Olli Caldwell [19]

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A/N Wished by Jkay2011. I hope you like it (:

WORDS: 613

Coming home from a date always leaves a little bit of a bittersweet feeling because you have to leave the cosy atmosphere you where in to come back into the cold reality but not today. Olli took me stargazing and I absolutely love looking into the sky, observing the star constellations, getting lost in the dark. And instead of feeling sad that the date ended I feel grateful for Olli taking me stargazing even though it is freezing cold in the UK.

Back at our shared apartment I wrap my arms around myself, waiting for Olli to open the door with his keys while the cold air of the night brushes over my body, making me shiver and just wanting to go back into the warm car or finally enter the house. When the door clicks, I hurry up to enter the home, sighting softly when some warm air comes into my lungs.

"I am freezing." I mumble when the warm air of the apartment hits me, making me realise how cold I really am. My skin stings unpleasantly, some shivers run down my spine, and I refuse to take of my jacket in fear of only feeling colder. Olli already hand his jacket on the coatrack and now approaches me to wrap his arms around me.

"I'll keep you warm." He says close by my ear, pressing me against his chest, letting me feel the warmth which radiates from his body. It makes me shiver lightly but I instantly feel better when I feel his body heat and try to cuddle even closer to his body which is not possible, but I don't mind.

"Come, let's cuddle under a blanket and drink some hot chocolate." Olli suggests and loosen his arms around me a bit. I whine at the lost of touch but his offers sound great and because of this I start to undress me, before I go into the bedroom, putting on some comfortable clothes consisting of a sweater I steal from Olli and a jogging pants.

Olli comes into the bedroom, carrying two mugs which steam and are filled with hot chocolate. I take one and take a first sip, sighting when the warm milk already heats up my body a bit while Olli gets dressed in some comfortable clothes too. He cuddles beside me, wrapping a blanket around us and lays his arms around my shoulders.

"Hold me closer." I mumble, still feeling a bit of the cold in my body and only wanting to be as close as possible to Olli. He laughs softly before he tightens the grip around me, allowing me to cuddle even closer to his chest, making me sight with happiness and I can feel myself finally relax in his embrace.

"This date was a really cute idea." Are my words which I mumble into his sweater, still being happy that the choose to go stargazing with me. I used to do this with my grandfather, and it always makes me happy watching the little sparkling spots in the sky, creating patterns, and making everything look so peaceful under them.

"I am glad that you liked it." Olli admits, at first, he wasn't sure if I am going to like this idea because it was a tradition between my grandfather and me. He didn't want to cross any boundaries but as I said I love his idea of going stargazing together. Olli had listened to my explanations to the different star constellations and wasn't bored about me constantly talking about the things I know.

"I love you." I breath out, smiling against his chest and hoping that days like this would never end. 

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