27 Sharon

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"Zemo," Bucky said immediately, "Zemo you son of a bitch,"

"Who's Zemo?" Clint asked confused

"Someone who blames us for killing his family," Tony replied.

"When?" Clint asked

"Remember Sokovia?" Bucky asked, Clint nodded, "We killed them that day"

"He wants revenge?" You asked

"Obviously he wants, also he tried to recreate the supersoldier serum, we don't know if he succeeded, but we haven't had any incidents with supersoldier people that we know of," Pepper said.

"Mister Stark, the unknown number sent you a message," Friday said

"Read it," Tony ordered

"You're probably thinking that I'm Zemo. But you're wrong," Friday read, "Mr.Stark , do you want me to reply to them?"

"So, it's not Zemo? Then who the fuck is it?" Sam asked

"I don't know," Tony said, "Friday, ask them who are they,"
"Texting 'who are you?' to unknown number," Friday said

"Notify us when they reply," Tony said.

"So... who is it?" You asked

"They said that they are old friends with Steve and Bucky," Natasha said, "Bucky, before Steve became Captain America, did you had friends?"

"I did, Steve didn't have much," He replied.

"Think of someone who could or had reasons to hurt him," Pietro said.

"Um...  I'm sorry but I don't remember almost anything before I became the Winter Soldier," Bucky apologized.

"We can enter his mind?" You suggested.

"If we do that, Wanda is going with you," Pepper ordered

"Okay," You agreed.

You knew that none of them will fully trust you if you went inside their minds after erasing Tony's memories.

"Can we look for other options?" Sam said when Bucky's face tensed up and began to shake a little bit, not a lot so people wouldn't notice.

"Please?" Bucky said calming himself down and smiling a little bit at Sam.

"Um... do you have pictures of your past or something? Maybe a book?" Wanda asked.

"Burnt them all," Bucky said sadly.

"I'm sorry Bucky but if they don't tell us who they are we won't have much of a choice," Thor said

"I remember Peggy," he said, "But she died a few years ago, right?"

"Yeah, we all went to the funeral," Nat said softly.

"Mr.Stark, the unknown person sent you another message," Friday announced the team.

"Read it," Wanda said

"Reading message, 'You're wrong'," Friday read

"Are they hearing us right now?" Thor asked

"This is like a horror movie," rodhey said

"Another message from unknown," Friday announced.

"Read it," You ordered

"Reading message, 'Yes, we can hear you.'" Friday read

"So we have like zero privacy now? great," Sam murmured

Suddenly, the lights turned themselves off. You all gasped but the lights turned themselves on again.

"Okay, that's weird," You said confused

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