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so some comments had left me uncomfortable, so i decided to put some boundaries

*please no trauma dump, those things can trigger me or others, if you feel the need to, you can message me (just please add tw so i know what to be careful for)

*please don't be rude about my grammar, i know it's awful sometime. i don't really edit these chapters, and english is (technically) not my first language. it's american sign language, and if you know asl, you'll know the grammar is so different in those two languages

*please refer me in gender neutral or male description (idk if that's the word) and refer to me as they/them (no one irl refer to me as such, and it's so unvaliding :/)

*i have many bad days, and most of the time, i'm overreacting bc i'm overemptjonal so please don't say things as ' who should i hurt' (i also have bad memories connected to those things so... i'm sorry! ): )

if you've done any of those things, don't worry ab it ! just please respect it from this forward on

i will also go through this book soon and edit it to my liking bc lowkey i'm over the emojis shii lmao

have a great day/night

eat some food and drink some water if you haven't !!!

love you guys <3

2023 me here- if you guys leave any hate, im not 2020 me anymore. i will not be upset by it, i will reply to you and eventually mute you. if you have any problem w my work or my author note, please keep it to yourself. i never once looked for attention nor did i expect anyone let alone million of you to read this. this was for ME to express my feelings and you guys have no right to say otherwise.

sorry most of you guys are amazing ab this and i love and appreciate you guys but there's some that have something to say.

peace out and enjoy reading
2023 Jae <3

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