K-5 (Full)

By LeslieHowell021

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When five mages emerge into the world of New York, they discover big threats that only they themselves can so... More

Rise Of The Mages (Part 1)
Rise Of The Mages (Part 2)
Mage Temper
New Friend, Old Enemy
Iron Donna
Reptile Brains
Beware of Sapphire
The Darkness
Panic at the Fortress
Nano Attack!
It Came From The Haunting Building
Mage or Monster
New Boys In Town
Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer and Sandra!
Lizard Terminator
Donna's Gambit
Enemy Of My Enemy
Kuro's Partnership
Sandra Returns
Operation: Detention Breakout
Showdown (Part 1)
Showdown (Part 2)
Mutation Situation
Invasion of the Bats
Follow the Ice
Sandra Unleashed!
Talia Gets Sonically
Target: Casey Jones
Samara and Destroy
The Good, The Bad, And Casey Jones
The Kraang Conspiracy
Rosa Galicia
Phantom Upgraded
Of Golem and Women
The Manhattan Project (Part 1)
The Manhattan Project (Part 2)
Accel and Mages
Donna's Nevermore
Newtralized and Nebulous!
The Wrath of Tigress
Legendary Kuraun
Project EVE
Vengance Will Be Mine
A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X
The Invasion (Part 1)
The Invasion (Part 2)
Deep Within The Woods
A Fierce Dagger
Buried Secrets
Invasion Of The Punkz Catz
In Dreams
Race With The Demon!
Powers of the Shagon
Spirit Journey
Return To New York
Wolf Hunt
The Crystal and the Luck
Battle For New York (Part 1)
Battle For New York (Part 2)
Casey Jones Vs The Underworld
The Witch Avenger
Clash of the Amazons
Meet Verona Salamander
The Deadly Bite
Mages In Time
Tales of the Mages
Attack of the Mega Shade!
The Venus Doom
The Fourblind Trap
Aliens Seen In New York!
Annihilation Earth (Part 1)
Annihilation Earth (Part 2)
Beyond the Majestic Universe
The Planet of Hegemon
The Crazy World Of Gerti
The Plant Mistress Jade!
Riddle Of The Ancient Sword
Journey To The Center Of Talia's Mind
The Lab of Mosaic
The War In Dimension X
The Ghostly Gaean
Trans-Dimensional K-5
Wrath of the Hydnora
The Evil Of The Witches Seven
The Ever-Lasting Battle
Earth's Last Stand
City At War
Broken Foot and Broken Shadow
The Saiba Lacerta
Mage Gangland
Fleura du Mal
Lady Shadestrike
Darkest Plight
The Power Inside Them
Kùbào VS the Scientists
The Tale of Tigress
Scroll Of The Demodragon
The Forgotten Mage
The Hearts Of Evil
End Times
When Worlds Collide (Part 1)
When Worlds Collide (Part 2)
The Wëather Witćh
Špirit Journëy
Thë Whitë Taišša
The Wasteland Warrior
The Impossible Desert
The Curse Of Saskia McTavish
The Crypt of Lucine
The Victoria Experiment
Monsters Among Us!
Wanted: Jinx And Crystallia
The Shadow Walks Again!
The Big Blowout
K-5: Loud House (Part 1)
K-5: Loud House (Part 2)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 1)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 2)
The Key To The Lost Treasure
The Jewel Of The Great Power
Legend of the Dark Son
A K-5 Christmas Caper
Mages Forever (Part 1)
Mages Forever (Part 2)
Upcoming Books

Lone Mage And Cubs

39 1 0
By LeslieHowell021

In the Crete Fortress, Sage launched ten glowing lanterns into the ceiling to lighten up the darken dojo. Her ten-year-old daughters and six-year-old son watched joyfully as the glowing lanterns rose to the ceiling above them. Kirana had long black hair tied in ox-horns on each side and wore a blue nightgown covered in a black criss cross pattern with a black collar and a white lace hem at the bottom. Camilla had long red hair styled into two horn-like bangs at the top of her head with dark red ribbons and wore a red nightgown with black camouflage printed on it and black ruffles attached at the bottom. Ariana had long brown platted pigtails and wore a purple romper with black thorn patterns and a black mesh hem across the top. Talia had long blonde braided ponytail and wore an orange nightgown with black stars printed on it and a black ruffle at the bottom. Ezra had short ruffy white hair and wore a teal pajama shirt with a turquoise star in the middle and blue moon pajama pants.

The siblings gathered together on the floor in front of their mother, who sat down in front of her beloved children.

"Join me, my children, for tonight I have something special to share with you." Sage spoke.

"Ooh, is it story time, mother?" Talia asked excitedly.

"Hey, chill, Talia." Camilla whispered.

"I hope this one has a happy ending." Ezra said with a smile.

"Yes, it is story time." Ariana smiled.

"Is it another Japanese story, mother?" Kirana asked in excitement.

"Not this time, Kirana." Sage answered. "I have told you before of how we all came to live together in America. But I have not told you the deepest part of the story."


Sage and her four-year-old daughters stood on the rooftop ground as they were exploring the illuminating city lights.

"After spending quality time with you all one afternoon, we were being followed by a mysterious stranger." Sage said.

Sage immediately became cautious when she started to perceive two essences with her magic, that made her turn around to detect two Kraang droids dressed in black business suits.

"I detected that stranger along with his unlikely pals." Sage added.

Sage protected her daughters together with a white protected force field spell. She turned back to see five more suited Kraang droids standing towards her as she charged forward to thrust her palms forward and released a massive white surge of magical energy flying towards the alien droids in one shot.

[Flashback Ends]

"That day changed our lives forever." Sage said. "Our journey together has not been an easy one, but it could not have happened without fate, courage, and great purpose. The world we live in is very dangerous. We have many enemies in the city below. My duty is to teach you all I know. One day, you will need to choose your own destiny. But tonight, I want to tell you the rest of our story."


As the story began, it all started when young Sage was running across the rooftops of the city while jumping on each building and carrying five Chinese take our boxes in her arms in a remarkable speed. She was also wearing a white blouse, a long maroon skirt with black shredded ends, and tan open-toed sandals.

"When you were very young, things were different. As a protective mother, I had to deliver food and stay in the shadows. Even though we look identical to humans, they will never truly understand our culture. While buying food one night, I encountered the strangers who were trying to capture us."

Sage stopped running to see two suited Kraang droids, who were standing on the rooftop ground with metallic grey binoculars from a nearby building.

"Kraang must capture that which is known as mages." One Kraang droid spoke.

"Kraang must study and then contained specimens." The other Kraang droid added.

Sage then moved away from out of sight before the suited Kraang droid moved its binoculars to the building that the white mage was standing on.

"I did not know what they were at the time, but they were certainly not humans. Our new enemy had technology I had never seen before."

Sage finally arrived at a dark grey craft sitting on top of the doorway on the tallest building in cloak mode. The craft was a medium-sized teardrop-shaped craft that has a black triangular indent at the center. She magically opened the hatch with a wave of her hand and stepped inside the craft. The interior consists of a huge single that had five chairs and window screen displaying a view of the outside located around the perimeter of the room along with the largest console located at the front of the room for piloting. Sage looked at her four sleeping daughters cuddling together with a warm smile. Kirana had long black hair woven in a French braided crown twist braid and wore a light blue kimono accented with dark blue trimmings and a black obi sash, black leggings, and black boots. Ariana had long silky brown hair tied in a thick braid and wore a light purple kimono accented with dark purple trimmings and a black obi sash, black leggings, and black boots. Camilla had long curly red hair and wore a light red kimono accented with dark red trimmings and a black obi sash, black leggings, and black boots. And Talia had long blonde hair tied into two braided pigtails and wore a light orange kimono accented with dark orange trimmings and a black obi sash, black leggings, and black boots. Sage sat down on the floor and levitated the Chinese takeout boxes telekinetically in front of her before turning on the lights that woke up her daughters from their nap.

"Mommy!" Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Talia spoke with happy smiles.

"Hello, my daughters." Sage smiled back. "I have brought you food."

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Talia quickly sat in front of their mother as they took one box in their hands and started eating fried dumplings. Sage watched her daughter eating dinner with a warm smile on her face before she ate her dinner with them as a family.

"As I watched you four continue to grow, I wondered what you might become, and if there was a safe place for us in the world."

Suddenly, Sage began detecting a probe droid with her magic. She touched her index finger to the window screen and saw a silver metallic spherical mechanism floating in the air. As the probe droid began to scan the area, Sage and her daughters became quiet from the scanner.

But unfortunately, the probe droid was able to detect the one mage's movement within the cloaking craft. The probe droid opened up to reveal eight extendable arms with laser guns and started shooting neon pink energy lasers at the invisible craft, causing the cloak mode to deactivate in the process. Sage quickly constructed a blazing white katana sword made of magical energy in her hands and phased through the triangular indent to destroy the probe droid by performing several quick sword slashes that left the spherical probe droid literally in pieces to the ground.

But Sage realized that the family's safety has now been compromised as she phased back into the craft and sat on the chair in front of the view window.

"We have to leave now." Sage said as she levitated her daughters to the chairs. "We must find another place to hide."

Sage reached her hands into the craft's control panel that made the craft to launch itself into the air as she was trying to find a new home with her daughters desperately.


As Sage piloted the travelling craft around the incoming buildings, she turned her head to notice her daughters were creating a lotus flower out of their elemental magic with sad frowns on their faces.

"I know this is hard, my daughters." Sage said softly. "But we must be silent. Never be heard. Never be seen. Understand?"

"Yes, mommy." Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Talia said as they nodded their heads.

Sage piloted the craft to land on another tallest building rooftop. She turned to watch her daughters sleeping on their chairs with a warm smile. She stood in front of the craft and wiggled her fingers to fix the damaged cloaking mode with her magic.

"Remaining focused even at rest will keep you sharp. There is always a quiet before the storm."

Sage was halfway finished with the cloak mode system of the craft until she turned around to see a group of five suited Kraang droids approaching with their laser guns.

"Mage female." One of the Kraang droids spoke as the human droids aimed their laser guns at the white mage. "Come that which is known as quietly. Surrender, mage. Resistance to Kraang is futile."

"We shall see about that." Sage said firmly as she got into her fighting stance.

The Kraang droids started firing neon pink energy lasers at Sage, who dodged each one coming in her direction with immense speed. Sage delivered powerful white energized punches at three Kraang droids before delivering a powerful white energy beam at the fourth Kraang droid. Sage looked over to see the Kraang's face being torn away in half that revealed its robot face on the left side.

"What? They are...machines?" Sage gasped with shocked eyes.

Three more Kraang droids unexpectedly came approaching towards Sage out of nowhere. Sage rapidly dashed forward to drill her magic into the suited droids, but the last Kraang droid knocked her to the ground in front of the craft. Sage got up from the ground and saw the Kraang droid pointing its laser gun at her.

"Give that which is known as up, and Kraang will reduce pain to minimum." The Kraang droid said.

Suddenly, Talia jumped out of the craft and landed in front of Sage.

"Leave my mommy alone!" Talia shouted angrily.

Talia waved her hand back and forth with a grabbing shape and created an enormous tornado to hit all the Kraang droids that destroyed them with great force. Sage quickly picked up Talia and returned into the craft to flee away as fast as she can.


Sage navigated the craft in the air until the craft phased through the door to an abandoned warehouse. She landed the craft down near the wall and climbed out of it when the hatch on the top of the craft was opened.

"The place looks a bit crowded, but it will do for now." Sage said.

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Talia jumped out of the craft as they began exploring around the place. Only Talia, Camilla, and Kirana were playing with each other while Ariana didn't like many crate boxes littering all over the place at her sight. Ariana moved her index finger in a circle and then pointed it at the ground to sculpt two gigantic fists as she commanded them to clean and organize the crate boxes with her hands. Sage, Kirana, Camilla, and Talia looked around at the spotless room as Ariana was smiling at her achievement.

"Very good, Ariana." Sage said with a smile as she patted Ariana on the head.

"Thanks, mommy." Ariana smiled back.

Sage, Ariana, Kirana, Talia, and Camilla joined together in a circle. Kirana stared at the ring on her mother's index finger. The ring was white that has a thick band with a circle surface surrounded by a lining with four metallic silver pointed diamond shapes on each diagonal side.

"Where did you get that ring, mommy?" Kirana asked in wonder.

"It was your father's ring." Sage replied. "I kept from the day when we got married."

"I miss daddy, mommy." Camilla said as she was trying to fight her tears from her eyes. "And our brother Shori."

"I wish they are here with us." Talia said with a sad frown.

"I know. I miss them too." Sage said. "But they will always be in our hearts no matter what."

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Talia joined Sage for a hug, that made Sage pause for a moment before she hugged her daughters tight with a tearful smile.

Then, Sage turned out the light and held the sleeping Camilla over her arm inside the craft. She placed her daughters in a blanket on the large pillow with a storm of medium-sized pillows around them.

"Rest now, my daughters. For I fear we will not be able to rid our trackers for long." Sage whispered.

Sage slept next to her daughters with a large pillow and a large furred comforter to keep her warm.

"Aw, we were so adorable back then!"


In the Crete Fortress, Sage looked to see Talia smiling wide in excitement that was interrupting the story.

"Especially me. Tell us more about the freaky robots you fought, mother." Talia asked.

"Come on, Talia. I really wanna hear more about this story." Kirana scolded.

"Yeah. I don't remember doing anything much when I was four years old." Camilla said.

"Well, I wish I could've seen it." Ezra commented.

"But I definitely remembered cleaning the warehouse with my magic. Man, I really was a tidy child." Ariana said proudly.

"Yeah, we've noticed." Camilla retorted.

"Pay attention, my children. This story has a purpose." Sage reminded calmly. "Now I will resume."


Sage exited out of the restaurant and held a large bag of five ramen noodles in one arm before speeding away on the rooftops.

"Our days were spent sleeping. While nights, I would hunt for food and take care of you."

Sage quickly ran back to the abandoned warehouse, where she saw her daughters playing together with their magic inside the craft. She took out four Chinese boxes of ramen noodles to her daughters and smiled in amusement as she watched Camilla and Talia stuffing their faces into the food while Kirana and Ariana started eating properly with chopsticks.

"When I would practice master ninjutsu, I noticed the four of you would try to imitate me in seconds."

Sage was performing ninjutsu stances and then looked to see Kirana following her movements perfectly.

"At first, I was amazed."

Sage noticed Ariana, Camilla, and Talia were following her ninjutsu movements perfectly as if she noticed the advanced intelligence and potential of her four-year-old daughters.

"But then I considered a possibility to excel your basic status into an advance level."

Sage looked down at Talia, Kirana, Camilla, and Ariana as she picked them up in her arms and hugged them close to her chest with a chuckle.

"My daughters." Sage said with a smile.

Unfortunately, a sudden explosion came out in front of the mages that made them turn around to see a squad of the transparent blue suited and human suited Kraang droids with their weapons.

"No!" Sage gasped as she hugged her daughters protectively.

"That which is known as female mage is hard to contain." One human suited Kraang droid spoke.

"Then that which is known as female mage will be exterminated." One blue suited Kraang droid said.

The Kraang droids began firing neon pink energy lasers at the five mages. Sage dodged the rapid neon pink energy lasers and managed to place her daughters safely in the craft as she quickly launched the flying vehicle out of the hole and zoomed into the streets.


Sage piloted the travelling craft past the incoming buildings until she saw a place filled with numerous piles of scrap metal parts and decommissioned vehicles. She piloted the craft to land behind the large pile of wrecked vehicles and jumped in front of the craft. Sage then noticed a pink light approaching from the junkyard entrance.

"Stay here and stay hidden." Sage said to her daughters. "Like kunoichis, we must stay quiet."

Sage ran off from the hidden craft as two Kraang droids came walking through the wrecked piles.

"Kraang is having hard time finding mages." The human suited Kraang droid spoke.

"Yes, Kraang. The tracker that is the DNA tracker is sufficient in that which is known as underground." The blue suited Kraang droid added.

Sage quietly formed a sly smirk across her face.

"Finally, something that could work to our advantage."

Two Kraang droids looked around to search for the mages.

"Within these junk piles, I could choose the battleground."

Sage swiftly dismembered the blue suited Kraang droid from the ceiling with blazing white energized kicks.

"Where I could strike hard and fade away into the shadows."

While the human suited Kraang droid looked over to investigate the destroyed Kraang droid on the ground, Sage ran behind them and snuck back to the craft. Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Talia huddled together close to the opening hatch as they watched Sage stop to repair the cloaking mode system of the vehicle until the mage family detected a Kraang spherical orb appeared behind Sage.

"No, not now!" Sage said in shock as she turned around to face the Kraang spherical orb.

The Kraang spherical orb opened up its eight extendable arms with Kraang laser guns at the mage family, that made Sage stand in front of the craft protectively. As the Kraang spherical orb started to move forward, Camilla growled and sprang out of the craft to a bullet-like stream of fire towards the Kraang spherical orb in one shot. But the spherical probe droid shot one neon pink energy laser that hit Camilla's face before getting attack by the fire stream. Camilla went flying into the air and then laid on the ground with a groan. Sage, Kirana, Ariana, and Talia watched the whole thing in shock as they began to run towards Camilla and saw a bleeding scar across her left eye. Sage knelt at Camilla's side and brought up a white energized hand as she pressed her hand on the scar to spread the wispy energy over the injury. Camilla grimaced for a minute and then relaxed herself that made her mother and her sisters smile with relief.

Sage looked at Camilla's healed scar in anger and placed her injured daughter down gently into the craft as the Kraang spherical orb slowly approached the white mage. Sage constructed two katana swords made of white energy in her hands and turned around to charge forward at the spherical probe droid in rage.

Sage attacked the Kraang spherical orb with her katana swords in a berserk attack. Talia, Kirana, and Ariana hugged each other with frighten faces while Camilla was mimicking her mother's moves with a grin. Sage stabbed the Kraang spherical orb from both sides to shut it offline before walking back to her daughters.

"You were so awesome, mommy!" Camilla cheered.

"Glad to see you are healing better, Camilla." Sage said. She then kissed Camilla on the forehead. "Still full of fury just like your father."

Sage, Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Talia heard sudden robotic noises that made them turn around to see more Kraang droids arriving in the junkyard. Sage looked down at her daughters, who were staring at her in fear.

"I wondered if I had the discipline to be a proper mother."

Sage and her daughters looked up at the sky to see an illuminated mystical dragon soaring down in front of her. It has pure white scales with three-clawed hands and glossy blue eyes. It has bright glowing write ring-like symbols running across the length of its body. It also has long glowing golden tendrils that each extended to a white fin-like structure at the outer edges of its lower horns running along the length of its body.

"For any family."

Sage's eyes widened in surprise as she and her daughters watched the mystical dragon transforming slowly into a physical manifestation of Caesar.

"But even in the darkest part of our journey, I wondered if I could have another chance to be both."

Sage, Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Talia hugged the spiritual Caesar, who hugged his family with a soft smile.

"I wanted to be both."

Then, Caesar transformed back into a mystical dragon and soared high into the sky with a mighty roar as a farewell good-bye to his family.

Sage and her daughters then looked around to find themselves surrounded by a large squad of Kraang droids.

"Kraang will dispose of female mage, but take little mages." One Kraang droid spoke.

"Kraang understands." Another Kraang droid said. "Kraang will exterminate and capture as Kraang demands."

"Never!" Sage shouted.

The Kraang droids charged forward to fire neon pink energy lasers at Sage, who was creating an enormous ball of white energy to send it flying straight at the alien droids. Five more Kraang droids came charging in the white mage's way as Sage began creating several powerful white energy balls and sent them one by one to destroy the Kraang droids all at once. Kirana, Ariana, Camilla, and Talia watched their mother battling against the Kraang droid in amazement from the craft. As Sage was fighting the Kraang droids that were coming in her direction, she immediately saw one Kraang droid walking in front of the screaming K-5 sisters.

"Don't you touch my daughters!" Sage yelled.

Sage delivered a spinning back kick to jam the Kraang droid's stomach with her right foot that knocked the alien droid down to the ground. But unfortunately, six more Kraang droids managed to attack Sage with a rapid barrage of neon pink energy lasers that made the white mage collapse to the ground.

"Kraang will now exterminate female mage and capture little mages for the taking." One Kraang droid spoke.

Suddenly, the K-5 sisters' eyes went blazing in a colorful glow and their birthmarks began shining as bright as the sun that caught the Kraang droids' attention and Sage's astonishment.

"Our fight was not yet over, but this time, you four took them on your own."

"Kraang, you all have devastated this world with your experimental weapons and now you shall face the ultimate wrath of the Dragonesses." Kirana, Ariana, Camilla, and Talia spoke menacingly as their voice are mixed together with mature feminine voices.

Four Mage Dragonesses charged forward to battle the Kraang droids together as a team with unbelievable speed that made Sage completely speechless in awe. Kirana jumped into the air and created multiple blue orbs all around her as she then fired a beam of blue energy from each orb at the Kraang droids. Camilla gathered a massive ball of fire energy in between her hands and launched it at the Kraang droids. Ariana started to glow and caused beams of purple light to emerge from the ground, causing the ground to crack and break while sending sharp rocks upward to impale onto the Kraang droids. And Talia raised her hand above her head and began to form a large sphere of air energy as she then closed her hand on it and hurled it toward the ground in the direction of the Kraang droids. Before the last remaining Kraang droids held their laser guns to aim at the four mages, the Mage Dragonesses raised their arms in front of them and formed a large orb of elemental magic in front of it as they fired a beam of elemental energy from the orbs to explode all the Kraang droids with one shot.

Sage finally got up on her feet to watch her daughters groaning when their eyes went back to normal. Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Talia looked around the destroyed Kraang droids with astonished faces.

"Wait a minute, what?" Talia exclaimed.

"Whoa." Camilla gasped.

"Did we do that?" Ariana wondered.

"Oh my gosh." Kirana muttered in surprise.

Kirana, Ariana, Camilla, and Talia turned around to see Sage walking towards them after her recovery.

"Mommy!" Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Talia shouted happily.

The little K-5 sisters surrounded Sage and hugged their mother close. Sage hugged back happily with a warm smile.


Meanwhile, Sage created a large white glimmering orb of energy and threw it into the air to spread out a swarm of dragons as they were snatching scrap metal parts and began constructing them together to fix a place that finally became the mage family's home. Five mages are staring at a metallic grey futuristic airship with several glowing white zigzag lines.

"This will be our new home, my daughters." Sage said.

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Talia looked up at their mother with happy smiles.


"But our story was not over yet, for we have found a new family member on that same night."

Sage was walking on the sidewalk wearing a white raincoat and held a white clear umbrella in her hand through a rainy night in New York, but she stopped as she heard a faint cry in an alleyway.

Curiously, the white mage walked over to the sound and found the source coming from a small brown box. She walked over to the box to kneel down and open the lid to find an infant mage boy with white hair and ocean blue eyes. The baby was wrapped in a teal blanket with a small box next to him. The baby looked at the white mage and slowly stopped crying with hiccups and tears streaming down his eyes. Sage smiled warmly at the baby and picked him up in her arms before she grabbed the small box and put it in her satchel. She looked at the baby, before the mage infant held out his hand to Sage's hand and she held onto it, that made the baby smile at her. Sage smiled back and held the baby in her arms as he yawned and curled up close to her chest.

"Sweet child." Sage muttered.

She stood up and began to levitate in the air, when nobody was looking, up to the Crete Fortress.

"You will have a new home and a loving family, my son." Sage said.


Sometime later in the Crete Fortress, the four-year-old K-5 sisters walked into the dojo with their hands nice and clean for the surprise their mother had brought.

"Are your hands clean, my daughters." Sage asked.

"Yes, Mommy!" Talia nodded. "We just washed them."

"Why did we have to wash our hands for the surprise?" Camilla asked.

"For when I bring him out." Sage replied.

"Him?" Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Talia repeated with confused faces.

Sage went into her room for a moment and came back out with the infant boy in her arms.

"Girls, meet your baby brother." Sage announced with a smile.

"OMG!" Ariana said in surprise and happiness. "He's so cute."

Sage walked over and knelt next to Kirana.

"Kirana, would you like to hold him?" Sage asked.

"Oh yes, Mommy." Kirana nodded.

Sage carefully placed the baby boy in Kirana's arms and the blue mage kunoichi looked at her baby brother as he opened his eyes to look at her after he yawned.

"Hi, baby brother." Kirana said, softly.

The baby smiled in response and his other sisters gathered around Kirana to look at him.

"What's his name, Mommy?" Talia asked.

"His name is Ezra." Sage replied.

"Ezra?" Ariana repeated.

"I like it." Camilla said.

"Me too." Kirana agreed. "Welcome to the family, Ezra."

Sage smiled warmly as her daughters smiled at their new baby brother.


Back in the Crete Fortress, Sage have finished the story inside the dojo with her ten-year-old daughters and six-year-old son.

"Finally, in this cloaked fortress, we were safe." Sage said. "And that is how our first great adventure led us home. Now I have a gift for each of you."

Sage waved her hand in circles and then pointed her magic in the air to conjure four weapons and one training weapon hovering above her hands.

"Your father chose these weapons just for you before his passing." Sage added. "And he knows you all will make him proud in the future."

Sage held out two tessens to Kirana, who was staring at the blue steel and razor-sharp edged weapons in her hands.

"The tessen, the weapon signifies courage, loyalty, and keen skill." Sage said.

"Hai, mother." Kirana said as she bowed her head.

Sage held out two gauntlets to Camilla, who was staring at the bulky dark red weapons that were embedded with strong dark red knuckles in her hands.

"The gauntlets, the weapon signifies fierce and fearlessness that always fights the hardest for the family clan." Sage said.

"Thank you, mom." Camilla said as she put them on her hands.

Sage held out a spear to Ariana, who was staring at the purple weapon that had a dark purple blade in her hands.

"The spear, the weapon signifies intelligence for a thoughtful soul and a peaceful heart." Sage said.

"Cool, a spear!" Ariana exclaimed as she examined her weapon wide eyes.

Sage held out a whip to Talia, who was staring at the multi-tailed orange weapon that divided into three different lashes that end with dark orange metallic balls in her hands.

"A whip, the weapon signifies a heart full of pure energy." Sage said.

"Awesome! I love it!" Talia grinned as she snuggled her weapon.

Ezra looked down a bit as he knew that he was not old enough yet to have a real weapon like his older sisters, but looked up at Sage as she held out a training shield to him. Ezra stared at the teal plastic shield that had a teardrop symbol at the center with lines swirling around the symbol in his hands.

"You will have a training weapon, my son." Sage said. "A training shield with your birthmark symbol on the front. When you grow up, you will have that shield."

Sage pointed to the wall and Ezra stared at the teal crystal metal shield with a teardrop symbol and five curly lines at the center hanging on the stand.

"The shield represents a man who will always be there for his family and his loved ones." Sage said.

"I love it, mother." Ezra said as he held his training shield.

Suddenly, five weapons slowly started to dematerialize into pure energy and zoomed into the mages' birthmarks.

"You will learn to channel your collective mental energies to your weapons in due time." Sage announced as she and her children stood up on their feet. "But the advance level of your training has already begun. My children, are you ready?"

"Yeah!" Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra said as they took a fighting stance with their elemental magic.

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