coming out; dream

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request: yes
prompt: the reader come out as non binary to their fans, but get hate online
pronouns: they/them

y/t/n (your twitter name): i already came out to my close friends and family, and wanted to let you guys know, i am non binary. i go by they/them, thank you for the support 🤍

y/n hesitated, their finger hovering over the tweet button. are they truly ready to come out? will everyone be accepting of it? does the tweet sound right?

they took a deep breath, before pressing the button. they turned off their phone, heart beating fast as they grew anxious. they finally let the world know who they really are, and they weren't ready to read the replies yet.

they decided to lay on the couch and turned on the tv, watching their favorite tv show.

a couple hours later, they woke up and checked their phone. they had gotten several text messages from their friends checking up on them, which they appreciated.

then they went on twitter. they scrolled through many replies, most of them supporting them. but soon, the hate comments showed up.

there is no such thing as they/them

there is only two genders

you are just a mistake

you're just looking for attention

y/n scrolled through more hate comments, their confidence shrinking by the moment. they felt something wet on their face, realizing it was tears. they turned off their phone and sobbed.

is everything they're saying about me true? is my feelings invalid?

before they knew it, they heard the front door unlocked. they sat up, wiping away their tears, hoping dream wouldn't notice.

but he did anyway.

"what's wrong, babe? why are you crying?" he asked, sitting beside his significant other, taking them into his arms.

"i told everyone on twitter my true pronouns, and i saw some hate comments. it got to me, like why can't other people just let people be who they are? why can't i be happy with who i am?"

"people are assholes, and it sucks. you are valid. i love you for being who you are. i don't care if you was a female or a male or whatever. as long as you're happy with yourself, then fuck what others think."

y/n smiled, "thanks dream. you're the best, you know?"

dream smiled back, "i know."

y/n rolled their eyes as dream laughed. the two laid on the couch, cuddling. y/n eventually fell asleep and dream pulled out his phone.

dream: kinda sucks that i have to tweet this, but for those who was hating on my so for being who they are, you guys can grow a pair. it doesn't matter if they're a she, he, or they, as long as they're happy and being who they are, then let it be. so please respect my so, and stop with the hate comments. it's seriously so immature of you guys.

dream pushed the tweet button before turning off his phone and pulled his significant other close. he kissed the top of their head before whispering.

"i love you, always."

--522 words--

i hope this was good- i had never came out so i wasn't sure how to write the coming out tweet- but i really loved writing this, and all i ask from you guys is to be who you are, and be happy with yourself.

i love you guys no matter what you are or who you love ! <3

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