K-5 (Full)

By LeslieHowell021

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When five mages emerge into the world of New York, they discover big threats that only they themselves can so... More

Rise Of The Mages (Part 1)
Rise Of The Mages (Part 2)
Mage Temper
New Friend, Old Enemy
Iron Donna
Reptile Brains
Beware of Sapphire
The Darkness
Panic at the Fortress
Nano Attack!
It Came From The Haunting Building
Mage or Monster
New Boys In Town
Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer and Sandra!
Lizard Terminator
Donna's Gambit
Enemy Of My Enemy
Kuro's Partnership
Sandra Returns
Operation: Detention Breakout
Showdown (Part 1)
Showdown (Part 2)
Mutation Situation
Invasion of the Bats
Follow the Ice
Sandra Unleashed!
Talia Gets Sonically
Target: Casey Jones
Samara and Destroy
The Good, The Bad, And Casey Jones
The Kraang Conspiracy
Rosa Galicia
Phantom Upgraded
Of Golem and Women
The Manhattan Project (Part 1)
The Manhattan Project (Part 2)
Accel and Mages
Donna's Nevermore
Newtralized and Nebulous!
The Wrath of Tigress
Legendary Kuraun
Project EVE
Vengance Will Be Mine
A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X
The Invasion (Part 1)
The Invasion (Part 2)
Deep Within The Woods
A Fierce Dagger
Buried Secrets
Invasion Of The Punkz Catz
In Dreams
Race With The Demon!
Powers of the Shagon
Spirit Journey
Return To New York
Wolf Hunt
The Crystal and the Luck
Battle For New York (Part 1)
Battle For New York (Part 2)
Casey Jones Vs The Underworld
The Witch Avenger
Clash of the Amazons
Meet Verona Salamander
The Deadly Bite
Mages In Time
Tales of the Mages
Attack of the Mega Shade!
The Venus Doom
The Fourblind Trap
Aliens Seen In New York!
Annihilation Earth (Part 1)
Annihilation Earth (Part 2)
Beyond the Majestic Universe
The Planet of Hegemon
The Crazy World Of Gerti
The Plant Mistress Jade!
Journey To The Center Of Talia's Mind
The Lab of Mosaic
The War In Dimension X
The Ghostly Gaean
Trans-Dimensional K-5
Wrath of the Hydnora
The Evil Of The Witches Seven
The Ever-Lasting Battle
Earth's Last Stand
City At War
Broken Foot and Broken Shadow
The Saiba Lacerta
Mage Gangland
Fleura du Mal
Lady Shadestrike
Darkest Plight
The Power Inside Them
Kùbào VS the Scientists
The Tale of Tigress
Scroll Of The Demodragon
The Forgotten Mage
The Hearts Of Evil
End Times
When Worlds Collide (Part 1)
When Worlds Collide (Part 2)
The Wëather Witćh
Špirit Journëy
Thë Whitë Taišša
Lone Mage And Cubs
The Wasteland Warrior
The Impossible Desert
The Curse Of Saskia McTavish
The Crypt of Lucine
The Victoria Experiment
Monsters Among Us!
Wanted: Jinx And Crystallia
The Shadow Walks Again!
The Big Blowout
K-5: Loud House (Part 1)
K-5: Loud House (Part 2)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 1)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 2)
The Key To The Lost Treasure
The Jewel Of The Great Power
Legend of the Dark Son
A K-5 Christmas Caper
Mages Forever (Part 1)
Mages Forever (Part 2)
Upcoming Books

Riddle Of The Ancient Sword

32 1 0
By LeslieHowell021

On the building rooftop, Kirana looked around the city with a bright smile on her face. She really missed her home planet, the clear blue sky, and the fresh cool breeze. Her eyes slowly caught a familiar woman and a male mutant on the rooftop near where she was standing.

"Is that...who I...think it is?" Kirana thought hopefully. Her eyes were filled with tears when she recognized them from her view. "It's them!"

Kirana immediately jumped onto the next rooftop and ran towards her mother first.

"Mother!" Kirana shouted with a smile.

As Kirana opened her arms wide and went to hug Sage, the white mage woman began to pixel into nothingness. Kirana's eyes widened wide in surprise and went to touch Leo, who also pixeled out of her sight. Kirana started to build up more tears coming out from her eyes and dropped her knees down to the ground.

Suddenly, a bright white door appeared on the edge of the rooftop that caught the blue mage kunoichi's attention. She looked up to watch her younger sister walking from the door.

"Sorry for the interruption." Ariana informed. "But Valina want us in the main room."

Kirana sighed with a nod as the entire city has changed into a holographic simulation room, leaving her sadden for the loss of her mother and her boyfriend.


As the Cristallum airship hovered orbit over a navy blue planet, Erin was staring at it in an observant manner.

"Have you located the talisman?" Erin asked her soldiers. "The Cristallums must find the talisman first before the Triceratons knew our plan."

"The first talisman is located somewhere in that planet, Captain." One of the Cristallum soldiers reported. "But we're going strange interference coming the planet as we speak."

"Assemble an away team." Erin ordered. "But let nothing distracted us from retrieving the talisman."


Unknown to the Cristallums, the Nexus was hiding itself behind an asteroid inside the asteroid belt.

"So, how exactly are we going to reach the planet?" Camilla asked as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"The Cristallums already detected the first talisman of the Cosmo Escalation on that planet." Valina replied. "We just need to reach it to deliver the talisman to them."

"Now, I really hate to be negative on the situation, but we may have some company." Domino said.

Domino pointed her finger at the view screen and everyone saw a blue spherical ship flying towards the planet in a quick speed.

"Who is that?" Rosetta asked Valina.

"I don't know." Valina responded. "The ship is undetectable, but I've bet the person inside is after the talisman as well. The Levians will guard the ship. The rest of us will take the Galaxy Boards."

The heroes went inside the exit room of the ship and they each hopped on a jetboard vehicle that represented their colors. Kirana was blue, Camilla was red, Ariana was purple, Talia was orange, Ezra was teal, Norbit was white, Rosetta was green, Domino was pale blue, and Valina was sky blue.

"Activate cloak mode." Ariana casted.

At her words, a strong wave of purple energy surged throughout the room and everyone were completely invisible out of sight. The Levians opened the ship's exit hatch and the heroes launched themselves out to head to the planet in fast speed.


As the K-5 flew into the planet's surface on the search for the first talisman on their Galaxy Boards, they all observed the peaceful environment with surprised looks on their faces. All of the ancient ruins and floating platforms are located high above the skies. They leaned forward to accelerate the boards on the first floating platform that has a lot of lush green trees and slowly leaned backward to decelerate their boards for landing. The K-5, Norbit, Domino, Rosetta, and Valina hopped off their boards to land their feet on the grassy ground.

"Welcome to Alpha Prime." Valina said with a warm smile. "The most beautiful, peaceful planet in the universe. It's gorgeous here, isn't not?"

"Whoa, this place is so wondrous." Domino breathed in awe.

"Yeah, the plant life here is very unique." Ariana said, pulling out her lilac holographic touchscreen from her armored glove. "Very fascinating."

"Yeah, very fascinating indeed." A female voice spoke.

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, Ezra, Norbit, Domino, Rosetta, and Valina immediately looked around for the source of that voice and found a very tall female alien levitating behind them. The female alien has a slender, athletic build and a curvaceous body. She has vibrant blue skin, cyan hair tied in a side bunned ponytail with a braid on the right, and piercing blue eyes. She wore a black-collared, blue bodysuit with a black utility belt marking the blue star logo goes around her waist. Also, she has black combat boots and black fingerless gloves.

"Nice to meet you." The female alien greeted with a sly smile. "I'm Azura, the member of the Witches Six."

"Witches Six?" Domino growled.

"I should have known." Camilla said as she cracked her knuckles hard twice. "First Rosa, then Jade, and now another one."

"That's right. My twin sister Rosa told me a lot about you girls before Jade was sent out to finish what she started." Azura chuckled. "Soon, I'll collect the talisman as my own possession. We, the Witches Six, will be victorious."

"Not if we can help it." Domino snapped.

Domino unleashed several whip-like blasts of pale blue energy heading straight for Azura, who only smiled as the attack got her. Everything exploded from Domino's attack with nothing left from the blue female alien. Everyone was shocked and surprised on the diamond alien for taking down the Witches Six alien with one blow.

"Well, that was easy." Domino said.

"Now, let us do what we came here to do." Valina said.

The heroes moved themselves into the forest, unaware that Azura was standing on the tree branch as she was watching them from above.

"These life forms are quite a challenge." Azura sad with a cruel smile. "Let's have a little fun, shall we?"

Azura radiated her hands in blue energy and slowly summoned flocks of black shadow bats with two slanted red eyes to fuse together into six clones of herself, sending them flying around the sky.


Meanwhile, Erin and two Cristallum soldiers landed their ships on the planet's floating platform.

"Any readings on the talisman, Mora?" Erin asked one of her soldiers.

"Affirmative, Captain Erin." Mora responded as her eyes are glued to her touchscreen pad device. "I'm getting a signal. It appears to be a cosmic alien."

"Valina. She must be after the fragment as well." Erin said. "Track her, Lieutenant Mora. She will lead us to the talisman."

"That won't be necessary."

The three Cristallums quickly looked around for the source of that voice and found Azura standing right above them.

"Well, hello there, Cristallums." Azura said. "It's an honor to meet you all, but I'm afraid you won't interfere my work."

Before any of the Cristallums could attack, Azura waved her arms around in the air and took control of the minds of the Cristallums as mindless zombies.

"Now show me the location of the talisman." Azura ordered.

Without a word, the Cristallums marched across the forest, making their way to the talisman in their zombified state. Azura giggled devilishly as her powers took control of the diamond aliens' minds.


The K-5, Norbit, Domino, Valina, and Rosetta wandered around the forest as they saw nothing but trees. The direction that they were going led them to a giant ringed planet-like statue with a small navy blue gemstone set at the center. Before they can react, their eyes had widened in shock as they saw six shadow Azura clones flying towards them from above.

"Huh?" Talia gasped.

"What the?" Ariana and Domino gasped with wide eyes.

"Aw fantastic." Ezra groaned.

"Just as I've figured. Azura was able to create shadow clones of herself." Valina said. "Obviously enough to distract us from getting the talisman."

"Oh, great. Now we have to deal with Azura and her dark goons." Camilla groaned heavily. "I so totally hate outer space times infinity!"

"Let's do this." Kirana said as her hands were radiated with blue psychic energy.

Six Azura clones swooped down at the K-5 in fast speed with their hands glowing in blue energy, releasing strong blasts of blue energy at the heroines. The K-5, Norbit, Domino, Valina, and Rosetta zoomed forward on the clones with immerse speed. As quickly as the shadow clones came, Domino and Valina fired their energy blasts and two shadow clones disintegrated into thin air. Once again, two more shadow clones flew down with blue energy bolts. Camilla fired off several volleys of two red psychic energy balls at one shadow clone and Talia spun herself around rapidly to shoot multiple orange psychic energy balls at the other shadow clones, causing the evil clones to disintegrate into nothing again. Two last shadow clones swooped down with blue energy beams, making Kirana and Ariana dodge out of the way. Kirana shot out large balls of blue psychic energy at one shadow clone and Ariana fired off various purple psychic energy bolts accurately that hit directly on the other shadow clone, causing them to disintegrate out of sight. Three more unexpected shadow clones began to charge at the team, until Ezra fired bolts of teal psychic energy bolts, Norbit fired a rocket missile, and Rosetta used a bottle of magenta mist at the shadow clones that disintegrated them out of sight.

"Well, that was surprisingly easy." Valina said slowly. "I was expecting those shadows to fight back."

"Uh, guys, we have more important stuff to deal with." Domino said as she pointed her finger upwards. "Like that."

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, Ezra, Norbit, Valina, and Rosetta followed Domino's finger and saw a small navy blue gemstone glowing brightly right before their eyes. The bright light then became a shining navy blue trail as if it was pointing the six heroines towards their objective.

"Wow." Ariana said in awe.

"It looks like it's pointing at something." Talia said.

"Well, let's see where it takes us." Rosetta said.

The K-5, Norbit, Domino, Valina, and Rosetta trekked through the forest until they arrived at a vast alien temple. The temple itself looked like a huge pyramid surrounded by soft sand. The K-5, Norbit, Domino, Valina, and Rosetta gasped collectively at the sight of the temple.

"That's one amazing alien temple!" Domino breathed in awe.

"I bet you this place has a lot of booby traps." Kirana said cautiously.

"Let's see and find out." Camilla said.

As the K-5, Norbit, Domino, Valina, and Rosetta began approaching inside the temple and quietly made it inside, they walked into the dark hallway and come to a dead end.

"What the heck? It's a dead end!" Talia exclaimed.

"Oh great. Now what?" Camilla groaned.

"Wait a second." Ezra said as he felt something off.

Suddenly, the floor began to collapse that led to a slide and the heroes and heroines went in. They all screamed out loud until they landed down hard on the ground. Kirana, Ariana, Ezra, Norbit, Domino, Valina, and Rosetta landed on their backs while Camilla and Talia landed their stomachs, making all of them groan in pain.

"Is everyone okay?" Domino asked.

"We're fine." Valina replied.

"Come on, let's keeping moving." Kirana said as she got up from the ground.

Kirana began to walk forward and unknowingly stepped on a tile. Then suddenly, a sharp metal spike came out of nowhere from the walls that nearly hit Kirana's face, causing the blue mage kunoichi to scream and tripped back to the ground. Rosetta, Valina, Norbit, Ezra, Ariana, Talia, Camilla, and Domino gasped shockingly as they immediately ran to Kirana and helped her off the ground.

"That must be a booby trap." Domino said.

"There's writing on here." Valina said as she walked towards the wall that has ancient, hieroglyphic writing on it.

"Definitely alien." Ariana said as she and Talia peeked on the wall writings.

"What does it say, Captain?" Rosetta asked.

"Crack the code, a door will open. One wrong step, forever broken." Valina read.

"So, all we have to do is step on the tiles like in the drawings and the door will open." Camilla said.

"Oh no! I'm not stepping on one of those tiles again!" Kirana said.

"I'll do it." Talia said casually as she stretched her arms and legs out. "It's just like one of those cool dance games back on Earth."

"Talia, what are you doing?" Ariana asked worryingly.

Talia rushed towards the tiles and jumped on each one. She started dancing with excellent agility and reflexes to repeat the ancient drawings on the wall while avoiding the spikes at the same time. Five mages, one robot, and two aliens were surprised and amazed by the orange mage kunoichi's acrobatic moves. Talia stood on her hands perfectly when a sharp metal spike came close to her, but she managed to dodge it by performing a perfect split few inches away.

Then suddenly, the door opened up. Talia had completed the booby trap. The team happily congratulated Talia and walked passed her. Talia then performed a back flip and landed on her feet in front of her teammates.

"Oh yeah, baby!" Talia cheered. "Those spikes couldn't even touch me!"

"That was amazing, Talia!" Ezra smiled.

That's when all of the metal spikes came out from the wall and filled the obstacle, causing Talia to jump onto Camilla's arms with a loud scream. Kirana, Ariana, Ezra, Norbit, Domino, Valina, and Rosetta noticed the obstacle with wide eyes.

"Whoa!" Talia exclaimed.

"Let's keep moving." Domino said calmly.

Camila dropped Talia to the ground and followed the others. Talia got up from the ground and followed her older sister. The heroes and heroines walked through the door and left the room until the floor suddenly collapsed into a slide and everyone yelled as they slid down through a tunnel. They landed on the ground on their stomachs in pain and got back up to look around the area. In front of them was another wall that has a wooden wheel with stone patterns inside and more hieroglyphic writings around the wheel.

"It's another booby trap." Valina said as she walked up towards the wall.

"What does it say?" Domino asked.

"Triple bone stones, westward key." Valina read.

"You mean this?" Talia said as she held up the skeleton key in her hand. "I found this after I passed the obstacle back there."

"Nice work, sis." Kirana said as she took the skeleton key from her younger sister and began to look for the stones on the wheel to fit it in. "Now, let's see if it fits."

"Okay." Valina said.

Rosetta, Valina, Domino, Norbit, Ezra, Talia, Ariana, and Camilla looked for the stones for Kirana to fit the key into, but they have no luck so far.

"This is crazy." Camilla mumbled in disbelief.

Then, Kirana finally fit the skeleton key into the middle stones. The rest of the team smiled as the skeleton key fit perfectly on the three stones.

"Yeah! It fits!" Talia cheered excitedly.

"So, which way do we turn?" Domino asked.

"Valina did said westward, so it's counter clockwise." Ariana said.

As Kirana began turning the wheel counter clockwise with the skeleton key, a sudden pair of wooden stocks closed on the blue mage kunoichi's wrist. Kirana yelped in fear as Domino and Valina are working on getting Kirana free.

Suddenly, everyone heard a noise and they saw cannonball rolling down at the top of the room. They don't like the sound of that.

"What the heck is that?" Camilla exclaimed.

Everyone spotted the cannonball passing over them, making the team gasp in fright. Kirana realized what was going on because she obviously set off another booby trap.

"Look out!" Kirana exclaimed.

"Oh snap, this can't be good!" Talia exclaimed in horror.

"Guys, get out of the way!" Kirana exclaimed as she and some of the team got out of the way in time.

"What's going on?" Ariana exclaimed in confusion as she stood on her ground and not moving from her spot.

The cannonball reached the end of the track as it fell off and landed in a net at the bottom below, causing the rope to yank out. The floor underneath Ariana suddenly opened, causing her to scream as she fell through a new hole in the floor.

"Ariana!" Ezra exclaimed in horror as he and the others watched the purple mage kunoichi falling to her doom.

Ariana kept on screaming while freaking out, but she managed to lift her arm up and send out a small grappling hook from her armored glove flying above to thrust through the rock wall in time. That stopped the purple mage kunoichi from her fall and hung on above a solid ground below. From the opening above, the others were worried for the fallen mage.

"Ariana!" Valina exclaimed in horror.

"Ari!" Ezra cried out.

"Oh, son." Rosetta said as she placed her hand on her son's shoulder.

"Ariana, no." Talia cried.

"Ariana." Kirana exclaimed, looking for her younger sister from the darkness below.

"Ariana's gone!" Camilla exclaimed sadly as she and Domino held each other in sadness.

"I have scanned for Ariana." Norbit said as he looked down the hole.

"No, please don't be gone." Domino said sadly.

"It's okay! I'm alright!" Ariana called out as she kept stretching up and down from the grappling hook that kept her safe. She had released a relief smile and looked up at her team eagerly. "I'm not dead! I've been saved by my grappling hook!"

"She is alright." Norbit said.

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, Ezra, Domino, Valina, and Rosetta gasped in surprise and formed happy smiles on their faces.

"She's alive! She's alive!" Valina cheered.

"Our sister is alive! She's alive!" Talia exclaimed in happiness.

"Hey, guys!" Ariana said as she looked around the room. "I'm in another room!"


The K-5 used the rope from Ariana's grappling hook to climb down into the room and they stood on the ground to try to figure out what to do next. Everyone then turned and saw something surprising: there is the first talisman in the center of the room. The talisman looked like a sword. The sword's blade was silver concealed with a jewel-decorated sheath and the handle of the sword was golden.

"There it is." Domino gasped. "The first talisman of the Cosmo Escalation."

"The Valor Sword." Valina whispered.

"Yeah, we did it!" Talia cheered.

Camilla and Kirana gave each other high-fives with victory smiles. They are about to march up to the talisman, but Ariana grabbed them by the back of their armor and pulled them back from stepping foot to the sword.

"Wait a minute." Ariana said sternly. "What if it's another booby trap?"

"Hey, who cares? We found it first." Camilla said with a smile.

Before the heroes and heroines can claim the talisman on their grasp, a shadowy portal was seen right behind them on the wall. Four familiar women walked out of the swirly portal and stood on their ground.

"Not so fast, ladies!" Azura said with a sly smile. "The first talisman belongs to the Witches Six. Cristallums, obliterate them!"

The three Cristallums obeyed and charged forward to attack the heroes and heroines with immerse speed. Domino created a pale blue energy force field to protect the team by the pale blue energy blasts from the diamond aliens, but she couldn't hold the force field any longer. Ezra, Talia, Ariana, and Camilla shot out beams of psychic energy from their eyes that hit the three Cristallums straight to the ground unconsciously. Domino dropped the force field that allowed Valina and Kirana to unleash combined energy blasts at the Witches Six alien. Rosetta quickly went up to guard the talisman while her friends were fighting Azura. Azura's hands began to glow with blue energy and released a strong blue energy blast onto the K-5. Five mages, one robot, and two aliens quickly dodged out of the way as they charged forward to deliver an all-out attack. Kirana fired two narrow blue psychic energy lasers from her eyes, Ariana unleashed a blast of purple psychic energy from her hands onto the ground, Ezra unleashed a blast of teal psychic energy from his hands from his palms, Camilla and Talia fired an X shaped red and orange psychic energy from their hands, Norbit fired three tiny rocket blasts from his armor, and Domino and Valina fired one huge energy laser blast. All the attacks crashed against Azura, who giggled evilly and dodged out of the way. Azura's hands began to radiate with blue energy and unleashed several blue lightning arrow bolts that exploded in front of the K-5, throwing them through the walls in each direction.

Five mages, one robot, and two aliens groaned in pain, leaving Azura float above them with a victory smile. Azura's eyes caught the sight of the talisman and moved her way towards the sword.

"I'm not letting you take this talisman!" Rosetta said, threateningly.

"Just how your husband wanted to protect them?" Azura mocked.

She used her magic to knock Rosetta off to the wall. Talia jumped back on her feet and managed to catch up Azura in a nick of time. Kirana, Ezra, Ariana, Valina, Domino, Norbit, Camilla, and Rosetta tried to get up from the ground, but they stopped to watch the orange mage kunoichi and the blue witch alien racing against each other for the sword. Talia and Azura took a long leap as they jumped into the air and stretched their arms out as far as they could, trying to get a hold of the talisman first. Luckily, Talia managed to grab the talisman before Azura had the chance to. The power of the sword erupted as Talia clung onto the sword with Azura being flung backward. Everyone watched in awe as Talia appeared before them with the glowing sword.

"No, the Valor Sword belongs to me!" Azura shouted as she got back on her feet with a glare. "For the Witches Six!"

Azura fired giant balls of blue energy from her hands that raced towards the orange mage kunoichi.

"Tal, watch out!" Ezra shouted.

Talia jumped high in the air and swung the sword to release a massive wave of navy blue energy at Azura, sending the blue witch alien flying towards the wall unconsciously. Talia fell to the ground on her knees as all the power from the Valor Sword left her at once. Domino ran across the room and grabbed the orange mage kunoichi before Talia fell to the ground without conscious. Talia clung onto the Valor Sword tightly in her hand while panting for air as Domino held onto her. Rosetta, Valina, Ezra, Norbit, Ariana, Kirana, and Camilla surrounded Talia, checking to make sure she was okay from the battle.

"You okay, sis?" Camilla asked softly.

"I'm fine." Talia replied as she rested her head against Domino's chest. "It feels like all my strength was drained out of me, but I got the sword before Azura."

"Good job, Talia." Kirana said.

"Now, let's get out of here." Valina said.

"You said it." Ariana agreed with a nod.


After the K-5 casted a teleportation spell to escape the temple room with their alien friends in a flash, Azura slowly woke up from the ground and found herself alone in the room.

"This is not over, ladies!" Azura hissed angrily. "In this vengeance, I will find my revenge to destroy you all!"


The K-5 and the Cristallums stood their feet on the same floating platform they had arrived on.

"Thank you for saving us from that witch." Erin said. "The Valor Sword must have sense the courage within the orange mage and gave its immense power entranced her to fight against Azura."

"Wow." Kirana and Ariana breathed in awe.

"So, cool." Camilla gasped in amazement.

"But you can have it." Talia said as she handed the Valor Sword to the Cristallum leader. "We want to help you finding the other two."

"Thank you. But there is one more thing we must do." Erin said as she looked at Ezra.

She offered her hand and he took it. She let his hand touch the Valor Sword and it gave him a memory that played in his head.


Rosetta looked around as she snuck in the Triceraton ship. She saw their queen watching as they were arranging the human slaves in their new uniforms.

"Those poor people." Rosetta frowned. "We gotta help them."

"We have to follow what my friend said."

Rosetta looked at the source of the voice that revealed to be Dastren himself.

"Monica said she's got a plan and we have to help in the way she told us too." Dastren said as he held his girlfriend's hand.

"It's just not fair." Rosetta said. "The Triceraton Queen shouldn't be able to do such a thing like this."

"Don't you worry, honey." Dastren replied, reassuringly. "Once Monica and Edson are ready, we can free them. I promise."

Rosetta smiled and kissed her boyfriend's cheek.

Flashback ends

Ezra moved his hand away and looked at Erin with surprised eyes.

"Your father spent years helping others in need in the galaxy." Erin explained. "Your powers can allow you to see memories of him in his adventures as you find these talismans."

"Thank you." Ezra smiled, sadly.

"You're welcome. Take care until we meet again." Erin said with a smile.

Erin and the other two Cristallums marched back towards their ships, soaring back to space with the airship. The K-5, Norbit, Domino, Valina, and Rosetta raced back to the Nexus on their Galaxy Boards.


Back aboard the Nexus, Valina typed few buttons on the control panel and began to set course on finding the next talisman for the Cristallum Empire.

"Let's go, Valina." Kirana ordered. "We have to catch up to the second talisman."

"I have to admit I couldn't stop thinking about that Valor Sword." Talia said.

"I'm surprised that you were able to wield its power against the witch alien." Camilla said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Yeah, it was as if Talia's courage and the Valor Sword's power have a strong connection." Ariana proclaimed.

Only Domino can do is smile from the conservation while gazing at the stars from the view screen. Ezra thought about his father and smiled for the memories he will be ready to see soon.

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