17. Date

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"Kiddo," Tony said sitting next to you on the sofa as you slowly opened your eyes.

"Hi, Tony," You said yawning.

"It's still early, go back to your room and sleep," He said helping you get up from the sofa.

You yawned a 'good night!' and left the living room to your room."Sorry!" You exclaimed as you fell on the ground.

"Do not worry" A male voice said giving you a hand to help you stand up

You looked at him, it was Loki. "No," You said standing up by yourself you ignored him and left for your room.

You could hear Loki's sight but you couldn't care less. Because playing hard to get was the best.


A few hours passed by and your eyes opened again. You groaned and tried not to wake up but your body didn't want to stay asleep anymore so you got off the bed and went to eat breakfast in the kitchen, where Tony, Nat, and Clint were eating. 

"Good morning," You said sitting next to Clint.

"Hello," Nat replied.

"y/n, did you sleep better?" Tony asked

"Yeah, don't worry" You replied pouring the milk into your favorite  FRIEND's bowl, "do we have any missions today?" 

"Yeah, we have a few, but Nat and I can handle it" Tony answered.

"I can't today, sorry. I promised Wanda we'll go shopping for your next party" Nat said now doing the dishes.

"Can I come? I have nothing to wear, and the party is in a few days," You said finishing your cereals.

"Yeah, sure," Nat answered, "10 am ready to go" You nodded and she left for the training room.

"I guess I'll have to go with Legolas," Tony lamented looking at Clint.

"Ha Ha very funny," Clint said smiling, "What do I need to do?"

You didn't really care about whatever mission they had so you left the kitchen. 

"Good morning, Lady y/n," Thor said from the sofa.

"Morning," You replied sitting next to him, "I'm sorry for being mad at you yesterday"

"Do not worry, Lady, you had all the right to be mad at me," Thor said smiling.

"You call me 'lady' one more time and I'm gonna kick your ass so hard you'll die," You said threateningly. Thor laughed, maybe because it was funny or maybe because he was scared of you but either way you smiled back.

"I have to go, I'm hanging out with Nat and Wanda now, "You said standing up and waving Thor goodbye.

"Have a good day," He replied waving back.


You entered your room, it was quite a mess but you didn't have time to clean it up so you went directly for your wardrobe and grabbed the first t-shirt you saw and the first jeans. You didn't really care about your physical appearance. You put on the clothes that got randomly chosen, it was a big oversized green shirt and blue mom pants.

It was already 9:50 am so you decided to go down to the living room where you were meeting the girls.

"Ready?" Nat asked when Wanda arrived a few minutes after you did.

"Don't wait for us!" Wanda said kissing goodbye to Vision and hugging Pietro.

"See ya later!" You said when the elevator's doors were closing.

Teenage love [Loki x female reader]Where stories live. Discover now