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this is an idea i was given by someone in a sprousehart group chat on instagram.

LILIS POV: Today was the day

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Today was the day. August 4th 2020, i'm meeting up with Cole for his birthday after not seeing him for 2 months due to quarantine. Also the day i tell him about my pregnancy. i jumped out of bed in excitement and decided to wear some leggings with Coles oversized royal blue hoodie to hide the numb until i'm going to tell him like i do when we facetime. My phone started to rings. Cole
"hey nugget, are you getting ready and do you want me to pick you up?" he said as soon as i answered. "hi babe, i'm just doing my make-up so you can pick me up if you want to" i replied back while grabbing my make-up bag.
"one minute let me facetime you" he said and hung up. straight after a facetime call was coming through so i answered the phone. "aww bub, you look stunning you don't need any make-up so don't you dare put any on" he said and smiled sweetly at me.

skip to picking her up
i'm waiting outside Lili's new house when i see her leave the house in my hoodie and leggings and to say it's a simple outfit she looks so amazing. i beep the horn and she smiles and starts running towards my jeep. she jumped in and kissed me straight away. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" she shouted. "thanks bub" i smiled as we kissed again. "i have a present but you can't have it till lunch" she said once i started to drive. We pulled up at my house and Lili jumped out the car straight away and gave Barbara and massive hug then hugging dylan. "LILI HI" Chrissy screamed. Chrissy lived and adored Lili so much.

skip to suprise
Cole was sitting with his family but i really wanted to tell him now because i'm not sure how much longer i could hide it for. "hey Cole, i need to talk to you" i said and smiled while leaving the kitchen and walking towards him. he jumped up and followed me upstairs. "you aren't breaking up with me right bub?" i shook my head and he sighed in relief. i quickly went over to my bag and grabbed out my most recent ultrasound of our baby and put it behind me back.
"so this is your birthday present, i hope your really happy about it. please don't break up with me over this ok?" i said and placed the ultrasound into his hands.
He looked confused for around 10 seconds then looked up at me all happy. "are you serious. this isn't a joke right?" he said happy. "no it's true" i said almost in tears from his reaction. "IM GONNA BE A DAD" he screamed and picked me up and started spinning me round. he put me down and pecked my lips like 7 times in a row. i giggled.

"IM GONNA BE A DAD" we all heard Cole scream. "wait what. Lili's pregnant? are they pranking us or is it real?" i said to everyone. they all shrugged not knowing. "i'm going  upstairs to find out" i said and walked upstairs. i knocked on the door and said "i'm coming in don't be kissing or anything" i opened the door and saw them hugging and smiling at me. "is it true? am i a uncle or is it a prank?" i asked wanting it to be true. "it's true" Cole said quietly. "IM GOING TO BE A UNCLE. WOOHOO!!"

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