Cute Moments

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Cute moment 1: I want to cuddle/ Coles pov:
I was sat in crafty at set chatting to KJ while i wait for Lili to be finished filming so we can go on our dinner date i had planned. We were chatting about what scenes we filmed today and our relationships, him about Clara and me about Lili. Half way through our conversation i see Lili walk through the door and walk straight towards me. I smile and she sits on my lap and hides her face in my neck. "hey baby" I say. "hey" She replied and i went back to talking to KJ. "oh hi kj" She whispered slightly embarrassed. "Hey Lili" he laughed. "right.. i'm going to stand up and leave because we have a dinner date to get to. see ya Kage" I say standing up with her in my arms and running out the door.

Cute Moment 2: FaceTime/ Lilis pov:
"I miss you so much" Cole said and i answered his FaceTime call. Cole was currently filming five feet apart and we haven't seen each other in 2 weeks which is quite long once you go from seeing each other everyday to FaceTiming every time the other person isn't busy. "I miss you too babe" I say and smile sadly. "Why don't you fly out here?Bring Madchen or someone though for your anxiety on the plane" He suggests and i think about it. We ended up looking for flights and i fount one for tommorow and decided not to take anyone with me because then it wouldn't be as romantic for Cole and Me as we wouldn't be able to do any dates.
*after flight*
I just got of the plane and collected my bags. I knew Cole was stood outside of the airport doors as i just rang him so i walked quickly to the door. Once i got out the door, i ran straight up to him and let go of my suitcase and jumped into his arms. "i missed you" I said as i kissed his lips then hid my face in his neck. "i miss you too baby" He said and put me down so we could get into the car.

Cute Moment 3: Period/ Coles pov:
Lili had just started her period and i could tell because she had been a little bit off today. Before getting home from set i decided to head to the store and buy her loads of snacks. I picked up chocolate, Sour sweets as Lili loves them, Mountain Dew and some popcorn. I payed at the till and put it all into my car. As soon as i got home Lili came over to me and hugged me, she usually gets quite clingy when she's on her period. "hey baby, i brought you some snacks" I said and handed her the back. She thanked me and kissed my lips. While she put all the snacks in the kitchen i took my shoes off and sat down on the sofa. She came back in and sat on my lap and we snuggled while watching Never have i ever season 2 which caused Lili to complain about Ben and say #TeamPaxton all the time.

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