Chapter Sixty-two: Malfoy Manor

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They had just entered the manor as the doors closed, locking us out. "Willow, sneak into the manor and let Harry and the others know that we are here. Fawkes, let me know if Draco is here," I said, as the two birds flew to help us out.

"What good will this Draco be?" Gellert asked.

"He's a spy for us. He could help us get in," I said. "Let's sneak around to the back where there's morve cover." Surprisingly, there were not that many Snatchers as I thought there would be guarding the manor. While we were sneaking to the back we felt the Anti-Apparition Jinx that was in place over the area. We were hiding against a wall as Fawkes had come back and let us know that Draco was here. "Thanks Fawkes. Keep an eye out in case we are being approached. Draco? I said, connection to his mind.

Y/N? What are you doing here? He asked.

Long story, but we need a save place to get into the manor, Harry and the others were captured.

Where are you?

Back of the manor. Three windows from the left, I told him, as Fawkes chirped meaning that someone was coming. Also someone is coming, so hurry!

Okay... My room is two from the right on the second floor.

Open the window.

What's your plan?

I don't know, I make this up as I go along, I answered as Gellert and I made our way to the window.

You're kidding!?

Nope. Now quiet. I need to contract, I said as Gellbert stood in front of me when we got there.

"What are you doing?" He asked, as I made a pillar out of ice, taking us to the window where Draco was waiting for us.

"Going up?" I asked, as we climbed into the room and then made the pillar disappear.

"I got to say it's good to see you," Draco said. "Who's he?"

"I am V," Gellert told him.

"That can't be your real name, anyway..." Draco said, as his mother came into the room.

"Draco the -'' Narccissa started, but stopped when she saw us. "I wondered where you were. The group that captured them said that you two had disappeared."

"I'm not one to abandon people," I said. "What are you going to do? Alert them?"

"No. I'm not. I'm not one of them," she said, showing us her Dark Mark free arm. "I only care about my son."

"So what are we going to do then?" Gellert asked.

"I think we can hold them in the cellar with the others and you can then rescue them... um... Mr...?"

"V," Gellert said.

"What about the Anti-Apparition Jinx?" I asked.

"Only Lucius can take it down, sadly" she said.

"I have a way to get us out of here," Gellert said. "It's easier to show then described, but it will work."

"We have a plan then," I said.

"There's one more you need to rescue that's on this floor. Draco and I were ordered to be the only ones to see him," Narccissa said. "We need to hurry, since they want Draco and I down when Mr. Potter and your friends wake up. Follow me and be quiet." We then followed them down the hall and into a different corridor. "We were told to make sure that Bellatrix never got into this room." This made Gellert and I raise an eyebrow.

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