# "希望を持て" ⤷ venti

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❝ chin up, have hope ❞

 selected route ; 希望を持て (to have hope)

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. selected route ; 希望を持て (to have hope)

venti . tone-deaf bard

. scenario - in which venti reassured you that everything will be okay

. music - walked through hell : anson seabra

tw. mention of depression and blood


THE BATTLE WAS over but at what cost? Thousands laid dead, slain in the brutality of war. The blood of gods filled the rivers, tainting them red as a remembrance of the bloodshed. Fallen friends were nowhere to be seen in the mountain of bodies. Somehow, you came out alive. Scathed and bloodied, you were amongst the last remaining numbers of gods who survived and yet- you felt disgusted. Survivor's guilt claimed you; clamoring in your heart like a reminder of what you were. Stood above your fallen friends, you were alive and they weren't. As a lesser god of the east wind, you possessed very little authority in the realm of Celestia. Your friends... They're gone.

With Barbatos taking over as the new god of Mondstadt, you took your leave. There was no longer a need to monitor the winds of Mondstadt if Barbatos was in control. You left, hiding from the stars- from Celestia- as remorse softly killed you as years passed. You spiraled into a storm of guilt and stigma. Passing decades did nothing to heal the regret of remaining alive. In the hundreds of years after the Archon War, you walked the world in search of the meaning for your remaining existence. Barbatos, or rather, Venti, remained your friend. The only friend you had left.

In a visitation to Mondstadt after hundreds of years, you were rather surprised to see Venti reduced to a mere bard. He has taken on a more passive role, allowing Mondstadt to rule themselves. You walked amongst the people of Mondstadt, pretending to be human. As requested by Venti, you found the bard sitting at the front tables of Angel's Share.

"(y/n)! Over here!" He chimed, waving over to you with a smile on his face. He had taken the form of a young boy with braids dipped blue and donned a green bard hat with cecilias decorating it. The rest of his outfit matched his bard like appearance. It had been years since you've last seen him. You silently approached the cheeky god, sitting across from him. He held out a pint of alcohol, an invitation to drink but you declined with the shake of your head. A frown replaced his smile, sighing deeply as he pulled the pint to his mouth, taking a sip.

"How are you?" He asked, putting the pint down, his soft teal eyes fixed on the wooden mug he held. You placed your chin into the palm of your hand, propping your head up. "Same old." You muttered quietly, bringing your other hand up to trace the pattern of the wood mindlessly. He softly bit his bottom lip, in awareness that you suffering.

Countless years have passed and yet, you never seemed to move past it. Time moved on but you refused to move on. If you were to move on, what would become of your allies? Your friends? Forgotten to time, they will disappear.

Venti knew that, well aware of how you felt. However it broke him that you continue to submit yourself to endless eons of suffering.
Slowly, Venti took in a long, labored inhale before sighing it out. He looked at you, extending his hand out to touch your hand that was tracing the wood. You froze, ceasing your motion as he spoke.

"You know, you still have me.
You don't have to fight this battle alone."

You head lifted, looking up to meet his teal eyes. Images of the war flashed in your mind- the blood, the bodies, the storm, the aftermath.

Harshly, you swallowed the lump in your throat as tears pricked the corners of your eyes. "Venti...?" You muttered, throat slowly closing as you choked back a sob. Shutting your eyes close, the tears cascaded down your face as you cried.

He stood, walking over and gently casting a whirlwind around the two of you. When your eyes opened, green mist swirled around you to shield you from the world. His arms wrapped around you, he held you from behind. Your bottom lip quivered as you sucked in a sharp inhale, allowing yourself to wail loudly. After hundreds of years, you carried the guilt of surviving when your friends did not. You held the burden of living without them.

Venti gently whispered reassurances into your ear, holding your body tenderly against his. "It's okay. It will be okay, I promise. I'm here... I will always be here." He cooed softly, gently pressing his forehead against your back. "You're not alone. I will fight alongside you, you'll never be alone."

You leaned into his touch, crying quietly and nodding. "T-thank you... Thank you Barbatos..." He smiled against your back as he felt your hands press over his.

"Chin up, have hope."



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