14 Reality

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You woke up with rays of sun in your eyes. You didn't remember well what had happened but it looked like it was just a dream. You stood up and looked at your room. It was gigantic. There were plenty of windows, no, they weren't windows, they were doors. The views were amazing, there was a beach right in front of you and the sea was bluer than the sky. Your bed was enormous too. You left your room confused.

"Good morning, Y/N," Loki's voice said hugging you from behind, you were shocked but you acted normal since you didn't remember what happened last night.

"Morning," You said turning around and kissing him softly.

"I made breakfast for everyone," He said proudly of himself

"Everyone?" You asked following him through the house.

"Good morning, kiddo," Tony said when you and Loki entered the kitchen.

"Bonjour," Sam and Bucky said eating their cereals.

You sat down next to them and ate the breakfast Loki had prepared (just basic cereals but he looked proud of himself and you didn't want to ruin it)

"I had a pretty weird dream," You said to them. They all looked at each other.

"Well, it was just a dream," Natasha said.

"Yeah, I guess it was," You said confused.

A 5 years old girl with dark long hair started running towards you. She was wearing a dress and looked particularly just like you when you were younger.

You were confused but you hugged her and she disappeared.

"Who are you hugging?" Nat asked

"This girl, she- Where is she?" You asked confused when you saw that she wasn't there.

"Darling, you should rest. You're acting weird" Loki said helping you stand up and leading the way to the bedroom.

"Y/N!" You heard someone yelling your name, you turned around but the only person there was Loki and he wasn't shrieking in pain like the other voice.

"Yeah... I should definitely rest" You sighted laying in your bed.

"Have a good nap" Loki said leaving the room.

"Can you stay?" You asked him. He sighed and smiled.

"Of course, I can," He said cuddling you.

You slowly closed your eyes and fell asleep.

You were in chains, your hands were handcuffed and your mouth had some type of mask that enabled you to speak.

"Y/N!" Loki said from a distance. You could hear people grunting and shrieking in pain.

"Loki?" You asked moving your chains quickly so Loki could hear the noise.

"Y/N! Don't worry, my dear, I'm here." He said opening (actually destroying) the door of the room you were in.

He ran to you and started breaking the chains so you could move. You had tears in your eyes.

"Don't worry, darling, I'm here. You're safe. You're safe. Y/N, you're safe." He repeated those words while hugging you tightly.

"Y/N!" Loki said shaking you.

"I'm awake, I'm awake" You grunted waking up. "What's wrong?"

"You. You were having a nightmare, darling" He said

"It was just a dream?" You asked slightly relieved.

"It was just a dream," He said reassuring you.

"Y/N! SOMEONE! CALL FOR HELP!" Lok's voice said. But it wasn't the Loki you had in front of you. It was a Loki whose voice was breaking and shaking.

"y/n, are you okay?" The Loki in front of you asked.

"Yeah... I'm fine" You said standing up. "Let's go for a swim"

"Alright," He said standing up and taking off his pants.

"Oh, that's naked." You said looking up. "That's very naked"

"Darling, you've already seen me," He said with his naked body walking towards you. You looked even more up than it was possible.

"I-I have?" You asked confused.

"Yes, darling, you have," He said putting his arms around you and making you look at his green eyes.

You blushed. A lot.

He started kissing you gently and with his soft hands, he started taking your clothes off, starting with your oversized t-shirt.

"Loki, I don't think we should-" You started saying but you got interrupted by Loki's kiss.

"I think we should," He said putting your legs on his hips and leading the way to the bed.

He started kissing your naked body and you moaned.

"Shh! They'll hear us" Loki said between kisses.

He then made his way down to your panties kissing all your body. He looked at you like if he was asking for consent, you nodded.

He tore your panties off, you could see his desire and lust in his eyes. He was just about to kiss your other lips-

"Y/N! Please! Stay with me!" Loki's broken and shaking voice said.

You stood up quickly.

"What's wrong, my dear?" Loki said now worried. "You're acting weird today"

"You didn't hear it?" You asked, he looked at you confused, "So, if it's not your voice, whose is it?"

"My voice? Darling, what are you talking about?" Loki asked very concerned standing up and with a snap of his fingers both of you were wearing clothes.

"I need to go," You said rushing to the door leaving a confused Loki behind. You took a deep breath.

"Y/N! Come on! Wake up! Don't you dare to die today" Tony's voice yelled at you.

You turned around, no one was there. But now you weren't in a house on a beach, you were in a dark room.

"Y/N" Natasha yelled, you turned around again.

"Y/N! Wake up, please! Come on, Bruce!" Wanda's voice said

"I'm doing everything I can!" Bruce yelled back

"Well, you're NOT doing enough!" Tony's voice yelled back.

Your head was spinning, what was going on? You felt dizzy and you suddenly collapsed on the floor.

Author's note

Hi, so basically there's only one person reading this but anywayyy i hope u like it!!!

Teenage love [Loki x female reader]Where stories live. Discover now