2 Jealousy

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You woke up and your head hurt. You sat in your bed and tried to remember what happened last night. The only thing you could remember was Loki being with you and then disappearing.

Where did he go?

You got dressed and went to eat breakfast with your friends, you were the third to arrive. [your friends were Loki, Sif, and Thor]

"Good morning!" You whispered.

"Good morning!" Sif said in a normal voice.

"SHHH! OUCH, MY HEAD!" You yelled.

"How much did she drank last night?" Sif asked Loki.

"3 bottles and a half." Loki answered. He didn't even look at you.

You sat down with them, in the same place as always, in front of Loki.

"So... Did anything happen between-?" Sif asked but Loki interrupted her before she could finish.

"Thor and her kissed." He announced with a little bit of anger in his voice which you couldn't notice since you were really a hangover

Sif looked disappointed. "Seriously? Why?"

"I did what? Oh yeah. I did kiss him. Right? I don't know I was drunk, okay?" You said eating your cereals.

"That excuse won't work forever." Loki mumbled quietly. You couldn't hear him very well so you decided to ignore him.

Then, Thor arrived and Loki stood up and left. Sif followed him.

"And now he's mad." You said carelessly.

"What happened last night?" Thor asked confused by Loki's actions.

"I think we kissed" You said casually


last night

"What is she doing? Yeah, she doesn't believe in love, and yet she's kissing my brother like there's no tomorrow." Loki thought. He couldn't take it anymore and he left.

"Why am I so angry? I should not be! Maybe she likes him! What's wrong with that? Well, lot's of things! Because I like her! I love her! Wait... what? I... I love her. No, I don't! This is what every Asgardian teenager goes through. It is normal." Loki thought while he laid on his bed.

morning after

"That excuse won't work forever." Loki said quietly. Then he stood up and left, with Sif following him.

"Hey! What's wrong?" Sif asked him.

"I... I don't know." Loki said.

"Wait... Are you jealous?" Sif asked happily.

"Maybe? I don't know!"

"Do you like her?"

"I don't know! I feel different when I'm with her but that's just because we're best friends."

"I know you like to lie but don't lie to yourself." Sif said

"I beg your pardon?"

"You love her. You sure don't know how to hide those types of feelings."

"Obviously, I have never felt them before." Loki said "Should I tell her?"

"You should." Sif said, then she left.

"I will. " Loki said walking to the friend's breakfast place.

He opened the door but didn't move. There you were, you were laughing and smiling at his brother.

Loki felt hurt by this and went to his room to cry.


"Miss Y/N-" Thor said

"Don't call me miss! Just use my name!" You interrupted him laughing.

"Alright, Y/N. About last night kiss-" Thor said, you interrupted again.

"We were drunk AND it was just so you got the kiss you deserved and I got my first kiss. I know it didn't mean anything to you and it didn't mean anything to me." You said smiling while eating more cereals.

"Okay, that's what I was going to say. I did not wish to make our friendship awkward." He said while drinking milk.

Then you started talking about your favorite type of cereal.

After a few minutes, your head stopped hurting so bad and you could think more clearly.

"Thor, I um... I need your help with something." You said nervously.

"You know you can always count on me with everything. Tell me what's bothering you, Y/N" He said looking at you.

"I think I might like someone." You said quickly and quietly.

"I did not hear you clearly, y/n." Thor said.

"I think I like someone." You repeated whispering loudly.

"YOU LIKE SOMEONE? WHO?" Thor asked very loudly. Thank god no one was in the room.

"Shh! Don't shout it!" You said whispering.

"Oh, sorry." He said calming himself down. "Who do you think you like?"

"I... well I'm not drunk so I won't tell you who it is, but im not sure if I like him. So I need your help to see if I like him or if I don't and I'm just confused and it's normal because I'm a teenager." You said looking around you to see that no one was there to spy on you.

"Oh... Okay." Thor said confused. "So... When you think of that person, how do you feel?"

"Happy, nervous. What type of question is that?" You asked confused.

"When you see that person does your heart beat faster?" Thor asked.

"Yeah. These questions are really stupid."

"When you hear that person's voice, does it give you a strange feeling in your stomach?" Thor asked.

"Yeah but If you say they are butterflies I swear to Odin I will knock you out." You said half-joking

"You definitely like my brother." Thor finally said after a long pause.

"What?" You said slightly blushing.

"Oh. Right, wait. No. I did not know you liked my brother. I definitely did not know." He said laughing.

"Is it THAT obvious?" You asked slightly embarrassed.

"Yes, it is." He said laughing.

You both laughed. Then you stopped. You thought you had seen Loki's figure on the door but when you looked at it, no one was there.

"Excuse me, one second." You said standing up.

"What are you going to do?" Thor asked.

"Ruin my friendship with my best friend or just blush and act like a stupid girl." You said walking through the door to exit the room.

You were 100% sure you had seen him. I mean, it's not like Loki is someone who's hard to recognize. He's the only person in Asgard who has long, black hair, wears green all the time, and is handsome at the same time.

Where was he? Why was he ruining away from you?

You were going to find out soon.

Author's note:

Hi y'all! How's everyone going? 
Im posting on Wednesday too so you can have something to read instead of doing homework and studying on weekdays!

I hope u liked the story! You can comment some plotwist u would like to see in this story!


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