K-5 (Full)

By LeslieHowell021

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When five mages emerge into the world of New York, they discover big threats that only they themselves can so... More

Rise Of The Mages (Part 1)
Rise Of The Mages (Part 2)
Mage Temper
New Friend, Old Enemy
Iron Donna
Reptile Brains
Beware of Sapphire
The Darkness
Panic at the Fortress
Nano Attack!
It Came From The Haunting Building
Mage or Monster
New Boys In Town
Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer and Sandra!
Lizard Terminator
Donna's Gambit
Enemy Of My Enemy
Kuro's Partnership
Sandra Returns
Operation: Detention Breakout
Showdown (Part 1)
Showdown (Part 2)
Mutation Situation
Invasion of the Bats
Follow the Ice
Sandra Unleashed!
Talia Gets Sonically
Target: Casey Jones
Samara and Destroy
The Good, The Bad, And Casey Jones
The Kraang Conspiracy
Rosa Galicia
Phantom Upgraded
Of Golem and Women
The Manhattan Project (Part 1)
The Manhattan Project (Part 2)
Accel and Mages
Donna's Nevermore
Newtralized and Nebulous!
The Wrath of Tigress
Legendary Kuraun
Project EVE
A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X
The Invasion (Part 1)
The Invasion (Part 2)
Deep Within The Woods
A Fierce Dagger
Buried Secrets
Invasion Of The Punkz Catz
In Dreams
Race With The Demon!
Powers of the Shagon
Spirit Journey
Return To New York
Wolf Hunt
The Crystal and the Luck
Battle For New York (Part 1)
Battle For New York (Part 2)
Casey Jones Vs The Underworld
The Witch Avenger
Clash of the Amazons
Meet Verona Salamander
The Deadly Bite
Mages In Time
Tales of the Mages
Attack of the Mega Shade!
The Venus Doom
The Fourblind Trap
Aliens Seen In New York!
Annihilation Earth (Part 1)
Annihilation Earth (Part 2)
Beyond the Majestic Universe
The Planet of Hegemon
The Crazy World Of Gerti
The Plant Mistress Jade!
Riddle Of The Ancient Sword
Journey To The Center Of Talia's Mind
The Lab of Mosaic
The War In Dimension X
The Ghostly Gaean
Trans-Dimensional K-5
Wrath of the Hydnora
The Evil Of The Witches Seven
The Ever-Lasting Battle
Earth's Last Stand
City At War
Broken Foot and Broken Shadow
The Saiba Lacerta
Mage Gangland
Fleura du Mal
Lady Shadestrike
Darkest Plight
The Power Inside Them
Kùbào VS the Scientists
The Tale of Tigress
Scroll Of The Demodragon
The Forgotten Mage
The Hearts Of Evil
End Times
When Worlds Collide (Part 1)
When Worlds Collide (Part 2)
The Wëather Witćh
Špirit Journëy
Thë Whitë Taišša
Lone Mage And Cubs
The Wasteland Warrior
The Impossible Desert
The Curse Of Saskia McTavish
The Crypt of Lucine
The Victoria Experiment
Monsters Among Us!
Wanted: Jinx And Crystallia
The Shadow Walks Again!
The Big Blowout
K-5: Loud House (Part 1)
K-5: Loud House (Part 2)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 1)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 2)
The Key To The Lost Treasure
The Jewel Of The Great Power
Legend of the Dark Son
A K-5 Christmas Caper
Mages Forever (Part 1)
Mages Forever (Part 2)
Upcoming Books

Vengance Will Be Mine

52 1 0
By LeslieHowell021

In the dungeon, Kuro kept trying to break out his cell with his light magic as Leia and Kale did the same thing inside their own cells with their dark magic. They broke themselves out of their cells, but they immediately placed the bar back when Masque walked in with three trays of rice bowls.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the ghost of our annoyance." Kuro said smugly.

"Can you bring something fresher than that?" Leia said with a glare.

"You three better appreciate on what I give you." Masque snapped. "This is a dungeon, not an all you can eat buffet."

"I'm pretty sure Tigress sent you down here to feed us." Kale stated. "You're just a puppet. Afraid of that big cat."

"Just watch your mouth, valley alien." Masque hissed.

Masque phased out of the dungeon.

Kuro, Leia, and Kale got out of their cells by taking the bar on the cell door. They quickly ran to the dungeon exit, but Tigress blocked their path to freedom.

"Going somewhere?" Tigress questioned.

"Anywhere but here!" Kuro snapped.

Kuro fired several spheres of dark energy continuously from his hands at Tigress, but the tiger mage mutant dodged out of the way. Tigress slashed the air in front of her and launched five-to-ten burnt orange energy beams at Kuro, who went out unconscious to the ground. Leia and Kale fired several spheres of black energy continuously from their hands at Tigress, who avoided the attack with swift speed and generated large burnt orange energy slashes from her feet while jumping in the air and swinging her leg down on Leia and Kale. Kuro, Leia, and Kale were down and out to the ground.

Before Tigress was about to claw them, Lady Shade appeared inside the dungeon room and stood in front of Tigress.

"Stop, Tigress! You will not harm him!" Lady Shade ordered.

"As you wish, mistress." Tigress said with a nod.

Kuro, Leia, and Kale woke up in a new cell together as they looked down to see chains around their hands. They sensed Lady Shade was standing behind Kuro.

"Kuro, please understand?" Lady Shade asked softly as she took off her metallic black mask. "Everything I've done is for this clan's honor. Why do you insist on hurting me?"

Kuro stared down at the ground with silence.

"Do you have anything to say to me, son?" Lady Shade asked again.

"I'm. Not. Your. Son!" Kuro screamed with an angry face.


In the Crete fortress, the K-5 were going over a rescue plan in the living room.

"In order to bring our brother and our friends back home, we have to sneak in without being spotted." Kirana spoke. "Which is obvious, but we can't go up against Lady Shade and her goons. It's far too risky."

"I'm on board on that as much as I love beating them up for another round." Camilla said with a shrug.

"We might have to be quick on this mission." Ezra stated.

"Hold up, wait a minute! Do I have to be the bait while Ariana sits all nice and cozy in the Sonicruiser?" Talia complained.

"That's because the getaway driver has to be technical unlike you." Ariana answered with a smirk.

Talia looked at Ariana with a glare.

"Look, all of us must do everything in their position to make our conductive mission successful." Kirana said firmly.

"My children, I know you are determined to free Kuro, but you can't take that risk if you five are gonna confront with Lady Shade." Sage spoke as she walked behind her children.

"But what about Kuro, mother?" Kirana asked. "Isn't it worth the risk to rescue your long-lost son?"

Sage went silent for a second, but she had made her decision.

"But I am not willing to risk your lives or my son's." Sage replied.

"Yes, mother." Kirana said with a sigh.

Sage left the living room and headed to the dojo.

"No, mother's wrong. We can't wait." Kirana said. "We're going to rescue our brother, no matter what it takes."

"Let's do this!" Camilla smiled.


After the Sonicruiser arrived to Lady Shade's lair, the K-5 have planned their mission smoothly. Ariana had disabled the power grid from the Sonicruiser. Talia distracted Galva and Masque with her illusion spell. Kirana, Camilla, and Ezra were able to infiltrate into the dungeon without any problem. They entered the main dungeon chamber to search for Kuro's cell.

"Kuro. Leia." Kirana called out in a whisper. "Where are you?"

"Kirana, we're right here." Kuro's voice called from behind a reinforced door.

Kirana, Camilla, and Ezra looked through the view door and saw three familiar mages in chains. They are relieved that they were safe and sound.

"You came for us!" Kale smiled.

"Wait, what's he doing in there?" Camilla asked as she stared at Kale with a raised eyebrow.

"I thought he was a bad guy." Ezra agreed.

"It's alright, guys. He's a traitor just like us." Leia said calmly. "He betrayed his loyalty to Amora and Shade just like I did."

"But seriously, what took you three so long?" Kuro smirked.

"I thought you got some tricks to escape on your own." Kirana teased with a smirk. "Camilla and Ezra, keep your eyes on the Shadow Ninjas and Lady Shade."

"On it." Camilla said with a nod.

Kirana began freezing the lock with her ice magic.


On the rooftop of the Shadow Clan HQ, Talia's illusion spell kept distracting Galva and Masque. The two mage mutants were trying to attack Talia's illusionary copies, but they ended them up attacking each other that hit them directly. Galva and Masque groaned as they looked up to see the real Talia standing above. Talia knew that she was caught, forcing her to run away from them.

"Come on! We can't let her get away!" Masque shouted.

Galva and Masque got up to pursue Talia, who aimed her right palm and fired a blast of powerful orange sound waves at the two mage mutants that knocked both of them out unconsciously.


Meanwhile, Kirana froze the lock and shattered it into tiny pieces.

"Let's go." Kirana said as she opened the door.

Kirana froze the chains with her ice magic, breaking her brother and her friends free. With that, six mages quickly ran toward the exit.

"Did you three get pass Tigress?" Kuro asked.

"They didn't!" Tigress shouted.

Tigress suddenly stood in front of the mages with a sinister smile on her face.

"All of you are not going anywhere." Tigress said.

"That's what you think." Ezra said. He took his K-Phone from his belt. "Ariana, now!"

As Ariana pressed an enter key to activate a screeching sequence, Tigress started screaming in pain and covered her sensitive ears. Camilla knocked Tigress down to the ground with an electric kick, allowing the five mages and one alien to make their escape out of the chamber.


After the mages exited the dungeons and regrouped together near the Shadow Clan HQ entrance, Talia jumped down from the rooftop and landed right in front of them.

"Talia!" Camilla said. "You're good?"

"Yup." Talia grinned with a thumbs-up.

Then, the Sonicruiser showed up and parked in front of the mages. Camilla and Talia entered inside the vehicle. Kirana, Ezra, Leia, and Kale went inside next. Before Kuro can enter inside with the others, he sensed two dark auras and looked up to see Lady Shade and Amora staring down at him on top of the building. Kuro glared angrily and entered the Sonicruiser. As the doors closed, Kirana drove off down the street at full speed.

Unfortunately, Tigress and four Shadow Droids followed the Sonicruiser on motorcycles.

"Here they come." Kale said as he and Leia looked at the view screen.

"Do you have anything to get rid of the pests?" Kuro asked Ariana.

"One of my favorite tricks that I've installed." Ariana grinned.

As Ariana pressed a key button on the keypad, the Sonicruiser unleashed a barrier around the Shadow Droids. The robotic ninjas were preventing from escaping as the nano bots began liquefying them on a microscopic level. But Tigress was not effected by the barrier as she continued pursing the Sonicruiser. Ariana pressed another key button on the keypad and the Sonicruiser formed a dark green orb from the cannon, unleashing it straight at the tiger mage mutant. The power from the orb knocked Tigress off her motorcycle and fell onto the road. Then, the Sonicruiser drove away from the next corner at full speed.

"Thanks for the rescue." Kuro said softly.

"No problem, Kuro." Kirana smiled. "You're our brother and that makes Leia and Kale part of our family too."

Kuro, Leia, and Kale smiled at the blue mage kunoichi.


Back in the Crete fortress, Talia and Camilla rested on the couch. Ariana went off to grab a can of grape soda. Ezra went to grab a teal gumball. Kirana was chatting with Kuro, Leia, and Kale.

"I'm so glad you three are able to stay with us." Kirana said.

"With Lady Shade after me, I don't have any other choice." Kuro grinned, crossing his arms over his chest.

Kale looked around the place with glee.

"This place is great! High in the sky without any attention." Kale smiled widely. He sat on the couch between Talia and Camilla before placing his arms around their shoulders. "We're going to be best friends forever."

Sage then entered the living room with a stern look on her face.

"Hi, Mom." Ezra chuckled nervously.

"I cannot believe you five disobeyed my orders!" Sage scolded. "I thought I already have confirm..."

Sage's voice trailed off when she looked up to see Kuro standing between Leia and Kirana.

"Shori." Sage gasped softly.

Kuro approached Sage and threw his arms around his true mother.

"Hello, mother." Kuro smiled.

Sage was surprised for a second and wrapped her arms around Kuro.

"Sorry for disobeying you, mother. But my plan did work after all." Kirana said with a smile.

Sage released the hug and looked at Kuro.

"I do believe some important things are worth risking." Sage smiled. She looked at Leia and Kale. "Welcome to the Crete Fortress."

Leia and Kale smiled back at Sage.


Meanwhile, Tigress returned to the throne room and knelt her knee down in front of Lady Shade and Amora.

"I'm sorry, Mistress Shade. The Shadow Droids have scattered the city and we couldn't search the K-5, Kuro, Leia, or Kale." Tigress reported. "The Shadow Droids will find them. I promise you."

"Honestly, I was actually counting on their inevitable escape." Lady Shade spoke as she and Amora turned around to look at Tigress.

"Excellent idea, mother. Truly brilliant." Amora smiled widely. "No wonder why the rescue was a success with the K-5. You planned on letting Kuro, Leia, and Kale escape all along."

"What? But why?" Tigress asked in shock. "Kuro knows the secrets of his past now. He's got Leia and Kale on his side."

"Because Kuro will come back to finish his revenge on me. He'll bring me Sage and her children." Lady Shade explained. "Then, I will have my vengeance. Tell Donna she has new test subjects for her experiments."


Back in the Crete fortress, Ezra and Kuro were sparring each other in the dojo. Sage, Leia, and Kale were watching the training session as well. Kirana was fighting against Talia and Camilla was fighting against Ariana. Kirana created multiple lances made of ice towards Talia, but the orange mage kunoichi swiftly dodged all of the icy lances in a childlike manner.

"Focus, Tal..." Kirana said firmly.

Then suddenly, Talia launched two spheres of sound energy at Kirana's face.

"Oh yeah!" Talia cheered. "Got ya!"

Kirana looked at Talia with an annoyed look as Talia started dancing around her. Kuro giggled at Kirana, who heard that over her shoulder. Ezra rolled his eyes as he saw his sister's goofiness. Kirana glared at Talia and tackled her as they started rolling all over the dojo. They rolled into Ariana as a wrecking ball. Camilla stood her position to watch her sisters rolling around with a confused face, but she shrugged her shoulders and decided to join in.

"This is how they train all the time?" Kuro smiled.

"They are my sisters." Ezra chuckled.

"I already recorded the whole thing." Kale smirked as he was holding his black iPhone.

"Nice thinking, Kale." Leia snickered.

"Yame!" Sage shouted.

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Talia lined up next to Ezra, Kuro, Leia, and Kale.

"That is enough for today." Sage told the mages. "Enjoy the rest of your day."

The K-5 exited out of the dojo, but Ezra and Leia noticed that Kuro wasn't following them.

"Kuro, are you coming?" Ezra asked.

"I'll be with you in a minute." Kuro replied.

Ezra walked out of the dojo with Leia. Kuro walked over to stare at the family picture on the shelf.

"I don't mean to ask you this question." Kuro asked as he turned to Sage, who was mediating in mid-air behind him. "But what did happen between you, Lady Shade, and my father?"

Sage opened her eyes with a sigh and stood on her feet.

"The story has a deeper part into it." Sage said. "Centuries ago, the bitter feud between the Magnolia and Shadow clan went out history. After your grandmother defeated Burakkurozu Rozu's mother, she gave her daughter shelter when she was only an infant. Rozu and I were raised as sisters and rivals in many things, but not with your aunt Coral. But that rivalry soon turned bitter when we met your father Caesar. Jealousy slowly became hatred when Rozu learned about her true heritage. She swore vengeance and rebuilt the Shadow clan. One night, Burakkurozu Rozu struck a blow that was meant for me. But your father took the blow instead. Shade blamed me for your father's death and burned our home to the ground in her rage, which left me to the fate I have right now. When I thought you were perished in fire, she took you away from me."

"To train me to destroy you and my siblings." Kuro concluded with a sad face.

"We are safe and we are finally together again, my son. That's all that matters." Sage said softly.

Kuro slowly put on a smile on his face and Sage did the same, making them hug each other with comfort.


Later on, the mages were sleeping peacefully inside their bedroom. Kuro's eyes opened slyly in the shadows as he used her dark magic to zoom his vision, allowing him to see his mother and his siblings asleep in magnified distances. He quietly made his way to the fortress exit, but he stopped to sense a familiar aura and turned around to face Kirana.

"If you really think you can go against Lady Shade alone, then I'm coming with you." Kirana said firmly.

"Don't try to stop me, Kirana. You need to understand that..." Kuro said with a serious tone. He stopped for a second until he heard what Kirana just said with a surprise look on his face. "Wait, what?"

"Look, if we take her down, then Lady Shade will stop hunting us for good." Kirana explained. "Let me help you."

Kuro walked closer to Kirana and hugged her tightly. Kirana startled for a second and hugged Kuro back.

"I'm sorry, Kirana." Kuro said. "But I can't let you lose your life for me."

Kuro swiftly released a black shining powder from his palm straight in Kirana's face, causing her to fall to the floor and went to sleep instantly.

"But this ends now." Kuro muttered.

With that, Kuro exited the fortress.


Back in Lady Shade's lair, Kuro quietly snuck into the throne room and slithered behind the throne chair in his shadow form. As he moved closer and closer, Kuro's eyes widened wide as he saw that Chroma was sitting there instead of Lady Shade.

"What?!" Kuro growled angrily.

Chroma sprang out of the throne and went to capture Kuro, but the dark mage ninja gathered yellow light in his right hand and fired it at the robot. That attack engraved a hole into her chest, making her fall to the floor offline.


Kuro quickly turned around to watch Lady Shade stepping out of the shadows, making him summon his light magic on his left hand and his dark magic on his right hand.

"Shade." Kuro growled.

"I knew you would return back to the Shadow Clan." Lady Shade noted.

"Only to rid your existence forever, Lady Shade." Kuro said with a glare.

Kuro fired several spheres of dark energy continuously from his right hand at Lady Shade. But Lady Shade was able to block and dodge Kuro's attack with remarkable speed.

"How can you fight me especially when I taught you everything you know?" Lady Shade said. "Very foolish of you, Kuro."

But Lady Shade spoke too soon when Kuro held his left hand out and fired a powerful light sphere that hit Lady Shade back into her throne chair.

Lady Shade glared and fired a huge beam of black circles at Kuro's chest that sent him flying across the room. Kuro landed on his back in the center of the room with a groan. But before he could move, Lady Shade pinned Kuro hard in an arm lock.

"It's over, Kuro." Lady Shade said.

Tigress and Amora came out from the darkness.

"Still no sign of the K-5." Tigress reported. "Also, Donna informed me that the Shredder and Tiger Claw have arrived in Stockman's lab."

"They can't be far behind." Lady Shade said.

Lady Shade stood up and threw Kuro to Amora, who took hold of the unconscious mage ninja.

"Take him to Donna. Set course to this Stockman. It's time for the experiment to begin." Lady Shade ordered.


Meanwhile, Kirana started waking up with a groan and looked around to notice that Kuro is gone.

"Guys! Mother!" Kirana shouted.

Sage, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, Ezra, Leia, and Kale ran out of the room as they headed into the living room to see Kirana standing near the fortress exit.

"Kirana, what happened? Where is Kuro?" Sage asked with a worry face.

"He left to take out Shade on his own!" Kirana replied. "He doesn't want to risk anyone's life, so he casted me to sleep and left the fortress."

"I should have known this would happen." Sage berated. "I've told him too much about my past."

"Now, we have to stop him." Ezra said.

"We can catch up to him in the Sonicruiser." Ariana said.


Outside, Kirana drove the Sonicruiser into an alley near Shade's lair. The mages could see Tigress and Amora had Kuro in their grasp as they were taking him somewhere.

"Oh no, they got Kuro!" Kale gasped.

"We have to do something." Leia said.

"Camilla, fire up the weapons!" Kirana ordered.

"No, Kirana. It's too dangerous." Sage said. "Follow them close, but don't let them spot us."

Kirana nodded her head and continued driving to purse the black van.


In an abandoned factory, Stockman-Fly was putting the final touches on his homemade mutagen. Viral was helping him out as she planned to make her own mutagen.

"Is it ready, Stockman?" Shredder asked.

Shredder's voice shocked Stockman-Fly and caused Viral to spill some ingredients into the mutagen.

"That'll be fine." Stockman-Fly muttered to Viral before turning to his master. "Yes, Master Shredder!"

"The serpent and wolf DNA is ready to process your specification." Viral added.

"Good. Prepare the bait." Lady Shade ordered.

Tiger Claw locked Karai in the cage and one Foot Bot hoisted her up above the giant vat of mutagen. Tigress locked Kuro in the cage and one Shadow Droid hoisted him up above another giant vat of mutagen.

"You two are more ruthless than I thought. Mutating your own cubs." Tiger Claw said with a shocked look.

"We have no intention of mutating them. They are bait. When the Turtles and the K-5 attempt to rescue them, I will drop them into the mutagen. This will mutate the Turtles into mindless serpents and the K-5 into savage wolves." Shredder explained.

"We want Sage and Splinter to witness their own pupils become the deadliest monsters and we will shatter their hearts when their spirits are broken." Lady Shade added.

"You two are taking ruthless into a whole new level." Tigress said with a smile.

Tiger Claw turned away and sniffed the air. Tigress noticed Tiger Claw's face and began sensing someone from her robotic eye.

"I smell the rat and the sorceress." Tiger Claw growled.

"Two prices in one." Tigress grinned.

Tiger Claw took out his weapon and shot it up at the roof as the light illuminated the area around it that revealed Splinter and the Turtles. Tigress unleashed burnt orange energized slashes at the ceiling that made Sage, the K-5, Leia, and Kale move out of the way in their camouflage mode. The mutants and the mages jumped down to the ground and landed on their feet.

"Welcome, old friends." Shredder greeted.

"Let my daughter go." Splinter demanded.

"And release my son now." Sage urged.

"You are welcome to rescue them if you can." Lady Shade said.

A squad of Foot Bots and Shadow Droids began climbing out of their hiding spots as they surrounded the Turtles and the K-5. Splinter leapt towards Shredder and Sage charged forward towards Lady Shade. The Turtles, the K-5, Leia, and Kale began attacking the Foot Bots and the Shadow Droids. But the mutant turtles and the mage kunoichis suddenly got trapped in a triangular box cages one-by-one. The remaining Foot Bots restrained Splinter with ropes and the remaining Shadow Droids bounded Sage with chains. Leo was able to use his katana sword to keep the trap from securing and freed himself. Kirana used her ice magic to cover the trap in solid ice and escaped free with one kick. They climbed their way to Karai and Kuro, who were standing in their cages above the mutagen tank.

"Hang on, Karai!" Leo shouted.

"Kuro, I'm coming!" Kirana cried.

Leo made it to the top and removed the tape over Karai's mouth while Kirana landed on top of the cage and froze the chains around Kuro's arms.

"Thanks." Karai smiled at Leo. She looked over at Kirana. "Kirana?"

"Hey, Karai." Kirana greeted with a wave.

"But what are you doing here?" Karai asked.

"It turns out that I'm her brother." Kuro explained. "Shade took me away from my real family years ago and I haven't figure it out until now."

"Really?" Leo asked with a raised eyebrow. "Same thing for what Shredder did to Karai."

"Kirana, I'm so sorry for what I said before." Karai apologized. "I hope you can forgive me."

"I do." Kirana said simply.

"What?" Karai gasped in surprise. "You're forgiving me after everything I did?"

"Of course." Kirana grinned. "You're my best friend, Karai. I will never hold a grudge on you no matter what."

"You're the best, Kirana." Karai smiled.

Shredder jumped up to knock Leo into the mutagen on the left side and Lady Shade sprang high in the air to shove Kirana into the mutagen on the right side. But Splinter and Sage looked over to see Shredder and Lady Shade coming towards their children with wide eyes.

"Leonardo!" Splinter shouted

"Kirana!" Sage screamed.

Leo and Kirana turned to see Shredder and Lady Shade jumping over to them. As Shredder and Lady Shade accidentally slashed the chain, Leo and Kirana fell away from the mutagen as Shredder and Lady Shade did the same thing. But it was too late for Karai and Kuro. They screamed as they both fell into the mutagen.

"Miwa!" Splinter yelled.

"Karai! No!" Shredder shouted.

"Shori!" Sage shouted.

"No! Kuro!" Lady Shade yelled.

Everyone watched helplessly at Karai and Kuro's transformation. Karai became a serpent mutant. She has white and purple scaly skin, two armed snake heads as her hands, green eyes, and silver armor infused into her skin. Kuro became a werewolf mutant. He has light black fur with a long flowing deep-black energy mane, large black glowing bushy tail, three sharp claws on his feet and hands, sharp teeth, and has only his black hakama pants with neon gray lining on. Karai and Kuro swam out of the mutagen as they started flopping down from the tank. Splinter and Sage immediately broke free as they ran forward to catch their child in time when they fell out of the tank.

"Miwa. My child." Splinter mourned as he held Karai in his arms.

"I never wanted this to happen, Kuro." Sage said sadly as she hugged Kuro tightly.

Suddenly, Karai opened her eyes and began attacking Splinter. But Splinter started blocking and dodging Karai's attacks.

"Miwa, stop. It's me." Splinter said.

But Karai knocked Splinter onto the ground and started attacking the Foot Bots in mindless rage.

Then, Kuro opened his eyes and looked at Sage dangerously with a savage face.

"Please, Shori." Sage said softly. "Control yourself. I'm not your enemy."

Sage slowly reached her hand out and touched Kuro's forehead, calming her son down from his savage rage.

"Mother?" Kuro spoke in a deep voice.

Kuro looked down to see Karai attacking the Foot Bots and spotted the Shadow Droids coming in her way.

"You help the mutants and my siblings, I'll handle the Shadow Droids and Karai." Kuro said.

"Okay." Sage said with a nod. "But be careful."

Kuro nodded with a smile and jumped down to attack the Shadow Droids with his claws. Sage ran over to help Splinter on his feet. They shared nods as they jumped down to the ground and freed their children from their cages and net.

Then suddenly, one broken Foot Bot and one broken Shadow Droids fell onto the oil barrels that ignited fire around the entire lab as everything started collapsing down around everyone. A large piece of the ceiling caved in between Shredder and Lady Shade, making them move out of the way to avoid getting crushed. Another large piece of the ceiling fell down around the Turtles and the K-5 that sepearted them from each other.

"Sage, this is all your fault!" Lady Shade shouted.

Lady Shade charged forward to finish Sage with her black magic, but another large concrete fell down that prevent Lady Shade from attacking Sage.

"No!" Lady Shade yelled.

"Shade, forget Sage! We gotta go!" Tigress cried. "Sage will suffer for what happened today!"

Lady Shade looked back at Kuro and took off her mask that revealed her sad face.

"I shall avenge you, my son!" Lady Shade shouted to Kuro.

With that, Lady Shade exited the lab with Tigress and Viral.

Kuro finished destroying the Shadow Droids with a victorious smile.

"Kuro, we have to get out of here!" Sage called to Kuro.

Kuro nodded his head, but he felt pain in his head that made him howl out loud. He clapped both hands to his forehead and moved away from his family.

"Kuro, what's wrong?" Sage asked with a worry look.

Kuro looked at his family with a sad face. Knowing that he doesn't want to harm them in his savage mutant form, he quickly sped off out of the burning lab.

"Kuro, wait!" Kirana shouted.

Kirana chased after Kuro and made her way on the nearby building rooftop to find him gone from her sight, leaving her deeply saddened for her brother.


Outside, the Turtles and the K-5 escaped the burning lab with no injuries on another building rooftop.

"Easy, Raph." Donnie said.

Donnie poured a gourd of water on the acid in Raph's eyes and then Raph pushed it away from his eyes.

"Enough! I can see fine now." Raph said.

"I'm sorry, Leo." Vee apologized. "I know how much she meant to you."

"No, Vee. This is all my fault. I should've stopped her when I had the chance. I'm sorry." Leo apologized to Splinter.

"Mother, I'm so sorry about Kuro." Ezra apologized to Sage.

Splinter didn't say anything as he and Sage stared at the burning building.

"Sensei?" Leo called.

"We should go home, my children." Splinter answered in a sullen tone.

"My children, I suggest we do the same." Sage said with a sad face.

Sage opened up a white portal in front of her and started walked through it in a slow pace. Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra followed their mother along with Leia and Kale, but they turned to notice Kirana wasn't following with them. Kirana collapsed her knees on the ground with an angry look on her face. She suddenly screamed while crying uncontrollably, causing the rain to transform into a tropical storm in a fit of rage. That caught everyone's attention, including Splinter and Sage, who just ran out from the portal. But Leo quickly wrapped his arms around to hug the crying Kirana, who was now struggling to be release from him.

"Kirana, you need to calm down." Leo whispered softly. "I promise we'll get them back."

"LEAVE ME ALONE, LEO!" Kirana screamed as she was still struggling to break free from the blue masked turtle. "LET ME GO! WE SHOULD HAVE STOPPED KURO AND KARAI FROM THEIR FATES! BUT NOW THEY'RE GONE! MY BROTHER AND MY BEST FRIEND!"

Leo squeezed Kirana tightly without words to say. Kirana slowly stopped struggling for a minute and hugged Leo back with tears rolling down from her eyes, causing the tropical storm to vanish completely. Splinter then walked off as Sage walked back into the portal.

"You can make a retromutagen for Karai, right?" Mikey asked Donnie.

"I don't know, Mikey. I hope so." Donnie replied.

Mikey, Donnie, Vee, and Raph followed Splinter.

"Ariana, do you believe you can create a retromutagen potion for Kuro?" Talia asked Ariana.

"I hope so, Talia." Ariana responded. "I really do."

Camilla, Ariana, Ezra, Camilla, Leia, and Kale followed Sage.

Leo helped Kirana out from her crying rage and they followed after their family back home in sadness.


Elsewhere, Kuro climbed down from the billboard and landed on the ground of the building rooftop. He slowly shapeshifted back into his mage form with green wolflike eyes and sharp fangs. He looked up at the full moon with a smile and then howled softly.

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