Chapter Sixty-six: Come to Die

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Harry POV

Y/N had pulled out a blanket from his bag and put it over Snape's body and promised to himself that he would make sure that Snape was buried. Hermione then gave him a hug. I was about to say something, but a voice boomed over Hogwarts as it said...

"You have fought valiantly... but in vain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Treat your injured. Harry Potter, I speak now directly to you. On this night you have allowed your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. And you have allowed your allies to kill my own. There is no greater dishonor. Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate. Should you do so I give my word that no other life will be lost on this night, except for Y/N L/N at Chaos' hand. You have one hour. If, at the end of that time, you have not given yourself up, then I shall punish every last man, woman, and child who tries to conceal you from me."

"Never! Do you hear me!? NEVER!" Ron said, with rage as we looked at the sky as we hear horns in the distance.

"Those signaled the Orcs to retreat," Y/N said. "We should go. We'll make sure how everyone is doing then you need to find out it was the Snape gave you, Harry."

We ran back to the Great Hall and found that many were injured from all of the attacks. Madam Pomfrey and Draco, along with Dobby and some other house elves bring them supplies, were treating them. Stephan was also helping out. On the way here Y/N had asked from Willow and Fawkes to search for any survivors that may have been missed and to then alert the closest capable person to help them. Dad and Gellert were also looking for survivors. Slughorn was treating Filch's wound. Flitwick's face was covered in gashes. All of these people were hurt, and some killed, because of me. Y/N, Jess, Hermione, and Ron were looking around for those that they cared about. Y/N and I then saw Remus sitting in a make shift bed as Tonks was bandaging his head as his right arm was in a cast. Y/N had gone over to them to say a few words and when his did Tonks gave him a hug, most likely for helping Remus in their marriage.

On the other side of the room Ron had seen his family around someone and went over to them. He found that they were really worried. They turned to him, but couldn't speak as they were in shock because on the makeshift bed was Percy Weasley, unconscious and just barley breathing. "He - he almost took a Killing Curse meant for me, but a wall then blew apart and a Quaffle sized piece of it hit him," Fred said. Mrs. Weasley was right next to Percy hoping and praying for him to be okay and that he would wake up soon, even though he had broke her.

I was glad that no one that I knew was dead, but I also thought that it was selfish of me. A lot of the bodies here are dead because of me. I couldn't stay, as I left the hall and went to Dumbledore's office, were the Pensieve was kept. After looking I found it in a cabinet and placed it onto the desk. Taking the stopper off of the vial, I poured it into the Pensieve. As the memory formed I saw that the portraits in the office were now empty. I then frowned and then put my face into the Pensieve, ready to see what Snape wanted me to.

I was in a field where I saw a young red-haired girl looking at the bushes as someone said, "Lily!  Come out of there! Now!" My mother. That is who this girl was. She was looking at some of the flowers before who I guessed was Aunt Petunia stared at her and knocked the flowers away. "We're going home," Petunia added as she grabbed Lily by the arm. As they were about to leave a young boy came from somewhere and Petunia saw him as he made a leaf fly into the air like a butterfly, scaring her but Lily smile. As Petunia kept looking at the boy, he watched as Lily looked at him.

The next thing I saw was Lily and the boy laying next to each other looking into the sky in the same field. After seeing his hair I thought that this might be Snape as a boy.

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