drugs; ranboo

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request: yeah
prompt: drugs are bad
pronouns: he/they
note: ranboo is a minor, so this will be plantoic (:

y/n sighed as he took another drag, his worries gone. they then passed the blunt to the person next to them, laughing at some joke a person made.

he then felt his phone ringing, and he glanced at it. it was their best friend, ranboo. they mentally cursed at themself before answering.

"hey, what's up?"

"i thought we was hanging out today?" ranboo answered with a scoff.

"oh, sorry, i forgot to tell you, my mom grounded me-"

"want another hit dude?" a random person shouted out and y/n smacked him in the back of the head.

"you're seriously lying to me? are you hanging out with your drug addict friends again?"

y/n could hear the disappointment in his friend's voice and they felt guilty.

"ranboo, i'm sorry-"

"no, this is the fourth time you ditched me for them. i'm done. i'm done trying to help you stay sober, i'm done staying up late, telling you stories, to keep your mind off drugs. i'm done being there for you, when you can't even be there for me."

"ranboo, please don't leave," y/n whispered into the phone, and he could hear the other guy sigh.

"i'm sorry, but it's best if we aren't friends anymore. i'm sorry but you keep lying to me and ditching me to hang out with your other friends, after everything i do for you. i just can't take it anymore."

with that, ranboo hanged up, and y/n stared blankly at the phone. they couldn't believe what just happened. his best friend since elementary school just dropped him like that.

they grew angry. not at themself, but at ranboo. how could he just leave them like that? he's so selfish. can't he see he's having problems?

y/n quickly forgot about it, and they grinned as they turned back to their friends. "pass me the blunt!"


meanwhile ranboo was walking home from ihop. he had just blocked his former friend, his only friend. he sighed as he kicked rocks on the sidewalk.

then his phone buzzed and he glanced at it. it was a dm from someone named tubbo.

who's tubbo? he wondered as he glanced at the dm.

tubbo: hey, you're good at playing minecraft. we should play together sometime! do you have discord?

ranboo thought about it, going through tubbo's twitter profile. he quickly recognized him from dream smp, and he answered quickly.

ranboo: yes! my discord is ranboo#2304 (fake!) im excited to play minecraft w you !

ranboo entered his home and ran up to his room. he went on his pc and logged into discord. there he saw a dm from tubbo.

the two played minecraft together, eventually tommy joining as well.

ranboo smiled as he finally felt like he found a friend (or 2) who truly cared about him.

--491 words--

i wanted to write an angust (pretty sure that's spelt wrong) but this is my first time writing something like this so um... yeee

hope you guys have a good day/night !!! (:

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