Chapter Eighteen: One Way to Start the Year

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Hermione POV

I felt the train jolt to a stop, which caused me to stir awake in Y/N arms and looked at him. I didn't even realize that I fell asleep. "Y/N. We're here," I said as I gently shook his shoulder to wake him up.

"Mhm? Oh, hey Mione. Let go," he said as we both got up and left the train. We then followed everyone to the carriages and later into the Great Hall for sorting. Before we went in Professor McGongall asked, "Ms. Granger. Mr. L/N? May I have a word with you?" We both followed us to her office and she began to speak. "I'm sure you both are well aware how you are going to get to your classes?" Which we both nod. "Good. Now I am going to give you these," she said while pulling open one of her desk drawers pulling out two golden necklaces that had a few golden rings with an hourglass in the center.

"These are the Time Turners you will have to use

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"These are the Time Turners you will have to use. Ms. Granger, when you go to Arithmancy, Y/N will go to Dumbledore for training. No one is to know of your intentions with the Time Turners. Is that understood?" We both nodded again. "Good. Now Y/N. Your newly commissioned sword is ready," she said while placing it on the desk. "Please have a look."


I took the scabbard with my left hand. I then pulled the sword from it. The sword was mainly black in color with silver around the outer parts of the blade and for some ascents around the handle. "Elvin steel. One of the most rare steels in the world. Only orc steel is rarer."

"I see you have been looking over your steels over the summer," Grandma said with a slight chuckle, "what do you think?"

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"I see you have been looking over your steels over the summer," Grandma said with a slight chuckle, "what do you think?"

"It's heavy. It's a good sword," I said putting it back into the scabbard and strapping it to my back.

"Good. Now I believe you both would like to get back to the feast," she said. And we then left her office and headed to the Great Hall and sat down just as grandad got up to start his speech.

"Welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts!" He started.

"Psst, Potter, L/N," Draco said, but I wanted to hear the speech so I didn't acknowledge him.

"I'd like to say a few words, before we become befuddled by our excellent feast. First, I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Good luck to you, Professor," which got a round of applause from the students.

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