Chapter Forty-nine: A Riddled Past

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The next day we had Potions with Professor Slughorn. Hermione, Jess, and I had gotten there on time and the Professor was telling us about some potions that he had out on display for us. Harry and Ron came in late as Ron complained, "but I don't want to take Potions!"

"Harry, m'boy! I was beginning to worry! And I see we've brought someone with us..." Slughorn said.

"Ron Weasley sir, but I'm dead awful at Potions, a menace actually, so I probably should just be going..." Ron said to him.

"Nonsense, we'll sort you out! Any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine. Right then, books out-," Slughorn said.

"Um, sorry, sir. I forgot to get my book - Ron doesn't have one either. You see-," Harry politely said to him.

"Not to worry! You can get what you need from the cupboard," he said, as the duo then went to get the last copies of the book as the lesson continued on. "Now, as I was saying, I've prepared a few concoctions this morning. Any ideas what these might be?" He asked, as Hermione and I raised our hands. "Yes! Mr. L/N and Miss Granger!"

"That one is Veritaserum," I said pointing to one of the potions, "it's the Truth-Telling Potions and takes a moon cycle to brew."

"The one in the middle is Polyjuice Potion. And this is Amortenita, the most powerful love potion in the world. It's rumored to smell differently to each person, according to what attracts them. For example, I smell new parchment and ink, cookie dough, Butterbeer, and roses," Hermione said looking at me real quick smiling as I smiled back.

 For example, I smell new parchment and ink, cookie dough, Butterbeer, and roses," Hermione said looking at me real quick smiling as I smiled back

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I notice that I smelled what I thought of Hermione and I'm sure that Jess smelled the Burrow because of her crush on Ron. "Now Amortenita doesn't create actual love, of course. That's impossible. But it does cause a powerful infatuation or obsession. For that reason, it is probably the most dangerous potion in this room," Slughorn said, covering the cauldron with a lid.

"Sir. You haven't told us what's in that one?" Katie Bell asked, as she pointed to a different cauldron with a gold liquid in it. I also saw that Lavender was making eyes at Ron.

"Ah yes... What you see before you, ladies and gentlemen, is a curious little potion known as Felix Felicis. But it is more commonly referred to as -" He said, pouring it onto a small vial showing it to us.

"Liquid Luck," Hermione and I said at the same time.

"Yes, Mr. L/N and Miss Granger. Desperately ticking to make. Disastrous should you get it wrong. But brewed correctly, as this has been, it has remarkable powers. One sip and you will find that all your endeavors succeed... at least until the effects wear off," he added.

"But then why don't people drink it all the time?" Katie asked.

"Too much of a good thing isn't always good," I said.

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