Chapter Fifty: Christmas Party

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The next evening Harry, Hermione, Jess, and I had a dinner party that Slughorn had put together. He had also invited some others, and McLaggen.

"To Hogwarts; best and brightest!" Slughorn said, for a toast.

"Here, here!" McLaggen added, and I still don't know why he's even here. He's far from the best or brightest. He's more disgusting, vile, and dumb. We, being Hermione Jess and I, noticed that Harry was looking at the chair that was supposed to be for Ginny, but she wasn't here. Hermione helped Neville with what utensils to use first, as there were a few different pieces for each person present, and it was at that point McLaggen decided to make eye contact with Hermione and then winked at her. She didn't give him any sign that she even noticed it and placed her attention onto me. I gave him a cold stair before I turned to Hermione.

"So, so tell me, Cormac. See much of your Uncle Tiberius these days?" Slughorn asked.

"Yes, sir," he said looking at our host, "in fact, I'm meant to go hunting with him and the Minister of Magic over holiday."

"Well, be sure to give them both my best. What about you uncle, Belby? Working on anything new? For those of you who don't know, Marcus' uncle invented the Wolfsbane Potion," Slughorn told us.

"Really, now?" I said, "if I ever meet him I'll have to thank him. My uncle is able to rest when he transforms because of it." By now the fact was known that Remus was a werewolf.

"Thanks Y/N," Marcus said, before addressing Slughorn. "Dunnon thought, sir. He and me dad don't get on. Probably because Dad thinks potions are rubbish. Says the only potion worth having is a stiff one at the end o the -"

"And you, Miss Granger?" Slughorn said, interrupting him. "What is it your family does in the Muggle World?"

"Oh, my parents are dentists. They tend to people's teeth," she said.

"Fascinating! And is that considered a dangerous profession?" Slguhorn asked.

"No," she said before continuing, "thought a boy named Robbie Fenwick did bite my father once. Needed ten stitches." He then nodded, as the door opened too revealed that Ginny was now here wearing a dress, but she looked defeated.

"Miss Weasley! Come in, come in," Slughorn said, getting her attention.

"Sorry, I'm not ordinarily late," she said as I saw that her eyes were red.

"Dean?" I whispered to Hermione, as Jess listened in.

"They've been fighting again," she said.

"No matter. You'll be just in time for dessert. That is - if Belby leaves you any." Harry decided to stand up at the table as she came to it as they looked into each other's eyes. When he sat back down I gave him a thumbs up and a nod of my head, as Jess smiled at him. As he returned the smile.

It was the next day and it was the first Quidditch match. Ron wasn't eating breakfast and he loves food. Hermione had already wished me luck this morning when I woke up. "So, how was it?" He asked us.

"How was what?" Jess asked.

"Your dinner party," he said in a tone.

"Dead boring," Hermione and I saw together.

"And McLaggen is more of an ass then I thought," I added.

"Well, we're sure Harry enjoyed dessert," Hermione said.

"That reminds me I need to talk to the both of you later," I said to Harry and Ron.

"About what?" Ron asked.

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