Help me decide

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Hello everyone, i am not sure what to write as my next oneshot so please vote out of the ones i've written below and/or put requests. Thank you.

Option One:
the little things that make them love eachother in both Lili and Coles pov. E.G. the way he wakes me up every morning to say i love you before he goes to work in case anything happens.

Option Two:
lili is famous on tiktok and Cole has a joint youtube account with Charles and they try to get noticed by Lili and the rest of her tiktoks friends.

Option Three:
Cole and Lili broke up last year and Cole started dating Ari but the cast spend the whole day together (just the cast no others like Ari or Clara) and Cole says little things that remind Lili of when they were dating, they kiss and figure things out.

Option Four:
Them teasing their fans about their relationship with instagram posts and comments on posts and being flirty during interviews.

Option Six:
Family oneshot. Lili gets pregnant then gives birth etc.

Option Seven:
Traitor- No Olivia Rodrigo.
Lili gets into an argument with one of the cast members and they betray her by telling everyone her secrets including something she was waiting to tell Cole and Cole comforts Lili.

Option Eight:
Just moments of them being cute that i've made up, such as cuddling, cute comments, cute photos, them comforting each-other

Option Nine:
Dylan and Barbara are getting married. Lili is Barbs best friend and Maid of Honour and meets Cole for the first time at the rehearsal dinner two weeks before the wedding  and they start dating the night before the wedding.

Option Ten:
Cole and Lili get married. Their honeymoon. Children.

please put any other requests here.

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