Chapter Twenty-seven: The World Cup

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Hermione POV

I woke up early, since Molly had said that we had to be up early. When I got up from the bed I saw that Y/N was sleeping very calmly in his bed. There were no signs that he had gotten up, so I guess he did not have a nightmare that evening. He looks really cute when he is sleeping. Part of me didn't want to wake him up, but I needed to or we would miss that World Cup.

"Y/N. It's time to get up," I said to him, shaking him gently.

"Mmm... five more minutes, sunshine," he groaned in his sleep. I blushed at this for a moment.

"Sunshine?" I said with a smirk on my face.

He then shot out of bed saying, "nothing! Nothing! Morning Mione."

"Guess you didn't have a nightmare."

"Not a one."

"Good. I really don't like seeing you like that Y/N."

"Hopefully. Only good dreams from now on. I'll go change, then we can wake everyone else up," he said as he grabbed some clothes that he left out the night before and went to the bathroom. When he came back he was wearing his leather jacket, a blue shirt under it, jeans, along with a pair of shoes that he said enchanted to do the same thing that the boots do. He then let Willow out of the window to be able to fly as she couldn't be with us. Crookshanks had to stay as well, but he didn't mind. Barry was going to join us as Jess was going to take him with her. Seeing the way that he cares for her made me love him more than I already do. I hope that I can tell him how I feel about him this year. "We just have to wake up Harry and Ron. Jess and Ginny are up and I heard noise from the twins' room. Dad's up too," he said. We then went to Ron's room, where Harry was shaking in his bed.

"Harry! Are you alright?" I said to him as he shot up in bed.

"Hermione, Y/N. Bad dream," he said, still panicked.

"Ron! Wake you, mate!" Y/N said to him shaking him, but Ron only groaned in his sleep. "Guess you don't want to see Krum after all, oh well. Maybe Arthur can sell the ticket then." Ron then shot out from the bed. "Good thing that worked, or I would have gotten a bucket of water and dumped it on you. Krum's still trash. Breakfast is ready."

After breakfast, which was about an hour, we were all ready to go and started to walk to our destination. "Where are we actually going?" Harry asked us.

"Don't know. Hey Dad! Where are we going?" Ron asked.

"What way!" Bruce said point to the way we were walking.

"Haven't the foggiest! Keep up!" Arthur said. We walked for hours without an end coming soon. Percy, Bill, and Charlie were Apparating there. I think that Y/N wished he was allowed to as well. It would be times better than this.

"Please tell me it's a Portkey? I won't make it if it isn't," Jess said.

"It should be," Y/N commented.

"You are most certainly right!" Arthur said.

I started to get a little tired, so Y/N offered to give me a piggyback ride and carry my things.

"You don't have to. I don't want you to get even more tired," I said to him.

"It's fine. I don't mind, plus I'm not really carrying anything," he said.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"I have an Extension Charm on my bag. May I?" He asked while pointing to my bag, to which I nodded. He grabbed that bag and put it on his left shoulder. I then climbed onto his back as I wrapped my arms around his neck and slid his legs into his arms and we continued on our way. Bruce did that same thing with Jess. Eventually, we made it to the village of Ottery St. Catchpole near the top of the Stoatshead Hill.

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