K-5 (Full)

By LeslieHowell021

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When five mages emerge into the world of New York, they discover big threats that only they themselves can so... More

Rise Of The Mages (Part 1)
Rise Of The Mages (Part 2)
Mage Temper
New Friend, Old Enemy
Iron Donna
Reptile Brains
Beware of Sapphire
The Darkness
Panic at the Fortress
Nano Attack!
It Came From The Haunting Building
Mage or Monster
New Boys In Town
Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer and Sandra!
Lizard Terminator
Donna's Gambit
Enemy Of My Enemy
Kuro's Partnership
Sandra Returns
Operation: Detention Breakout
Showdown (Part 1)
Showdown (Part 2)
Mutation Situation
Invasion of the Bats
Follow the Ice
Sandra Unleashed!
Talia Gets Sonically
Target: Casey Jones
Samara and Destroy
The Good, The Bad, And Casey Jones
The Kraang Conspiracy
Rosa Galicia
Phantom Upgraded
Of Golem and Women
The Manhattan Project (Part 1)
The Manhattan Project (Part 2)
Accel and Mages
Donna's Nevermore
Newtralized and Nebulous!
The Wrath of Tigress
Legendary Kuraun
Project EVE
Vengance Will Be Mine
A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X
The Invasion (Part 1)
The Invasion (Part 2)
Deep Within The Woods
A Fierce Dagger
Buried Secrets
Invasion Of The Punkz Catz
In Dreams
Race With The Demon!
Powers of the Shagon
Spirit Journey
Return To New York
Wolf Hunt
The Crystal and the Luck
Battle For New York (Part 1)
Battle For New York (Part 2)
Casey Jones Vs The Underworld
The Witch Avenger
Clash of the Amazons
Meet Verona Salamander
The Deadly Bite
Mages In Time
Tales of the Mages
Attack of the Mega Shade!
The Venus Doom
The Fourblind Trap
Annihilation Earth (Part 1)
Annihilation Earth (Part 2)
Beyond the Majestic Universe
The Planet of Hegemon
The Crazy World Of Gerti
The Plant Mistress Jade!
Riddle Of The Ancient Sword
Journey To The Center Of Talia's Mind
The Lab of Mosaic
The War In Dimension X
The Ghostly Gaean
Trans-Dimensional K-5
Wrath of the Hydnora
The Evil Of The Witches Seven
The Ever-Lasting Battle
Earth's Last Stand
City At War
Broken Foot and Broken Shadow
The Saiba Lacerta
Mage Gangland
Fleura du Mal
Lady Shadestrike
Darkest Plight
The Power Inside Them
Kùbào VS the Scientists
The Tale of Tigress
Scroll Of The Demodragon
The Forgotten Mage
The Hearts Of Evil
End Times
When Worlds Collide (Part 1)
When Worlds Collide (Part 2)
The Wëather Witćh
Špirit Journëy
Thë Whitë Taišša
Lone Mage And Cubs
The Wasteland Warrior
The Impossible Desert
The Curse Of Saskia McTavish
The Crypt of Lucine
The Victoria Experiment
Monsters Among Us!
Wanted: Jinx And Crystallia
The Shadow Walks Again!
The Big Blowout
K-5: Loud House (Part 1)
K-5: Loud House (Part 2)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 1)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 2)
The Key To The Lost Treasure
The Jewel Of The Great Power
Legend of the Dark Son
A K-5 Christmas Caper
Mages Forever (Part 1)
Mages Forever (Part 2)
Upcoming Books

Aliens Seen In New York!

69 1 0
By LeslieHowell021

Samara and Whitman walked through the abandoned building with their flashlights on a dark night. They are investigating reports of a "diamond woman" in an article of a magazine that Whitman was holding in her hand.

"Very strange." Whitman said as she stared at the magazine article. "Leia and Kale were tracking this creature, but it mysteriously vanished."

"Here I thought it was just some knock-off." Samara said. "I'm pretty sure those humans didn't think one of us was a diamond person."

Suddenly, Samara and Whitman heard glass footsteps coming out of nowhere.

"Is that Mala and Amber?" Samara asked.

"They're searching the south side of the city, so it can't be them. Silver's checking through tunnels. Plus, neither of them could walk like that." Whitman pointed out. She lifted her left wrist bracelet to project a small holographic screen and examined the area. "I can track its movement."

"What'cha got?" Samara asked again.

"I found it, but it's getting closer." Whitman replied, looking at the tracking screen. "It's almost as if it's entire energy source was somewhat of an...alien!"

Then, that so-called alien smashed the wall on the right side of the room that made both Samara and Whitman freeze in place. Two mage mutants backed farther away from the wall. Their eyes widened wide in shock when a slender woman came out from the broken wall. Her entire skin was covered by flexible organic diamond. She has long black wavy hair and violet-blue eyes. She wore a black leather halter neck top that showed off her midriff with pale blue trims, black leather pants with pale blue fingerless gloves that covered up to her upper arms with pale blue wrist platlets, and black knee-high combat boots.

"Incredible." Whitman gasped surprisingly. "She's real, after all."

"My mission is to find the mutaters on this planet." The diamond alien spoke with a calm feminine tone in her voice. "So do me a solid favor and stay out of my business."

"Sorry, but your business ends here." Samara said with narrow eyes.

"Go ahead and attack me so I can counter both of you." The diamond alien said with a smile.

Samara concentrated on her powers and released a violent lightning-charged tornado to swirl around the diamond alien, but the female alien dodged out of the attack and charged forward to deliver a strong punch from her left fist at the feline mage mutant's stomach. Samara glared angrily at the female alien and dashed forward to fire several arrow-like blasts of electrical energy at her, but the diamond alien rushed towards Samara at high speed and slammed the feline mage mutant to the wall with her diamond kick. Samara groaned in pain while lying on the ground unconsciously.

"That's what happens when you interfere with my mission." The diamond alien said sternly.

"Alien or not, you are no match against me!" Whitman declared.

Whitman turned herself completely invisible and lifted her wrist bracelets to fire laser beams at the diamond alien, who quickly dodged and held up her arms above her head to slam them down on the chameleon mage mutant that knocked her straight to the ground.

The victorious diamond alien looked around to see Samara and Whitman being badly injured on the ground.

"Sorry, but I have to keep going." The diamond alien said firmly.

The diamond alien walked out of the building and strolled quietly into the city streets.


In the Crete Fortress, the K-5 sat on the couch in the living room. They were preparing to watch the final episode of Fujita Des Cartes on DVD. Talia put the DVD in the DVD player and walked over to sit between Kirana and Ariana.

"Yes, the final episode is finally here." Talia said with a beaming smile.

"You do realize that Camilla's going to go nuts if we watch the Fujita Des Cartes episode finale without her, Talia." Ezra reminded.

"Oh, please." Talia scoffed. "It's her idea to go out patrol tonight. So, sucks to be her."

Ariana snickered and Kirana rolled her eyes. Talia picked up the remote to turn on the TV.

The three mage kunoichis and one mage ninja watched as the Cartes Squad took a few strikes with their main weapons at a large metallic silver four-headed hydra. One hydra fired a massive continuous laser beam from its mouth and the other two dragon then fired individual laser bolts from their mouths, sending the four playing card-themed superheroines flying away from it. Amelia, Nuala, Milina, and Lilith have their eyes widened in shock and disbelief for the hydra's powers. They gave each other nods and charged forward to attack the dragon with their weapons. Amelia, Nuala, Milina, and Lilith charged forward and jumped high into the air above the hydra. They drew out gigantic playing cards from their hands down and annihilated the hydra into nothingness with four massive lasers from the card symbols. After the final battle was over, the Cartes Squad leaped back down to the ground and cheered happily for the victory, which the caption showed "The End".

Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra's eyes widened wide in surprise.

"Okay, wow." Talia said incredulously. "After all of those battles, they actually won against the hydra threat?"

"I know, right?" Ariana agreed. "But that was the best episode I've ever seen."

Suddenly, Kirana's K-Phone began ringing from her waist belt and took it out to check the caller id with wide eyes.

"Is that who I think it is?" Ariana asked.

"Yup, it's Camilla! Be cool!" Kirana exclaimed. She pressed the green button and answered the call. "Hey, girl. How's it going?"

Outside, Camilla stood the edge of the building rooftop with her K-Phone in her left hand. She got dressed herself in her spirit quest outfit. Ever since she's on Lady Shade patrol, she quickly became very suspicious that her siblings have watched the final Fujita Des Cartes episode without her.

"Don't tell me you four watched the Fujita Des Cartes finale while I'm bored on patrol?" Camilla asked through the cell phone.

"What? Of course not." Kirana responded quickly. "There's no way we would miss that incredible epsiode without you."

"Well, that's good. After this stupid patrol, I'll be there." Camilla said. "You four better count on it."

Camilla hung up her K-Phone and started looking on the street, but she was interrupted when she got a text message coming up in her K-Phone.

"Camilla. We need your help now." Camilla said as she was reading the text message.

Camilla gasped as she recognized that text message fond was coming from the brains of the Amazons.

"Whitman?" Camilla murmured.

Camilla put her K-Phone away in her waist belt and jumped down off the rooftop to search for Whitman throughout the city.


After few minutes of tracking down Whitman with a hint of magic, Camilla dashed herself into the building main room as she quickly found slightly dazed Whitman and an unconscious Samara on the floor.

"Whitman! Samara!" Camilla called out. She approached the two mage mutants and helped them out on their feet. "What the heck happened?"

"That diamond woman on the magazine article is actually real, but she was gone when she attacked the both of us." Whitman replied weakly.

"So you're saying some woman made out of diamonds knocked out both you and Samara?" Camilla asked.

"That woman was not from this world. She's beyond extraordinary." Whitman responded.

"She's an alien." Samara said as she sat up abruptly.

Camilla's eyes widened by the word "alien" as she started to walk back to the building exit.

"Uh, Camilla, where are you going?" Samara asked.

"I'm going to find the one who beat you girls up and I'm going to return the favor by doing the same thing." Camilla declared as she slowly cracked her knuckles.

"Please, be careful." Whitman advised. "She's extremely dangerous and incredibly strong."

"Yeah, strong like a wrecking ball." Samara added with a moan.

"Got it." Camilla said with a nod. "You two need to get back to the fortress so my mother can heal you back to strength."

Camilla exited out of the building to find the diamond alien alone.


Back in the Crete Fortress, Ariana paced back and forth in the living room with her K-Phone in her ear. Kirana stood next to Ezra and Talia, who was sitting on the couch with Ariana's laptop. Then, Ariana hung up her K-phone.

"That's weird. Camilla's not picking up her phone." Ariana said to Kirana. "Maybe she's in trouble."

"Any luck, Talia?" Kirana asked Talia.

"Nope. Every Fujita Des Cartes fan sites say that really was the last episode with five star reviews." Talia replied exasperatedly. "What a surprise."

Kirana, Ariana, and Ezra glared in front of Talia.

"I meant about Camilla." Kirana said. She and Ariana looked to the laptop. "But seriously, they are making a movie about the show, right?"

"Girls, can we please focus on our sister?" Ezra asked, impatiently.

Suddenly, the three mage kunoichis and one mage ninja saw Whitman walking through the opening portal and carrying Samara on her back. She set the feline mage mutant down the floor as she grunted with exhaustion before laying down the floor as well.

"Whitman, what happened?" Ezra asked as he and his older sisters ran over to their friends.

"Did you mention something about a diamond alien as in strange mineral woman from the news?" Ariana asked.

"She may be strange, but she is real and more powerful than you could ever think of." Whitman replied. "We both know that Camilla can fight that alien alone."

"And that hothead is about to get herself into a world of hurt." Samara said as she looked at Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra.


Inside the empty warehouse, Camilla found many footprints leading to the diamond alien's trail.

"Why would a diamond woman stay hidden from plain sight?" Camilla wondered as she continued down the tunnel.

Camilla came into a huge empty room with lights on everywhere on the ceiling as she found the place peacefully quiet. She immediately looked up to see someone that got her full attention. The diamond alien walked freely down the walls without falling and stood towards the red mage kunoichi.

"What the heck are you?" Camilla questioned.

"My name is Domino." The diamond alien said. "I have orders on this planet. But if you're planning to stop me, then you'll regret finding me here."

"Back off, Diamond-head!" Camilla demanded as she quickly summoned out her gauntlets and got into her fighting stance. "You don't want to fight me!"

Domino smirked and swiped her swift leg at Camilla, who quickly dodged just in time to jump high and fired her rocket gauntlets down at the diamond alien. Camilla landed right behind Domino after her gauntlets rocketed back to her hands. Domino flung out a beam of pale blue energy from her left palm to hit the position where Camilla was standing minutes ago.

"Okay listen, girl." Camilla said. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Then, you shouldn't have gotten in my way." Domino said. "Those mutators are very close from here and I need to stop them."

As Domino began running into the red mage kunoichi, Camilla held up her gauntlets to protect herself from the diamond impact that sent them both crashing into two walls to another room before the red mage kunoichi jumped away from the diamond alien.

"Whoa, she's a lot faster than I imagined." Camilla breathed.

Camilla quickly avoid being punched and kicked several times from Domino. She charged forward and punched hard at the diamond alien a few times with her gauntlets only to see that her weapons weren't doing anything to her. Domino then slammed her fists down to the floor and created a column of pale blue energy at Camilla, who went flying against the air and landed hard on the floor in pain. Camilla immediately sat up and ran away to avoid getting attacked with a small gasp.

"Getting scared, huh?" Domino said mockingly.

"Oh, I'll show you how scary I am!" Camilla snapped.

Camilla pounded her gauntlet fist to the ground and a hail of red energy boulders crashing up on Domino, but that attack didn't hit a finger on her.

"You're wasting my time." Domino smirked.

Domino surrounded herself in pale blue energy and charged forward to tackle Camilla, who fell down to the ground and looked up just in time to see a fist coming toward her face that she quickly grabbed with her gauntlets.

"The Cristallum Empire will come to destroy the Kraang." Domino said as she continued to try to smash Camilla.

"Well, guess what? I hate the Kraang!" Camilla shouted. "My siblings and I have been fighting them ever since their arrival!"

"Really?" Domino asked in surprise.

"Yes, now get off my face." Camilla replied.

Domino got up and took a step back as she helped Camilla off the ground.

"It seems we have a common enemy." Domino said as she put her hands on her hips. "We'll work together to find the Kraang."

"Lead the way." Camilla said.

Domino nodded and walked to the exit of the warehouse.

"This day just keeps getting better and better." Camilla muttered happily as she started to follow Domino.


Back in the Crete Fortress, Kirana and Ariana watched as Talia was now searching on any franchise related to Fujita Des Cartes.

"Oh, yeah!" Talia announced as she looked at her older sisters and younger brother. "A Fujita Des Cartes movie is in few days! We have to get dress up for that!"

Ezra rolled his eyes with a smile.

Just then, Kirana's K-phone rang again and she took it out to answer it.

"Hey, guys, it's Camilla." Kirana said to Ariana, Talia, and Ezra before talking to Camilla through the phone. "Listen, we've been calling you for hours. Where are you?" Her eyes widened in shock. "What? You're where?"


Two hours later, three mage kunoichis and one mage ninja came to the exact same location that Camilla instructed them to go. Kirana opened the door to the empty building facility and the mages went inside.

"About time." Camilla said as she approached her sisters.

"Well, we're here. So what's this all about?" Ezra asked.

Camilla snapped her fingers as Domino came out from the shadows and stood next to the red mage kunoichi. Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra gasped as they took a step back.

"So, they are your siblings?" Domino asked.

"Yup." Camilla replied simply.

"O. M. G!" Talia gasped. "The diamond alien's real."

"And you're cool with her?" Ariana asked Camilla.

"Yup." Camilla answered as she pointed her thumb at Domino. "She likes kicking butts. Right, Domino?"

"You can say that." Domino said with a small smile.

"Hold on, Camilla." Kirana said. "You can't be serious. She has already beaten down two members of the Amazons!"

"Look, I'm sorry for harming your friends, but they were interrupting my mission." Domino said.

"Trust me, I'll explain on the way." Camilla said. "Lead us to the Kraang, Domino."

"What? The Kraang?" Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra shouted shockingly.

"Yes, the Kraang." Camilla said. "Domino can track them down."

Domino turned around to warm up a ball of pale blue energy in her hand as she walked forward to trace any presence of the Kraang with the K-5 followed behind her.

"You see, my spaceship crash landed a few months back." Domino explained. "I've been taking out every Kraang secret base ever since."

"You see? She's on our side." Camilla said. She looked to notice that Domino stopped her tracks. "What's up, Domino? You find something?"

"The mutators have been located." Domino said. "I may want to hold onto each other if I were you."

Domino blasted a beam of pale blue energy down to the ground, causing the entire floor underneath to collapse. The K-5 and Domino immediately fell down through the hole that lead them straight into a Kraang lab.

"Told you so." Camilla said to Kirana.

The K-5 quickly summoned out their weapons to face the Kraang, who got their blasters aimed at them.

"It's the ones called the K-5." One of the Kraang droids spoke. It's voice began to shiver in fear when it saw Domino. "And the one called cri...cri...cri...Cristallum!"

The Kraang droid tossed the blaster in the air and ran off out of the lab.

"Kraang, destroy them for Kraang." Another Kraang droid said.

The Kraang droids started to fire pink energy blasts at the K-5 and Domino, but the team moved out of the way and jumped into action. With Domino's help, the K-5 dodged the laser blasts and took out the entire Kraang droids very easily with their weapons. But during the battle, Ariana was actually working on the Kraang screens so she can track other Kraang locations.

"You were awesome back there, Domino!" Camilla smiled at the diamond alien.

"Really?" Domino said as if she haven't been complemented by anyone before. She let out a smile at the red mage kunoichi. "Well, thank you, Camilla."

"I have to admit, I really do miss taking them down." Kirana said as she walked towards Camilla and Domino.

"Yeah, because I declared this battle honored by the Fujita Des Cartes." Talia said.

"You're still crazy about the episode finale?" Kirana asked Talia.

"Girls!" Ezra shouted.

"So you four did watch it! I knew it!" Camilla yelled as she moved close into Talia's face.

Domino quietly giggled by Camilla's anger at the orange mage kunoichi.

"Hey, guys!" Ariana said as she pressed her fingers on the Kraang screen a couple times. "I've finally pinpointed the Kraang's secret hideout."

As Ariana pressed the screen one last time, two pink swirly portals came up in front of the team.

"Whoa." Talia breathed.

"Do you think it could lead us to the Kraang?" Ariana wondered. "I say we test it first just in case."

"I'll test one." Ezra announced, before he stepped in the second portal.

"See anything?" Camilla asked.

"Wow, It's some kind of view point." Ezra replied from in the portal. "And it's pretty high."

Suddenly, the portal closed up leaving Ezra trapped in the unknown location. The K-5 and Domino gasped in shock.

"Ezra!" Camilla cried out as she was trying to find the opening button. "How do you open this thing?!"

"Ariana, can you open it back up?" Kirana asked.

"I can't, but I can pinpoint him." Ariana replied as she hacked into the Kraang computer screens. "Okay, he's still on Earth and in New York. The other portal should take us right to him."

"Alright then." Camilla said. She looked at the diamond alien with a grin. "Domino?"

"With pleasure." Domino grinned.

Domino sprinted herself right into the portal and Camilla turned around to notice that Ariana was glaring at her.

"What?" Camilla asked.

"Look, Camilla, you seriously need to recap that Domino is just some strange alien we know nothing about." Ariana reminded.

"So what?" Camilla said with a shrug. "She hates the Kraang as much as we do. No big deal. Now let's get Ezra."

Then, Camilla leapt through the portal. Talia let out a shrug and went through the portal. Kirana and Ariana exchanged concerned looks at each other as they followed their sisters through the portal.


The K-5 and Domino landed on the ground after the portal closed itself shut from behind.

"Got anything, Domino?" Camilla asked as she walked towards Domino.

"Your brother is at the top. He's alright. The Kraang are close." Domino replied as she scanned the area with her hand being enveloped in pale blue energy. "Coming from over..." She immediately pointed her finger up in front of her. "There!"

The K-5 collectively followed the diamond alien's finger and gasped as they looked up to the green colossal neoclassical sculpture that resembled as a robed female figure holding a torch and a tablet.

"That's the Kraang's secret hideout?" Kirana questioned shockingly.

"The Kraang are using the statue of liberty as a secret base this whole time?" Ariana said in astonishment.

"Now that's just wrong." Talia said.

"Nice job, Domino." Camilla said as she gave the diamond alien a thumbs-up. "First, we find Ezra and stop the Kraang. Ready for this?"

"Thought you'd never ask." Domino said with a nod.


At the head of the statue, Ezra climbed inside and saw a familiar mutant turtle. He walked up behind Vee, but she smirked playfully and noticed who was walking towards her.

"Hey Ezra." Vee grinned.

"Aw man, how'd you find out?" Ezra said, playfully.

"I heard you climbing in." Vee replied with a smirk.

"Oh, oops." Ezra joked with a smirk.

Vee and Ezra laughed and blushed when they looked at each other but they quickly looked away.

"Uh...hey. What's that?" Ezra said quickly changing the subject.

Vee and Ezra looked at a box of equipment but they tripped onto a wire and they both fell down the stairs. Vee quickly hid herself in her shell but Ezra didn't have a way to help himself as they both fell downstairs.


The K-5 and Domino entered inside the Statue of Liberty. They quietly walked up on the steps and saw four familiar mutants and a giant triceratop hiding on the steps.

"Leo?" Kirana whispered.

The mutants and the giant triceratop turned around to face the mage kunoichis and the diamond alien.

"Kirana? What are you doing here?" Leo whispered back in surprise.

"We came here to find out why the Kraang are using the statue as their secret base." Kirana replied. Her eyes caught at the sight of the giant triceratop in shock and she noticed that the Turtles' younger sister wasn't with them. "Uh, who's that? And where's Vee?"

"This is Zog." Raph replied, touching the giant triceratop on the back. "Vee went into a portal and we're trying to find her here." His eyes caught at the sight of the diamond alien in surprise and he noticed that the K-5's younger brother wasn't with them. "But who's that? And where's Ezra?"

"This is Domino, Ezra went to a portal as well and we're here to find him." Camilla responded. "She helped us get here."

"Hate to break up the meet and greet, but the Kraang?" Domino said, pointing her finger at the alien robots.

Both heroic teams looked back at the large gateway portal that the Kraang opened up as if they are attempting to bring out the army on the other side to Dimension X.

"If they bring all those technodrome's through, we're all basically doomed." Donnie said.

"Make that totally doomed." Ariana remarked.

"Not on our watch." Kirana said. "Any ideas, Leo?"

"I've got a plan. Listen close because we've got to be precise about it." Leo said.

"Filthy Kraang. Horn's up." Zog interrupted.

Zog charged forward and went out to attack the nearest group of the Kraang droids as the Turtles, the K-5, and Domino were watching him taking out the alien robots.

"Triceratons are so terrible in strategies." Domino groaned.

"Well, you're telling us." Kirana sighed.

The Turtles and the K-5 took out their weapons as they charged forward to attack the Kraang droids with Domino following behind. Five Kraang droids jumped down and landed on the ground that surrounded Zog, who took them out easily with brute strength before smashing another Kraang suit droid's head.

"Empire to victory." Zog declared.

"You got to admit, he's good with his hands." Raph said to Leo.

Then, six Kraang droids jumped down and landed on the ground that surrounded Domino, who took them out easily by unleashing several pale blue whip-like energy blasts before creating a wide, multi-hitting pale blue energy burst towards the incoming Kraang droids.

"My skills are far more superior to your lame blasters." Domino said firmly.

"You tell 'em, Domino!" Camilla cheered.

Just then, one Kraang droid shot out a light red-orange energy blast that trapped Zog and Domino inside energy bubble together.

"Camilla, we've got to help them." Raph said to Camilla.

Camilla nodded as she and Raph ran over the energy bubble. Leo and Kirana ran behind their younger siblings, but they were caught dodging several pink energy blasts from the Kraang droids. Mikey and Talia were covering Donnie and Ariana against the Kraang droids as the purple masked turtle and the purple mage kunoichi were working on shutting down the gateway portal.

"Almost cracked the encryption and then they can kiss their portal goodbye." Donnie said.

"Permanently." Ariana added.

Two Kraang droids aimed their laser guns to blast Zog and Domino, but Raph jumped over the bubble to send his sai into one alien robot while Camilla slid under the bubble to punch her gauntlet fist hard into the other alien robot.

"We'll get you two out of there." Raph said.

A Kraangdroid prepared to blast Raph and Camilla but Vee and Ezra came falling from the stairs and landed on top of the Kraangdroid. Vee popped her head, arms, and legs out of her shell and groaned while Ezra rubbed his head.

"Do you guys have any apple slices?" Vee asked.

"Oh, this has got bruise written all over it." Ezra groaned.

Raph helped Vee up and Camilla did the same with Ezra. Raph slightly rolled the bubble for Camilla to get to the device that had activated the energy bubble, which made her pull the top right off from the device.

"Wow, cool. Portable aliens." Camilla remarked.

Raph immediately took out his grappling gun and shot it up toward the top inside the tall statue. He offered his hand to Camilla, who took it and wrapped her arms around Raph's neck to hang on tight while he hold on to both the gun and the trapped aliens. Vee took out her grappling hook and shot it up to the top inside the statue. Ezra grabbed hold of the grappling hook and Vee wrapped her arms around Ezra's neck to hang on tight while he held onto the gun and held onto Vee's waist as they went up with their older siblings and alien friends.

"Raph, what are the you and Camilla doing?" Leo asked.

"We're going to take the crown!" Raph replied as he and Camilla are being pulled all the way to the top. "You guys try to shut down the portal from here!"

"We'll stay with them." Vee added.

"Good luck!" Kirana shouted.

As Raph and Camilla are going up to the top with Vee and Ezra following them, the Kraang droids began shooting pink energy blasts at them. But Camilla's eyes glowed bright red to cast out a red reflective energy force field that deflected every energy blasts to shot back at the Kraang droids, taking each one down in the process. After Raph, Camilla, Vee, and Ezra ascended the trapped Zog and Domino up to the crown of the statue, the rest of the team took out the remaining Kraang just when Donnie and Ariana have successfully shut down the portal. Leo, Kirana, Mikey, and Talia jumped up to meet up with their brainiac siblings.

"The portal is down." Donnie announced.

"No way they're opening that baby up." Ariana added confidently.

"What's this beacon he keeps talking about?" Leo asked.

"Beacons are usually used for tracking many locations." Kirana replied. "But why would Zog need one?"

Suddenly, Leo's T-phone began to ring and he took it out to answer it.

"Meet us in the crown." Raph said through the phone. "Zog found his old gear."


Inside the crown of the statue, Zog opened a case and reached out for the helmet. He put it on and the device released streams that allowed him to breathe, clearing out his mind in the process.

"At last. I can breathe again." Zog spoke in a deep voice.

"His voice changed." Vee whispered to Raph with a surprised expression. "What now?"

"It's time to bounce." Raph said.

Zog stood up and didn't respond to Raph's voice, making the red masked turtle roll his eyes in realization.

"Alright, fine. Commander Zoraph orders you to bounce." Raph said with a salute.

"Uh, Raph." Domino said sternly. "Did he ever mention that his equipment can help him clear his head?"

"Oh no." Camilla said nervously.

Immediately, Zog turned toward the five friends and blasted them unexpectedly with his laser pistol.


Just then, three mutant turtles and three mage kunoichis found the knocked out Raph, Camilla, Vee, and Ezra lying on the ground.

"Raph! Vee!" Donnie shouted.

"Camilla! Ezra!" Ariana shouted.

Raph, Camilla, Vee, and Ezra slowly woke up as they looked up to see their team looking down on them with concern faces.

"What happened?" Leo asked.

"Did you get Kraang'd up?" Mikey asked.

"I'll beat them with my whip fury if they did." Talia said.

"Zog found his old equipment and then he turned on us." Raph replied as he sat up. He looked up at his older brother. "You were right, Leo."

"And Zog took Domino with them." Camilla added as she sat up. She looked up at her older sister. "But she wasn't the bad alien, Kirana."

"You already proved to me that she wasn't and I respect that." Kirana said with a smile.

"Happens to the best of us." Leo assured.

"Now it's time to take care of business." Vee said.

"I agree with Vee." Ezra concurred.

"Alright, let's find Zog and save Domino." Kirana said firmly.


Outside, Zog was climbing to the very top of the statue to activate the beacon he's been talking about. Domino was tied up on his back, but her eyes widened when she saw the Turtles and K-5 climbing up on the statue. In a nick of speed, Raph and Camilla got up to the aliens first. Vee and Ezra stood by their second oldest siblings.

"Hey Zog, you're not sore about the whole, you know, commander Zoraph thing, are you?" Raph asked.

"Commander Zoraph? Really?" Camilla said with a raised eyebrow.

"Zoraph is still a stupid name." Vee noted.

"She's right, you know." Ezra agreed.

"No." Zog answered with a small growl. "I expect such treachery from the likes of Earth. We Triceratons pride ourselves on loyalty and honor much like the Cristallums. You Earth dwellers are full of lies and deceit."

"Hey!" Mikey protested as he and the rest of both teams appeared around the triceratop alien. "Who you calling Earth dweller?"

"Yeah, that was pretty uncalled for!" Talia snapped.

"Look man, I'm sorry. But you were kind of being a jerk and I had to chill you out somehow." Raph explained as he and Camilla hopped off from the edge of the staute crown and walked towards Zog to point his finger at the small triangular device in Zog's hand. "What exactly are you doing with that bomb looking thing?"

"That better not be a bomb." Camilla said threateningly.

"It's not a bomb." Ezra announced as he observed the device.

"That's the beacon you were talking about, isn't it?" Vee asked. "What are you going to use it for?"

"You are right, it's a signal beacon." Zog responded. "To signal the Triceraton Empire's armada to come and wipe out this Kraang infested planet."

"You're gonna eliminate Earth?!" Vee gasped.

"What?!" Raph exclaimed.

"And as for the Cristallum, she will signal her empire armada to help the Triceratons." Zog added as he looked at Domino.

"The Cristallum Empire will rid the Kraang, but we will not destroy the living life forms on this planet." Domino said. "Triceratons are barbarians to my people."

"Yeah, what she said! Now, you better let her go!" Camilla demanded.

"Or we'll let you keep your horns." Ezra threatened.

Without saying more words, Zog slammed his massive arm down hard onto Raph and delivered a strong punch hard onto Camilla's stomach. Vee charged at Zog but he kicked her down. Ezra went over to help Vee but Zog kicked him to the turquoise masked turtle. Domino gasped and immediately untied herself to check on her friends, but Zog quickly grabbed her arm tightly.

"Where do you think you're going?" Zog asked.

"Anywhere but here." Domino replied sternly.

Domino unleashed a powerful pale blue energized punch that hit Zog's face, causing the triceratop alien to release the diamond alien from his grasp. Before Zog can make a move on Domino, Leo and Kirana leapt toward him as they started to fight him with their weapons.

"You can stop the Kraang without destroying the planet, you madman!" Leo said.

"Many humans and mages live and cherish this planet!" Kirana added.

Unfortunately, Leo's swords and Kirana's twin tessen have no effect on the triceratop alien. Zog tossed both Leo and Kirana in the air with his horn. Mikey tossed his kusarigama chain and Talia tossed her whip straight to Zog, but the triceratop alien suddenly caught them in his hand and twirled them around in rapid speed before sending them flying right into the falling Leo and Kirana.

"Zog." Donnie said. "Think about what our species could learn from each other."

"Donnie's right, Zog." Ariana agreed. "We can stop the Kraang as a team."

Donnie twirled his bo staff to block the chain in Zog's hand while Ariana delivered a series of purple energy slashes from her staff at Zog, but the giant triceratop alien charged himself at the purple masked turtle and the purple mage kunoichi that sent them falling off the statue crown.

"I know all I need to know about your planet." Zog said as he continued to climb up to the statue torch. "You all let the Kraang run rampant, jeopardizing the safety of the entire galaxy. I see no reason to spare you."

"Cause we're friends, Zog." Raph said as he, Camilla, and Domino stood on the staute torch banister with firm looks on their faces. Vee and Ezra climbed up to help them.

"Friends?" Zog questioned.

Zog swiped a massive arm at Raph, but the red masked turtle jumped out of the way. Zog then slammed his other massive arm at Camilla and Domino, but the red mage kunoichi and the diamond moved out of the way. Vee and Ezra made it to the top and avoided Zog's punches.

"Raph helped you when no one else could." Vee reasoned.

"We made a good team." Raph said. "Just like Camilla and Domino."

Domino's eyes widened and looked at Camilla as if she's asking the red mage kunoichi for the truth. Camilla knew that look and nodded her head with a smile as a response.

"We stopped the Kraang together." Raph continued as he paced Zog. "Don't do this, man. Don't do this to our world."

"If you destroy this planet, then you'll wipe out billions of innocent lives. People, Mutants, and Mages who live here will die on this planet if it it destroyed." Ezra pleaded.

"Enough!" Zog bellowed.

Zog shot three blasts at Raph with his pistol, who dodged each blast coming in his way as the fourth one forced the red masked turtle to jump off and used his grappling hook to catch himself back up to the statue torch safely. Vee dodged the blasts from the pistol but she got knocked off, luckily Raph was able to catch his sister. Camilla launched herself forward to deliver a long flurry of powerful brutal punches at Zog, who was using his massive arms to punch the red mage kunoichi hard to the ground. Ezra charged at Zog with his shield but Zog managed to knock him down to Camilla. Domino swiftly flung out a beam of pale blue energy at Zog, but the triceratop alien swung his large right arm and hit Domino in the chest that sent her flying onto Camilla. Zog threw the activated beacon up in the air to be activated, but Raph quickly swung around and send out two shurikens to destroy the beeping beacon followed by Vee shooting an arrow at the beacon, successfully destroying it. Raph and Vee landed on the torch by their friends.

"It's over, Zog." Vee declared with a glare.

"You fools." Zog snarled.

"I'm sorry I lied to you, Zog." Raph said. "But I can't let you invade our world."

"Me two." Camilla said as she stood on the right side of the red masked turtle.

"Me three." Domino said as she stood on the left side of the red masked turtle.

"We all will." Vee added as she stood by Camilla.

"We stand together." Ezra noted as he stood by Domino.

"I'll squash you all." Zog said.

Zog charged his way towards Raph, Camilla, Vee, Ezra, and Domino. But when the five friends jumped over him, Zog instantly fell over the railing and clinged himself to the outside of the torch by one hand.

"Zog! Zog, take my hand!" The red masked turtle said as he ran over to see Zog dangling to his dear life.

Camilla and Domino ran on the either side of Raph as they looked down to watch the giant triceratop alien staring at the red masked turtle's offering hand. Vee stood by Camilla and Ezra stood by Domino. Zog stared at the five friends up with a firm look on his face.

"Long live the Triceraton Empire." Zog said.

Zog released his grip and started falling down from the statue. Vee gasped in shock and covered her mouth while Ezra widened his eyes in shock.

"No! NO!" Raph hollered.

Camilla and Domino gasped in terror as they watched Zog plummeted down to his doom and disappeared in the fog, making the five friends hard to tell where he really hit on.

"I'm so sorry, Raph." Vee said as she hugged her brother and Raph wrapped his arm around his sister.

"It's alright, Raph." Camilla said softly as she put her arms around the red masked turtle's neck with comfort. "We know that you were trying to help him."

"Sorry, Raph." Leo said as he approached his red masked brother, the turquoise masked turtle, the red mage kunoichi, the teal mage ninja, and the diamond alien. "But at least we stopped the Kraang."

"And Zog's signal, thank goodness." Donnie added as he appeared on the torch ground with Mikey, Talia, Ariana, and Kirana.

"That's for sure." Ariana said.

"Thankfully, the beacon was destroyed before it could reach out the signal for the Triceraton Empire." Kirana said firmly.

"Yeah, and on the bright side we don't have to worry about an invasion of space dinosaurs." Mikey chimed in.

"And Domino is a good alien who helped us against that invasion with her empire." Talia added.

"Let's hope another invasion doesn't come by." Ezra said.

"I hope not." Raph said softly as he looked up at the dark sky.

"Hey, are you okay?" Camilla asked the silent diamond alien.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Domino replied with a nod. "I just finished sending the signal to the empire in time. Hopefully, they can get here on time."


Fortunately, the signal that Domino had sent telepathically came up from the large supercomputers that one of the Cristallums have picked up.

"Master, we have received the telepathic signal." The Cristallum commander reported. "It is deep in sub-sector 919837 on an unevolved third world planet called Earth."

The Cristallum leader stared firmly at the computer screen that has a full clear image of Earth.

"Take us to Earth, Commander." The Cristallum leader ordered. "We must proceed before the Triceratons do."

At the leader's commands, the Cristallum Empire spaceships began soaring through the galaxies on their destination to Earth.

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