K-5 (Full)

بواسطة LeslieHowell021

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When five mages emerge into the world of New York, they discover big threats that only they themselves can so... المزيد

Rise Of The Mages (Part 1)
Rise Of The Mages (Part 2)
Mage Temper
New Friend, Old Enemy
Iron Donna
Reptile Brains
Beware of Sapphire
The Darkness
Panic at the Fortress
Nano Attack!
It Came From The Haunting Building
Mage or Monster
New Boys In Town
Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer and Sandra!
Lizard Terminator
Donna's Gambit
Enemy Of My Enemy
Kuro's Partnership
Sandra Returns
Operation: Detention Breakout
Showdown (Part 1)
Showdown (Part 2)
Mutation Situation
Invasion of the Bats
Follow the Ice
Sandra Unleashed!
Talia Gets Sonically
Target: Casey Jones
Samara and Destroy
The Good, The Bad, And Casey Jones
The Kraang Conspiracy
Rosa Galicia
Phantom Upgraded
Of Golem and Women
The Manhattan Project (Part 1)
The Manhattan Project (Part 2)
Accel and Mages
Donna's Nevermore
Newtralized and Nebulous!
The Wrath of Tigress
Legendary Kuraun
Project EVE
Vengance Will Be Mine
A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X
The Invasion (Part 1)
The Invasion (Part 2)
Deep Within The Woods
A Fierce Dagger
Buried Secrets
Invasion Of The Punkz Catz
In Dreams
Race With The Demon!
Powers of the Shagon
Spirit Journey
Return To New York
Wolf Hunt
The Crystal and the Luck
Battle For New York (Part 1)
Battle For New York (Part 2)
Casey Jones Vs The Underworld
The Witch Avenger
Clash of the Amazons
Meet Verona Salamander
The Deadly Bite
Mages In Time
Tales of the Mages
Attack of the Mega Shade!
The Venus Doom
The Fourblind Trap
Aliens Seen In New York!
Annihilation Earth (Part 1)
Annihilation Earth (Part 2)
Beyond the Majestic Universe
The Planet of Hegemon
The Crazy World Of Gerti
The Plant Mistress Jade!
Riddle Of The Ancient Sword
Journey To The Center Of Talia's Mind
The Lab of Mosaic
The War In Dimension X
The Ghostly Gaean
Trans-Dimensional K-5
Wrath of the Hydnora
The Evil Of The Witches Seven
The Ever-Lasting Battle
Earth's Last Stand
City At War
Broken Foot and Broken Shadow
Mage Gangland
Fleura du Mal
Lady Shadestrike
Darkest Plight
The Power Inside Them
Kùbào VS the Scientists
The Tale of Tigress
Scroll Of The Demodragon
The Forgotten Mage
The Hearts Of Evil
End Times
When Worlds Collide (Part 1)
When Worlds Collide (Part 2)
The Wëather Witćh
Špirit Journëy
Thë Whitë Taišša
Lone Mage And Cubs
The Wasteland Warrior
The Impossible Desert
The Curse Of Saskia McTavish
The Crypt of Lucine
The Victoria Experiment
Monsters Among Us!
Wanted: Jinx And Crystallia
The Shadow Walks Again!
The Big Blowout
K-5: Loud House (Part 1)
K-5: Loud House (Part 2)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 1)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 2)
The Key To The Lost Treasure
The Jewel Of The Great Power
Legend of the Dark Son
A K-5 Christmas Caper
Mages Forever (Part 1)
Mages Forever (Part 2)
Upcoming Books

The Saiba Lacerta

22 1 0
بواسطة LeslieHowell021

At Shade's fortress hideout, Lady Shade was still bed-ridden from her injuries. But the mutagen drip that Donna has given her hasn't started working yet.

"Donna, speed up the process." Lady Shade said weakly. "I'm growing severely impatient for this slow recovery."

"Normally, the regular mutagen is completely unstable that can warp your entire mind to the mindless state." Viral explained. "With this new mutagen serum, I can control the outcome effects. But unfortunately, it does take time to process."

"I don't have much time to wait for this new mutagen to work." Lady Shade said with deep breaths. "The more henchwomen grew useless every passing moment, I lose more control of this city along with the Shredder. After everything I went through, I must rely on you and Amora as my most loyal trusting servants, Donna."

"Thank you, Mistress Shade." Viral said as she was completely bolstered by Shade's sudden compassion. "I promise I will not let you down."


In a huge laboratory, Viral was looking at the blueprint on the desk. Her entire new lab was the modified mainstays with large computer terminals and heavy machinery. But for now, she had a plan to refill the Shade's money cache as her mission.

"These new designs are brilliant." Viral said to herself. "The rise of Viral for the glory of Lady Shade begins now!"


In the Crete Fortress, Camilla was sitting on the couch with Casey, Ezra, and Norbit as they both watched April and Ariana playing a racing kart video game on the floor. In seconds, April defeated Ariana.

"Yes, I win!" April cheered. She pointed the controller at Ariana in triumph. "In your face, Ariana!"

"Heh, whatever, April." Ariana grinned. "I've bet I can beat you in a modern interstellar kart racing."

"Hey, guys! I'm back with the pizza!" Talia shouted as she was holding seven pizza boxes in her hand. "And don't worry, I'll save one box for Kirana and mother."

Talia tossed each of her older sisters and her friends one pizza box.

"Thanks, Talia." Camilla said.

Camilla opened up the pizza box and held out one pizza slice to take a bite for it.

"Yo, Camilla." Casey said, pointing his finger to the pizza slice on Camilla's hand.

Camilla looked down to see a small black lizard on her pizza slice. She stared at the lizard with an unfazed look and flicked it off her slice of pizza, much to the others' amazement. Camilla then noticed a bright grey glowing butterfly on the pizza slice with slight confusion, but she immediately flicked it off her pizza. Casey, April, Norbit, Ariana, Ezra, and Talia were still too amazed about the lizard situation.

"Why are you not afraid of lizards anymore?" Norbit asked.

"I'm over it now." Camilla replied, taking a bite of her pizza slice. "Since I've been dealing with Spyzard, the Newtrailzer, and many more lizards around the city, it doesn't bother me anymore."

"How come you've never told us before?" Ezra asked.

"I'd figure you guys would find out yourselves eventually." Camilla replied.

"But that butterfly on your pizza was a Nabi." Ariana explained. "They represent purity and moving on the right path of life, but that Nabi was grey. So, are you sure you've conquered your lizard phobia, Camilla?"

"What do you want, Ariana? A medal?" Camilla snapped as she stood up from the couch that made Ariana jump back from her. "I'm fine!"

"Well, I'm glad you faced your lizard phobia, Camilla." Casey smiled, placing his left hand on Camilla's right shoulder. "I mean, facing your fear is really hard to do from time to time."

"I don't know." Ezra stated. "Camilla might've gotten over her fear, but she still has to conquer it. Who knows if there will be more lizards to fight."

"Alright, team, we're heading out on patrol after you all fuel up your energy." Kirana spoke as she stepped out from the dojo and stood in front of her team. "Shade is still out there somewhere, who knows what she has in store for us. But I know that something terrible is heading in our direction."


Meanwhile, Viral was typing on her computer to finish proceeding the procedures on her robotic project for her mission.

"I'm finally done." Viral said as she typed her rapid fingers on the keyboard. "Establishing the loyalty mechanism now."

Viral slithered over to the lab tables, where three humanoid robots laid motionlessly under the white cloth.

"You all are programmed to obey my orders and destroy our enemies that get in our way." Viral instructed.

Suddenly, the robots opened their eyes in a boiling cyan glow as they were ready to join the mission with Viral.


Outside, Ariana rode on the Magnolia Cycle to patrol Brooklyn with Casey sitting behind her. Because of fast acceleration, Casey hugged himself around Ariana tightly.

"So, remind me about the plan again?" Casey asked.

"We're looking for any signs of Shade activity in the city!" Ariana answered.

"But Brooklyn is huge, Ariana!" Casey pointed out. "It'll take weeks to find her!"

"As long as the whole team stays focused, we'll find Lady Shade and her goons in no time!" Ariana said reassuringly.


On the building rooftop, Talia and Kirana sat on top of the billboard.

"Uh, hello! Fujita Des Cartes is the best anime show like ever, Kirana!" Talia said.

"Excuse me? Battlestar Matrix is the best!" Kirana retorted. "I mean, you didn't see the episode where they fought Nefertiti?"

"Oh really? You don't say." Ariana said with a sarcastic tone.

That made Talia and Kirana jump a bit as Talia pulled out her K-Phone and put it on speaker.

"Any signs of Shade's forces?" Ariana asked.

"Nope." Talia answered.

"The only thing me and Norbit have here are a rooftop of cats." Ezra reported from his K-Phone.

"They have their own cat house." Norbit said.

"I wonder how Camilla and April are doing." Ezra said.


On the street, Camilla and April were walking around in the alleyway.

"Okay, I'd never thought I would say this, but I don't think Shade is even out in this city to make her move." April said.

"We don't know that for sure, April. Trust me, her goons could be anywhere." Camilla said.

Suddenly, April and Camilla heard a loud alarm alerting out of nowhere.

"Heh, that was quick." Camilla remarked.

"Let's go." April said.

April and Camilla ran quickly out of the alleyway to investigate the sound of the alarm.


Meanwhile, Viral and her three black robotic lizards have broken into a bank to steal big stacks of cash. One lizard has an appearance of a young man with long, shoulder-length orange hair and brown eyes. He wore a white ripped vest with black shoulder pads, long white gloves that reach up to his shoulders, a black belt, and tall black boots. He also has two orange paint streaks under his left eye and thick clawed hands. Another lizard has an appearance of a young man with wild bright pink hair that stands upwards and red eyes. He wore a light purple ripped vest with black shoulder pads, long brown gloves that reach up above his wrists, a black belt, and tall dark purple boots. He also has two red paint stripes under his left eye and thick clawed hands. The last lizard has an appearance of a young woman with long, wavy blue hair that goes down to her shoulder blades fashioned into a loose ponytail with a red hair tie and blue eyes. She wore a closed light blue vest with black shoulder pads, light blue shorts, biker light blue gloves, a black belt, and tall neon pink high heeled boots. She also has indigo and purple facial markings on her left cheek, two diamond earrings, and thick clawed hands.

"Yes, this is perfect!" Viral grinned. "Lady Shade will be pleased for my plans."

Viral and the lizard robots turned around to see Camilla and April standing in front of them.

"Don't know why you're stealing money, but your timing needs some work." April said as she took out her tessen in her hand. "You ready, Camilla?"

"You don't have to tell me twice." Camilla grinned.

April and Camilla moved forward to fight the lizard robots. April hit one male lizard robot with her tessen and blocked another male lizard's right claw. Camilla dodged the female lizard robot's claws and dashed towards the robot to strike with her giant red gauntlets made out of psychic energy, but everything around her suddenly became black and the robot was transformed into a vision of a familiar newt alien.

"Huh? Newtrailzer!" Camilla gasped as she missed her punch and turned around to face the Newtrailzer. "Stay away from me!"

Camilla looked around at the lizard robots in fear with a scream and started to see a familiar cybernetic lizard mutant.

"Spyzard? You can't be alive!" Camilla shouted.

Spyzard and Newtrailzer started running to Camilla, who was running away with a scream. She found herself failing to keep her balance and rolled on the ground at a hard pace as she looked up to see two Nabis showing an image of a smiling warrior alien prince and a grinning mutant turtle.

"Blade? Raph?" Camilla said.

Then, one Nabi flew in front of Camilla's face and showed a reflection of the red mage that made her look away and closed her eyes solemnly.

Back to reality, April was overwhelmed by the lizards and turned to face Camilla, who was suffering a major panic attack from her fear of lizards completed with a hallucination.

"Camilla!" April screamed. "What's the matter?"

Viral slithered behind Camilla and grabbed her by her arms. Camilla screamed and pushed past the mutants, running away from the fight in terror and leaving April to fend for herself.

"Camilla, wait!" April shouted.

One of the male lizards dropped April's tessen with a swift kick.

"Excellent work, my lizard robots. Now, bind the human!" Viral ordered.

The three robotic lizards turned around and pinned April down to the ground, leaving her defenseless on her own.


Casey and Ariana got off the Magnolia Cycle as they walked into an alley.

"Are you sure they're around near here?" Casey asked.

"According to their K-Phones before we lost contact with them." Ariana replied.

Talia and Kirana jumped down from the rooftop while Ezra and Norbit climbed down the fire escape as they walked up to Casey and Ariana.

"Camilla and April still haven't come back?" Ezra asked.

"They have to be in the city somewhere." Norbit said.

"Get away, leave me alone!"

Ariana, Casey, Talia, Kirana, Ezra, and Norbit looked around to hear somewhere near them.

"Is that Camilla?" Talia asked with a raised eyebrow. "That scream can't be her."

Everyone looked up to see Camilla shivering in fear on the edge of the rooftop.

"Camilla!" Casey exclaimed.

"No, get away from me!" Camilla shouted. "Leave me alone!"

"She is in a phobia trance." Norbit said. "She needs a sense of reality to wake up."

"We got this." Talia said as she looked at her siblings with a nod as they nodded back.

Kirana waved her hand back and brought it forward, Talia waved her hand back and forth with a grabbing shape, Ezra waved his hand back and made a teardrop symbol of teal psychic energy, and Ariana moved her index finger in a circle as they pointed their magic at the fear shaking Camilla to restrain her with many chains. They pulled their sister down to the ground.

"What's got into her?" Casey asked.

"I've got this." Talia said.

Talia waved her other hand back and forth with a grabbing shape and pointed her magic at Camilla, trying to bring her older sister back to sanity. Camilla let out a sharp gasp and her fear hallucinations left her mind. Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra used their magic to release their chains from Camilla.

"Thanks, Talia." Camilla said with a smile.

"No problem." Talia grinned as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Oh no. They got away." Camilla said with a frown as she looked around to find herself in the alley.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Kirana asked confusingly.

"Donna created three robotic lizards. Two males and one female. They stole millions of dollars and got away with April because of me." Camilla explained sadly.

"Okay, I'm clearly not sure if that part of your hallucination or the visions of the Nabi inside your head because I'm definitely voting for the Nabi." Ariana said skeptically.

"This is why Kirana became leader." Ezra murmured feeling annoyed before he cleared his throat. "It sounds like the Nabi gave you visions about your fear and making it come back. In order to beat it, you have to fully conquer your fear."

"It's not the Nabi!" Camilla lied with a snap.

"Why would Viral and her robots need money?" Norbit asked.

"Yeah, that doesn't make any sense at all." Talia said.

"Okay, Camilla, show us the place where Viral took the money and April." Kirana ordered Camilla.


The K-5, Norbit, and Casey arrived at the bank and Kirana picked up a black steel, razor-edged tessen on the ground.

"April's tessen." Kirana gasped in realization.

"Anything, Ariana?" Casey asked.

"Just this." Ariana replied as she held up a broken T-Phone in her hand. "We can't track April by GPS, but there's another way to track her with a telepathic scan."

"You can do that?" Casey asked surprisingly.

"Well, I am a master kunoichi now and I can now use my magic to track anyone within a long mile radius." Ariana explained. "April has been giving me lessons."

Ariana pressed two fingers on her head and her purple clover-shaped birthmark began to glow on her forehead, making her eyes turn bright purple.


April found herself struggling to break free from the straps to the lab table in tight steel chains inside the warehouse hideout as the three robotic lizards stood around above her.

"She's not too bad, she's easy on the eyes." One male lizard said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Keep away from me, you robo freak!" April snapped.

"Don't forget about our master's orders." The second male lizard warned. "We're supposed to keep her restrained, not attract her."

"What do you mean? She's already restrained to this table." The female lizard said. "Even she can't escape without her precious war fan to back her up."

Viral approached her robotic creations and her strapped enemy.

"Quit your petty argument. We got work to do." Viral said. "The K-5 are quick to realize that their ninja friend is missing. Before we can look for a new hideout, we have to face the biggest problem that's keeps destroying Shade's empire."


At the Shadow Clan HQ, two female Shadow Ninjas are walking through the doors into the throne room and approached Kuro, who was sitting on the throne room with Shade's mask on his face.

"Status report." Kuro said.

"Kuro, no sign of Lady Shade." One Shadow Ninja reported as they knelt their knees down to the floor. "She's no longer in this city."

"Go, keep looking." Kuro ordered. "Spread out and keep search everywhere. She's still out there. I can sense it."

Two Shadow Ninjas understood as they got back up on their feet and exited the throne room.

Suddenly, Kuro sensed three auras in the throne room and noticed that the robotic lizards are close behind him. He got up from the throne chair and morphed himself into his wolf mutant form. In quick speed, Kuro turned around to slash the robots. But the female lizard delivered a punch that sent him flying away from the throne chair and landed himself to the ground. Kuro turned around to face Viral, who was walking through the doors.

"Donna?" Kuro said.

"Hello, Kuro. So nice to see you again." Viral grinned.

"Shade would send you to take me down? That's a laugh." Kuro snarled with a glare. "So, where do you want me to break you first?"

"I'll let my robots break you first." Viral snapped in frustration. "Draco, Anole, Andra, attack!"

The robotic lizards understood and they zoomed forward to attack Kuro, who howled out loud and charged forward to fight them. But he ended up getting pinned down to the floor by the strong tails restraining around his arms from the lizard robots that made him return into his mage form.

"After my creations finish you, we'll go after the K-5." Viral said as she moved closer to Kuro's face.

"Too late for that!"

Viral turned around to see the K-5, Norbit, and Casey standing in front of the stain glass window hole. Talia jumped down and swung her leg to hit Viral in a wide-arced orange psychic energized kick, knocking the computer virus mage mutant to the floor. Casey, Ariana, Ezra, Kirana, Norbit, and Camilla jumped down to fight against their enemies. Casey tackled Draco, Camilla tackled Anole, and Ariana tackled Andra while Kirana helped Kuro up from the floor.

"You really have a habit of fighting Shade's forces before the rescue, don't you?" Kirana remarked with a smirk.

"I have my moments." Kuro smirked back

Kirana and Kuro joined the fight with the others against the lizard robots. Talia kicked Anole with her orange psychic energized leg down to the floor before tackling down by Andra. Kirana got punched on the floor by Viral.

"Whoa! I could use a little help right here!" Casey said, hitting explosive hockey pucks at the lizards with his hockey stick.

Then, Casey got picked up by Viral.

Camilla was blocking Draco's claws with her red psychic energized gauntlets. She pulled her right gauntlet back and prepared to strike, but she suddenly saw Spyzard instead of Anton and everything around her went black again. Camilla gasped in shock and pushed Spyzard away, lowering herself down to the floor and saw one Nabi land below her face to show a reflection of the red mage. Camilla's eyes went wide when a swarm of Nabis started bursting out from the ground and emerged together into a huge, singular Nabi hovering above her. The giant Nabi displayed a flashback of Camilla's encounter with Raph and Camilla's encounter with Blade in two.

"Huh? Raph? Blade?" Camilla muttered.

The giant singular Nabi broke into multiple small Nabis, who went scattering around in the black area. Camilla began tearing up, but she looked up to see Raph and Blade both being surrounded the lizard mutants as they were trying to fight them off on their own. Camilla narrowed her eyes and knew what to do.

"I'm coming for you, Raphael!" Camilla shouted.

Camilla got up and sprinted towards Raph, pushing him from the mutants and landing on top of the mutant ninja turtle on the ground. Raph leaned closer to Camilla with a smile and they began kissing each other on the lips. But Camilla was actually kissing Draco in reality. Ezra, Talia, and Ariana were witnessing the kissing scene in horror as Ariana covered her eyes and Ezra's eyes with her hands and Talia passed out to the floor. During the kiss, Camilla opened her eyes and found herself kissing Draco that made her push him away in disgust.

"I don't know why you kissed me like that, but I love it." Draco grinned. "I'll see you around, sweetheart."

With a wink, Draco crawled away out of the throne room through the window.

"Oh my gosh! Those hallucinations again! What happened?" Camilla asked as she wiped her mouth in disbelief.

"The lizards not only got Kuro, they got Norbit, Casey, and Kirana too." Ariana replied.

"Oh, no." Camilla gasped.


Back in the Crete Fortress, Sage was healing Camilla's wound with her white magic in the dojo.

"Mother, really, I'm fine." Camilla said.

"If you don't allow yourself to heal, you can't help your team." Sage said. "Now, tell me what's really going on with you."

"Okay." Camilla said with a heavy sigh. "I thought I was confident to conquer my lizard phobia, but I was wrong and the team's suffering because of my fear."

"It does takes time to face it, my daughter. But it will bring damage to the mind and spirit than the body." Sage said wisely.

"And Ariana was right. I have been seeing the Nabi inside my mind." Camilla added.

"That would explain a lot." Sage said. "The visions and hallucinations are actually the visuals of issues every mage has to deal with by the Nabis depending on the colors. A white Nabi represents the purest soul, a grey Nabi represents the neutral, and a black Nabi represents the darkness. You must confront your demons and resolve your problems."

"And how am I supposed to do that?'" Camilla asked.

"You must find your center through the art of mediation." Sage replied as she levitated herself in mid-air and crossed her legs in a meditative position.

"I normally don't do mediation, mother, but I'll do this to help my Nabi problem." Camilla said as she levitated herself in mid-air and crossed her legs in a meditative position.

"I will teach you a personal mantra to chant through your mind. It will focus on your Nabi conflict." Sage said calmly as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Kore wa nanimo imi shinai. Kore wa nanimo imi shinai."

Camilla stared at Sage with a slight confusion before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.

"Kore wa nanimo imi shinai." Camilla repeated.

"Good. Now, continue." Sage said with a nod.

"Kore wa nanimo imi shinai." Camilla said.

Inside her mind, Camilla suddenly saw a Nabi in front of her face. She slowly sat down on the ground and crossed her legs in a meditative position, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.

"Kore wa nanimo imi shinai." Camilla said. "Kore wa nanimo imi shinai."


Meanwhile, Ariana was preparing to test out a new high-tech wrist mounted weapon to help deal with Viral and her robotic lizard henchmen. The weapon was golden round-edged ring-resembling bracelets with holes on the front and twisting mechanisms. Ezra was making a new gadget with his magic. It was a silver square with straps on the back and six different colored buttons on the left strap.

"Wow! Is that a new fashion accessory, Ariana?" Talia asked in awe. "Looks wicked."

"Talia, it's no way near a fashion accessory. It's something I've been working during our time in space." Ariana explained. "I've called them the Ringu Bracelets. These are only used with stealth and out in the field missions when we channel our powers through it. They are equipped with energy blasts, energy charges, long range zip-line and grapple device, miniature missiles, and energy grenades. But I haven't tested these yet when we came back on Earth."

"Ezra, are you making a backpack?" Talia asked as she saw Ezra's invention.

"It's not a backpack." Ezra said. "I call it the Special Feature. It gives the user unusual tools to help them in any worse case scenario. These buttons help make the Special Feature work. Red means flame shield, orange means cloak, yellow means flight, green means heal, blue means underwater breathing gear, and purple means camouflage."

"Sweet! Well, let's put them into a test!" Talia smiled as she placed the Ringu Bracelets on Ariana's wrists.

"No, stop, wait!" Ariana protested.

The Ringu Bracelets started to activate and began shooting golden yellow energy blasts at the wall, proving that the weapon was a great success.

"So?" Talia asked with a grin.

"It worked!" Ariana exclaimed, looking at the Ringu Bracelets with a huge smile.

"Oh yeah! We totally rule!" Talia exclaimed.

Ariana and Talia jumped in the air and gave each other high-fives.


Meanwhile, Viral and her robotic lizards sat on the rooftop of the almost built building at the high-rise construction site.

"A perfect lair for my mistress. High up in the sky!" Viral grinned. "The money will belong to Shade!"

"Hey, what about us, freak?" Casey shouted as he, Kirana, Norbit, Kuro, and April are trapped in large spherical force fields.

"Simple." Viral responded as she walked up to the captives. "You all will be my new experiments for Shade's Shadow army."

"Wait, say what now?" Kuro gasped with wide eyes.

"Mistress! They're here!" Andra said in alert.

"Get ready to strike!" Viral ordered her lizard robots.

Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra stood on the rooftop near the construction building as they had on the Ringu Bracelets.

"Nice work on the Ringu Bracelets, Ariana." Camilla said with a smile.

"Now, let's get this party started." Talia said with a grin.

Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra jumped onto the edge of the rooftop as they fired their long zip-line hooks from the Ringu Bracelets to the nearby building, that traveled across safely to the other side. Viral slithered above Draco, Anole, and Andra when they saw the mages at their sights.

"Get them!" Viral ordered her lizard robots.

The lizard robots got kicked by Ezra, Talia, Ariana, and Camilla as the others watched from the force fields to cheer them on. Ariana and Anole began tumbling down the building. Ariana used her left Ringu Bracelet to balance herself and electrocuted Anole away with golden yellow energy charges. Talia used her right Ringu Bracelet to fly away from Andra, who suddenly grabbed the orange mage with her tail and pulled Talia towards her for a quick punch. But Ezra threw a black smoke bomb at Andra's face to distract her and unleashed a blast of golden yellow energy from his other Ringu Bracelet onto the robot lizard. Camilla was flipping upside down and rapidly rotating her body to attack Viral with her legs that sent the computer virus mage mutant to the beam. She used her Ringu Bracelets to stand up on the beam and looked around to see Draco standing in front of her.

"Let's dance, sweetheart." Draco grinned in a flirty manner.

Camilla charged forward to attack Draco with her right Ring Bracelet, but suddenly Draco was replaced by Spyzard and darkness started to surround the red mage. Spyzard looked at Camilla and disappeared in a swarm of Nabis.

"Oh, no...Not again!" Camilla gasped sharply as she started to walk backwards.

Camilla turned around to see an illusion of the Newtrailzer appearing in front of her and he was taking big, heavy steps towards Camilla.

"No, get away from me! Don't come any closer to me!" Camilla yelled, backing away from the Newtrailzer.

Camilla turned around to see an abnormally large illusion of Blade standing in front of her with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Blade?" Camilla gasped as she started to tear up.

The giant illusions of Blade, Spyzard, and Newtrailzer began surrounding Camilla in a circle.

"I thought I could face this, but I can't! I can't do it!" Camilla murmured.

The three visions of Blade, Spyzard, and Newtrailzer exploded into the swarms of butterflies and combined together to form the shape of Raph's head. Raph was looking down on Camilla with a disappointed face. Camilla began sobbing and walked backwards from Raph's head in a slow pace.

"No...No!" Camilla said.

Camilla stepped backwards off the edge of the beam by accident and woke up from her visions, but it was too late for her to react when she started to fall down.

"Camilla!" Kirana, Ariana, Talia, Norbit, Casey, April, and Kuro exclaimed in shock.

Ezra gasped in shock and raced to the edge before jumping down to fall next to Camilla. Camilla realized that she's falling down to the ground with a gasp. She began panting while falling through the vortex with swirling butterflies.

"Cam! You have to fight this! I know you can do it!" Ezra said.

"Ezra?" Camilla said in surprise.

"I'm not gonna give up on you and you can't let the bad guys win. Will you let that happen?!" Ezra said.

"No! I have face this just like mother told me to do." Camilla said. "Kore wa nanimo imi shinai. Kore wa nanimo imi shinai."

Camilla calmed herself down and fell through the massive swarm of Nabis until she finally landed gently on the ground. Ezra pressed the yellow button to activate the wings on the Special Feature and used them to break his fall before landing by Camilla. With a bold grin on her face, Camilla opened her eyes and fired multiple blasts of golden yellow energy from her Ringu Bracelets to defeat Draco. Ezra stood up on the beam and fired a teal psychic energy blast to destroy the force field containing Kirana inside.

"Thanks!" Kirana exclaimed.

Kirana created three shuriken made of blue psychic energy to destroy the force field containing Casey, Kuro, Norbit, and April inside. Andra landed in front of them with her claws extending out.

"You guys ready for this?" Casey asked with a smile.

"Heck yeah, I'm dying for the fun part right now." Kuro grinned.

"I am always ready." Norbit said as he summoned his armor suit.

"Let's do this!" April smiled.

Casey, Kuro, Norbit, and April charged forward to deliver kicks and punches at Andra at each time. Anole tried to slash Camilla with his claws, but Camilla dodged each slash and delivered a red psychic energized roundhouse kick in the face that sent him to the beam. Talia jumped slightly and swung her leg to attack Draco with her orange psychic energy magic. Kirana delivered a powerful kick at Viral that sent her flying to the built doorway.

"Kirana, look out!" April called out.

Kirana looked down to see the robot lizards crawling up to her on the beams and used her powers to lift three large beam with her telekinesis, dropping them to the lizard robots all the way down to the ground below that destroyed them with one crash.

"Goodbye...my creations." Viral said with a dejected face.

Then, Viral slithered away off from the construction building.

"Oh yeah, baby!" Talia exclaimed, pumping her fist up in the air. "We're unstoppable!"

"Great job, team!" Kirana smiled.

"Couldn't have said that better myself." Camilla grinned.

"I'm proud of you, sis." Ezra said to Camilla. "Real proud."

Ezra hugged Camilla and she hugged him back.


Back in the Crete Fortress, Camilla ran up to the mediating Sage in the dojo.

"Thank you, mother!" Camilla exclaimed happily. "That mantra actually worked on my Nabi problem!"

"You are welcome, my daughter." Sage said with a smile.

"So, what did it mean, anyway?" Camilla asked.

"In Japan, it really means 'This means nothing'." Sage explained.

"So, it's not some kind of magical chant for us mages?" Camilla asked with a confused face.

"No, the mantra meant nothing just as fear means nothing." Sage explained wisely. "Because of that, your Nabi will forever be purified just as long you conquered your demons of your fears."

"Whoa. I think I get it now." Camilla commented with a smile. "Thanks for your help, mother."

"My pleasure. But, just between us, I might use that trick on your sisters someday." Sage said with a grin. "Don't tell them."

Sage and Camilla giggled together.


Back in Shade's fortress hideout, Viral returned inside the dark room to speak Lady Shade in private.

"Mistress Shade, my mission on rebuilding your rightful empire was a complete failure." Viral reported.

But Lady Shade wasn't worried at all.

"Donna." Lady Shade spoke.

"Yes...mistress?" Viral asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Your synthetic mutagen is finally working." Lady Shade said. "Now, I can fulfill my revenge."

At long last, the mutagen drip Viral had administered to Shade was starting to take effect as Shade's left arm suddenly turned onyx black, leaving the black mage laughing with vengeance.

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