30 The mission

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"Where's y/n?" Nat asked 

"She should be back by now," Tony said

"I can go look for her," Thor suggested

"No, we don't have time, the party is tonight," Rodhey said

"So... I'm coming?" Sharon smiled

"You are," Steve smiled back

"Disgusting" Pietro rolled his eyes.

"Okay, let's do a recap," Nat said ignoring them, "Bruce and Shit, you two will go inside the party, Clint and I will be on the roof if something happens, Tony and the rest, you will be in the van, waiting for us,"

Everyone agreed, "okay, let's get ready"

All the team members worked before the party has started, they prepared everything; trained, filled the van with computers and high-tech things, stressed ate (Bruce and Pietro), and just simply ate (Thor).

"The party starts in 2 hours, at 9 pm" Tony announced once everyone was done getting ready, "Bruce and...you," He said looking disgusted at Sharon, "Will go with Happy in his car, he'll take you to a bus station, then, a limousine will pick you up. You'll get to the party 5 minutes after it started"

"Why can't we get there in time?" Sharon asked

"Why can't you just shut the fuck up?" Tony asked with the same tone as her

"Tony!" Pepper groaned.

"What? I'm right!" Tony argued. Pepper sighed and sat on the sofa.

"Let's go!" Sam said, "We have one hour and a half to get there,"

"Let's go," Thor said

"Thor... we thought maybe you could stay here? Just in case y/n returns," Nat said

"You want me to stay here?" Thor asked confused, but then he sighed and agreed, "If something happens call me"

Nat smiled and hugged him, "We won't call you because nothing is going to happen, don't worry"

"Let's go!" Tony clapped his hands making everyone speed up.

A few minutes later everyone had their suit on and ready to go. 

Sharon and Bruce were the firsts to leave the tower, Happy picked them up in a street nearby. Clint and Nat were the next to leave the avengers tower, but they didn't leave walk out the front door, they went to the roof and jumped roof to the roof without being seen. Tony, Sam, Bucky, and Steve went to the garage and got in the van that they prepared hours earlier.


Tony and the rest already parked behind the building where the party was hosted, and Clint and Natasha were ready on the roof, paying attention to any suspicious move through the cameras. They had hacked into the cameras of the building. Natasha said, "It was too easy"

"Everyone got the comms on?" Tony asked through the coms

"Yeah," Everyone answered.


"Get ready, first guests are here," Sam noticed

The couple, a 40-year-old woman and a 50-year-old man were entering the building. The man that was working there, greeted them and opened the door for them.

"The party is about to start," Tony said, then he shut up, unbelieving what he was seeing, "BRUCE?!?! PIECE of SHIT?!?!?!"

"What the fuck are you doing!" Sam yelled

Teenage love [Loki x female reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt