Little Reminders

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Cast hangout/ Lilis pov:
Me and Cole broke up last year during the covid-19 lockdown in March. I miss him quite a lot but i hide it because he recently started dating a model named Ari, well we think they are dating Cole hasn't told anyone they are, not even KJ. Today, the cast are hanging out without anyone else such as Ari and Clara. It will be me, Cole, Cami, Charles, Madelaine, KJ, Vanessa and river of course, Drew, jordan and some of the Riverdale parents. I got dressed into some jeans and a oversized hoodie which i later in the day realised was Coles when KJ mentioned it. We were going to hang out at Madelaines place and just chat and play games like truth or dare etc.

Arriving at Mads/ Coles pov:
The cast are hanging out today because we haven't done it in a long time. Most of the Cast probably think me and Ari are dating but we actually aren't, i'm just being photographed with her so people stop saying me and Lili are together and Ari agreed to help me. I actually still like and miss Lili but i don't wnat to tell her that. I pulled up outside of Mads house and locked my car while walking towards the front door and knocked. "hey Mads" I said as she opened the door. "Hey Cole, most people are already here so just go straight to the lounge" She replied. I nodded and walked into the lounge and said hello to everyone.

Reminders start/ Lilis pov:
Kj was going on about how he has such a passion for acting and Cole whispered to him "Like us" and it reminded me of the interview we did a few years ago where he said the same thing to me. As he said it he looked at me slightly then looked away as KJ laughed. Later on in the night Cole had played down on Madchens lap as a joke and once again i had a little reminder of our relationship.

Just as we were leaving i said goodbye to Mads and everyone and started walking down the street

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Just as we were leaving i said goodbye to Mads and everyone and started walking down the street. I heard someone run up behind me and i turned around to see Cole. "it's pretty, pretty late huh?" He asked me smirking slightly. I giggled a little and said "yes". Before i even realised what i was doing i had cupped his face and we were kissing. "sorry" i said pulling away.

Kiss/ Coles pov:
Lili cupped my face and kissed me. She apologised as she pulled away. "hey, it's okay i wanted to kiss you anyway" I said quietly. "what about Ari?" she asked as she started walking down the street slowly. "well actually we had the paps take them photos of us so people would stop saying that i was with you still" I said and she looked up at me. "So you two aren't dating" She asked. "nope... i still love you Lili" I said. She didn't reply but instead kissed me again. We pulled away and tested our foreheads together. "i still love you too" She whispered. I smiled widely and remembered that i had brought my car. "I just remembered i brought my car let's go to my apartment and talk" I said and grabbed her hand. "okay" She agreeded.

The apartment/ Lilis pov:
We walked into Coles apartment and i saw that their were still photos of me and him in photo frames. "you kept the photos up?" I asked him surprised. "yes because i wasn't over you, i'm still not and i wanted to remember it" He said coming back with drinks for both of us. We spoke all night and just before i left Cole asked "Will you be my girlfriend again?" I turned around instantly and kissed his lips "yes"

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