she hates me

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Recently Cole has been feeling distant from lili whenever she walked into the room and noticed him she would go silent. he took her to dinner last night and they were fine while eating until after lili put her headphones in and walked to the car leaving Cole behind. lili was ignoring him but why? did she want to break up?

Cole decided he would take his mind off of it and would go out with the boys. he thought it would be fun but when they arrived at the bar he was miserable all he could think about was her. "hey man what's up" kj said as he realised his best friend was down in dumps. "i think Lili is going to break up with me but i love her man i don't wanna lose her"(🥺 i can imagine him saying that so cute ahhh). kj frowned "i know mate i'll get cami to talk to her" Cole smiled and thanked him.

kj walked out the room and called camila. "hey cami, i need you to talk to Lili and see why she's ignoring Cole he's really down" he pleaded. "okay i'll head over to her apartment now" "thank you so much". kj walked back into coles trailer on set and told him about cami going to talk to Lili.

camila arrived outside Lili's apartment in Vancouver ready to confront her about ignoring Cole. when camila walked in she couldn't hear anything so she walked up to Lili's bedroom knocked on the door and walked in to see lili crying on the floor next to the bed. Lili immediately jumped up and wiped her eyes. "hey cami what's up" she asked before she can say anything. "i came to talk to you about you wanting to break up with Cole but why are you crying" she looked up with a shocked face. " i don't want to break up with Cole. i love him so so so much but i read all the hate comments and they got to me and now i'm not good enough for him" she sobbed. "Lils you are more than good enough. if you don't want to break up you need to tell him because he thinks you want to break up and is going to do it soon" she wiped her tears and got up grabbing his bag and left the apartment.

she pulled up outside Coles apartment and ran up to his door and knocked straight on it. Cole opened the door and stood their in shock. Lili grabbed his face and kissed him he immediately kissed back. she pulled away and they put their heads together when Lili suddenly said " sorry for making you think i wanted to break up i read the comments on all the posts we have together and i guess they got to me but i love you so so so very much and i never want to lose you" he kissed her again as soon as she finished talking.

"you read the comments lil why" he said sadly. "i don't know Cole" she said back. he just hugged her and whispered in her ear " i love you and of anything i'm not could enough for you" she smiled and pulled herself together. "i love you" she said back. they smiled at each-other and kissed once more.

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