16. 4am talks

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"Not today" You managed to say holding Loki's hand and trying to open your eyes (which you FINALLY did).

"Y/N!" Everyone said running towards you.

"How are you feeling?" Tony asked you

"Why did no one tell me?" You said after a long pause, trying to recover breath. You knew you had almost died and you were exhausted but you wanted answers and you wanted them now.

"Tell you what, kiddo?" Tony asked.

"Why didn't you tell me?" You said looking at the brothers.

"She should rest," Bruce said trying to calm you down.

"No, I should not," You said standing up.

"Don't move, doll," Bucky whispered to you putting his hands on your shoulder reassuringly.

"You should rest, y/n. You've been through a lot." Cap said

"We'll leave so you can sleep at peace," Natasha said blowing you a kiss.

Everyone left, except Peter, Thor, and Loki.

"You didn't tell me she died." You said straight to the point looking at both of the Asgardians with tears in your eyes, "When were you planning on telling me my best friend died?"

"We were going to tell you, but a lot has been going on, darling," Loki said.

"No. Don't call me 'darling' or any pet names because we are nothing." You said, "Get out. I don't want to talk to you"

Loki did as you told him, and he left, looking back at you before closing the door.

"Did you kiss him?" Thor asked

"I'm not talking to you about this either. You lied to me." You told him without looking at him, you knew he was still hurting, after all, Sif was Thor's soulmate.

"I did not lie, I just kept the truth to myself," Thor said.  After a long pause, he added, "I am sorry, Y/N, I wanted to tell you but, I knew it would break you and...- I'm sorry, y/n"

"I just... I'm...No. I'm just too tired, we'll talk about this tomorrow, alright?" You said wiping your tears off.

"As you wish, y/n." He said standing up, "Oh! And, I know you heard us talking that night, me and my brother, you should talk to him"

"I just said we were nothing." You said laying back on your bed.

"Well, you have to change that, y/n. Because you are meant to be," He said before leaving.

"I'm not gonna let a stupid mark define my future," You sighted.

"Y-You t-two are meant t-to be?" Peter asked. Shit, you forgot about him.

"Err- Maybe?" You replied nervously.

"I-It's okay, y/n. We're not together anymore, y/n, you can date whoever you want" He said smiling, then he kissed you on the cheek and left.



I'm sorry. I should have told you sooner.

Don't worry, you didn't want me to break. Why would you? If I break I'll drink again, that's not good. Because clearly, no one thinks I can take care of myself! You said angrily

Y/N, you know that's not true. I do not wish you to break, not because you're weak but because you're too strong and, you don't know how to control your powers and I don't want you to hurt yourself

Teenage love [Loki x female reader]Where stories live. Discover now