K-5 (Full)

By LeslieHowell021

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When five mages emerge into the world of New York, they discover big threats that only they themselves can so... More

Rise Of The Mages (Part 1)
Rise Of The Mages (Part 2)
Mage Temper
New Friend, Old Enemy
Iron Donna
Reptile Brains
Beware of Sapphire
The Darkness
Panic at the Fortress
Nano Attack!
It Came From The Haunting Building
Mage or Monster
New Boys In Town
Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer and Sandra!
Lizard Terminator
Donna's Gambit
Enemy Of My Enemy
Kuro's Partnership
Sandra Returns
Operation: Detention Breakout
Showdown (Part 1)
Showdown (Part 2)
Mutation Situation
Invasion of the Bats
Follow the Ice
Sandra Unleashed!
Talia Gets Sonically
Target: Casey Jones
Samara and Destroy
The Good, The Bad, And Casey Jones
The Kraang Conspiracy
Rosa Galicia
Phantom Upgraded
Of Golem and Women
The Manhattan Project (Part 1)
The Manhattan Project (Part 2)
Donna's Nevermore
Newtralized and Nebulous!
The Wrath of Tigress
Legendary Kuraun
Project EVE
Vengance Will Be Mine
A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X
The Invasion (Part 1)
The Invasion (Part 2)
Deep Within The Woods
A Fierce Dagger
Buried Secrets
Invasion Of The Punkz Catz
In Dreams
Race With The Demon!
Powers of the Shagon
Spirit Journey
Return To New York
Wolf Hunt
The Crystal and the Luck
Battle For New York (Part 1)
Battle For New York (Part 2)
Casey Jones Vs The Underworld
The Witch Avenger
Clash of the Amazons
Meet Verona Salamander
The Deadly Bite
Mages In Time
Tales of the Mages
Attack of the Mega Shade!
The Venus Doom
The Fourblind Trap
Aliens Seen In New York!
Annihilation Earth (Part 1)
Annihilation Earth (Part 2)
Beyond the Majestic Universe
The Planet of Hegemon
The Crazy World Of Gerti
The Plant Mistress Jade!
Riddle Of The Ancient Sword
Journey To The Center Of Talia's Mind
The Lab of Mosaic
The War In Dimension X
The Ghostly Gaean
Trans-Dimensional K-5
Wrath of the Hydnora
The Evil Of The Witches Seven
The Ever-Lasting Battle
Earth's Last Stand
City At War
Broken Foot and Broken Shadow
The Saiba Lacerta
Mage Gangland
Fleura du Mal
Lady Shadestrike
Darkest Plight
The Power Inside Them
Kùbào VS the Scientists
The Tale of Tigress
Scroll Of The Demodragon
The Forgotten Mage
The Hearts Of Evil
End Times
When Worlds Collide (Part 1)
When Worlds Collide (Part 2)
The Wëather Witćh
Špirit Journëy
Thë Whitë Taišša
Lone Mage And Cubs
The Wasteland Warrior
The Impossible Desert
The Curse Of Saskia McTavish
The Crypt of Lucine
The Victoria Experiment
Monsters Among Us!
Wanted: Jinx And Crystallia
The Shadow Walks Again!
The Big Blowout
K-5: Loud House (Part 1)
K-5: Loud House (Part 2)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 1)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 2)
The Key To The Lost Treasure
The Jewel Of The Great Power
Legend of the Dark Son
A K-5 Christmas Caper
Mages Forever (Part 1)
Mages Forever (Part 2)
Upcoming Books

Accel and Mages

29 1 0
By LeslieHowell021

"No, not me! No! No! Noooooooo!"

The K-5 sat on the couch and played a new video game with their black game controllers in the living room. Their eyes stared focusedly on the television screen to keep track on their game avatars. Kirana's game avatar has a sky blue metallic body with long platinum blonde hair in a loose French braid and blue eyes. She wore a dark blue sleeveless bodysuit with a gold utility belt, gold platlets on both of her shoulders, two black gloves with gold armbands, and dark blue combat boots. Ariana's game avatar has a bright lilac metallic body with long silky golden blonde hair and bright green eyes. She wore a dark purple leather halter neck top that shows off her midrifit, dark purple leather pants with a gold utility belt, black fingerless gloves that covered up to her upper arms with gold arm platlets, and dark purple knee-high combat boots. Camilla's game avatar has a bright scarlet metallic body with long curly red hair and blue eyes. She wore a dark red bodysuit with golden platelets on both of her shoulders, dark brown trench coat with a gold utility belt, thick black gloves, and dark red knee-high combat boots. Talia's game avatar has a tangerine metallic body with long strawberry-blonde hair tied into two braided pigtails and turquoise blue eyes. She wore a dark orange long-sleeved top that shows a couple inches of her midrift with a gold platlets on both of her shoulders, dark orange leather pants with a gold utility belt, and dark orange knee-high combat boots. Ezra's game avatar has a turquoise metallic body with short messy black hair and chocolate brown eyes. He wore a teal armor suit with turquoise circles in the center of his chest and on each of his shoulder pads, dark teal leather pants with a turquoise utility belt, and dark teal combat boots.

"No fair! My whip didn't have no effect on the robot gorillas." Talia cried.

"Chill out, Talia. Your avatar is able to fight...for now." Kirana said with an omninous smile.

Talia held her orange game controller in the air with a triumphant smile, making Camilla roll her eyes with a smile while focusing on her avatar with her red game controller.

"Now, we're on the next stage against the vicious black leopards, ladies and gentleman." Kirana said. "You have to peform a stronger attack in order to defeat them."

Ariana pressed buttons on her purple game controller and her game avatar fired purple arrow-like blasts of energy at the incoming black leopards from the tip of her staff in rapid speed. Talia pressed buttons on her orange game controller and her game avatar wrapped the charging black leopards to send waves of orange energy for an immerse explosion. Both of their attacks took a perfect effect on the black leopards.

"Oh yeah!" Ariana and Talia smiled excitedly.

Ezra pressed buttons on his teal game controller and his game avatar fired turquoise energy balls at the black leopards and they were easily defeated. Camilla pressed buttons on her red game controller and her game avatar fired her red rocket gauntlets at the jumping black leopard for a perfect aim, but that attack missed the black leopards and made her game avatar dodge out of the way.

"Yes!" Ezra cheered.

"What?!" Camilla gasped sharply.

"Wow, those lepoards dodged your attack quick, dude!" Talia grinned.

"Well, lucky for you, you were able to avoid the leopards' claw attack." Kirana said. "Otherwise, your avatar will lose her health bar halfway."

"Not on my watch." Camilla said as she kept pressing on the button on her game controller. "I'm gonna use my avatar's gauntlets to strike on full power."

Sage was walking into the kitchen and opened the fridge, where Pink Hallow held a popsicle with a bright smile on his face. She smiled back and took the popsicle before closing the fridge and entering into the living room to see her children playing their video game with excitement.

"Hmm, what are you five playing?" Sage asked.

"Just a game." Ezra answered.

"It's called Accel Crisis." Kirana said as she showed the game cover to her mother. "We brought it from a yard sale down the city."

"A video game?" Sage questioned as she stared at the game cover. "But what about your mission on finding mutagens with the Turtles?"

"Mother, with all due respect, we defeated both the Kraang and Lady Shade's forces." Ariana said. "We've decided to have one day to relax ourselves from all the missions."

"I cannot understand you teenagers sometimes." Sage said with a sigh. "But enjoy yourselves."

"Thanks, mother!" Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra grinned.

"Oh yeah! We're on the next stage!" Talia said with a smile. "Let's do this!"

"Something's not right about this game." Sage muttered suspiciously.

Sage placed the game cover on the table and walked back into the dojo, leaving her children to continue playing their game with excitement.


In a dark void, a mysterious figure was watching the K-5 from the large-sized crystal ball.

"Letting them buying the game was a complete success." A mischievous feminine voice spoke. "Because your life points is about to come true."


Later on, Ariana and Camilla were watching another episode of the Ace Crown on TV with boredom. Ezra walked in the living room with a bag of marshmallows. They viewed the scene where the heroic team faced against the evil illusion-casting villain. But they turned off the TV when they sat up to see Talia and Kirana walking into living room behind the couch.

"Attention, ladies and gentleman!" Talia called. "Kirana has a very exciting idea and it's called ARMMO!"

Ariana, Camilla, and Ezra blinked at their sisters with deep confusion.

"ARMMO: Augmented Reality Massively Multiplayer Online." Kirana explained. "We dress up as our own avatars in our own sytle and then finish our Accel Crisis game in Ariana's holographic training arena!"

"That's so brilliant! I'm in!" Ariana said with excitement.

"Sounds interesting." Camilla grinned. "Count me in too."

"Yeah! I'm in as well!" Ezra said with a smile.

"Guess we made our decision." Kirana smiled. "Let's do it!"

The K-5 gathered together in a circle and held out their hands to concentrate on her magical powers.

"Suu Ni Za Ge-mu!" Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra casted.

Suddenly, a large bright yellow ball energy was formed in the middle of the circle. It divided itself into five smaller colored energy balls as each of them swirled around the mages for their transformations. In a swirl of blue spades, Kirana was now wearing a dark blue sleeveless bodysuit with a black utility belt, thick black gloves, and black combat boots. In a swirl of purple clovers, Ariana was now wearing a dark purple sleeveless bodysuit with a black utility belt, thick black gloves, and black combat boots. In a swirl of teal teardrops, Ezra was now wearing a dark teal sleeveless shirt with a black utility belt, long dark teal pants, thick black gloves, and black combat boots. In a swirl of red hearts, Camilla was now wearing a dark red sleeveless bodysuit with a black utility belt, thick black gloves, and black combat boots. In a swirl of orange diamonds, Talia was now wearing a dark orange sleeveless bodysuit with a black utility belt, thick black gloves, and black combat boots.


The K-5 stepped into the holographic training arena. The room has blue grids in the floor and green grids in the walls. The mages stood themselves in the center of the room.

"I've also set up the game option in this room." Kirana said to her siblings. "We each defeated five bosses in five levels and finished the final boss at the last level to win the game."

"Wait, before we begin, I found something on the floor when we walk in here!" Ariana said as she held up a note in her hands. "To start the game, welcome to the world of Burning Palace."

"Burning Palace?" Ezra repeated, in confusion.

"That's weird." Kirana said as she snatched the note out of Ariana's hand and looked at it for herself. "There's no notes in this game."

Suddenly, a low thick mist came out of nowhere that made the girls scan the area cautiously.

"The mist! Just like one of the stages in Accel Crisis!" Talia cried.

"Yeah, but way more cooler." Camilla added.

"Wow, you really hook this area room up, Kirana." Ariana admired. "I must've admit. I'm super impress."

"But it wasn't me." Kirana said with a cautious look.

As the mist cleared itself around the room, the mages' eyes widened wide in surprise as they found themselves in an unknown game stage. The place has a lava pit in the center and numerous star-shaped gemstones floating in bubbles around the ceiling.

"Where are we?" Ezra asked.

"Uh, Kirana? Are you sure it wasn't you?" Ariana asked Kirana.

"Kirana was being humble, that's all." Talia smiled. "This place is off the hook!"

But Talia spoke too soon. The Burning Palace boss stepped out from the lava pit and stared at the mages as their powerful opponent. He has kelly green metallic skin with several scratches and chips on his shell, red mask with long tattered tails, bright green eyes, a lightning bolt shaped crack located on the right corner of his plastron, and a pair of sais on his strap belt. The mages' eyes widened wider when they recognized their opponent as the mutant turtle Raphael. Raph pointed his finger to Camilla as if he wants to challenge her to a boss fight, which Camilla eagerly accepted with a simple nod.

Camilla leaped forward and delivered an electrified roundhouse kick at Raph, who blocked it with his sais. Raph growled and spun himself forward like a drill with his sais at Camilla, who blocked the attack with her combat boot and then cartwheeled herself through the air to hit Raph with electric energy emanating from her boots multiple times. Raph then slid forward with both of her sais and proceeded to barrage Camilla with sai slashes and kicks before leaping up into the air and spun his arms at the same time. Camilla crouched herself down for a second and launched herself to unleash a sudden barrage of electric bolts to hit Raph in low and high directions. Raph became dizzy for the moment, giving Camilla the perfect opportunity to finish him off. Camilla delivered a barrage of vertical spinning electrified kicks while rising into air, knocking Raph vertically in the air with each hit of the electric kick barrage. At the peak of the barrage, she performed an axe kick that slammed Raph down to the ground.

That powerful attack defeated Raph and the mutant turtle got himself pixeled into nothingness.

For her outstanding victory, Camilla cartwheeled into the ground and spun around with a winking pose.

A sudden white lightning bolt transported them out of the game stage.


After Camilla's victorious battle was completed, the mages found themselves in the second unknown game stage. The place was a undergorund filled with gem geodes and some grass tiles next to the large waterfall.

"Look, I deeply admire your hard work on this simulation, Kirana. I really do." Ariana said calmly. Then, she let out a frantic scream at her older sister's face. "But. What. The. Heck. Is. Going. On?!"

"I don't know. Is this game arena the real deal?" Kirana wondered, looking around the area.

"Let's hope not. I don't wanna be trap here forever." Talia complained.

Suddenly, a loud giggle was filled in the air and a young game avatar appeared right in front of them from above. She has the height of twelve year old girl. She has a white metallic body with long white hair tied back into a ponytail and blue eyes. She wore a long white dress with a grey centered band, white and grey striped leggings, and white platform boots with grey soles. She has a large white hat and a white collar with a grey charm on it. She also carried a dark grey cane with the top twisted like an infinity symbol and white star at the center.

"Greetings, ladies and gentleman." The girl greeted with a friendly smile. "My name is White Serenity. I'm the one who brought you here to win the game."

"To win the game?" Kirana repeated with a raised eyebrow.

"What's going on here?" Ezra asked suspiciously.

"You five must defeat Citrine Witch and save Prince Casey." White Serenity replied.

White Serenity projected a spherical image of Casey sleeping inside a large crystal ball from the her staff.

"Is that Casey?" Ariana gasped. She took few steps forward, but Kirana and Ezra quickly grabbed her arms. "Where is he?!"

"Let him go now!" Talia cried.

"If you complete the game, I'll set him free and send all of you back home." White Serenity promised. "But if you fail, the Citrine Witch will destroy him and you'll all be trapped here forever."

Camilla growled as she unleashed a sudden barrage of electric bolts from her boots at White Serenity, who immediately teleported herself to avoid the attack and reappeared herself towards the mages.

"Such fiery spirit and welcome to Quartz Dome." White Serenity said. "Let the game begin."

White Serenity waved her staff in the air and disappeared out of sight.

The Quartz Dome boss jumped out from the waterfall and stared at the mages as their powerful opponent. He has light green metallic skin with freckles, orange mask with shorter tails, baby blue eyes, and a pair of nunchucks on his strap belt. The mages' eyes widened wider when they recognized their opponent as the mutant turtle Michelangelo. Mikey pointed his finger to Talia as if he wants to challenge her to a boss fight, which Talia immediately accepted with an enthusiastic nod.

Talia jumped slightly and swung her in a wide-arced sound wave kick at Mikey, who avoided the attack with fast speed. Mikey grinned and performed a rapid flurry of strikes with his nunchucks at Talia, who blocked the attack with her supersonic speed and then dashed forward to perform a backflipping wide-arced sound wave kick at Mikey fifteen times. Mikey then dashed forward at Talia while swinging his nunchucks in fast succession. Talia delivered a series of ten high-damage sound wave somersaults to Mikey into the air. Mikey became dizzy for the moment, giving Talia the perfect opportunity to finish him off. Talia sprinted forward and performed a sound boom backflip that knocked Mikey into the air. As she caught him with her forearms when Mikey landed, she then jumped into the air with his face in between arms and released a powerful sound scream at him beforelanding on her feet harmlessly and Mikey fell on his back to the ground.

That powerful attack defeated Mikey and the mutant turtle got himself pixeled into nothingness.

For her outstanding victory, Talia performed a breakdance move and gave two fingers pointing up in a V-shape with a victory smile.

A sudden white lightning bolt transported them out of the game stage.


After Talia's victorious battle was completed, the mages found themselves in the third unknown game stage. The place was full of clouds and the sky was pink.

"This place is so...peaceful." Ariana said.

"But where's the ground?" Camilla asked.

"I don't know." Talia said. "Are we in heaven?"

"The clouds read; Welcome to Pink Skies." Kirana said.

"Something's not right about this place." Ezra said.

Suddenly, the Pink Skies boss slowly rose out from the cloud and stared at the mages as their powerful opponent. She had sea green metallic skin, turquoise mask with a braid tail, ocean blue eyes, and a bow on her back with a quiver of arrows attached to her belt. The mages' eyes widened wider when they recognized their opponent as the mutant turtle Venus De Milo. Vee pointed her finger to Ezra as if she wants to challenge him to a boss fight, which Ezra slowly accepted with an understanding nod.

Ezra ran forward and shot out three light throwing stars at Vee, who swiftly dodged them with a backflip. Vee smirked and jumped in the air to lunge at Ezra, who summoned a light shield to block the turquoise masked turtle's attack, Vee jumped back and shot five arrows from her bow at Ezra, who quickly moved away and shined bright light from his hands to blind her. Vee became dizzy for a moment, that gave Ezra the perfect opportunity to finish her off. Ezra kicked Vee high in the air and blasted a powerful light ball at Vee's chest, that sent her crashing on the cloud.

That powerful attack defeated Vee and the mutant turtle got herself pixeled into nothingness.

For her outstanding victory, Ezra clipped his heels together and winked with a peace salute.

A sudden white lightning bolt transported them out of the game stage.


After Ezra's victorious battle was completed, the mages found themselves in the fourth unknown game stage. The place has a lake with many fountains at the top of a waterfall and a large golden ribbon-esque decoration that splits at all the fountains. The background has a dark indigo and light purple sky with many red, white, and blue sky. The mages stood on the top of the central waterfall.

"Wow." Ariana breathed. "This place is amazing."

"According to the sky, it said welcome to Pearl Waterfall." Talia said as she read a star letters at the sky.

"Well, let's hurry if we're gonna get out of here." Ezra said.

"Are we really gonna continue to do this?" Camilla complained.

"Unless you have any other ideas." Kirana retorted. "We have no choice but to play White Serenity's game."

The Pearl Waterfall boss slowly rose out from the central waterfall and stared at the mystics as their powerful opponent. He has brownish green metallic skin with a gap in between his teeth, purple mask with longer tails, reddish brown eyes, and a bo staff on his back. The mages' eyes widened wider when they recognized their opponent as the mutant turtle Donatello. Donnie pointed his finger to Ariana as if he wants to challenge her to a boss fight, which Ariana anxiously accepted with a slow nod.

Ariana lunged forward and spun herself in a cork-screw manner with her metal covered boots leading towards Donnie, who avoided the attack with a strong hold of his bo staff. Donnie grinned in a mad scientist manner and thrusted his bo staff forward rapidly at Ariana, who blocked the attack with her combat boot and then flew spinning toward him while stabbing him multiple times with her arm transforming into metal blades. Donnie then rapidly hit Ariana with his bo staff and jumped in the air with a somersault before thrusting downward into her face. Ariana moved forward to perform five spinning kicks from an upside down position and hit Donnie with a flying upward drill kick with both metal covered legs. Donnie became dizzy for the moment, giving Ariana the perfect opportunity to finish him off. Ariana performed a jumped knee strike that launched Donnie as she somersaulted herself back to the ground. As she landed, Ariana transformed her arms into metal jagged blades and leaped up towards Donnie as she quickly delivered a series of slashes from multiple directions before slamming them into the ground.

That powerful attack defeated Donnie and the mutant turtle got himself pixeled into nothingness.

For her outstanding victory, Ariana breakdanced on the waterfall and winked with her two-finger salute.

A sudden white lightning bolt transported them out of the game stage.


After Ariana's victorious battle was completed, the mages found themselves in the fifth unknown game stage. The place has a bright amtosphere with white and light-blue clouds along with a pale-bluish sky.

Then, White Serenity suddenly appeared in the air above them.

"Welcome to Sky Aurora. Congratulations." White Serenity announced. "One more boss and you're ready to defeat the Citrine Witch."

White Serenity waved her staff in the air and disappeared out of sight.

The Rose Aurora boss jumped out from the waterfall and stared at the mages as their powerful opponent. He has emerald green metallic skin, blue mask with long tails, sapphire blue eyes, and a pair of katana swords on his back. The mages' eyes widened wider when they recognized their opponent as the mutant turtle Leonardo. Leo pointed his finger to Kirana as if he wants to challenge her to a boss fight, which Kirana immediately accepted with a respectful nod.

Kirana somersaulted herself forward with one of her icy covered legs outstretched and slammed it into Leo, who avoided the attack with enhanced speed. Leo grinned cockily and unleashed a flurry of quick slashes repeatedly with his katana sword at Kirana, who blocked the attack with her grateful speed and then leaped upwards to deliver icy covered kicks at Leo while spinning repeatedly. Leo then leaped into the air and spun vertically like a wheel to attack Kirana multiple times with his katana swords outstretched before landing on the ground. Kirana rapidly kicked Leo with a flurry of icy covered kicks and launched him into the air with the last kick. Leo became dizzy for the moment, giving Kirana the perfect opportunity to finish him off. Kirana twirled her upside-down body and attacked Leo with her icy covered legs that launched him into the air followed by kicking him while spinning repeatedly in the air and then finished Leo with her icy covered leg slamming him in the face that smashed him into the ground with a large flash.

That powerful attack defeated Leo and the mutant turtle got himself pixeled into nothingness.

For her outstanding victory, Kirana performed a flip jump and gave the V sign with a victory grin.

A sudden white lightning bolt transported them out of the game stage.


After Kirana's victorious battle was completed, the mages found themselves in the special game stage. The place was set in the darkness of space illuminated by the glowing neon lights that covered everything in sight with hay-wire space speedway the girls are standing on.

"Okay, this is really getting too exhausted right now." Ariana said with a deep breath.

"We've defeated the boss battles, now we've gotta save Casey." Ezra reminded.

"Only thing I want to know is what's going on here?" Kirana wondered.

"I'll tell you what's going on!" Talia cried. "It's the power of illusions!"

"Never thought I'd say this, but Talia may have a point." Camilla said. "And I'll smack that white witch for sending us in this stupid place!"

Suddenly, White Serenity appeared in the air above them. But this time, she has a glare on her face.

"So, you dare challenge my power, Camilla?" White Serenity asked angrily.

"Well, I didn't stutter!" Camilla snapped. "So what are you gonna do about it?"

"That's it!" White Serenity growled. "I really have enough with you!"

White Serenity twirled her staff and shot out multiple beams of bright white energy to wrap Camilla in a cocoon. In few seconds, the cocoon vanished and Camilla's new form appeared out of it. She now has flaming red hair with bangs, a jawless skull with dark red fire rings as her eyes, and three of her ribs sticking out on both sides of her chest. Their hotheaded sister's new form had left Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra speechless.

"Come on!" Camilla shouted. "Give me everything you got!"

"Uh, Camilla?" Ariana spoke. "Um, you are...uh...a skeleton ghost."

"That's so cool!" Talia grinned.

"Talk about scary now." Ezra snickered.

"What?!" Camilla screamed. She quickly snapped her fingers and conjured up a compact mirror that fell in her hand as she took a look on her new form. "OMG! I'm a ghost!"

"That's right! You're in my world now!" White Serenity yelled. "Break the rules and you'll pay the price! And now all of you must face the Citrine Witch!"

White Serenity waved her staff in the air and disappeared out of sight, leaving the K-5 stranded on the hay-wire space speedway as they walked forward to search for the exit up ahead.

"You know, I've been giving some thought about all of this." Kirana said.

"About me being a ghostly skeleton?" Camilla said angrily.

"Not really." Kirana replied. "I mean, game stages? The boss fights against the Turtles look-alikes? I think all of the challenges we fought are somewhat not real."

"So, you're saying that this whole thing is just an illusionary test to fool us." Talia said.

Kirana, Ariana, Ezra, and Camilla looked at their sister as if they've never heard Talia saying anything logical in their lives.

"You actually understand what Kirana's talking about?" Camilla said in disbelief.

"Seems sorta obvious." Talia replied. "Thanks for my awesome awareness skills!"

"If that counts." Ariana remarked.

"Come on, girls." Ezra said. "We can do this."


After the K-5 finally made to the exit, the mages found themselves in the final game stage. The place was a labyrinth of voluminous giant blue crystals and a large crystal ball on a stand in the middle of the place. The mages found Casey awake and safe inside the crystal ball.

"Casey!" Ariana shouted.

"Yes! I know you guys would find me!" Casey exclaimed with a grin. "Now, can you get me out of this giant crystal ball?"

"Don't worry, we'll have you out in a second." Kirana said.

Suddenly the K-5 heard a sinister feminine giggle filled in the game stage.

"Uh, if I remember correctly, did White Serenity said something about the Citrine Witch?" Talia shouted.

The K-5 gathered together and scanned the area around them until the Citrine Witch suddenly levitated herself above the crystal ball with a smirk on her face. The Citrine Witch has a lean, slender build with blue eyes. She has ginger hair tied up in a small ponytail with right-sided curved bangs and yellow headband. She wore a dark yellow collared trench coat over a yellow corest-like jumpsuit that covered her whole body, long black fingerless gloves that covered her forearms, and black combat boots with silver shin pads.

"April?" Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra gasped in surprise.

The Citrine Witch shot five small yellow energy bolts towards the K-5, who jumped out of the way and scattered away from each other. The Citrine Witch turned her head in Talia's direction and flew down towards the orange mage kunoichi to attack her with a massive yellow crescent-like blade of energy from her hand. Talia dodged out of the way and transmitted a very powerful sound wave to send the Citrine Witch flying away from her palm. The Citrine Witch turned her attention to Kirana and Ariana as she formed a yellow ball of energy between her hands and shot it at them, but Kirana and Ariana jumped out of the way. Kirana formed multiple arrows made of ice from both her hands and fired them at high towards the Citrine Witch while Ariana created a heavy spiky metal ball and shot it at the Citrine Witch at high speed. Ezra conjured two light shurikens and threw them at the Citrine Witch.

"We got to save Casey!" Ariana shouted.

"But we have to get rid of April first!" Kirana shouted back.

"And I can tell that she really wants to hurt us!" Ezra gulped.

"But this is April we're talking about!" Talia screamed. "We can't just hurt her! She's our friend!"

Camilla jumped up in the air and released a gigantic bolt of electricity from her palms to strike the Citrine Witch, but she protected herself from the attack with a yellow force field and punched the air to send out two yellow energized fists to hit Camilla, who went flying to the ground near Talia's feet. Kirana, Camilla, Talia, and Ezra charged forward at the Citrine Witch as they paid no attention to Ariana, who was trying to set Casey free with her metal jagged blades as her arms.

"Don't want to rush you or anything, but can you hurry up already?" Casey asked.

"I'm doing the best here!" Ariana yelled frustratingly.

"Sorry. My bad." Casey apologized quickly.

"Ariana!" Kirana called out. "I have a plan, but we need you here now!"

"Okay!" Ariana said. She turned back to Casey. "Stay put, Casey. I'll be back."

Ariana jumped back to her siblings as they huddled together in an offensive stances while catching their deep breaths.

"Let's focus on our powers as a combination attack to defeat the Citrine Witch!" Kirana said to her younger siblings.

Kirana created multiple lances made of ice from her hands, Camilla released a gigantic bolt of electricity from her palms, Ariana turned her arms into large spearheads to fire large number of iron spears in rapid succession, Talia released a powerful blast of sound from her hand, and Ezra summoned multiple light balls from his palms. The mages' combined attacks formed together into a gigantic elemental dragon to hit the Citrine Witch with massive damage.


After defeating the final boss, the crystal ball containing Casey and the unconscious Citrine Witch disappeared in a flash as the entire game stage has transformed into a different level. The place has flying metallic dark grey platforms loomed overhead above a makeshift floor in the form of thick, bright white strands with skulls laced into them as a full moon shones down onto the arena. The mages stood on the large dark grey platform at the center.

"What the...what the heck just happened?!" Ariana cried out.

"This whole thing has been a total waste of time!" Camilla said angrily. "Show yourself, White Serenity!"

Then, White Serenity appeared in the air above them and landed gently on the platform with a giggle.

"Well done, mage warriors." White Serenity said. "Now, I shall prepare a next game level! Your fight against me!"

"Forget it, White Serenity!" Kirana said, pointing her finger at White Serenity. "We knew that the whole thing is an illusion! It's not real!"

"That's right." Talia shouted.

"Nonsense!" White Serenity declined. "Now, face the wrath of me!"

"Bring it on." Ezra glared.

White Serenity twirled her staff and shot out multiple white energy balls at the K-5, but they immediately dodged out of the way. Ariana charged forward and jumped at White Serenity to strike, but White Serenity unleashed several white star-shaped energy waves emitted a loud, distorted supersonic noise at Ariana, who screamed out loud in pain from hearing it and then fell on the floor. Kirana charged next and created several fists made out of ice to strike White Serenity from below, but White Serenity protected herself from the attack with a white force field and fired a sphere of pink energy at Kirana that sent her flying away to the ground. Ezra charged forward and created several bolts of light to strike White Serenity, but she quickly fired a pink energy bolt at Ezra that made him fall to the ground. Camilla fired tons of beams of electricity from her body all around it at White Serenity, who fired off several volleys of two white energy balls at Camilla that sent her flying onto the downed Kirana. Talia quietly snuck up to White Serenity for a sneak attack, but White Serenity turned around and released many bright white blasts of energy at Talia, who jumped in the air to dodge the attack until she got hit and flew across the platform towards her siblings.

"Weak! So weak!" White Serenity shouted. "Time to finish this!"

White Serenity flew high in the air above the platform and released five continuous streams of white energy from her staff to incapacitate the mages together.

"Listen, guys!" Kirana shouted to her younger siblings. "White Serenity is creating this game as an illusion! We all must believe that this is not real in order to defeat her!"

Then suddenly, Kirana was free from the energy stream and turned back to her younger siblings.

"I understand!" Ariana cried. "And I don't believe this!"

Ariana smiled as she was able to free herself from the energy stream.

"If Kirana said it's not real, then it's not real!" Talia shouted.

Talia grinned as she was able to free herself from the energy stream as well.

"It's not real, I'm with my sisters though everything together!" Ezra shouted.

Ezra smiled as he was able to free himself from the energy stream as well.

White Serenity narrowed her eyes, but she smiled proudly at Camilla as she continued to release energy streams at the red mage kunoichi.

"It's all up to you now, Camilla!" Kirana shouted. "Try to concentrate!"

Camilla closed her eyes and concentrated on everything that's happening around her until she finally disbelieved everything from the crazed illusion.

"I...don't...believe!" Camilla shouted.

A sudden flash of red light blinded White Serenity, causing the white witch to lose focus and fell to the ground with a scream.


As all of White Serenity's illusions came to end, everyone have returned back to holographic training arena. Camilla got up on her feet and her entire appearance returned back to normal.

"Yes! I'm back!" Camilla said with a grin.

"We're done with your illusions, White Serenity." Kirana said firmly.

"Let me get this straight. We were inside the training arena this whole time?" Ezra said in confusion.

The K-5 surrounded White Serenity with angry faces.

"What were you trying to do to us?" Ezra demanded.

"I didn't mean to. I just wanted you all to enjoy the game." White Serenity said as she looked down the floor in shame and then looked up at the mages. "My name is Serena McLain. I used to be obsessed with the Accel Crisis everyday until one day that substance fell on me to my favorite avatar. That's when I become White Serenity, the White Magic Witch. Also, I made sure that you brought the game during my yard sale in my disguise. Since you all were happy to play it, I've decided to play with you." She then looked down in sadness. "I just wanted someone to have fun with."

"Oh, that's so darn sad." Talia said, trying her best not to cry for Serena's backstory.

"She wasn't entirely bad." Ariana grinned. "She just created a game as an illusion."

"You can go, Serenity." Kirana said. "But only if you promise that you will not force anyone to play with you ever again."

"No problem." White Serenity promised. "Until we meet again, my friends."

White Serenity turned away to create a white portal from her staff and jumped inside of it before the portal closed itself in a flash.

"Well, that was fun." Talia smiled proudly. She turned to her older sisters and younger brother. "Now, who wants pizza?"

As Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra agreed together, they walked out of the training arena with Talia.

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