K-5 (Full)

Por LeslieHowell021

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When five mages emerge into the world of New York, they discover big threats that only they themselves can so... Más

Rise Of The Mages (Part 1)
Rise Of The Mages (Part 2)
Mage Temper
New Friend, Old Enemy
Iron Donna
Reptile Brains
Beware of Sapphire
The Darkness
Panic at the Fortress
Nano Attack!
It Came From The Haunting Building
Mage or Monster
New Boys In Town
Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer and Sandra!
Lizard Terminator
Donna's Gambit
Enemy Of My Enemy
Kuro's Partnership
Sandra Returns
Operation: Detention Breakout
Showdown (Part 1)
Showdown (Part 2)
Mutation Situation
Invasion of the Bats
Follow the Ice
Sandra Unleashed!
Talia Gets Sonically
Target: Casey Jones
Samara and Destroy
The Good, The Bad, And Casey Jones
The Kraang Conspiracy
Rosa Galicia
Phantom Upgraded
Of Golem and Women
The Manhattan Project (Part 1)
The Manhattan Project (Part 2)
Accel and Mages
Donna's Nevermore
Newtralized and Nebulous!
The Wrath of Tigress
Legendary Kuraun
Project EVE
Vengance Will Be Mine
A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X
The Invasion (Part 1)
The Invasion (Part 2)
Deep Within The Woods
A Fierce Dagger
Buried Secrets
Invasion Of The Punkz Catz
In Dreams
Race With The Demon!
Powers of the Shagon
Spirit Journey
Return To New York
Wolf Hunt
The Crystal and the Luck
Battle For New York (Part 1)
Battle For New York (Part 2)
Casey Jones Vs The Underworld
The Witch Avenger
Clash of the Amazons
The Deadly Bite
Mages In Time
Tales of the Mages
Attack of the Mega Shade!
The Venus Doom
The Fourblind Trap
Aliens Seen In New York!
Annihilation Earth (Part 1)
Annihilation Earth (Part 2)
Beyond the Majestic Universe
The Planet of Hegemon
The Crazy World Of Gerti
The Plant Mistress Jade!
Riddle Of The Ancient Sword
Journey To The Center Of Talia's Mind
The Lab of Mosaic
The War In Dimension X
The Ghostly Gaean
Trans-Dimensional K-5
Wrath of the Hydnora
The Evil Of The Witches Seven
The Ever-Lasting Battle
Earth's Last Stand
City At War
Broken Foot and Broken Shadow
The Saiba Lacerta
Mage Gangland
Fleura du Mal
Lady Shadestrike
Darkest Plight
The Power Inside Them
Kùbào VS the Scientists
The Tale of Tigress
Scroll Of The Demodragon
The Forgotten Mage
The Hearts Of Evil
End Times
When Worlds Collide (Part 1)
When Worlds Collide (Part 2)
The Wëather Witćh
Špirit Journëy
Thë Whitë Taišša
Lone Mage And Cubs
The Wasteland Warrior
The Impossible Desert
The Curse Of Saskia McTavish
The Crypt of Lucine
The Victoria Experiment
Monsters Among Us!
Wanted: Jinx And Crystallia
The Shadow Walks Again!
The Big Blowout
K-5: Loud House (Part 1)
K-5: Loud House (Part 2)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 1)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 2)
The Key To The Lost Treasure
The Jewel Of The Great Power
Legend of the Dark Son
A K-5 Christmas Caper
Mages Forever (Part 1)
Mages Forever (Part 2)
Upcoming Books

Meet Verona Salamander

36 1 0
Por LeslieHowell021

In the Crete Fortress, Talia and Pink Hallow are watching the new episode of Fujita Des Cartes in her bedroom. But Talia has fallen into the world of boredom that not even the Fujita Des Cartes show was cheering her up.

"I can't believe how bored I am!" Talia said with a groan as Pink Hallow hopped on her back. "But you know what, Pink Hallow? I need to cure my boredom fast."

Talia entered inside the dojo and watched Kirana practicing her traditional Japanese martial art skills.

"I would love to hang out with you, Talia." Kirana smiled. "But I'm practicing the art of Aiki. Wanna join me?"

"No thanks. I'm good." Talia replied.

Talia walked up the stairs and peeked her head into Camilla's room. Camilla sat cross-legged on the floor and had set up a ring of chalices and lighted candles as she was casting one of her spells from her spellbook in her hands. On the last word, the thick tendrils of red energy streamed up behind her that stretched up to the ceiling and nearly the full length of the room until a ball of red light formed above her and floated itself toward the ceiling. Once the red energy ball stopped, it crackled for a moment and busted into a brilliant red version of the giant dragon, hovering in the starry sky as several fireworks exploded around it.

Then, Camilla sensed that someone was watching her doing one of her spells and turned around to detect Talia behind her door.

"Get out, Talia! You're ruining my concentration!" Camilla shouted angrily.

Without saying a word, Talia quickly ran away from Camilla's bedroom door as Camilla was looking back at her book.

Talia walked inside the lab and sat on the chair next to Ariana.

"Sorry, Talia, but I can't hang out today. I'm booked today because I'm still looking for a retromutagen for Kuro." Ariana explained as she was typing her fingers on the computer keyboard. "You see, if I can reverse engineer the main chemical sequence, I think I can ignite the kind of reaction needed to re-write..."

Talia groaned and stomped out of the lab as she doesn't take the pleasure of listening to Ariana's scientific research.

Talia went to Ezra's bedroom.

"Sorry Talia, I'm busy with fixing up Norbit. He got a lot of water in his circuits." Ezra said.

"It's okay, Ezra. I'll find something to do." Talia said before she left.

She sat on the couch into the living room and sighed in boredom until suddenly she felt her K-Phone vibrating in her waist belt. She quickly took it out and stared at the screen. She got a text message from Mikey!

"Hey, Talia. Wanna hang out with me and Casey?" Talia read.

Talia's eyes sparkled with happiness as she snapped her fingers to conjure up her orange skates and exited the fortress.


Outside, Talia hollered delightfully as she skated expertly on the rooftops around New York City to meet up with Mikey and Casey until she heard a loud, exciting scream of a rough feminine voice.

"Oh yeah, baby!"

Talia halted her skates and spotted a mage mutant demonstrating excellent skills on her skates from the opposite side of the building rooftops. It was a female teenaged mutant salamander! She has thin sea green reptilian skin, long jet black hair tied in two pigtails with dark green hair ties, and bluebell eyes. She wore a black long-sleeved shirt underneath a dark gray tank top patterened with lime green fabric snake starting from her shoulders and coiling around her arms, black jean shorts with green stitching and black lace at the cuffs, and black socks with two green horizontal stripes. She also wore a black helmet and black rollerblades with gray cuffs and lime green stitching. But her excellent skating skills on traveling high speeds on the rooftops had made the orange mystic kunoichi completely impressed.

"Whoa! Another mage mutant? She's totally awesome!" Talia exclaimed. "I've got her the perfect name. Verona Salamander!"

"So, you're a mage, too, huh?"

Talia shrieked as she turned around and saw the mage mutant salamander standing behind right her on her black skates.

"Sup, I'm Tabitha. The most awesome pro skater in the world!" The mage mutant salamander introduced herself.

"Tabitha? Sounds boring to me." Talia said. "I like Verona Salamander better. I'm Talia. So you were a pro skater?"

"Kinda, but I'm cool enough to go pro." Verona said.

"But how did you become a salamander?" Talia asked.

"It all started last year I was skating my half-pipe. It was just me and my pet salamander, Sadie, when some crazy ooze fell out of the sky that turned me into the last thing I touched, my salamander. I totally became a salamander gal!" Verona explained. "But then, my parents kicked me out and I wounded up on the street, but it's all good! Because I found a shelter for me to rest."

"I feel totally responsible." Talia said with a frown.

"Why?" Verona asked.

"It's kinda sorta my fault with the mutagen spilling over all the city." Talia replied.

"Oh, that's okay." Verona grinned. "I'm used to this new form anyway. Wanna catch a few skates with me?"

"Sure!" Talia said happily.


Back in the Crete Fortress, Kirana and Camilla sat on the couch as they watched TV together while Ariana sat on the floor with her laptop. Ezra and Norbit sat on beanbag seats. Kirana used her aura sense around the fortress and realized that Talia was nowhere inside the place.

"Strange. Talia has been gone a while." Kirana said to her siblings and robot friend in worry. "Talia plus outside the city alone always equals trouble."

"Oh, come on. She'll be fine." Camilla said.

"Don't worry, I'll go find her." Ezra said as he got up.

"I will go with Ezra to help find Talia." Norbit said as he and Ezra went to the exit.

"Maybe Camilla is right, I mean what kind of trouble could Talia possibly get into?" Ariana agreed.


Later, Talia was too busy skating on the rooftops with Verona that she forgot about hanging out with Mikey and Casey. The girls were having a blast through the city with their high degree of agility until they stopped skating and saw a familiar trio of three females carrying large bags of money on the next rooftop.

"That's cruel, dude." Verona hissed angrily.

"Wanna knock some sense into them?" Talia asked with a smile.

"Love to." Verona smiled back.

Talia and Verona jumped down from the building rooftop as they fought against the Wuju Trio.

"What the? Decapre?" Talia said with a raised eyebrow.

"Wow, the kunoichi and the freak. Good combination to smash with." Decapre grinned.

The Wuju Trio charged forward to fight Talia and Verona, who looked at each other and put on a cocky grin. With fast speed, Talia and Verona took Decapre and the Wuju Twins with various moves. Then, they tied Decapre and the Wuju Twins up on top of the street pole down below.

"Wow, now that was cool." Verona grinned.

"Like a mage do." Talia said proudly.

Just then, Ezra and Norbit came in and noticed Talia with a new mutant.

"Ezra. Norbit. What's up, guys?" Talia smiled.

"We have been looking everywhere for you." Norbit said.

"And who's that?" Ezra asked, as he pointed to Verona.

"Oh, this is my new friend: Verona Salamander." Talia introduced. "Verona, that's my brother Ezra and my robot friend Norbit."

"Nice to meet you." Verona smiled. "Hey, I have a great idea! Let's hang out at my place." Verona suggested.

"Sure." Talia agreed.


Back in the Crete Fortress, Camilla and Ariana were playing on their handheld console against each other with Kirana watching between them. Suddenly, Camilla slammed her finger on a button that made her avatar player destroyed Ariana's avatar player with a powerful KO move. Ariana groaned for her loss of the fighting game.

"Oh yeah! In your face!" Camilla cheered as she broke down in her breakdancing victory dance. "Wanna give me some real competition, Talia?"

Camilla looked to notice that her youngest sister isn't inside the living room.

"Oh, right. She's gone." Camilla muttered.

"Okay, that's it." Kirana said. "Talia has been gone all night plus Ezra and Norbit haven't texted us anything and I'm worried about them."

"Oh please. Talia's a big girl. She can take care of herself. Ezra and Norbit are tough boys, they'll be fine." Camilla said.

Kirana and Ariana gave Camilla deadpan faces for what she just said.

"On a second thought, I'm gonna call her." Camilla said slowly.

Camilla took out her K-Phone and dialed Talia's phone number, but Talia isn't picking up the call.

"Talia's not picking up." Camilla said to Kirana and Ariana.

"Oh brother." Kirana groaned. "That means her signal is lost. And maybe Ezra and Norbit's signals are lost."

"Not really. Talia has only a strong signal I can track." Ariana said.


Meanwhile, Verona, Norbit, Ezra, and Talia arrived at the destination that appeared to be the sewers underneath the city. They climbed down to the steel ladder from the manhole cover and walked through the sewer tunnel.

"Whoa! You live in the sewers?" Talia gasped.

"Of course." Verona replied. "Madame Ghost has taken a lot of us mage mutants in with Mr. X."

"Who are Madame Ghost and Mr. X?" Norbit asked.

"Great people. They gave me a home and a job." Verona explained. "Maybe if they like you, they could give you a job as well."

"I already got a job." Talia smirked. "Being the best kunoichi there is!"

"It's close to being a mage ninja and future sorcerer." Ezra added.

"I am a robot companion." Norbit said.

As Talia, Ezra, and Norbit walked further through the tunnel, Talia and Ezra stopped themselves from walking and slowly sensed that something's not right. But it was too late for them to react. A steel trap cage fell down on Talia, Ezra, and Norbit from the ceiling. Unfortunately, Talia slowly reached her hand towards cage bars and screamed in surprise when she got zapped.

"It's a set up!" Ezra gasped.

"Excellent job, lizard." A familiar Korean voice spoke as she walked forward from the shadows. "You lured them right into my trap."

"Masque?" Talia gasped.

"That name is no longer exists in my life. I am Sapphire!" Masque said with a smirk. "But you can call me Madame Ghost."

"Verona, I thought you were my friend!" Talia shouted to Verona.

"How could you betray us like this?!" Ezra asked.

"I swear I didn't know about this!" Verona said as she put her hand up defensively.

"True, she didn't know." Masque said. "How predictable."

"So, what's your plan this time, Masque?" Talia demanded.

"It is simple economics, really. Mutants get entertained, Xever and I make money, everyone wins." Masque explained as she walked closer to the cage. "And you're going to be perfect on the race, you three."


Outside, the Sonicruiser was driving through the street with Kirana as the driver. Ariana and Camilla are sitting in their own position to track down.

"Girls, we're close." Ariana said to Kirana and Camilla. She looked back at the screen to see the signal getting weaker by the second. "Oh, that can't be good. The signal is gone."

"Wait, hold up, listen to this!" Camilla said.

Camilla turned on the speaker of the radio and the girls listened that the man on radio was reporting that the members of the Purple Dragons has the words "For cops, from Casey" written on one of their foreheads and the members of Wuju Trio have spray paint on their faces..

"Hold on! Casey?" Camilla exclaimed.

"Well, at least we know we're close." Ariana said. "Because I've got the signal from him. He's in the same location with Talia."

"Let's go!" Kirana said.


Meanwhile, Talia was groaning in desperation in her large cage while Ezra and Norbit were in boredom until Verona quietly snuck in the dark room.

"Verona?" Talia whispered.

"I'm so sorry about all of this, guys." Verona apologized. She moved her long prehensile tail to unlock the cage. "I'm definitely getting you three out of here."

Verona successfully unlocked the door and freed her friends, who walked out of the cage. Then suddenly, they dropped down to the darkness when a hatch opened on the floor from below. They screamed until they landed down near the center of the floor.

All of the bright spotlights illuminated the dark room, making Talia, Ezra, Norbit, and Verona stand on their feet. They saw Masque waking up towards them with a microphone in her hand.

"My dear Tabitha, you're helping the enemy escape?" Masque said with a sly smile. "Not very stealthy. But now, you and your friends are going to compete in the race."

Suddenly, Talia, Ezra, Norbit, and Verona looked up to see the dozens of mutants appearing in front of them from above. The mutants and the mage mutants were sitting down on their seats while cheering with excitement. Talia and Ezra only recognized the mage mutants that they and their older sisters fought.

"This can't be good, will it?" Verona asked Talia.

"Nope." Talia answered.

"It appears that we are at a race." Norbit said.

"A race?" Ezra asked.

"Looks like we've got two new competitors joining us in the X-treme Skate to the Death-a-thon 5000!" Masque announced through the microphone. "Meet tonight's racers! First, we have Talia, a member of the K-5! Next, we have Ezra, the male member of the K-5. Then, we have Norbit, a robot friend of the ninja boy. And Tabitha, the traitorous salamander girl to mage mutants everywhere!"

All of the mutant audience booed out loud to the orange mage kunoichi, teal mage ninja, robot friend, and salamander mage mutant.

"As Mr. X is the race against his opponent racing halfway through the race, I, Sapphire Kitamura, will gladly join the race against Talia, Ezra, Norbit, and Tabitha!" Masque said.

Masque's boots slowly transformed into a pair of white futuristic rocket-powered skates.

"I've seen Masque on skates. With that fast speed, we don't have a chance on beating her!" Verona whispered to Talia.

"Not to worry, Verona. We need a plan. Bring it in." Talia said.

Talia, Ezra, Norbit, and Verona huddled together as they whispered to each other and nodded their heads as they understood the plan to win the race. They stood behind the starting line with Masque. Viral stepped forward with a pistol in her hand, holding it high in the air.

"Time to start the race!" Viral shouted. "Ready...Set...Go!"

As Viral fired the pistol, the race was on. But Masque's skates was super powered that made her twice as fast as Talia and Verona. Unfortunately; Talia, Ezra, Norbit, and Verona weren't giving up that easily as they sped up behind the ghostly mage mutant on their skates. They immediately spotted an orange mutant turtle, a turquoise masked turtle, a half human half wolf mutant girl, a cool leopard gecko, and a human vigilante in the race as they quickly caught up to them to defeat Masque and Fishface. The nine heroes had to deal with numerous traps that Fishface and Masque activated after skating past them. Thanks to their amazing agility, Mikey, Talia, Vee, Ezra, Macey, Norbit, Mondo, Verona, and Casey got pass through magnets, pools of piranhas, and arrows shooting out of the walls. When the heroes got to the oil slick, Mikey and Talia had an idea for that. They spun around rapidly together before hurling Mondo and Verona ahead. That extra momentum helped the gecko mutant and the salamander mage mutant caught up to both Xever and Sapphire as they clotheslined them with his skateboard and her skates. As Casey got stuck in a trap for a bit, he looked at the skaters as if two mutants, one mage mutant, and one mage kunoichi are battling for the win. He skated off the trap and used his slap shot skills to propel Mondo into the race with his hockey stick, causing the gecko boy's tongue and the salamander girl's tail to get to the finish line first.

"Yes!" Mikey and Talia cheered as they gave out high-fives to each other.

Casey skated to his eight friends in their outstanding victory as they faced the defeated Fishface and Masque. Casey hit Fishface with his baseball bat.

"And that was for kidnapping my friend in the alley." Casey said before he and Vee high fived.

"No no! You cheaters! You are hideous examples of bad sportsmanship!" Fishface barked.

"You're the one who cheated. No rocket boosts in a real race." Vee snapped.

"And no traps in a real race too!" Ezra added.

"Yo, we didn't cheat! We looked out for each other." Verona snapped at Fishface and Masque.

"You told me, on the street it's every mutant for himself. Well, you're wrong, dude! Friends don't let friends get kicked off of buildings!" Mondo said.

"Jason, Tabitha! You two are traitors!" Masque growled.

"My name is Mondo Gecko!" Mondo corrected.

"And my name is Verona Salamander!" Verona added.

Mondo tried a goofy attack at Fishface, but only to get a punch to stop him.

"Seriously?" Fishface asked. "Is that all you got?"

Macey's wolf ears picked up something and she widened her eyes.

"You might wanna brace yourselves for impact." Macey warned.

Everyone unexpectedly heard a loud motor revving from the walls and two homemade vehicles arrived that prevented Fishface and Masque from taking out their frustration on the other racers. Leo, Raph, Donnie, and April jumped out of the Shellraiser while Kirana, Camilla, and Ariana jumped out of the Sonicruiser.

"Right, Raph, doesn't look like they got into any trouble at all." Leo said sarcastically to Raph.

"Looks like we got here just in time." Kirana said dryly to Camilla.

"You haven't heard the last of me, Turtles!" Fishface said threateningly.

"You will feel my wrath the next time we meet, K-5!" Masque added sinisterly.

As Fishface and Masque laughed evilly, Verona created pure marble-sized hunter green orbs of plasma fiery-like energy and tossed them to explode the evil mutants with concussive force that led Masque and Fishface getting crunched by their own traps repeatedly.


Back to the crowd, all of Shredder's and Shade's minions watched the repeated humiliation of Fishface and Masque. They all booed and grumbled as they took their leave out of the sewers.

"Should've bet on yellow." Rahzar mumbled.

"You and me both." Galva agreed.


The Turtles and the K-5 gathered around Mondo and Verona.

"Aw, and who's this lil' guy?" April said as she bended down to Mondo. "He's so cute."

Ariana noticed that Casey and Donnie didn't took the word "cute" on Mondo very well, making her roll her eyes in annoyance.

"You ain't so bad yourself, sweetheart." Mondo said in a flirty tone.

April looked at the mutant in disgust when Mondo licking his eyeballs with his tongue as Ariana snickered under her breath, while Vee and Macey looked away in disgust. Ezra and Norbit went to their side and looked away as well.

"Oh, did not need to see that." Vee groaned.

"Same here, Vee." Ezra added.

"Mr. X isn't your boss anymore, Jason. You're free." Mikey said to the mutant gecko.

"I'm free?" Mondo asked in surprise.

"Gotta admit, you're a pretty cool little gecko dude, dude." Casey admitted.

"Thanks. You guys are the best!" Mondo smiled.

"You're free too, Verona. Madame Ghost can't tell you to do the wrong things anymore." Talia said to Verona. "Also, I like the way you make those explosive orb bombs at them too."

"That I'm relieved." Verona smirked. "Plus, I can psionically create pure explosive orbs of fiery plasma energy in any form of spheres from marbles to large beach balls."

"So, Mikey can I say booyakasha sometimes?" Mondo asked Mikey.

"As long as I can say cowabunga once in a while." Mikey agreed. "Like right now!"

"Cowabunga!" Mikey and Mondo shouted in rock star poses.

"Boys will be boys." Talia grinned.

"You say it." Verona grinned back.

Vee and Ezra chuckled and smiled for their siblings with their new friends.

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