Chapter 1:In Naruto World

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Suddenly felt my consciousness kick in and could feel and hear and breathe. Then I slowly opened my eyes and saw the roof and felt my hands and I was sleeping on a bed. I looked around and saw an unfamiliar but familiar place... I was in a hospital with beds lined up and curtains separating each bed. I didn't know whether I was successfully transmigrated or not. That's when I heard some voices. "Homage - Sama the Uchiha child is Awake".

As soon as I heard the words Hokage and Uchiha, I was elated beyond happiness. Then I heard the sounds of footsteps and suddenly I put on a sad and indifferent face as I have to act like Sasuke in front of the Hokage or the Hokage might find out I am different and I don't know what might happen to me if he finds out. I don't fully believe that the 3rd Hokage is a good person. I have read in many discussions on the internet that he has two sides. One a smiling old grandpa who cares for anyone and the other is the one that supports Danzo.

He will not support Danzo if he was a good person and will not have let Danzo tarnish Naruto's reputation after he promised the 4th Hokage or massacred the Uchiha clan along with Danzo because all he needed to do was have a private meeting with Fugaku Uchiha and he would not have let Danzo kill Shisui who wanted to stop the coup for the sake of the village. He would have known about Danzo stealing shisui's eye and his intentions as he is the Hokage, but he played ignorance. At least that's what I think. I will have to gather more info to know his character.

Soon as I was thinking about this, I heard the door open and some people including the Hokage entered the room. The doctor asked "How are you feeling? everything all right?" I said yes and the Hokage asked "What happened in the Uchiha clan? who did this? Did you get attacked? Anbu found you fainted and brought you to the hospital."

I looked at him with an indifferent facial expression and thought 'Ya right as if you don't know what happened. you are the one who ordered poor Itachi to do it. Kill his parents, killed his friends, kill his lower. I think her name was Izumi or something. and you ask me what happened.' Then I answered " Hokage sama it was my brother Itachi. He killed everyone and made me watch it over and over again using a genjutsu. He said he did it to test his limits." Then I balled my fists. I need to act and answer like Sasuke would throw him of suspicions.

Then something happened. I got a massive headache. I saw all Sasuke's memory like watching a movie fast forward and then Itachi's genjutsu where he killed the members of the Uchiha. I felt like vomiting as I have not seen such bloodshed in my previous life as it was in a peaceful world and there were no wars and all. I held my head and shouted. The doctor hurriedly tried to examine what happened and told the Hokage that it must be trauma as the questions asked by the Hokage might have reminded me of the death of everyone. The Hokage then asked the doctor to report to him later about what happened and went. Then I went into a dream and fainted.

In the dream, I saw Itachi's genjutsu of killing everyone over and over again. The light only difference was I saw my actual parents' faces being killed by Itachi rather than Sasuke's parents but I couldn't stop him. It was so real that I forgot that it was a genjutsu and thought my parents are truly being murdered. I loved my parents and the main reason I wanted to leave this world is that I had lost them and felt very lonely. When I saw Itachi murdering them in a dream, I was not able to think anything and I shouted and cried.

Finally, I woke up. It was nighttime. I looked around. There was nobody there. I remembered it was all a dream and my parents had passed away long back. I wiped my face and saw blood in my hands. then I got up and walked out of the room and went to the bathroom to wash my face.

------THE END-----

𝕽𝖊𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝕬𝖘 𝕾𝖆𝖘𝖚𝖐𝖊 𝖀𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖍𝖆  𝖎𝖓 𝕹𝖆𝖗𝖚𝖙𝖔.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang