvig." Thor said.

"Selvig told me that the Tesseract have the power to kill everyone on this planet." Bruce said.

"Omg! I bet 5$ Loki is planning on killing everyone!" Sam whispered to Bucky.

"He wants to kill everyone on Earth." Nat concluded.

"I'm rich!" Sam whispered while Bucky gave him the money.

"Why?" Peter asked without looking at you. He was still affected by the image of his girlfriend sleeping with a blond, long-haired, with lots of muscles guy.

"His love of his life passed away and he did not get the chance of telling her he loved her. Odin, my father, tortured him. And he's mad at the world for taking Y/N away from him." Thor said.

Thor was really cute but he messed up. Obviously he didn't know that Peter and you were dating.

Peter now was shocked with tears on his eyes. You shook your head and looked at Peter.

"I love you, Peter." You said. "Whatever I felt when I was an alcoholic 15 years old teenager is gone now."

"Alcoholic?" Bucky gasped while eating popcorns.

"I... I gotta go." Peter said standing up and leaving without looking at you.

"Ouch. That must've hurt her." Clint whispered when he saw that Peter was gone.

"Her? This hurt him!" Bucky whispered back

"She said 'i love you' and he didn't say it back!" Clint whispered to Bucky while eating popcorns.

"Okay. We need to find Loki." Tony said standing up. "Today, 6 pm. Everyone at the roof with their suits on."

"Thor should come. He knows his brother very well, he can help us look for him" You said.

"He's coming then." Wanda said entering the room.

"Where did she come from?" Sam asked Bucky.

"I was sleeping. And I heard everything." She said.

"Oh! Come on! TONY WHY AREN'T THERE MORE POPCORNS LEFT?!" Clint yelled from the kitchen.



You all laughed. You needed something to laugh about. You got too much information in the last few hourshours and today was going to be a long, hard day.

Author's note
Hi y'all! How are you? Im good! I hope u liked this chapter as much as I liked writing it! Btw I love Sam, Bucky and Clint they're like 5 years-old boys lol

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