K-5 (Full)

LeslieHowell021 tarafından

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When five mages emerge into the world of New York, they discover big threats that only they themselves can so... Daha Fazla

Rise Of The Mages (Part 1)
Rise Of The Mages (Part 2)
Mage Temper
New Friend, Old Enemy
Iron Donna
Reptile Brains
Beware of Sapphire
The Darkness
Panic at the Fortress
Nano Attack!
It Came From The Haunting Building
Mage or Monster
New Boys In Town
Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer and Sandra!
Lizard Terminator
Donna's Gambit
Enemy Of My Enemy
Kuro's Partnership
Sandra Returns
Operation: Detention Breakout
Showdown (Part 1)
Showdown (Part 2)
Mutation Situation
Invasion of the Bats
Follow the Ice
Sandra Unleashed!
Talia Gets Sonically
Target: Casey Jones
Samara and Destroy
The Kraang Conspiracy
Rosa Galicia
Phantom Upgraded
Of Golem and Women
The Manhattan Project (Part 1)
The Manhattan Project (Part 2)
Accel and Mages
Donna's Nevermore
Newtralized and Nebulous!
The Wrath of Tigress
Legendary Kuraun
Project EVE
Vengance Will Be Mine
A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X
The Invasion (Part 1)
The Invasion (Part 2)
Deep Within The Woods
A Fierce Dagger
Buried Secrets
Invasion Of The Punkz Catz
In Dreams
Race With The Demon!
Powers of the Shagon
Spirit Journey
Return To New York
Wolf Hunt
The Crystal and the Luck
Battle For New York (Part 1)
Battle For New York (Part 2)
Casey Jones Vs The Underworld
The Witch Avenger
Clash of the Amazons
Meet Verona Salamander
The Deadly Bite
Mages In Time
Tales of the Mages
Attack of the Mega Shade!
The Venus Doom
The Fourblind Trap
Aliens Seen In New York!
Annihilation Earth (Part 1)
Annihilation Earth (Part 2)
Beyond the Majestic Universe
The Planet of Hegemon
The Crazy World Of Gerti
The Plant Mistress Jade!
Riddle Of The Ancient Sword
Journey To The Center Of Talia's Mind
The Lab of Mosaic
The War In Dimension X
The Ghostly Gaean
Trans-Dimensional K-5
Wrath of the Hydnora
The Evil Of The Witches Seven
The Ever-Lasting Battle
Earth's Last Stand
City At War
Broken Foot and Broken Shadow
The Saiba Lacerta
Mage Gangland
Fleura du Mal
Lady Shadestrike
Darkest Plight
The Power Inside Them
Kùbào VS the Scientists
The Tale of Tigress
Scroll Of The Demodragon
The Forgotten Mage
The Hearts Of Evil
End Times
When Worlds Collide (Part 1)
When Worlds Collide (Part 2)
The Wëather Witćh
Špirit Journëy
Thë Whitë Taišša
Lone Mage And Cubs
The Wasteland Warrior
The Impossible Desert
The Curse Of Saskia McTavish
The Crypt of Lucine
The Victoria Experiment
Monsters Among Us!
Wanted: Jinx And Crystallia
The Shadow Walks Again!
The Big Blowout
K-5: Loud House (Part 1)
K-5: Loud House (Part 2)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 1)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 2)
The Key To The Lost Treasure
The Jewel Of The Great Power
Legend of the Dark Son
A K-5 Christmas Caper
Mages Forever (Part 1)
Mages Forever (Part 2)
Upcoming Books

The Good, The Bad, And Casey Jones

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LeslieHowell021 tarafından

In his apartment home, Casey was writing down something in his journal on his desk.

"Mutant monsters and robot ninjas are taking over my city." Casey narrated.

Casey was exercising hard to build up his strength with a serious look on his face.

"How long before those freaks hurt somebody close to me like my Dad, my little sister, April? I'm not waiting around to find out." Casey continued.

Casey then grabbed two hockey sticks, a baseball bat, and many other weapons to prepare himself.

"All my life, I knew I was meant for something greater. This is my calling, my destiny. A true warrior has gotta be prepared." Casey vowed.

Casey finally walked towards the mirror and stared at his reflection with a threatening look.

"Who do you...Who do you think you are, a ninja? Bring it, punk!" Casey said courageously. He put on his hockey mask on his face. "Scum-sucking, mutated freaks of the world, prepare to meet Casey Jones."


In the Crete Fortress, the K-5 had prepared to face off each other in their daily training.

"Today, you five must spar this free for all competition. Last mage standing wins." Sage announced. "Hajime!"

Camilla went after Ariana, who released several bullets of razor-sharp metal at her older sister. Camilla dodged each bullet out of the way and delivered a powerful electrical kick that knocked Ariana into the dojo's tree, leaving the purple mage kunoichi walk away to kneel next to her mother. Camilla moved onto Ezra to make a move, but Kirana jumped and attacked Camilla with a swing of her ice-covered kick.

"What the heck do you think you're doing, Kirana?" Camilla demanded as she blocked Kirana's icy kick with her electric punch. "I had my goal set on Ezra!"

"What part of last mage standing don't you understand?" Kirana retorted.

Kirana moved away from Camilla and fired multiple ice arrows at high speed towards Ezra, but he dodged every arrow coming his way. Ezra summoned five light bolts at Talia, knocking her off balance on her back to the floor.

"This is not fair!" Talia whined, walking to the wall next to Ariana.

"That's why distraction is a kunoichi's powerful weapon in her arsenal." Sage lectured.

Now, three mages are watching the match between the leader, the sorcerer, and the rebel.

"Looks like it's just you, Ezra, and me in a final round, Ice Queen." Camilla quipped.

"I'm gonna take you down." Kirana retorted. "Very painfully."

"I've picked up some new skills." Ezra smirked. "And they're perfect for this match."

Kirana, Camilla, and Ezra clashed forward as they kept delivering rapid punches and kicks at each other. Their enhanced strength and speed made them move around the dojo to strike and block each other's attacks. But the match didn't take long when Ezra jumped high in the air and planted her light-covered fist right into the ground, knocking the blue mage kunoichi and red mage kunoichi off their feet.

"Whoa. Ezra won the match." Ariana said, surprised.

Ezra moved away from his downed sisters and knelt his knees before Sage, with a smile on his face.

"Outstanding, Ezra." Kirana said, impressed.

Camilla got herself back on her feet and glared at her younger brother with a heat of rage that quickly caught Talia's attention.

"Oh no." Talia warned. "The beast has awoken."

Without any warning, Camilla charged forward towards Ezra with a dangerous growl. Ezra stood up to dodge his sister with a surprise look, but Camilla punched her younger brother right in the gut and knocked him into the ground with a powerful punch to the face. Kirana, Ariana, and Talia stood up to help Kirana on her feet.

"Ezra!" Kirana gasped.

"Ow." Ezra groaned. "That hurt."

"Camilla, what the heck is wrong with you?" Ariana snapped.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt him!" Camilla said as she shook her temper away and stared at her siblings with a scared look on her face. "It was an accident! I didn't mean to!"

"Bro, are you ok?" Talia asked, concerned.

"It's okay, guys. I'm..fine." Ezra groaned.

"We've talked about this over time again, Camilla." Sage said firmly. "Anger is a dangerous ally with the power to cloud your judgement and mind if not used carefully. You must control it before it can control you."

"But mother, I wasn't angry this time." Camilla said. "I'm always determined to win every match."

Ezra, Talia, Ariana, and Kirana gave Camilla skeptical looks as Camilla knows that her siblings weren't clearly buying her words.

"Hey, get it through your thick skulls!" Camilla shouted angrily. "I said I wasn't angry this time!"

Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra kept glaring at their hotheaded sister. Camilla groaned in frustration and exited out of the dojo.


Outside, Camilla sat on the edge of the building rooftop and stared at the city with her knees against her chest.

"This always happens to me every time!" Camilla complained. "Those guys always have the nerve to push my limits! But who am I kidding. They'll never understand me."

Suddenly, Camilla heard fighting coming from a nearby alley. She immediately moved to investigate her vigilante friend pounding the life out of the Purple Dragons.

"Well, there goes Casey with his vigilante thing." Camilla thought with a smirk. "Better go help him."

Camilla jumped down and landed her feet next to Casey.

"Hey, Camilla." Casey greeted. "Care to join me?"

"Sure, skull boy." Camilla grinned. "Anything to cure my headache from my siblings."

Casey and Camilla loomed over the helpless Purple Dragons. Before Casey could smash his hockey stick on the street goons, someone managed to sneak up behind him and stopped the vigilante from finishing off the Purple Dragons before disappearing into the shadows. But Camilla had seen him coming that made her to move out of the way.

"Looks like we're not alone here." Camilla said.

Camilla and Casey turned around to the empty alleyway.

"What? Who's back there?" Casey demanded nervously as he drew out his baseball bat. "Show yourself."

That's when the creature stepped out from behind the dumpster and revealed himself as a large green humanoid mutant turtle to the masked vigilante and the red mage kunoichi. The mutant turtle himself has kelly green skin with several scratches and chips on his shell, red mask with long tattered tails, and a pair of sais on his strap belt. He also has the same height and eye color as the red mage kunoichi, who noticed a lightning bolt shaped crack located on the right corner of his plastron.

"Whoa! He's that turtle back at the Technodrome!" Camilla thought as she was somewhat appealed to the mutant ninja turtle. "For a super intense mutant ninja turtle, he's kinda hot."

"Another mutant?" Casey said surprisingly.

"You got a problem with that!" The mutant turtle snapped.

"Wait. What are you, like, some kind of turtle ninja?" Casey laughed.

Camilla snapped out of thought when she noticed the turtle's temper was starting to rise on his face and knew that feeling all too well. Quietly, the Purple Dragons decided to make a run for it. But Casey and Camilla weren't going to let this slide. When they moved to finish the street thugs, the mutant turtle grabbed them by the shoulders to stop them from doing so.

"Let me handle this." The mutant turtle said.

"Outta my way!" Casey snapped as he shoved the mutant turtle aside.

"You know, anger is a dangerous ally." The mutant turtle said. He then pushed Casey back. "Why don't you cool off for a while?"

"That's it, lizard, I'm done with you." Casey growled. He armed himself with his hockey sticks. "Goongalaaaa!"

Casey charged forward to swing his sticks at the turtle, but the mutant turtle kept sidestepping and blocking the vigilante every attack. Camilla just stood there and watched the fight, but she kept her eyes on the mutant turtle's movements and knew that those are the art of ninjutsu. She then snapped out of her thoughts when she saw the turtle used his sais to capture Casey's weapons and delivered with a fierce back kick that sent Casey flying into a wall and dropped into the open dumpster. The mutant turtle placed his weapons away and turned to face Camilla, who was the last one standing.

"You got some skills, turtle." Camilla admitted. She cracked her knuckles in preparation and clenched her fists in electrical energy. "Let's see your moves can match mine!"

As Camilla charged forward to strike, the mutant turtle swung a punch at the red mage's head. Unfortunately, Camilla was too fast for this punch and tackled the turtle into a wall to his surprise. Camilla quickly swung her right leg at the turtle's head, but the mutant turtle ducked down and leaped away from the red mage before releasing a hail of shuriken at her. Camilla formed an electrical force field to protect herself from the deadly throwing stars. The mutant turtle and the mage kunoichi charged each other as they clashed in a fierce fight. They both have managed to match each other's blows, which was fueling their temper the more they kept fighting and blocking. Finally, the mutant turtle grabbed the red mage's arms and used them to flip Camilla painfully on the hood of a car. Camilla became dazed by that sudden attack and found herself pinned down with the mutant turtle's sai. Before the mutant turtle can bring his weapon down to finish the red mage, the two made eye contact and they felt a magical attraction as if they instantly felt something for one another. Their gaze was more focused than any gaze should be. Fierce bright green eyes—the exact same color that the forest had carried. Their eyes were sparkled with temper, strength, and toughness behind their masks. They could feel a new kind of heat glowing through them. Everything that made them who they are—their love for their family, their home, their soft side, their name, themselves—disconnected from them in that second and floated up into space. They could see that now—how the universe swirled around them as they felt the gravity no longer tied them to their position. It was the mutant ninja turtle and the mage kunoichi that held them here now.

"What am I doing?" The mutant turtle asked in horror. He put his sai back on his waist belt with a frown. "Maybe I do have anger issues."

"Heh, welcome to my world." Camilla smirked. "You're not the only one with anger problems."

"I've never fought anyone who can outmatch my moves before." The mutant turtle said.

"Same here." Camilla said.

The mutant turtle helped Camilla off the hood and moved closer to her with a grin.

"I have to admit, you truly are a worthy fighter." The mutant turtle commented. "Besides, I've never thought I'd be seeing you again."

"So did I. You weren't too bad for yourselves, handsome." Camilla said with a pink blush on her cheeks. "My name's Camilla."

"My name is Raphael." The mutant turtle introduced. "But you can call me Raph."

As Raph and Camilla gazed into each other's eyes even closer, Casey came from behind and electrocuted the mutant turtle with his taser hidden in his glove. Raph fell back from the shocking attack, but he quickly moved out of the way when he saw an incoming taxi coming in his way on the road. But Camilla didn't have time to react as Casey pulled her close and grabbed onto the rear end of a nearby taxi.

"You ain't seen the last of us, turtle!" Casey shouted.

All Camilla can do is sigh in a lovely-dovey manner.


The next day, April was walking through the hallway along with her friends Ariana and Irma until they spotted Casey searching through his locker.

"Well, well. Casey Jones finally makes it to class." April remarked. "What a surprise. Ready for the big trig exam?"

"Trig exam? Oh, yeah!" Casey replied. He turned around to face the girls and revealed many bruises on his face with a bandage covering his nose. "I was up all-night studying."

"Really?" Ariana asked with a raised eyebrow. "Because it looks like your homework punched you in the face."

"I had, um uh, late-night hockey practice." Casey lied.

"Isn't the rink closed after dark ever since that mysterious fight broke out there a few weeks back?" Irma questioned curiously. "So how exactly did you get those bruises, Casey? Hmm?"

"What are you, Irma, my interrogator?" Casey snapped.

Irma grabbed April and Ariana's arms to pull them away from Casey, but Casey grabbed April's other arm and pulled her close to his face.

"I saw something crazy last night. As in mutant crazy." Casey whispered.

April's eyes widened in realization, but Irma grabbed her arm again and forced to go to their next class with Ariana.

"Come on, April." Irma said. "We've got our exam, and I will not be late this time."

Ariana caught Casey's glare from behind with a sideway glance, but she wasn't aware of his vigilante work the other day.


Back in the Crete Fortress, Ariana was relaxing peacefully on the couch with a can of soda in her hand until Talia joined her on the couch with a big bag of buttery popcorn. Ezra walked in and sat on the couch with a bag of candies with Norbit holding a cooler with everyone's favorite drinks.

"Ready for 48 hours of Ace Crown fighting the evil Apocalypse in action?" Talia asked cheerfully.

"Well, it did took you long enough to join in, so yeah I'm ready." Ariana replied.

Ezra took a piece of popcorn from the bucket and ate it.

"Good job with the butter." Ezra complemented.

As Ariana, Talia, and Ezra got comfortable for their two day TV special, Kirana was about to join them when Camilla stood in her way and pulled her older sister aside.

"Hey, Kirana, can I talk to you for a minute?" Camilla asked.

"Well, sure." Kirana replied. "But make it quick. Because the Ace Crown special is about to come on and I don't want to miss it."

"Okay. I just wanted to say that...I'm sorry about what happened back at the dojo yesterday." Camilla apologized calmly. "I thought I had my anger under control, but I didn't. But I'll keep trying to keep it under control."

"But where did you go last night?" Kirana asked.

"I was taking a breather with my anger until I saw Casey beating up the Purple Dragons and decided to help him out." Camilla explained. "But we got sidetracked by this mutant ninja."

"Uh, excuse me? What was that?" Kirana asked firmly as she placed her hands on her hips.

"A mutant." Camilla said. Her voice boomed loudly in the living room. "A. Mutant. Turtle!"

Ariana, Talia, and Ezra stared at their hotheaded sister shockingly by hearing the word "mutant turtle" coming out her mouth.

"He had the same moves as mine in the art of ninjutsu." Camilla continued. She formed a lovely smile on her face. "I mean, he's cool, aggressive, and intense. Just what I like in a man."

Norbit scanned Camilla before he walked over to the red mage kunoichi.

"Camilla, your heart is beating at an alarming rate." Norbit said.

"OMG! She's in love!" Talia squealed happily.

"Shut up, Talia!" Camilla yelled. She felt vibrating on her waist belt and took out her cell phone to read the text message on the screen. "Hey, guys. Casey wants us to meet him."

"Where?" Kirana asked.

"I don't know." Camilla replied with a shrug. "He didn't say."

"This better be good." Ezra said, getting up from the couch.

"Now?" Talia whined childishly. "But we're gonna miss the Ace Crown TV special."

"I'll pinpoint his location through my K-Phone." Ariana said, ignoring her younger sister's complain.

"Let's move, guys." Kirana ordered.

The K-5 and Norbit immediately exited out the fortress.


Outside, the K-5 and Norbit ran across rooftops and landed their feet in the alleyway where Ariana's K-Phone had found the vigilante's coordinates.

"Huh?" Ariana asked in confusion. "Casey's coordinates led us here."

"Unless..." Ezra said slowly, as he stared down at the ground.

"You have got to be kidding me." Camilla groaned.

"Casey wants us to meet him in the sewers?" Talia questioned. "That dude owes us big time for this."

"Come on. Let's just get this over with." Kirana sighed.

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, Ezra, and Norbit climbed down the sewers as they were unaware that a squad of Shadow Droids had spotted them from above.


The K-5 and Norbit entered inside the sewer to track down Casey's current location. The huge smell caused them to cough and puke as they covered their hand over their mouths and noses at the same time.

"I can't take the smell here!" Talia complained.

"Although it is disease filling, the sewers contains..." Norbit said.

"We don't need to hear that, but thanks, bud." Ezra quickly said to interrupt his robot friend.

"Let's create a shortcut portal on the way there." Kirana said.

"Good idea." Camilla and Ariana agreed.

"Ōpunpōtaru." Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra casted.

At their command, a yellow swirly portal appeared right in front of the K-5 and Norbit. They hopped swiftly inside, leaving the portal closing itself shut. When the portal had reopened itself, the K-5 and Norbit entered inside the middle of the living room underground lair and looked around the place. Despite being located in the sewer, the entire lair has made the mages gasp in awe. They are so busy staring around the place that they didn't realize six mutants, one half wolf mutant, and two humans have notice their arrival.

"Wait a minute. This is the place Casey wants us to meet him?" Camilla asked in amusement. "It looks like it has been hooked up fifteen years ago."

"It appears to be an underground home for a family of six." Norbit said, after scanning the place.

"And how were you mages able to arrive here?" A wise voice asked. "Along with your friend?"

That made the K-5 scream and turned to see a tall mutant rat standing at them. Norbit just turned around and saw the mutant rat.

"The same way we're gonna get out of here after we get a grand tour of this place." Camilla remarked with a nervous chuckle.

"It's okay. They're with me." Casey said nervously to the mutant rat.

"Wait a minute!" April gasped. "You girls are kunoichis and Ezra is a ninja?"

"April, let us explain." Ariana said.

"That you guys were those mages under the masks back at the Technodrome, I knew." April said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"What?" Ariana, Kirana, Ezra, Talia, and Camilla said in confusion.

"I was able to use my telepathic senses to read all of your thoughts." April explained. "But I did understand that you five weren't ready to tell me your secret yet. It's cool."

"You're the best, April." Talia smiled as she ran over to hug April tightly.

"Now, can you explain how the five of you met my children?" The mutant rat asked to the mage siblings.

"Now, wait a minute." Camilla said. "I only met Raph, but I don't know the other four."

Camilla and Casey suddenly looked at Talia, Kirana, Ariana, and Ezra as they slowly advanced towards them while three mage kunoichis and mage ninja backed up with nervous faces.

"Say what?" Casey asked Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra.

"Start talking!" Camilla snapped.

"Hey, don't get all attitude on us just yet!" Talia snapped back. "Besides, it's obvious we like to thank you for once!"

"And why are you thanking me for?" Camilla yelled.

"Because you were the one who told me that I can't make a mutant friend and I proved you wrong when I met Michelangelo." Talia explained. "And thanks to you, we got along extremely well. I mean, we share the love for video games, pizza, and comic books. Who knew?"

Camilla glanced at the orange masked turtle, who was waving with a friendly smile.

"And remember the time when I gave you my leadership to the team because you were always doubting me as a leader and that's how I met Leonardo." Kirana added. "We fought each other in a sword combat. He's actually very impressive and a huge fan of science fiction just like I am. Besides, he's isn't the only one who has trouble with hotheads."

Camilla glanced at the blue masked turtle, who nodded his head with a calm smile.

"Oh, and let's not forget when you doubt my ninja skills because you think I don't have the guts to be a capable kunoichi. So I met Donatello and helped him rescue April's dad while I was downloading the Kraang files on their computer before you four came to my rescue." Ariana continued. "It's about time someone understood my so-called nerdy language."

Camilla glanced at the purple masked turtle, who was smiling nervously at her.

"Camilla didn't actually start my story. I actually got to know Venus De Milo at the Technodrome." Ezra said. "She has amazing magical powers just like me and we know what it's like in a life with four older siblings with the opposite gender."

Camilla glanced at the turquoise masked turtle, who smiled kindly and gave a small friendly wave. She looked back at her siblings with a deadpan look on her face.

"So you're saying that if it weren't for my hotheaded attitude, you four would've never met them in the first place?" Camilla asked, pointing her thumb at the four mutant turtles that she didn't met.

"Duh!" Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra replied sassily.

"Ouch." Casey said to Camilla with a grin.

"Alright fine, I'm sorry for everything I ever said to you guys in the past. Happy now?" Camilla apologized with a heavy sigh.

"So now that's outta the way. I'll reintroduce them." Casey said to April and the five mutants. He pointed his finger to name each of the mages. "Everyone meet Kirana, Ariana, Ezra, Talia, and the one and only Camilla."

"But who's this?" Macey asked, pointing to the robot.

"Hello, I am Norbit. I am a robot companion." Norbit introduced.

"But how did you know we were mages?" Kirana asked the mutant rat.

"Your mother, Sage, was an old friend of mine back in Japan when I was human named Hamato Yoshi." The mutant rat replied.

"What? The Hamato Yoshi?" Talia gasped.

"You're kidding." Ezra said, in complete awe.

"Our mother told us a lot about you and your way of being a master ninja." Kirana said with an exciting smile.

"Yeah, your ninja skills are truly legendary." Ariana nodded.

"Oh, please." Camilla said with a scoff. "You can't be Hamato Yoshi."

Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra gasped in horror. They jumped with anxiety and signaled Camilla to shut up by mime-zipping their mouths and slicing neck motions. Camilla ignored her siblings and went up to the mutant rat's face.

"If you really are the legendary Hamato Yoshi, prove it." Camilla continued.

The mutant rat narrowed his eyes and seized Camilla down to the floor in a fast succession. Everyone gasped as Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra backed away from the ninja master real quick.

"You four wish to challenge me as well?" The mutant rat asked the four mages.

Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra shook their heads nervously even Camilla knew that she should stop when she herself is ahead. The rat mutant released Camilla, who ran back to her siblings.

"But your five don't have to fear me." The mutant rat said with a smile.

"Yeah, guys, Master Splinter is really cool." April said reassuringly.

Suddenly, April began putting her hands to her head and shut her eyes tight with concentration.

"What is it, April?" Splinter asked.

"Sensei, we're not alone." April replied.

Macey sniffed the air and detected something with wide eyes.

"Oh no." Macey breathed.

Unexpectedly, a squad of Foot Bots and Shadow Droids appeared from the ceiling above the heroes.

"What the heck? How did they find us?" Kirana shouted.

"Raph, you led the enemy right to our lair!" Leo snapped.

"It's the kid's fault! He was following me!" Raph said, glancing over at Casey.

"My fault?!" Casey snapped resentfully.

Mikey and Talia came in between Raph and Casey, who stopped their argument and charged towards two of the robotic ninjas to knock them flat on their back. Then, the rest of the heroes joined the fight against robotic ninjas. During the fight, one Foot Bot stood alone from the fight to scan the location of the lair from its red glowing eyes and one Shadow Droid grabbed Ariana's face with mechanized tentacles placed on her forehead and analyzed the mage's images of the fortress before throwing her into Donnie, who was able to catch her in his arms.

"Hey! He'll give away our location!" Donnie warned to his siblings and friends.

"And my memory of our location!" Ariana shouted to her siblings.

Then, the scanning Foot Bot and the scanning Shadow Droid took the quick opportunity to make their escape.

"Don't let those robots escape." Splinter ordered.

"Casey Jones is on it." Casey said as he began chasing after the robots.

"Tell Casey Jones I don't need his help." Raph said as he shoved Casey out of his way and raced after the robotic ninjas.

"Shut up and move it, guys! They're getting away!" Camilla shouted as she ran past Raph and Casey.


As the trio moved into the subway tunnels, they were hot on the robots' trail and managed to fight more the robotic ninjas blocking their way, which had made it difficult for them to find the robots containing the secret locations. As they fought against the Foot Bots and the Shadow Droids, Casey spotted two lone robots out of combat and took out a spray can to throw it at the robots. Camilla saw the sprayed robots and knew that Casey did that to make it easier to track. Raph, Camilla, and Casey had finished off the remaining Foot Bots and Shadow Droids before getting back to the chase. As Raph, Camilla, and Casey continued to chase the robots into the subway tunnels, the Foot Bot and the Shadow Droid was very fast for the heroes to be unable to keep up. Casey began skating on the rails with his roller blades, but he noticed that the rail was beginning to shake that made him look back and see that they had trouble coming their way.

"Look out!" Casey cried.

Casey tackled Raph and Camilla out of the way from a moving train that only surprised the mutant turtle.

"Thanks." Raph said sincerely.

"There they go!" Camilla exclaimed, pointing her finger to the sprayed robots.

As the Foot Bot and the Shadow Droid jumped on top of the train, the trio quickly hopped on top of the fast moving train and went full-on combat against the robotic ninjas in strength and speed. During the battle, Casey was about to fall off the train while trying to regain his balance after he tried to deliver a punch at the robots. Before Casey could fall from the train's motion, Raph swooped in to catch him with his grappling hook and the teen vigilante climbed back onto the train.

"Thanks, Raph." Casey said.

"We're even." Raph said with a smirk.

Raph and Casey looked up to watch Camilla dealing with the robots on her own, which had quietly impressed the mutant turtle through his eyes. But the Foot Bot and the Shadow Droid leaped into the air to enter a subway station by breaking through a window while still being followed by Camilla. Casey and Raph joined the fight until it took them to the flight of stairs. Even though their trapped arms were teared off, the Foot Bot and the Shadow Droid took off for the subway exit. Camilla gathered her strength and took Casey's arm to slingshot him at the robotic ninjas, allowing the teen vigilante to release his taser and electrocute the robots. That move stunned the robots for them to fall down the stairs, making Raph quick to finish them off with a sai to the heads.

"That was too close." Casey said, taking deep breaths through his mask.

"You could say that again." Camilla agreed with a nod.

"You're a pretty good fighter, Jones. Sure, you're raw, unfocused, dangerous, crazy! But not bad." Raph complimented to Casey. He then turned to Camilla. "For a tough kunoichi, you are an incredibly strong fighter with an aggressive mind." His voice became lower before continuing his sentence. "I like that in a woman."

Camilla's cheeks went pink and smiled shyly at those words. Casey caught that with a small smile and managed to speak up to change the subject.

"Thanks." Casey smiled. "You're not so bad yourself. For an amphibian."

Camilla rolled her eyes with a smile as she watched Raph and Casey delivering a few playful punches before heading head back to the lair.


Back in the lair, everyone has finished slicing the Foot Bots and the Shadow Droids.

"Is that all of them?" Leo asked.

"Yeah, are we done now?" Kirana asked impatiently.

Unknown to them, two final robots rose behind them and Splinter saved the team leaders by piercing his naginata through the robots' bodies.

"Yes, we are." Splinter said.

"Eh, I've seen the place look much worse." Vee said, looking around the lair.

"Same from my place." Ezra agreed.

"So, what happened to Raph, Casey, and Camilla?" April asked.

"Here they come." Norbit answered as he pointed to the exit.

That's when Raph, Camilla, and Casey walked back into the lair. They were recalling over their adventure that surprised the others by the sudden friendship between Raph and Casey.

"Aww, what's up? No more robots left for the three of us?" Casey said, placing his arms around Raph and Camilla's shoulders.

"I see you've gotten along." Macey said.

"Whoa! Okay. What's up with you two?" Mikey asked. "You're like best friends forever now or something?"

"Well, duh." Talia said. "Even Camilla can get along with hotheads like them."

"It seems you found new allies, Raphael." Splinter said as he approached toward his second oldest son and his friends.

Camilla giggled under her breath when Casey got scared and hid behind Raph.

"Yeah, Casey and Camilla are cool." Raph replied.

"Thank you for helping my family." Splinter said sincerely.

"You're welcome." Camilla said with a two-finger salute.

"No problem, rat dude. Wasn't a bad warm-up." Casey said, moving out from behind Raph. Then, he cracked his knuckles and rolled his shoulders. "But now it's time to clean the scum off the streets."

"Alright! The perfect night for busting some skulls." Camilla smiled.

"Let's do this!" Raph said as he gave Casey a playful shove.

Raph, Camilla, and Casey head-butted each other excitedly. April, Macey, Norbit, Mikey, Talia, Leo, Kirana, Vee, Ezra, Donnie, and Ariana became quietly stunned by that.

"Great! You know what this means, right?" Donnie groaned. "Now we have three Raphael's!"

"Yeah, and three Camilla's! " Ariana exclaimed.

Raph, Casey, and Camilla charged out of the lair with eager faces.

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