childhood memories; bbh

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request: no
prompt: if they're still single by the time they're 30, they're getting married
pronouns: they/them

"hey, bad," young y/n called out while the two was coloring.

"yeah, y/n?" the other replied, not looking up from the coloring book that was in front of him.

"do you think anyone would ever want to marry me?" the younger person asked with a small frown on their face.

bad looked up, "yeah! i would want to marry you!"

"do you promise if we don't find anyone to marry by the time we're 30, we'll marry each other?"

bad stuck out his pinky, "i promise!"

y/n smiled as they wrapped their pinky around his.


"who would've thought instead of waiting till were 30, we'll marry when we're 21?" y/n laughed as they grabbed their newly wed husband's hand.

bad looked down at his hand, clasped around his newly wed spouse. "yeah, who would've thought?"

and the pair shared a kiss, in front of their home.

who would've thought?


eek this is hella short, i'm sorry. i just realized bad and skeppy only had one oneshot each so-

also if i was to write a separate oneshot only for ships, would you guys read it? i'm thinking about making this mcyt x reader and a new book for ships-

just a thought (:

have a great day/night !

drink some water and eat some food if you haven't !! xoxo

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