Chapter Fifty-four: The Ember

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A/N: Above is the Granger's house.


I've been at the Granger's house spending time with Hermione and her parents. Ginny had decided to come with us when we would go hunting for the Horcruxes. Ron and her were working on something to make Molly and Arthur think that they are sick, but I have no idea what it is. Dad and Mom had accepted Dumbeldore's death and were working hard on stopping Voldemort. Harry and Jess were preparing what the Orders had been working on for the past few weeks. With the threat of an oncoming war Hermione had decided that she would Obliviate her parents from knowing her to keep them safe. When she told me this I was worried for her, it was something that she had to do. It wasn't my place to interject. She told me this a few days ago and I have been making copies for their family pictures, so when we restored their memories they would be intact.

I've been thinking more and more about asking for her hand in marriage. I wanted to ask before we started hunting the Horcruxes, but I wanted Wendell's blessing. Monica and Hermione had gone out for a 'girls day' and I thought that it would be the best time to ask. We were watching some sitcom on the TV. "Wendell, can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Sure," he said, turning off the TV.

"I've been thinking about this for a while... I know that we're still young, but I love your daughter with all of my heart, so... I wanted to ask for your blessing to marry Hermione," I said, as I took the small box out of my pocket, opened it, and then showed it to him.

"I don't think I need to answer that," he said after being silent for a few moments.

"Excuse me?" I asked, worried..

"I don't need to answer, because I already gave it to you," he said.

"When did I get it?" I asked, surprised.

"When Hermione first introduced you as her boyfriend," he said. "We both knew, right then and there, that you two were meant to be."

"I-I don't know what to say. Thank you," I said, shaking his hand.

"Welcome to the family. Just so I know when are you going to ask her?" He asked me, as I then told him my plans.

Hermione POV

It was two days before I was going to have to Obliviate my parents to protect them from the on coming dangers. To try and take my mind off of it all Y/N had asked me if I would like to go out for dinner that night, to which I agreed. I was wearing a nice, but not over the top dress and he was wearing a nice sports coat with matching pants. We left waving goodbye to my parents and started to walk to the restaurant. We made some small talk along the way, but we didn't talk about anything that was going on. Instead we talked about our previous years at Hogwarts, when things were less stressful and chaotic.

We soon arrived at the restaurant and were led to our tabel that Y/N had reserved for us. Before I sat down, he pulled out the chair for me to sit in. "Thank you," I said sitting in it.

"Of course," he said, in a teasing way and he sat down in his chair. We looked over the menu and soon decided what to order.

After eating we had left and walked around the town hand-in-hand for a while, just enjoying the peacefulness of it all. I don't know how long we walked, but we made it to a bridge over a lake as it was sunset and we were the only ones around. We stopped looking at how beautiful it was.

 We stopped looking at how beautiful it was

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