Alton Towers

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Basically if your not from the uk and don't know what alton towers is then here's an explanation. Alton towers is a theme park in england which is amazing and i love it so for this one we are imagining Cole and Lili live in England and are going to alton towers.

Today, Me and Lili are going to Alton towers for Lili's birthday and we are staying in the hotel so we have two full days there instead of one. It's about a 75 minute drive from our house and we have already been in the car for around an hour so we should arrive soon. Lili is very excited because she watched some videos on youtube of all the rides and they all seem so fun.

We pulled up in the carpark for people staying at the hotel and quickly checked in leaving our bags in the room and heading into the park. "baby, can we go on that one first?" i ask as we arrive near Smiler. "yes bub" Cole reply's and we join the queue line. the wait for Smiler is estimated 45 minutes. Once we got of the ride, i picked up my bag and walked through the smiler gift shop hand in hand with Cole deciding on whether to buy anything but i'm going to leave it till the end of the day to buy everything.


Me and Lili got off of Smiler and headed over to the oblivion queue which is straight opposite smiler. Oblivion is a massive and tall rollercoaster that drops you into the ground, i'm so excited to ride this but Lili said she was a little scared to do this one. We got seated on the ride and the workers checked our seatbelts and we set off up the chainlift. As we reached the drop, Lili grabbed onto my hand and screamed on the way down.


Once we had been on Oblivion i begged Cole to go over to Wicker-man. At home, i watched all the videos and Wicker-man looked the best as it was all made out of wood. He finally agreed and we walked over towards the massive wooden rollercoaster. "this is going to be so fun" i say while hugging Cole in the queue. "it is" Cole replied while kissing my head which is buried into his chest. We've been in the queue for 30 minutes and the waiting time was estimated at 60 minutes so we might have to wait a while.


It was now 6:30pm and all the ride queues closed at 6pm and we had just got off of Rita which goes 60mph. We were heading back to the hotel after a long day and riding all the rides. Lili is on my back about to fall to sleep while i take us to our room, she's going to need a lot of sleep so that we can go back on the rides tomorrow.
                  OTHER RIDES THEY WENT ON:


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