Chapter 54: (Preparations & Training)

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I laid on my bed watching the ceiling. I need to train my Mangekyou Sharingan in this one month. I will just keep it active all the time as it will increase my chakra reserves as well. I won't be affected by the blindness Because Of Senjutsu Chakra. The Third Hokage must be replaced by Tsunade at any cost. When the attack is happening, I will infiltrate the root and collect the evidences against Danzo. It'll be helpful when I plan on dealing with him. I also have to gain Battle Experience and shorten the time to Mold Chakra I Alo Need To Increase M Speed A Little. There is a lot of things to do. Thinking all this sleep took over me.

I woke up in the morning Got ready and helped Karin in learning calligraphy. She was already very good at it. Might be because she is an Uzumaki.I told her to train practice and went out to meet Sakura and Naruto. I meet with Sakura but Naruto was not here. So we went to look for him. We saw him and Jiraya at Ichiraku ramen speaking with each other and eating Ramen. I thought 'This Jiraya is trying to build bonds with Naruto now after throwing him away all this time.'

Some time earlier....

Naruto woke up and was hungry, so he decided to go to Ichiraku to eat. When he went there, He saw Jiraya inside eating some Ramen. Jiraya then asked "Naruto, how are you today?" Naruto sat down, ordered his regular and said "I'm fine Old man, what are you doing here?" Jiraya looked at him and spoke "I came here to speak to you. You know Naruto I was your father's teacher. I'm basically your Godfather. I came here to tell you that I'll take you as my student. I'll make you strong enough to protect yourself and the village". Naruto looked at him intently.....

This time Me and Sakura entered Ichiraku Ramen. "Yo Naruto still having breakfast I see. Jiraya sama, Its nice to meet you. But you don't have to worry about Naruto's training. We'll train together. I said." Jiraya then looked at me and said "Naruto is my responsibility as I'm his godfather, I'll train him and protect him." Hearing this I shook my head and said "Don't you think you are a little too late to say this? Exactly 14 years late?" Jiraya frowned and asked "What do you mean?" I then said "Nothing personal old man. I'm just saying, instead of taking care of him when he needed someone, you cone now and try to butt in when he doesn't need tour help. His childhood was, lets say not normal. He was all alone and needed someone. Where were you at that time. You know how Jinchurikis are treated."

Jiraya looked at Naruto with a sad face a d said " I'm sorry Naruto. I should have come to you sooner. It was my mistake. I hope you forgive me. Hearing this Naruto said "No need to say sorry old man. I don't blame you or anything. I had Sasuke and Sakura there for me when I needed." And he looked at us. Jiraya said "From ow on I'll take you and protect you." I shook my head saying "Okay  Jiraya- San. We'll train together like always  You don't have to worry about him.Just Help Us Simetimes And I Need Do Talk To You about Something Important.".Jiraya Reluctently Nodded Then we headed for a secluded place and started our training. Naruto trained his shadow clones. I thought him some shadow clone combination techniques that I had seen in the anime on later stages that Naruto used. I also trained Naruto In Fire And Earth Nature That way he can use Wind & Fire and Earth and Fire  Combination Jutsus as he already had a Large Chakra Pool and High Chakra Control. I also increased his weights and made him train My Taijutsu Style and Teach Him To Forcefully Open Chakra Point as it'll be useful against Neji.He Is Also As Fast As Kakashi.I Also Called Jiraya And Asked Him If He Can Teach Naruto The Rasengan and Help Him In Summoning Technique .Naruto Now Can Summon Any Toad Other Than Two Great Sage Toads.He Can Use The Rasengan One Handed And Very Quickly.

I also created as many shadow clones as I can and trained using my  Mangekyou Sharingan For Longer Periods And Get Used To It till  I fell down from Exhaustion.I Also Trained My Speed and I Can Proudly Say I Am As Fast As Gai In Base without Weights.I also Trained In Chakra Molding and One Handed Sign.Sakura Started training her Body to Train Taijutsu and Practiced Medical Jutsus, the mystical palm technique. She Is A Little Faster Than 3rd Gate Chunin Exam Lee. Kakashi Also Spared With Me And Naruto As We Improved A Lot I Beat Kalashi Twice and Naruto almost Defeated Kakashi.Sakura Is As Stronger Tahn 1 Tail Cloak Gara And Can almost Beat Him Easily.

End of the month, Naruto made progress and can now handle 4 tails of Kurama but He Can Almost Beat Me With That when I Am only Using Base Sharingan But When I Started Using Mangekyo He Can Not Bet Me. He could also create 600 clones. Sakura became proficient in mystical palm technique and learnt My Water and Earth  Taijutsu moves and using Chakra Scalple. I also made good progress in using my Mangekyou Sharingan and can Keep It Open For Indefenite  Periods Of Time I can Also Use‘ Blaze Release and Kagatsuchi'This'This also drastically increaded my chakra reserves. I have Same Chakra Reserves as Natuto and Have Learn To Better Mold My Chakra and  Use Even Less Chakra and Conserve It Without Sacrificing Technique Strength. I Can Also Use All My Kenjutsu Technique As Long As I Have Chakra.I Also Created A Seal For Gara Taking Inpiration From Narutos Eight Tetragram Seal and Created 4 Tetragram Seal That Can Easily Keep Shukau at Bay And I Will Also Sperate The Monk Spereat From Shukaku.


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