August 4th

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Today was the day alas, august 4th the day her love was born and the only day in the year dedicated to him which to her sounded unbelievable. he deserved so much more. she woke up before him as he loved his sleep. she slipped on his oversized t-shirt and walked out onto their balcony. she stared out at the view wishing today will be perfect and he lay awake in bed watching her against her knowledge.

He jumped out of bed and wrapped his arm around her torso and kissed her neck. "hey baby" he said. "happy birthday, love" she smiled and gave him a long passionate kiss. "thank you" he whispered enjoying the silence while they were sat out on the balcony enjoying each other's presence. they felt safe together.

When they arrived on set they went straight for the main tent to say hi to everyone. when they walked in their was no one there and cole was confused. he turned around to see his beautiful girlfriend smirking at him and that's when the whole cast popped up yelling "happy birthday cole!!" he jumped around is surprise and thanked them.

After around 30 minutes of partying in the tent lili grabbed coles hand and led him outside. " that wasn't your actual surprise" she stated and handed him an envelope. he smirked and opened it to see a hand written note and tickets to paris. he's always wanted to go to paris with lili after all it was the most romantic city. he kissed her then when they pulled back he read the note.
dear cole,
i love you so so much and i wanted to get you something special for your birthday. as you now know we are going on a trip to paris as i thought it would be the perfect place for 1) alone time and 2) to try out your new camera.
love lili.
i looked up to see lili holding a brand new camera. "surprise" she said. i grabbed her cheeks and kissed her.

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