Chapter Nine: Summer and Bad News, and Meeting a Fraud

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It was the mid-afternoon and I am now at the Weasley's home, the Borrow, and it hasn't changed since I was last here quite a few summers ago. Mrs. Weasley told me on the way here that I am going to be rooming with Ron and she insists that I call Molly. I went to his room, still remembering the way around the house, and put my things there along with the birthday gift that Hermione got me which was a book entitled King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, she told me that she would have had it for my birthday, but the muggle bookstore had to back order it, so that is why she was late with it. I thanked her and told her that she didn't have to get me anything, but she said she had too before she left that station earlier in the day. I spend the rest of the day organizing my things in our shared room, talking to Red and George about the pranks that they have planned, and telling Ginny about what to expect from first year as she asked about it. I talked to Percy for a bit too. I know that he can be a git at times, but I never had any trouble getting along with him, perhaps this was because of our thirst for knowledge, although he can be a bit extreme at times. For dinner Molly made a very delicious stew which I enjoyed greatly. During supper we all made small talk about how Ron and I like our first year, the classes we were taking next year, and various other topics. After dinner, I tried to help Molly with the dishes, but she would have not part of it and insisted that she had it covered. She did thank me for the offer though. After about half an hour, dad came through the Floo Network with Jessie, my cousin.

 After about half an hour, dad came through the Floo Network with Jessie, my cousin

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"Hi dad, hi Jess," I said. Jess smiled back at me, but I could tell that something was wrong with her, even without my Legilimens. When we were together she always had a certain sparkle in her eyes, but right now I could hardly see it.

"Hey kiddo. Where is Molly? I want to let her know I'm here," dad replied.

"Bruce! How good it is to see you, though I wish it was under better circumstances," Molly said coming into the room while giving him a hug, "nice to see you too Jessie deer. You'll be rooming with Ginny while you are here. Ginny? Could you come down here?" After a few seconds Ginny came down the stairs and Molly then continued, "could you please show Jessie to your room and help her get accustomed to everything?"

"Sure mom, come on Jess," Ginny replied before leaving with Jess.

Molly then continued on, "I'll make sure that no one bother you too while you talk. I'll also let the rest of the family know afterward if that is ok with you Bruce."

"Of course Molly," he replied before turning to me while Molly left the room, "before that tell me how was our first year?" I then told him everything that I didn't have a chance to during the Christmas break. I also asked him about his Legilimency and if mom ever mentioned a family member named Lance. "I do have Legilimency and I never thought that you would get it so young. It usually takes a few years to show the traits of it. And for Lance, I don't remember your mother mentioning anything about him. I'll have to check the house to see if she had anything about him." He then sighed and continued on, "now to get to the hard part. You remember your Aunt Colleen and Uncle Danial?" to which I nodded my head. And while doing so Barry came along and sat on the couch that we were sitting on. "They were found dead right after the new year." This caused me to gasp, no wonder the sparkle was missing. She had lost the only family that she ever knew.

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