K-5 (Full)

By LeslieHowell021

5.5K 136 4

When five mages emerge into the world of New York, they discover big threats that only they themselves can so... More

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Showdown (Part 1)
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Mutation Situation
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Talia Gets Sonically
Target: Casey Jones
Samara and Destroy
The Good, The Bad, And Casey Jones
The Kraang Conspiracy
Rosa Galicia
Phantom Upgraded
Of Golem and Women
The Manhattan Project (Part 1)
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Accel and Mages
Donna's Nevermore
Newtralized and Nebulous!
The Wrath of Tigress
Legendary Kuraun
Project EVE
Vengance Will Be Mine
A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X
The Invasion (Part 1)
The Invasion (Part 2)
Deep Within The Woods
A Fierce Dagger
Buried Secrets
Invasion Of The Punkz Catz
In Dreams
Race With The Demon!
Powers of the Shagon
Spirit Journey
Return To New York
Wolf Hunt
The Crystal and the Luck
Battle For New York (Part 1)
Battle For New York (Part 2)
Casey Jones Vs The Underworld
The Witch Avenger
Clash of the Amazons
Meet Verona Salamander
The Deadly Bite
Mages In Time
Tales of the Mages
Attack of the Mega Shade!
The Venus Doom
The Fourblind Trap
Aliens Seen In New York!
Annihilation Earth (Part 1)
Annihilation Earth (Part 2)
Beyond the Majestic Universe
The Planet of Hegemon
The Crazy World Of Gerti
The Plant Mistress Jade!
Riddle Of The Ancient Sword
Journey To The Center Of Talia's Mind
The Lab of Mosaic
The War In Dimension X
The Ghostly Gaean
Trans-Dimensional K-5
Wrath of the Hydnora
The Evil Of The Witches Seven
The Ever-Lasting Battle
Earth's Last Stand
City At War
Broken Foot and Broken Shadow
The Saiba Lacerta
Mage Gangland
Fleura du Mal
Lady Shadestrike
Darkest Plight
The Power Inside Them
Kùbào VS the Scientists
The Tale of Tigress
Scroll Of The Demodragon
The Forgotten Mage
The Hearts Of Evil
End Times
When Worlds Collide (Part 1)
When Worlds Collide (Part 2)
The Wëather Witćh
Špirit Journëy
Thë Whitë Taišša
Lone Mage And Cubs
The Wasteland Warrior
The Impossible Desert
The Curse Of Saskia McTavish
The Crypt of Lucine
The Victoria Experiment
Monsters Among Us!
Wanted: Jinx And Crystallia
The Shadow Walks Again!
The Big Blowout
K-5: Loud House (Part 1)
K-5: Loud House (Part 2)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 1)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 2)
The Key To The Lost Treasure
The Jewel Of The Great Power
Legend of the Dark Son
A K-5 Christmas Caper
Mages Forever (Part 1)
Mages Forever (Part 2)
Upcoming Books

Iron Donna

53 1 0
By LeslieHowell021

Sage was in the middle of quiet meditation in the dojo. As a mother and a mentor to her four teenaged daughters and her preteen son, she must channel her martial art abilities throughout the universe. But she was suddenly interrupted by a loud noise coming from outside the dojo.


In the living room, Talia was standing on the top of a makeshift skateboard ramp while wearing a pair of orange skates. Her plan was to view herself jump her skateboard over her sisters while her brother made a fire hoop for her. She could hear them complaining about how Talia had talked them into her stupid idea. Talia then rode on her skates down the skateboard ramp until Sage walked in the living room with a stern look on her face.

"What's going on in here?" Sage demanded loudly.

Kirana, Ariana, and Camilla quickly jumped on their feet nervously. But they turned around to see Talia still riding on her skates, ending up crashing on them painfully once the ramp fell apart. Ezra moved out of the way before Talia could crash into him.

"How many times have I tell you not to skate around in the fortress?" Sage asked firmly.

"We're sorry, mother." Kirana apologized. She, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra gave the nervous Talia serious looks on their faces. "We've definitely should have known better." She then turned back to Sage. "And we deserve to be punished."

"It doesn't matter." Sage scolded as she placed her hands on her hips. "Because you five are grounded for a week in the fortress. Don't even think about sneaking off."

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra groan in disappointment.


Two hours later, the three K-5 are becoming bored by the minute. Kirana was lying on the couch with her tired eyes, Talia was playing her orange handheld game with no happy expression, Ezra was playing catch by himself with a turquoise ball, and Camilla was sitting next to Kirana with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Ugh, I can't believe we're stuck in this dump for a whole week!" Camilla complained with a groan.

Then, Ariana ran quickly into the living room from her lab.

"Guys! Remember the other day I was rummaging through the military disposal dump?" Ariana asked excitedly.

"Yeah." Kirana, Camilla, Talia, and Ezra answered in unison.

"Well, I was able to find an incredibly advanced microchip and finally created this." Ariana said with a grin.

Ariana showed out her latest invention to her siblings. It was a shiny, glossy silver oval-shaped music player with a curved surface that has a polished aluminum case and a larger screen. Kirana, Camilla, Talia, and Ezra immediately got up from the couch as they surrounded Ariana's new high-tech invention.

"Whoa!" Kirana, Camilla, Talia, and Ezra said in awe.

"I've invented the most advanced music player in the world! So, who wants to try it?" Ariana asked smugly.

"I do! Toss me the K-pod!" Talia said as she immediately raised her hand in the air.

"The K-pod?" Ariana said with a raised eyebrow.

"K-5. Pod, K-pod." Talia explained with a smile. "So, yeah."

Ariana shrugged her shoulders and handed the K-Pod to Talia, who inserted the vibrant orange earphones into her ears.

"You're really gonna plug a highly advanced music player directly into Talia's head?" Camilla said with a raised eyebrow. She then formed a sinister smile across her face. "Could it melt her brain completely?"

"No, it won't. And even if it did, we'll never know the difference." Ariana said with a confident smile.

As Talia's finger pressed the play button, she started dancing by the sound of pop music grooving through her ears.

"This music is blazing!" Talia grinned.

"Okay, that's it. I gotta get out of here." Camilla declared as she began walking toward the fortress exit.

"And where do you think you're going?" Kirana asked as she followed the red mage kunoichi. "In case you haven't noticed, we're grounded."

"Like I care." Camilla scoffed. "I'm going to find something fun in the city before I go nuts."

"And what could be in your mind that you want to do?" Ezra asked.

"Uh, hello, what about mother?" Kirana asked with a serious face as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Because as your leader, no one's going anywhere."

"Well, as your followers, we're going to the city anyway." Camilla argued.

Kirana's eyes widened in surprise when Ariana, Talia, and Ezra started to side with Camilla.

"Besides, mother's asleep and we can get through anything while she's asleep." Ezra said.

"Fine." Kirana replied with a hesitant growl. "But only to lead you three away from trouble."


Outside, the K-5 were rollerblading on the building rooftops.

"Thanks for installing new songs, Ariana!" Talia shouted as she was rollerskating from a rooftop above her siblings.

"What? What new songs?" Ariana asked confusedly. She swiftly jumped up and landed one hand on Talia's head to examine the K-Pod in realization. "Oh my. The advanced chip is automatically upgrading the K-Pod that can add new songs and applications by the minute!"

"But why is that a bad thing?" Ezra asked.

"Because I didn't create nor program it that way!" Ariana said.

"Keep it down, girls." Kirana chided angrily.

Then suddenly, Kirana fell through a skylight that made her younger siblings halted at the edge of the building to watch their oldest sister from below. Kirana fell straight down to the pool full of swimming electric eels and ran down to the building fire escape before falling painfully to the ground with five electric eels attached to her arms, legs, and waist that shocked her to no end. Ariana, Talia, and Ezra felt sorry for her eldest sister sympathetically while Camilla was smirking gleefully as they all looked over the edge of the building.

"Well, that was entertaining, Kirana!" Camilla called.

"Shut up, Camilla." Kirana groaned.

The K-5 finally arrived at the movie theater. Before the siblings could have fun, Ezra saw someone from his view.

"Afraid movie time will have to wait." Ezra said.

Ariana followed his glance and saw the person.

"Who the heck is that woman?" Ariana asked.

Kirana, Camilla, and Talia followed Ariana's gaze to see an African woman walking from the other side of the TCRI building. She has short black wavy hair, waxy black skin, and a grey rhombus-shaped birthmark on her left eye. She wore a silver metallic qipao dress with black skintight leggings and a pair of silver metallic combat boots.

"I don't know, but she needs a beat down." Camilla said with a sly grin.

"Hold on, Camilla. We don't know that she's gonna do anything wrong." Kirana refused. "Besides, it's my call. I decide who gets a beat down."

Then, the armored woman began rising her hands and released a strong grey energy blast from her palms to open the back door of the TCRI.

"Okay, that woman needs a beat down." Kirana said quickly.

The K-5 jumped down from the building and landed close behind the woman.

"Hey, you! Stay right where you are!" Kirana called out as she summoned water from her arms as tentacles.

"I suggest you run if you know what's..." The woman said threateningly. She spun around and pointed her hands at her opponents until her eyes widened in surprise when she noticed the kunoichis' and ninja's birthmarks. "Wait a minute! You guys are mages just like me!"

"That's right!" Kirana agreed. "And we'll take you down!"

"Well, I'm Donna, mage of technology." The armored woman introduced. "So, let's see what you got."

Donna summoned her magic to full power while Kirana, Ariana, Ezra, and Camilla summoned their magic to full maximum. Talia then noticed that the battle was about to begin as she quickly took off her earbuds to wrap them around the K-Pod and placed it inside her waist belt before summoning her magic to full capacity.

Now, the K-5 and Donna clashed in a fight.

Fortunately, the battle was almost too easy for the five mages to handle. Talia quickly ran forward and somersaulted over Donna, swinging her leg in a wide-arced air kick. Ariana sped quickly right behind Donna and performed several upside down spinning kicks at her with a simple strong flying upward earth drill kick before landing neatly on the ground. Ezra used his lightning bolts to shock Donna and delivered six upward punches to her face. Camilla had a clear shot and delivered a barrage of vertical spinning kicks at Donna before slamming her to the wall violently. Finally, Kirana finished Donna off by twirling her upside-down body and attacked her with her water legs like helicopter blades. As the armored qipao began to spark out of control, Donna stumbled back and got herself electrocuted that made her collapse to the ground. The siblings lifted the unconscious Donna and placed her lying on the side of the dumpster.

Suddenly, the siblings heard the sound of wailing sirens coming from the police.

"Let's move!" Kirana said.

The K-5 climbed up to the building and teleported back to home.


Back in the Crete Fortress, the K-5 quietly snuck themselves into the living room and noticed that their mother was still sleeping in her room.

"Well, we made it home!" Ezra smiled.

"Zip it!" Kirana snapped quietly. "It's three in the morning! Tonight was a really bad idea!"

"Will you relax?" Camilla argued with a grin. "We got out there, kicked butt the techno freak, and got back home in one peace. So, what could possibly go wrong?"

Kirana crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head disgustedly.

Unknown to her three older sisters and younger brother, Talia immediately noticed that the K-Pod is missing from her waist belt and remembered that she accidentally dropped it during the fight with Donna. But she has decided to keep this secret from her siblings.


Back to the alley, Donna woke up next to the dumpster and found the K-Pod near her right shoe. Her eyes widened in surprise as she was fascinated by the complex and stability from the music player, giving her a sly idea. Donna plugged the K-Pod in her armor qipao and watched as her entire outfit quickly started to upgrade itself into a design far more complex and imposing that made her much stronger and dangerous than ever.

"Extraordinary." Donna said with a sinister smile.


The next day, the K-5 started their morning training in the dojo. Sage kept shouting and yelling strictly at her five children to correct their techniques, but the siblings themselves became tired and drowsy during their trainind. That made their mother very suspicious.

"Yamé!" Sage yelled.

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra slowly knelt on their knees in front of their mother.

"Children, is there something you want to tell me?" Sage asked suspiciously. "Because something tells me that you five are tired."

"We're not." Kirana denied quickly.

"No way." Ariana assured with a smile.

"We're fine." Ezra reassured.

"Not a chance." Camilla agreed.

"Absolutely not." Talia yawned.

Then, Talia quickly fell asleep on the floor that made her older sisters and younger brother worry in fear.

"So, you are tired for a randori?" Sage asked. She snapped her fingers and conjured up a familiar wooden sword in her hands. "Try to avoid it...if you can."

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra's eyes widened slightly as Talia immediately got up from her sleep. With extreme speed, Sage quickly delivered five powerful blows at her children that sent them flying around the room and landed painfully on the ground in a matter of seconds.

"I hope you all learn that the truth isn't the only thing that hurts." Sage said sternly.


Meanwhile, the K-5 took their time to relax from their mother's randori wrath. Only two mage kunoichis and one mage ninja relaxed in the living room. Ezra was listening to music on his headphones. Kirana was watching Battlestar Matrix in the living room while Camilla was reading her comic book on the couch.

Suddenly, Kirana's favorite show was interrupted by a news story on the screen that caught the mages' attention. Ariana and Talia surrounded the TV screen with Kirana, Camilla, and Ezra as they watched the new bulletin reporting about an armored woman breaking into T.C.R.I. building and stealing the technology for her evil needs. It was Donna! Instead of wearing her silver metallic outfit, she was now wearing a sleek silver and black leotard-like armor with a glowing white circle in the center of the chest.

"How did she upgrade her armor so fast?" Kirana wondered.

The siblings watched closely as the TV screen caught the scene of Donna exiting the TCRI building until they saw the K-Pod attached to the center of her armor with wide eyes. Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra turned to glare at Talia.

"She has the K-Pod?" Ariana snapped.

"Oh, yeah, about that. I accidentally dropped it during the fight." Talia explained with a weak smile.

"Well, thanks a lot, Talia!" Ariana shouted with an angry glare.

"It's your fault!" Talia argued.

"How's it my fault?" Ariana asked.

"Because you know I can't be trusted with your awesome inventions!" Talia yelled.

Ariana's eyes went pure purple when two giant rock hands rose from the ground surrounding Talia with no escape. Kirana touched Ariana's left shoulder with her right hand to calm her down, forcing the purple mage kunoichi to make the rocky hands breaking apart to the floor.

"So, Ariana, did the AI chip upgraded Donna's armor the same way it upgraded the K-Pod?" Kirana asked.

"Well, yeah." Ariana said. "If it keeps going, there's no telling how powerful she'll get."

"Okay, this has gone way too far." Ezra said. "We have to tell mother about this."

"And face the wrath of the randori?" Camilla said. "No way. Never gonna happen."

"Look, we beat Donna once, we can beat her again." Ariana said. "All we have to do is track her down, grab the K-Pod and get back home before mother knows anything."

"Agreed." Talia concurred.


Outside, the K-5 moved across the building rooftops until they found a flickering grey light coming the abandoned warehouse up ahead. They landed upon the rooftop and looked through the window to see Donna practicing on her new advanced armored suit in the center of the room. The K-5 quietly made their way inside the warehouse and surrounded Donna in stealth mode. But unfortunately, Donna's white circle glowed brightly as if it was detecting the mage kunoichis and mage ninja in the room.

"You five again?" Donna said in surprise.

"Alright, Donna, nobody wants to hurt you." Kirana said.

"We don't?" Camilla asked confusedly.

"We just want the K-Pod." Ezra said.

"Give up my incredible source of power?" Donna said in a dangerous voice. She flew up above the K-5 and glared down at them. "Not. A. Chance!"

"Well, let's see if you can break easily last time." Camilla smirked.

The K-5 and Donna charged forward to clash into a fight. Unfortunately for the mages, Donna's new armor was too strong and powerful for them that allowed her to defeat the mage kunoichis and mage ninja easily. Camilla attacked Donna with a giant fireball, but Donna drew back her fist and delivered a powerful punch at Camilla that sent her flying across the room and hit herself straight at the wall. Ariana, Ezra, Kirana, and Talia saw their red mage sister down as they charged forward to strike the techno mage. Donna blasted Ariana and Talia against the wall with her grey energy beams. Donna knocked Ezra into a crate of boxes. Kirana was running towards Donna, dodging from the energy blasts from the techno mage. But Donna unleashed a huge energy beam at Kirana from her hands. The K-5 jumped back with their magic summoned in their hands as Donna cracked her hands hard for the next round. Donna and the K-5 charged forward as they clashed again.

Few seconds later, the K-5 found themselves piled together on the floor in defeat.

"Foolish mages! Did you really think you could defeat me?" Donna laughed evilly.

"Well, yeah." Talia said sassily.

"Well, you're wrong!" Donna grinned sinisterly. "Everyone will feel my wrath!"

Suddenly, Donna saw a bright flash of white light in her chest on her armor and felt the armored suit changing herself as she and the device began to merge into a single enormously powerful entity. Donna stood high above the mages with a malevolent grin.

"What's happening?" Kirana said.

"Donna and the K-Pod." Ariana gasped in a high tone. "They're...merging...into one single entity."

"The Iron-Donna." Talia said.

The K-5 frantically ran out of the warehouse and dashed through the empty street as Donna was soaring right behind them.

"The Iron Donna's chasing us!" Talia shouted.

"We have to split up!" Kirana shouted. "She can't follow us all!"

"If she comes after me, I'll lead her to a trap!" Talia said.

"You sure, Talia?" Ezra asked.

"I'm sure, little bro." Talia replied.

"Okay!" Kirana yelled.

The K-5 did what their leader told them to do. Camilla ran off into the alley. Ariana was gone into another alley. Ezra ran into the third alley. And Kirana sped off to the fourth alley. But Talia kept on running to the next street as Donna went straight after her. Talia continued running away from Donna until she held few pure marble-sized orbs of air energy in her hands.

"I got you now!" Donna shouted.

"I don't think so." Talia said cockily. "Catch!"

Talia threw the air energized orbs that sent them flying towards Donna's face, blocking her eyes when she stopped flying for a minute. Talia followed her three older sisters and younger brother back home after escaping from Donna.


Back in the Crete Fortress, the K-5 snuck into the living room with many bruises on their bodies. But suddenly, the lights were turned on and Sage was standing at the center of the living room with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Mother!" Kirana squealed.

"And where have you five been?" Sage demanded.

"Nowhere." Ezra replied nervously.

"How did you get so hurt?" Sage questioned, looking at the bruises on her daughters and son.

"Oh, that, um, we were, um..." Kirana stammered.

"Hit..." Camilla said weakly.

"By a..." Ariana said.

"Cow?" Talia finished.

Sage raised a skeptical eyebrow and Talia grinned nervously. Kirana and Camilla rolled their eyes with a heavy sigh.

"Hit by a cow?" Ariana hissed. "That's your best idea!"

"Well, what was I supposed to say?" Talia retorted.

"Enough!" Sage shouted, halting the glaring stare from Ariana and Talia. "Tell me what happened."


In the dojo, the K-5 kneeled on the floor as they explained the whole truth thing to their mother.

"I am still highly disappointed in you all." Sage said sternly. "The first rule of being a ninja is do no harm. Unless you mean to do harm, then do lots of harm!"

"You're right, mother." Kirana said slowly. "We did mess up. Big time."

"Yes, you must stop this...Iron Donna." Sage agreed.

"But, mother, that woman's already kicked our butts." Ariana said.

"And now she's even more powerful compared to our magic." Ezra agreed.

"You need to rely in your ninja training because force is never the answer." Sage answered firmly.

"But how do we stop her, mother?" Kirana asked.

"Simple. You do not fight the armor, but you fight the woman inside." Sage explained.

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra exchanged glances with each other before looking at Talia with sly grins. The orange mage kunoichi looked at her older sisters and younger brother with a nervous face.

"Um, why are you guys looking at me?" Talia asked.


Meanwhile, three mage kunoichis and mage ninja waited for the Iron Donna coming to them on the building rooftop.

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Ariana asked.

"Like mother said, don't fight the armor, fight the woman inside." Kirana said confidently. "And one thing we know about bad guys? They love chasing Talia."

Talia successfully led the Iron Donna back to her siblings and halted in front of them with a panic look on her face.

"Guys! Iron Donna's got...!" Talia cried. "Missile bombs!"

The K-5 detected ten missiles flying towards them and scattered away when the missiles hit right at their standing position. The mages surrounded Donna and whirled chains out of magic around the techno mage, pinning her arms and legs in their grasps effectively. Donna snapped the chains that made Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra fall off the building to the next rooftop. After quick minutes of fighting, three mage kunoichis and mage ninja had distracted Donna long enough for their next plan stage.

"Any last words?" Donna said menacingly.

"Just one." Kirana said. "Eels."

"Gangway!" Talia cried, sliding down an electric cable on her feet.

Talia jumped up high in the air and threw a bunch of eels into the Donna's face. The eels' powerful electric shocks caused Donna to lose control of herself, making her reveal the K-Pod on her chest that caught Kirana's eyes. One by one, the mages delivered powerful kicks that knocked Donna off the building backwards. Donna groaned in defeat and her eyes widened wide when she saw Kirana standing right in front of her. Kirana crashed the K-Pod with water claws on her fingers and removed it from the techno mage's suit. Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra landed next to Kirana victoriously.

"So, we'll call it a tie?" Donna chuckled nervously.

"Wanna call it a tie, Camilla?" Kirana asked with a sly smile.

"Not yet." Camilla smirked.

Camilla lifted Donna up and tossed her into the nearest dumpster.

"Now it's a tie." Camilla said, slamming the opening door hinge shut.


Back at the Crete Fortress, the K-5 sat on the floor in the dojo in front of their mother.

"You all showed wisdom and great skill in defeating the Iron Donna." Sage smiled. "I'm proud all of you."

"Does this mean we're not grounded anymore?" Kirana asked hopefully.

"Yes." Sage replied.

Kirana, Ariana, Ezra, Camilla, and Talia smiled as they cheered excitedly in the room.

"But first..." Sage said, conjuring up a wooden sword. "Randori!"

The K-5 fled away from their mother in a screaming panic.

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