Marrige, Honeymoon, Children

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The wedding/ Lilis pov:
I walked down the isle, my arm linked with my Dads all the way to the bottom until i'm stood face to face with Cole. Me and my dad unlinked arms and Cole grabbed my hand to help me up the small steps. "thank you" i whispered. The priest says everything that usually happens at a wedding and tells us it's time for our vows. Cole goes first. "Lili.. Oh where to start. I love you so fucking much Lili Pauline Reinhart and i'm so happy you said yes to my proposal otherwise i probably would have burst out crying on the spot" Everyone including Cole laughed a little bit. "from meeting you during our chemistry test for season one of Riverdale to us deciding to date secretly to standing here right now in front of all our family and friends saying our vows and hopefully i do, nothing has changed, you have been the same girl i fell in love with so many years ago. Thank you for putting up with me for so many years, I really don't know how you managed *laugh* i love you a lot and really hope you decided to say i do and to not leave me hanging on our wedding day in front of everyone. Thank you so much for being present in my life... i love you the most" He says and clears his throat to try and stop the few tears he had from falling. I was already sobbing by now. "Let me just pull myself together" i said and laughed. "Cole Mitchell Sprouse.. i love you. Although our relationship had some ups and downs at times that just proves how strong we are as we stand here today about to be husband and wife. I wanted to thank you for always putting up with me and helping me with anything i needed even during my darkest times a few years ago, from meeting you on Riverdale to now i never thought we would be stood here marrying each other. Over the years, nothing has changed about you at all.. you are still the man who wakes me up every morning before you go to set to say i love you incas w anything happens and you are still the man who would drop anything to cuddle with me if i asked you too *giggle*. I love you so much and i'm so thankful i even met you in the first place... Thanks Roberto. I'm ready to say I do and spend my life with you" I said and wiped the tears from my eyes. "Do you Lili Pauline Reinhart take thee Cole Mitchell Sprouse to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked. "I do" i said and smiled at Cole while we held hands. "And do you Cole mitchell Sprouse take thee Lili Pauline Reinhart to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest continued. "I do" Cole said and smiled wider towards me. " I now pronounce you man and wife.. you may kiss the bride" Says the Priest. Cole grabs my face and kisses me, i kiss back and when we pull away we see everyone cheering.

The honeymoon/ Coles pov:
Me and Lili are in the Maldives for our honeymoon as Lili had always wanted to go there. "Hey baby" she said walking out of the bathroom in a bikini. "hey bub" I said back and stood up because i was waiting for her to get ready so we could go swimming. "Let's go" i said and grabbed her hand. We took a slow stroll down the Pathway towards the beach hand in hand, feet in the sand, fully enjoying eachothers company. I love this girl so much. As we made it onto the beach, we walked straight towards the ocean and i walked in pulling Lili in with me. "oh it's cold." She complained as i pulled her in further by her hand until our shoulders were in the water. "here come closer to me and i'll hold you" I said so that she would get some body heat. She obliges and wraps her legs around my waist.
time skip: later that night
Me and Lili got back to the beach, both had showers and ate some Steak that we ordered from room service when Lili came out of the bathroom in just her robe. I pushed her onto the bed...

After the honeymoon/ Lilis pov:
It's now been 3 weeks since our honeymoon and we are both back at work on set. Recently, these past few days i have been feeling ill and i've had morning sickness so i decided to buy a pregnancy test. I brought it home as Cole was still at set filming and peed on it. I set a timer for 3 minutes and sat staring at the test that i had turned upside down so i couldn't see the result until i turned it over. After the three minutes i turned it over and read positive. I was pregnant. Me and Cole we're going to have our first child.
time skip: telling Cole
It has now been a day since my pregnancy test came back positive and it was finally time to tell Cole. I got a box and put in a baby grow i brought from Target that said "hi daddy" on it and put the pregnancy test next to it, then i put the lid on the box so Cole thought it was just a gift. Cole walked through the door and came to the bedroom where i am. "Hey babe, i have a surprise for you. sit down" I said and patted the spot next to me. He sat down and i handed him the box. "your pregnant" He said after he opened it. I nodded. He jumped up and picked me up, he spun me round and round then put me on the floor and kissed me. "i'm so happy, how did this happen i can't believe it" He said. "well this happened because you pushed me on the bed and well yeah during the honeymoon darling" I said and smiled sarcastically at him.

Their life/ Coles pov:
Mine and Lili's first child ended up being a boy. We knew we wanted to name him something with significance to one of us so we ended up calling him Cody. A few years later we ended up getting pregnant again but this time with a girl who we called Rosie Elizabeth Sprouse so that we linked her name to Betty's character. Two years after having Rosie we ended having twins, Will and Grace, who ended up being our last children we had. However, we did adopt a dog named Millie. Milo and Millie decided to have a puppy so we ended up with three dogs at the end.

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