sprousehart crack

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It was Sunday afternoon and there was a storm going off outside. Lili hates storms so every-time she is alone and there is a storm she drowns out the sounds with youtube or netflix while distracting herself. This time Cole had a feeling Lili wouldn't be doing very well so he picked up his jacket and drove over to Lili's house in the storm.

He knocked on the door and Lili opened it letting him in straight away. "why are you here? there's a massive storm" she said. " i know and i came to keep you company so you didn't panic about the storm" he said straight after. she smiled and kissed him as a thank you. Cole and Lili jumped into bed and loaded up youtube and starting searching for something to watch when they came across a weird video about them.

SPROUSEHART CRACK the title read and Lili looked up at Cole in confusion. "well let's watch it and see what it is" Cole suggested. Lili nodded and started the video. As the video went on they realised it was them being stupid or being flirty or just moments fans thought was cute.

"that was only part one" Lili said as they finished the video. "so let's watch the rest it's funny" Cole said and smirked. They started the next video while still cuddled up and as the night went on they had watched all the parts of sprousehart crack and moved on to riverdale crack.

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