23 Asgard

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You stood there, watching the little girl grab Frigga's hand and leaving the room. 


"Y/N!" Tony's voice bring you back.

"I'm here, I'm here," You said gasping for breath.

"What happened?" Bucky asked helping you stand up since you were on the living room's floor.

"Uh... I don't know. I need to rest," You said starting to walk to your room. Loki followed you.

You entered your room and jumped into the bed.

"What did you see, dear?" Loki asked sitting next to you.

"I don't know, was it a vision?" You asked him

"That's what it looks like," Loki said kissing your forehead, "What did you see?"

"Nothing, just a 5-year-old girl playing with a 5-year-old Thor," You half lied to him, "I woke up before anything happened,"

"You should rest, visions are exhausting," Loki said kissing you goodnight even tho it was 3 pm.

You tried to make him stay but you were too tired to talk. Slowly, your eyes closed and you fell asleep. But, you felt Loki's arms around you before you fell into Morfeo's arms.

You woke up, you were tired of waking up. Loki's arms were still around your hips, you smiled at feeling him. You tried not to move so you wouldn't wake him up.

"Did you sleep well, love?" He asked kissing your hair.

"Yeah," You replied turning around to look at him. 

"You're so gorgeous, my dear," He said looking at your eyes.

"I know I am," You replied giggling.

You left the bed (even tho you didn't want to) and left the room. You were fucking confused. 

Now that you weren't as tired as before, you could clear your mind and think properly. What happened in the visions? First, a purple alien orders Loki to find someone and take them to him. Then, you find out you were adopted.

You didn't want to tell the team, you were curious, and you knew that if you told the team, Stark and Steve wouldn't let you look for answers, they're too protective. 

You knew curiosity killed the cat, but you're not a cat.

Who was this purple giant alien? Why didn't Odin and Frigga tell you you were adopted before kicking you out? You had to find out.

"Thor," You waved good morning to the team while walking in the living room, "I need to talk to you,"

Thor stood up and followed you to the hallway, "What is wrong, y/n?"

"I need answers," You told him, "I need to go to Asgard,"

"But my father, he banned you from Asgard," Thor said

"I know, but it's important," You told him, "It's about my parents,"

"Your parents?" Thor asked confused, "Your dad is-"

"Dead, I know, but they're not my real parents," You said as if you didn't care about your dad, because you didn't.

"How can you be so sure about that, y/n?" Thor asked confused

"I had a vision, multiple visions actually," You told him, he looked even more confused. You sighed, "Can you take me to Asgard or not?"

"I can," Thor said, "When are we leaving?"

"Now," You told him walking towards the elevator.

"What about my brother?" Thor asked

"We'll be back before he notices," You said pressing the elevator's button.

Teenage love [Loki x female reader]Where stories live. Discover now