Chapter Forty-two: Snake Attack

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I had a hold of the Quaffle that Jess had passed to me, during the first Quidditch match of the year. I threw it, scoring us another ten points just as Crabbe almost hit me with his Beater club, but I was able to dodge it. Jess then scored the Quaffle that she had a hole of. Ron was actually doing really well for his first game, but the bad group of Slytherins had to screw with that. "Weasley is our king, Weasley is our king. He always let the Quaffle in, Weasley is our king!" They chanted, making Ron stop and then look really depressed.

"Just ignore them, Ron!" Harry called out to him.

"You're doing really good," Jess shourted.

"Another ten points to Slytherin. The score is now fifty-twenty in favor of Slytherin," Lee announced to the crowd sounding disappointed.

Anthony, the Slythern seeker that was rotating this game so Draco could be in a later one, stopped moving and said, "I should like you, Weasley. You're definitely our best player!"

"Look, Nelson," I said, pointing to an area behind him.

The Snitch the fly past him and Harry saw it chasing it. I saw that Crabbe was about to strike Harry just as he caught the Snitch winning us the game, but I was too late to take the hit for him as the club hit Harry in the back. I was able to catch Harry mid air and bring him down to the grass of the field. The team and Hermione were quick to make it down here. "You two okay?" She asked, kissing my cheek.

"I've never seen a worse Keeper! Maybe we should add some more verses to our song. About this filthy mother!" Anthony added. George was about to lunge and strike him, but Fred and I held him back. "And his pathetic loser of a father too!" I now had to hold both of the twins back, but Jess helped me. Harry then sat up after I healed him. "But then, you like the Weasleys, don't you, Potter! How can you stand the stink? I guess it reminds you of your dear mother!" Harry then got up and charged at him hitting him in his face, and George broke free from my grasp and hit him too.

"Impedimenta!" Madam Hooch casted at them as they were pushed away from Anthony.

"What on Earth do you two think you're doing!?" Grandma yelled at them, as Harry had gotten to his feet.

"Don't make me stupify you, Potter!" Hooch warned.

Anthony was crying as Harry and Fred were taken by the arm, "my office. Now."

"We can tell you what happened Grandma," I said.

"Y/N's right. We're Perfects! We report to you, right?" Hermione added.

"Precisely, come along," she said. When we got there we told her what happened and now they were being scolded. "I cannot express in words the disappointment I feel now." And just after she said that, Umbridge entered the office "What is it, Dolores?"

"I thought you might need some additional authority in dealing with these two. What are they doing here?" She asked with an evil smile.

"We are both Perfects and reported the events as they occurred," I said.

"That is correct. You thought wrong. Now kindly remove yourself from my office," Grandma said, before turning to Harry and George. "Now, I will see about Anthony, but your performance was shameful. Fifty points from Gryffindor, and I'm giving you both a week's detention. With me or supervised by both Miss Granger and Mr. L/N."

(A/N: I have no idea if Perfects could supervise detention as I could not find any fact of this being true, but let's roll with it.)

"I hardly think that's an adequate punishment for this," Umbridge said, holding a piece of parchment that was on a clipboard of hers. "Educational Decree 25: It gives me, as high Inquisitor, the power to give punishment and privileges, and to alter those given out to the students by other members of the staff. So I think a life-long ban for playing Quidditch should do the trick for both of these. Oh, and this one's twin as well. He was going to attack Nelson as well."

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