Chapter Fifty-six: Wills and Weddings

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Hermione POV

"Again!" Y/N said, as I slashed at him with my sword. It was the day after we had gotten Harry to the Burrow and I asked Y/N to spar this morning as everyone else helped get ready for the wedding. We were using shortstop, meaning that we stop within three inches or so of each other so that we wouldn't hurt each other. I went to slash his torso, but he parried it.

"You have good form, but you hold too much weight on your back foot," Y/N said, as we clashed again and then pushed each other back. I went to make and up ways to slash, but he caught it in his arm guard, surprising me.

"Remember Mione, expect the unexpected," he said, shoving his arm forward making my blade leave his guard. "I think we should stop there. My criticism is mainly just nitpicks. You're good."

"I didn't get you once," I said, replacing my sword into the scabbard that I wore on my hip.

"True, but neither did I," he said.

"Well... I did watch you when you would train," I said.

"I figured. You're doing better than I did when I first started. Don't over push yourself. I got to go help the guys with the tent. We'll train again later?"

"Sure," I said, before he kissed me and left to go help them.

Harry POV

Ron had talked some sense into me last night and we were helping set up for Bill and Fleur's wedding. Y/N was helping Hermione train as Arthur, Fred, George, Ron, and I worked on a tent. We had almost managed to get it up, but it then fell. Deciding to take a break before trying again, I went inside to read the latest issue of the Daily Prophet. The headline was Dumbledore's Dark Secrets written by Rita Skeeter as she held up a book she had written about his life and secrets. I was wearing the robes that I was going to wear for the wedding to make sure that they fit. "Harry?" I heard Ginny say behind me, and when I turned to see her she was in a beautiful dress.

"H-Hey," I said. "Are you all packed?"

"Yeah," she said as the light that was hitting her made her more beautiful. I'm kind of glad that Y/N had talked me out of breaking up with her after Dumbledore's death. It made sense what he said, but I'm still a little nervous about it.

"Zip me up, will you?" She asked, as she turned around as the dress was showing me her back. I went up to her and zipped it up for her. When it was zipped up she turned around, but we still stayed close to one another. "Seems silly, doesn't it? A wedding. Given everything that's going on."

"Maybe that's the best reason to have it. Because of everything going on," I said, as we kissed. It seems like we were kissing for a while. I heard pairs of footsteps come into the room, but I continued to kiss her.

"Okay, I have a question. Why do you have a toothbrush in your ear?" I heard the voice of Y/N say, as we then stopped and saw that Y/N and Geroge were watching us.

George then tipped his mug to us, winked with a smirk, and said, "Morning."


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