K-5 (Full)

By LeslieHowell021

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When five mages emerge into the world of New York, they discover big threats that only they themselves can so... More

Rise Of The Mages (Part 1)
Rise Of The Mages (Part 2)
Mage Temper
New Friend, Old Enemy
Iron Donna
Reptile Brains
Beware of Sapphire
The Darkness
Panic at the Fortress
Nano Attack!
It Came From The Haunting Building
Mage or Monster
New Boys In Town
Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer and Sandra!
Lizard Terminator
Donna's Gambit
Enemy Of My Enemy
Kuro's Partnership
Sandra Returns
Operation: Detention Breakout
Showdown (Part 1)
Showdown (Part 2)
Mutation Situation
Invasion of the Bats
Follow the Ice
Sandra Unleashed!
Talia Gets Sonically
Target: Casey Jones
Samara and Destroy
The Good, The Bad, And Casey Jones
The Kraang Conspiracy
Rosa Galicia
Phantom Upgraded
Of Golem and Women
The Manhattan Project (Part 2)
Accel and Mages
Donna's Nevermore
Newtralized and Nebulous!
The Wrath of Tigress
Legendary Kuraun
Project EVE
Vengance Will Be Mine
A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X
The Invasion (Part 1)
The Invasion (Part 2)
Deep Within The Woods
A Fierce Dagger
Buried Secrets
Invasion Of The Punkz Catz
In Dreams
Race With The Demon!
Powers of the Shagon
Spirit Journey
Return To New York
Wolf Hunt
The Crystal and the Luck
Battle For New York (Part 1)
Battle For New York (Part 2)
Casey Jones Vs The Underworld
The Witch Avenger
Clash of the Amazons
Meet Verona Salamander
The Deadly Bite
Mages In Time
Tales of the Mages
Attack of the Mega Shade!
The Venus Doom
The Fourblind Trap
Aliens Seen In New York!
Annihilation Earth (Part 1)
Annihilation Earth (Part 2)
Beyond the Majestic Universe
The Planet of Hegemon
The Crazy World Of Gerti
The Plant Mistress Jade!
Riddle Of The Ancient Sword
Journey To The Center Of Talia's Mind
The Lab of Mosaic
The War In Dimension X
The Ghostly Gaean
Trans-Dimensional K-5
Wrath of the Hydnora
The Evil Of The Witches Seven
The Ever-Lasting Battle
Earth's Last Stand
City At War
Broken Foot and Broken Shadow
The Saiba Lacerta
Mage Gangland
Fleura du Mal
Lady Shadestrike
Darkest Plight
The Power Inside Them
Kùbào VS the Scientists
The Tale of Tigress
Scroll Of The Demodragon
The Forgotten Mage
The Hearts Of Evil
End Times
When Worlds Collide (Part 1)
When Worlds Collide (Part 2)
The Wëather Witćh
Špirit Journëy
Thë Whitë Taišša
Lone Mage And Cubs
The Wasteland Warrior
The Impossible Desert
The Curse Of Saskia McTavish
The Crypt of Lucine
The Victoria Experiment
Monsters Among Us!
Wanted: Jinx And Crystallia
The Shadow Walks Again!
The Big Blowout
K-5: Loud House (Part 1)
K-5: Loud House (Part 2)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 1)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 2)
The Key To The Lost Treasure
The Jewel Of The Great Power
Legend of the Dark Son
A K-5 Christmas Caper
Mages Forever (Part 1)
Mages Forever (Part 2)
Upcoming Books

The Manhattan Project (Part 1)

53 1 0
By LeslieHowell021

On a dark night, Kuro was crouching behind the billboard. He was on a lookout for the K-5, but he wasn't alone. Galva and a few Shadow Droids were hiding behind the billboard, waiting for the dark mage ninja's command.

"Kuro, normally I'm already at your service for this operation." Galva commented. "But what if Lady Shade finds out about your little operation while she's away from Japan?"

"My mother put me in charge while she's travelling back to Japan." Kuro reminded. "I'm only doing this to step up our game in the Shadow Clan. Now, stay focus. they're heading this way."

The K-5 leapt across rooftop to rooftop, but Kirana paused for a minute and sensed two dark auras in her surroundings.

"Guys, hold up!" Kirana said. "We're not alone here."

"Who's tracking us, Kirana?" Talia asked.

Ezra picked up something with his aura sense powers from his magic.

"Oh no!" Ezra alerted. "It's-!"

"Shadow, attack!"

The K-5 turned to see Kuro, Galva, and the Shadow Droids. While Galva and the Shadow Droids immediately brawled Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra together, Kirana was dueling with Kuro. They moved away from everyone else and set their battle at the center of the rooftop.

"Kuro, listen to me! I know you have been thinking about this!" Kirana said as she created many dragons made of ice that quickly home in to attack Kuro. "But you need to know the truth. It's about your mother. Your real mother! Your real name is Shori!"

"Kirana, I...don't know." Kuro said as he created a shield of dark energy in front of him that shielded the ice dragons. "My memories are altering my mind again and have been giving me painful headaches. I just need a little more time to learn the truth."

Suddenly, a tremor interrupted the fights and caught everyone off guard.

"Earthquake!" Talia screamed.

"Here in New York?" Ezra asked.

"Ariana, are you causing this earthquake?" Camilla asked Ariana.

"No." Ariana replied. "I don't have my earth powers anymore, remember?"

Kirana looked up to see the brick tower falling and ran forward to push Kuro out of the way, allowing herself to get cover in bricks.

"Kirana!" Kuro screamed.

Kuro ran forward and used his dark energy magic to pull some bricks away. But when he saw four other mages coming in his direction, he left the unconscious Kirana halfway out and sank down into his own shadow out of sight. Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra pulled their older sister out of the brick pile.

"Thanks, guys." Kirana said painfully.

"Oh, thank goodness!" Talia cried, hugging her oldest sister tightly and pulled Kirana away from the hug. "We thought you were a goner!"

"What's with the tremor, Ariana?" Camilla asked Ariana.

"That tremor was some kind of localized quake." Ariana answered. "But the real question is who caused it?"

Kirana looked around to see Kuro, Galva, and the Shadow Droids has left the scene.

"Sooner or later, he must know who he really is." Kirana thought with a frown.


In the Crete Fortress, Ariana was typing something on her computer in rapid speed as Camilla, Talia, and Ezra gathered around her in the lab.

"Okay, here's what I discovered." Ariana explained as she pointed her finger to numerous circles of the city on the computer display. "When I was graphing the earthquake epicenters, they all occurred in an unusual pattern. Not random at all. I believe there's some kind of tech that's causing the quakes."

"Do you guys wonder who has that kind of technology?" Camilla questioned.

"There's only one guess on who it could be." Ezra rephrased.

"The Kraang." Talia gasped.


In the dojo, Kirana found Sage meditating under the tree and knelt her knees next to her mother.

"Mother, my siblings and I got into a fight with the Shadow Clan." Kirana said. "And I tried to tell Kuro that you were his mother. I'm sorry, but I thought if he knew the truth he will join over to our side."

"Your heart is in the right place, Kirana." Sage said calmly as she opened her eyes and placed her hand on her daughter's shoulder. "It's time for him to know the truth."

"You should also tell the others, mother." Kirana suggested. "We can't keep this a secret from them. They have to know too."

With a heavy sigh, Sage agreed.


An hour later, Kirana's younger siblings have gathered together in the dojo and sat on their knees to listen what Sage have to say to them.

"This is difficult for you all, but it's time you four should know the truth." Sage said. "The son I had thought I had lost in the fire, Shori, is actually Kuro. I thought he had perished out of my sight, but Shade stole Shori away from me and raised him as her son. She turned him into a deadly Shadow Clan assassin to finish me off."

Sage's words left Ezra, Talia, Camilla, and Ariana shock in disbelief.

"What?!" Ezra gasped.

"So, all this time Kuro is our long-lost brother?" Talia asked in shock.

"But what can we do?" Camilla asked. "There's no way he's going to come with us that easily."

"Yeah, what if he doesn't come to our side?" Ariana agreed.

"There is good in his heart. I've felt it when I fought Lady Shade during the Kraang invasion." Sage said, looking at old family photo of her with her husband, son, and daughters. "He must know the truth before it's too late."


Meanwhile, Kuro have gathered Galva, Masque, Donna, and the Shadow Sirens in the throne room for Lady Shade's arrival.

"What's taking mother so long?" Kuro said impatiently. "She should've been back hours ago with her new secret weapon."

"I heard it is a new mutant." Masque said.

"I also heard that she's a mage with the arts of Taekwondo." Donna said.

"All I know is that she's deadly assassin." Galva said. "The Kraang turned her into a mutant when she was a teenager years ago."

"And she lost her left eye against the Kraang and gained a miniaturized engine as a replacement for her left eye." Kale added. "With that, it can enhance her fighting potential and emitted amazing speed, strength, and quicker reaction time."

"Truly fascinating." Amora grinned.

Suddenly, a squad of the Shadow Droids marched into the throne room and lined themselves up in two rows. Kuro, Galva, Masque, Donna, and the Shadow Sirens did the same. Everyone bowed their heads and Lady Shade walked into the throne room, but she paused to look at Scarlett's new appearance.

"Mistress Shade." Galva said.

"It would seem that you have taken your mutant form into a whole new level, Scarlett." Lady Shade commented as she looked forward to the stairs and sat on her throne room. "I have returned and I brought the most feared assassin in all of Asia: Tigress."

A female tiger mage mutant walked confidently to the throne room and looked at the Shadow Clan members with a brooding face. She has an athletic build with a slender curves and large hips. She has long black hair, catlike burnt orange eyes, and orange skin with black tiger stripes running up her arms. She also wore a traditional red Chinese vest with black vine patterns and golden trim held together with small metal fasteners and a waist wrap, black silk pants, and black ankle wraps with golden lining. Galva, Masque, Donna, Amora, and Kale took a quick interest with the mage mutant. But Kuro and Leia weren't interested at all.

"So, this is your secret weapon, mother?" Leia questioned with a stoic face.

"You brought another mage freak?" Kuro said pessimistically. "I prefer a mage much more normal like Donna."

"So, this is Shadow Clan you told me about?" Tigress questioned with an unimpressed look on her face. "You'll have to do better than that if you want to get me excited. That is too pathetic for my taste."

Kuro glared at Tigress for that insult and quickly shaped his shadow into five fists to punch Tigress forward, but Tigress moved out of the way and swung her leg to fire a burnt orange energy bolt horizontally at Kuro's chest that sent him falling to the floor. Kuro got back up and moved forward to fire several spheres of dark energy at Tigress from his hands. But Tigress dodged the incoming spheres at amazing speed and moved behind Kuro with a sly grin. Tigress delivered a barrage of vertical spinning kicks while rising into the air with Kuro getting hit vertically in the air and then performed an axe kick that knocked the dark mage ninja down hard to the floor. Kuro groaned painfully and slowly got up from the floor with the help of Leia and Kale.

"So, this is your son, Mistress Shade." Tigress grinned. "He sure does know how to fight. I'm impressed."

"Can I offer you some refreshments, Tigress?" Masque said with a smile.

"Green tea please." Tigress said shortly.

Masque left the throne room while everyone else looked back at Lady Shade.

"You all will treat Tigress with full respect. Because from on, she is my new second-in-command." Lady Shade announced.

"What?!" Kuro snapped. "But I've earned that position fair and square!"

"Well, maybe you should have thought of that while you went against mother's orders twice, brother." Amora reminded with a grin.

"Tigress, you will take my son to capture Sage and her children." Lady Shade commanded. "Kuro, do not disobey her."

Kuro glared down to the floor with anger as Tigress smirked cunningly at him.


Outside, Casey and April moved across the city rooftops with Macey and Norbit.

"So, April, vigilante-ing is cool and all, but how about a real date?" Casey complained.

"What do you call this?" April asked with a flirtatious smile.

"I was thinking, you know, maybe something a little cozier." Casey replied as he wrapped his arm around April. "You, me..."

Macey groaned while Norbit just gave a pat to her back, thinking that she is in pain.

The strange sound coming from the distance caught Macey's attention.

"Guys, it's the Kraang!" Macey exclaimed.

Macey ran to the noise and Norbit followed her. April quickly moved away from Casey's grasp to investigate, much to the vigilante's disappointment.

"Nah, aliens would just mess up my mix." Casey mumbled.

April, Casey, Macey, and Norbit quickly found a squad of Kraang droids marching through an alley into a strange pink triangular portal. They hid close to the edge of the rooftop and spied on them from above.

"There's so many of them." Macey whispered before she sniffed the scent from her wolf sense of smell. "Probably about 10 or 11."

"So, these are the robots you and your sister told me about?" Casey asked.

"With the little brains inside, yeah." April replied. "What are they doing?"

That's when April, Casey, Macey, and Norbit moved dropped down and landed on their feet into the alley as they quickly hid behind a dumpster.

"They have opened a portal." Norbit said, quietly.

"That's a new trick." April commented.

"They're going into another world." Macey whispered.

"I got this, Wolfie. You three stay here." Casey said as he put on his hockey mask.

Casey took out his baseball bat and snuck up on the last Kraang droid, knocking him aside from the portal. The Kraang droid then knocked Casey back with a solid punch. April then snuck up on the Kraang droid and sliced her tessen through the alien robot's body. Macey sliced a Kraangdroid with her claws and Norbit knocked the alien robot in a dumpster. As the Kraang alien tried to run way from its destroyed robotic body, Casey knocked the alien into a wall with his cricket bat. April walked forward to investigate the portal and noticed a metallic device floating above the portal. As she pressed its center button, the portal collapsed itself into a small metal device and April picked it up from the ground.

"Wow." Macey said in amazement.

"I know, right? Let's take this to Donnie and you contact Ariana for his assistance." April said. "Let them check it out."

"Why not take it to a real laboratory?" Casey asked.

"Trust me, Donnie and Ariana are way ahead of most scientists." April said confidently. "Come on."

April led Casey, Macey, and Norbit the way to the lair, leaving the vigilante no choice but to follow the redhead with a sulk.


As the K-5 teleported themselves into the lair, they have gathered together with the Turtles inside Donnie's lab as they watched April holding the Kraang portal device in her hand for a demonstration.

"And then you press this button and portable portal." April explained.

April pressed a button on the device and it flew up in the air to open up a portal.

"Wow, I've never thought the Kraang themselves would be that step ahead of us." Ariana said with a whistle.

"I wonder if this is what's behind the earthquakes." Donnie said. "Ariana and I are going to have to test it."

"I don't know, Donnie. You think that's a good idea?" Leo questioned.

"Leo's right. We don't even know where this thing will lead us." Kirana agreed.

"I have to agree with Kirana on this. We don't know if it's safe either." Macey agreed.

"I don't know about Vee or the mages, but if you turtle boys are going to be slow about it, I'm going." Casey declared as he pushed past Leo and Donnie.

Before Casey could walk towards the portal, Raph and Camilla stood on either side of the human vigilante.

"You're crazy! Nuts! Out of your gourd!" Raph snapped. He quickly pushed Casey out of the way. "I'm going first."

"Oh no, you don't." Camilla said as she grabbed Raph's shell and tossed him aside. "Ladies, first."

Camilla charged forward right into the portal and Raph followed closely behind.

"Raph! Camilla!" Leo exclaimed.

"Come on, Red!" Casey said.

Casey grabbed April's hand and dragged her into the portal with him.

"April, wait for me!" Donnie yelled as he followed after April and Casey.

Ariana rolled her eyes and followed after Donnie.

"We got them. Come on, Norbit." Macey said.

Macey went in the portal and Norbit followed behind her. Leaving only Mikey, Talia, Vee, Ezra, Leo, and Kirana left in the lab.

"Can't let them go alone, dude." Mikey said.

"Yeah, what he said." Talia agreed.

Mikey and Talia followed into the portal after the others.

"I got them." Vee groaned before she ran in the portal.

"Vee, hold up!" Ezra said, following Vee in the portal.

"We might as well go after them." Kirana said to Leo with a heavy sigh.

Leo sighed reluctantly and took Kirana's hand as they finally ran into the portal together.

As they passed through the portal, another sudden earthquake struck and a rock from the ceiling fell on to the portal device, causing it to shut the gateway behind them.


On the other side of the portal, the heroes found themselves standing on a countless void of dark clouds between two rows of innumerable portals.

"Whoa." Vee breathed.

"This is cool." Ezra said.

"Oh. My. Gosh." Camilla murmured.

"Ok, this is weird." Raph said.

"Wow, it's like the grand central station of dimensional travel." Donnie exclaimed.

"So that's why the Kraang use it, to access a gateway between realities." Ariana said.

Mikey and Talia looked behind them to see that the portal disappeared.

"Guys, the door's gone!" Talia gasped.

"We're trapped!" Mikey said.

"There's thousands of doors. Everyone start searching for a way home." Leo ordered.

Everyone nodded their heads as they all split up and looked through portals. Every portal they checked revealed different realities between exquisite and bizarre, but Casey stared at one freakish portal that will blow his friends away.

"Check this out, Red." Casey replied.

April, Macey, Norbit, the K-5, and the Turtles looked over to the portal that Casey was staring at and they all looked through to see alternate versions of themselves. The alternate Turtles were short and pudgy as each one wore a belt with buckles that has their initials on them. The alternate K-5 were the same height as each one wore a short kimono with a green belt covering her waist, dark patent leggings, green elbow-length gloves, and pointy boots. April was a beautiful adult dressed up in a yellow jumpsuit. Macey was a beautiful little girl dressed up in a pink dress with blue boots, Norbit was a different version robot with wheels instead of legs. And Casey was a crazed adult wearing a tank top and torn grey sweatpants with a white hockey mask on his face. The portal was set in the 1980s world.

"It's us!" Mikey exclaimed in shock. "Why do we look like dorks?"

"Speak for yourselves." Talia grinned. "We looked awesome."

"Mikey, this looks like the 1980's. Of course, you would think they're dorks." Vee said.

"But it's still awesome." Ezra said.

"I'll say." Camilla agreed as she stared at the Casey. "I can't believe that dude is Casey."

"Wicked mask." Ariana muttered dreamily.

"Is that supposed to be April?" Raph asked as he stared at the April.

"Nice jumpsuit." Donnie sighed dreamily.

Kirana spotted another dimension that caught her attention. When her eyes widened wide open, she waved her hand for Leo to come over.

"Guys, look!" Leo called.

Everyone looked at the portal from behind Leo and Kirana.

"Could that be Dimension X?" Kirana asked.

"Gnarly, dude." Camilla said with wide eyes.

"Wow." Macey breathed.

"Home of The Kraang." Raph said to Casey.

Everyone stared at the Kraang's home dimension, where they could see alien metal structures, crystal trees, and many Kraang aliens flying around in their metallic saucers.

"This place is making my brain melt!" Mikey exclaimed.

"I know!" Talia whimpered as she threw her arms around Mikey.

"Shh! I...I sense something coming." April told her friends.

Unfortunately, the Kraang aliens spotted the heroes through the portal and came towards the portal.

"Oh no. How do you close the door?" Camilla gasped frantically.

"Where's the knob? Where's the knob?" Raph asked in a panic.

"They're onto us!" Donnie and Ariana exclaimed.

"Get ready, team." Leo ordered.

The Turtles, April, Casey, Macey, and Norbit drew their weapons and the K-5 summoned their elemental magic as many Kraang aliens came rushing through the portal. The Kraang aliens began firing down pink energy lasers from above, but the heroes avoided the incoming lasers with quick reflexes. Unfortunately for the heroes, two Biotroids have entered the fight. One Biotroid came out of the portal and swung its gorilla arms at Mikey, but Talia used her sound magic to create a wall of sound waves to protect herself and Mikey. Donnie ran forward and used his staff to land a powerful kick to the Biotroid's chest as a vault, leaving Ariana transform her left arm into a large steel harpoon and hit the Biotroid that knocked it to the side.

That's when the second Biotroid came out through the portal. Mikey charged forward to deliver a barrage powerful strikes with his nunchucks, but the Biotroid easily kicked the orange masked turtle down the row of portals as Talia ran over to check on him. Casey skated up to the Biotroid and went straight to the Kraang pilot, hitting the alien with his hockey stick. The Kraang became dazed by that hit and the Biotroid started to fall over April, but Donnie pulled the redhead out of the way.

"Thanks, D." April said.

"It was nothing." Donnie said with a smile. He suddenly saw a Kraang alien flying towards them and pulled April out of the way from being hit by the energy laser. "Look out!"

Ariana transformed her arms into a large jagged iron blade and slashed under every passing Kraang aliens in her way, damaging their engines that sent them spiraling out of control into any unknown portals. But a Biotroid came stomping towards Ariana and released two tentacled chainsaws at her, causing the purple mage kunoichi to evade them with a quick backflip.

Luckily for Ariana, her older sisters and two mutant turtles came to her aid. Raph launched himself onto the Biotroid's shoulders and stabbed his sai into the neck that was connected to the Kraang's flying vehicle from the automaton body. As Raph jumped off the Biotroid, Camilla jumped in the air to put her hands on the Biotroid's back and electrocuted the Kraang alien with a powerful surge of electricity. Leo and Kirana joined together to slash their blades across the Biotroid's body. The Kraang was able to control the Biotroid as it grabbed Raph and Camilla in its grasp, swinging them to knock Kirana and Leo back.

Then, the Biotroid pinned Camilla and Raph down with its arms but Vee and Ezra shot an energy ball at the Biotroid. The Biotroid prepared to crush Vee and Ezra but April came to their rescue and threw her tessen like a boomerang that left the Kraang dazed. Camilla kicked her electrified leg to the Biotroid's neck, causing sparks to fly for the automaton body fell to the ground powerless. The last remaining Biotroid came charging at the team and sent Raph, Camilla, Leo, Kirana, Vee, Ezra, Mikey, and Talia flying into two different portals.


As Kirana, Camilla, Talia, and Ezra were sent flying through the portal, they arrived back in New York and landed on their chests in the dead-end alley.

"Hey, we're back in New York." Talia said.

"But the others are still back there against the Kraang!" Kirana said.

"How do we get back to them?" Ezra asked.

Suddenly, the ground started shaking due to the random earthquakes.

"We can worry about them later." Camilla said. "Right now, we got to find the source of these earthquakes and fast."

Kirana, Camilla, Talia, and Ezra leaped high on top of the building rooftop as they leaped across the other rooftops to investigate the earthquakes.

Unknown to the mages, they were being watched from the shadow portal hidden above them by Kuro and Tigress.

"You have your instructions, Kuro." Tigress ordered. "Get ready to have some fun."

Then, Tigress leapt down onto the rooftop and landed in front of the mages' path.

"Who the heck are you?" Camilla demanded.

"The name's Tigress." Tigress grinned. "Now, I'm only gonna ask this once. Summon your mother and I may let you four live."

"That's not gonna happen, kitty cat." Camilla replied as she and her siblings quickly summoned their elemental magic.

"Very well then." Tigress smirked. Her left eye glowed brightly. "If I were you four, I'd be a lot more concerned about what I'm gonna do to you with this amazing power."

Camilla jumped high in the air and released a gigantic bolt of electricity from her left hand at the tiger mage mutant, but Tigress released a large burnt orange explosion from her hand that knocked the red mage kunoichi into the air and crashed hard to the ground. Kirana charged forward at the tiger mage mutant and released a large blue blizzard of cold ice and snow from her mouth, but Tigress avoided the attack and moved behind the blue mage kunoichi as she engulfed her hands in burnt orange energy power in a form of sharp claws and slashed Kirana multiple times in rapid speed that sent her flying into the downed Camilla. Talia came running toward Tigress at full speed and released a strong blast of sound from her right hand, but the tiger mage mutant unleashed a sudden barrage of burnt orange bolts that sent the orange mage kunoichi flying towards her recovered sisters' feet.

"Wow! I only gave you three everything I've got and you girls are done already?" Tigress teased. "You three got a lot to learn."

"Leave my sisters alone!" Ezra yelled.

Ezra summoned ten light daggers and threw them towards Tigress, who dodged the attack. The tiger mage mutant then shot out orange energy bolts at the teal mage ninja, who quickly summoned a light shield to block the bolts.

"Quick, we gotta move!" Talia said to her older sisters and younger brother.

Camilla, Kirana, and Ezra agreed as they moved towards Talia to follow her with Tigress chasing after them.


Meanwhile, Donnie and Ariana noticed their siblings got sent into the portal by the Biotroid.

"Guys, let's follow 'em!" Donnie cried.

Donnie, Ariana, April, Macey, Norbit, and Casey moved forward to follow. But a grinning Kraang alien closed the portals with a remote control in its tentacle.

"They're gone!" Ariana gasped.

"We got to get that remote." Casey said.

Hearing Casey's words made the Kraang alien tossed the remote control into a portal and took its leave.

"Oh no." Norbit said.

"Now what's gonna happen?" Macey asked.

Before anything else for the remaining heroes, the Biotroid unleashed the butt cannons and everyone went running to avoid the energy lasers while preventing them from escaping.

"Out of my way, Don. I've got this." Casey said confidently as he moved past Donnie with his hockey stick.

The Biotroid charged forward at the vigilante and used its powerful arms to attack at him, but Casey managed to roll under the arms and moved behind the Biotroid as he quickly smacked his hockey stick into the backside that made the automation stumble to only get its head stuck in a portal. April, Macey, Norbit, Donnie, and Ariana ran up together as they pushed the Biotroid all the way through the portal with the sound of the Kraang's screams echoing out into a bizarre dimension.

"That was close." April said.

"Too close." Macey added.

"All right, Donnie. How do we get out of here?" Casey demanded. "You're the expert, gap tooth."

"Gap tooth?" Donnie snapped. "Look in the mirror lately, cave-mouth?"

Ariana shook her head and rolled her eyes with a sigh, but April went checking on the portals for a way home until she found something interesting.

"Guys, stop! Check this out." April called out.

Ariana, Norbit, Macey, Donnie, and Casey walked over to April as they stared at the portal that she was looking at.

"Wow, looks like another part of Dimension X." Donnie commented.

"Ugh, what is that?" Casey questioned.

Ariana, April, Macey, Norbit, and Donnie followed Casey's finger and they looked at the three Kraang droids were gathering a giant alien worm through the portal. Then, Ariana felt that someone was standing right her from her seismic sense and turned around to stare at the newcomer.

"Uh guys?" Ariana said.

April, Macey, Norbit, Donnie, and Casey turned around as they found themselves surrounded by a squad of Kraang droids.

"We are surrounded." Norbit said.

"Surrender is optimum." The first Kraang droid spoke.

"Non-surrender means disintegration, which is less optimum." The second Kraang droid added.

"For now. Play along." Donnie whispered to his friends.

Donnie, April, Ariana, Macey, Norbit, and Casey raised their arms up in the air to submit their surrender.

"For the record, I don't count this as a surrender." Casey said stubbornly.


Back on the city rooftops, three mage kunoichis and one mage ninja continued sprinting forward as they are trying to get away from Tigress. Camilla spun around and fired a massive blast of electricity from her hands at Tigress, who dodged the attack with a split on the ground and surrounded herself with burnt orange energy to spiral through the air towards the red mage kunoichi as a drilling torpedo that sent her flying to the doorway painfully. With Camilla down and out, Tigress focused her attention to the other three mages and shot several small blazing burnt orange energy balls straight at them. Kirana was able to deflect the energy balls with an icy shield and Talia aimed her energy beam of sound at the tiger mage mutant's chest. But unfortunately, one of Tigress's energy balls exploded Talia on impact and knocked her painfully to the ground. Ezra quickly blocked his sister and charged forward to attack Tigress, but the tiger mage mutant grabbed him by his leg and knocked him into the wall to knock him unconscious. Tigress saw the opportunity and captured the orange mage kunoichi by the arms, leaving Kirana as the last mage kunoichi standing.

"Can you see it now? There is nothing more you can do." Tigress said with a grin. "Contact your mother or your sister will be broken. The choice is yours to make freely."

Tigress gathered a massive amount of burnt orange energy power in a form of ball in her other hand and aimed it down over Talia's chest as its target. Kirana glared hard at Tigress and clenched her fists tightly in anger as she knew that she has no other choice in this fight.

"No, Kirana! Don't do it!" Talia shouted she was struggling to break free out of Tigress's grasp.

"We can't lead mother in a trap!" Camilla yelled.

"I know that!" Kirana snapped. "But I don't really have a choice."


Back in the Crete Fortress, Sage was mediating peacefully in the dojo until a sudden sound of the phone ringing from the room. She quickly opened her eyes and levitated herself to the white lotus flower-shaped phone to answer the call.

"Moshi, Moshi." Sage answered. "Kirana, what's wrong?"

"It's urgent. We need your help, mother." Kirana said through the phone.

"Fear not, Kirana. I am on my way." Sage replied.

Sage hung up the phone and exited the fortress with a determined look on her face.


Back on the city rooftop, Tigress have tied three mage kunoichis together and positioned them against the doorway. Tigress chained Ezra to a pipe and the teal mage ninja woke up with a painful headache.

"I can't believe you called our mother." Camilla said, angrily.

"You know that I have no other choice." Kirana said.

"She has a point, Camilla." Talia agreed. "I would've been done for if Kirana wouldn't have called mom."

"Man, I'm really getting sick and tired of the waiting." Tigress said impatiently as she gathered a massive amount of burnt orange energy power in a form of ball between her hands and aimed it at the mage sisters. "Close your eyes, ladies. Your lives are finished."

"Oh, this is it." Talia whimpered. "I love you girls no matter how much we argue and fight each other."

Ezra grew scared and worried for his older sisters that made his hands glowed teal as he was forming an energy ball.

"Tigress, enough!" Ezra demanded.

Ezra then threw a teal energy ball to knock down Tigress. The tiger mage mutant got up and growled at the teal mage ninja.

"That magic." Tigress recognized. "It can't be...Dastren."

Tigress walked forward to Ezra with a dangerous orange energy bolt.

"Leave him alone, Tigress!" Camilla shouted.

"Get away from our brother!" Kirana yelled.

"Your witchcraft is over." Tigress said, as she raised her bolt up in the air.

"EZRA!" Talia screamed.

Suddenly, a bright white crescent-like blade of energy came flying towards Tigress and the tiger mage mutant landed painfully on the ground away from the teal mage ninja. Kirana, Camilla, Talia, and Ezra looked up at the source of that attack with smiles on their faces. Sage had finally arrived from the next rooftop and looked down at Tigress with a glare.

"Release, my children." Sage demanded. "Right now!"

"Finally, you're here to accept the challenge." Tigress said. "Go on, attack me from whenever you want."

"Let's test your abilities." Sage said.

Tigress made the first move and fired a beam of burnt orange circles from her hands at Sage, but the white mage master easily evaded the beam and quickly zoomed forward towards the tiger mage mutant with remarkable speed. Tigress then bombarded Sage with shards of burnt orange to keep the white mage master at a distance. Sage kept evading Tigress's attack and channeled her white magic around herself to fire her power in a shape of a giant dragon that attacked the tiger mage mutant on impact before landing on the ground near her cheering children. Tigress growled frustratingly as her left eye started to glow in a burnt orangish light while Sage engulfed herself with her white magic that increased her strength and speed.

"I will show you my full strength!" Tigress said. "Here I come!"

Tigress and Sage charged towards each other with everything they got.


Meanwhile, the Kraang droids led Donnie, Ariana, Macey, Norbit, Casey, and April through the portal into the city's subway tunnels.

"You will continue marching from the place you are to the place you are not yet." One of the Kraang droids spoke.

"At least we're back in New York." Donnie said.

"Didn't they mention feeding us something?" Casey asked. "I'm hungry."

"No, they said they'd feed us to something." April corrected. "Something called a..."

"Kraathatrogon." Ariana said. "But I have no clue what it is."

"We can wait around to be eaten or we can make a move!" Casey suggested.

Casey installed his taser in his glove and delivered electric current to the nearest Kraang droid. April threw her tessen at the second Kraang droid and knocked it down on its back. Macey threw three rocks at a Kraangdroid. Norbit shot two tiny rockets at a Kraangdroid. Ariana created a heavy spiky metal ball between her hands and shot it at the remaining Kraang droid at high speed, leaving Donnie to throw a shuriken at nearby steam pipe to blind the alien droid and gave the others to escape. Donnie, Ariana, Macey, Norbit, Casey, and April found themselves inside an abandoned New York subway.

"Wow! The old pneumatic subway!" Donnie said. "Built in the 1800s.

"Yeah, nobody uses them anymore." Ariana said.

"What's gross slobbering sound?" April asked as she heard something unusual out of nowhere.

"It sounds worse than Mikey eating pizza." Donnie commented.

As the others reached to the end of the tunnel, they found many Kraang droids gathering the giant worms from the portal and hooked them up to the machine as they are containing a giant tank of mutagen for their plans. They watched as the Kraathatrogon was struggling against the Kraang droid with a roar, causing the entire chamber to shake.

"Those must be the Kraathatrogons." Donnie said as he pointed his finger to the Kraathatrogons.

"So, those worms are the cause of the earthquakes." Ariana said.

"Why? Why bring 'em here?" Casey questioned.

"Look" April said. She pointed her finger to the Kraang droid, who was attaching some sort of a milking tube on the Kraathatrogon. "They're milking them for mutagen?"

"By Darwin's beard! This is where the mutagen comes from!" Donnie gasped.

"It's fascinating and disgusting at the same time." Ariana commented.

"Stop that!" April told Casey.

"Stop what?" Casey asked.

"I'm serious, Casey. I said stop!" April snapped.

April and Casey looked down to see a baby Kraathatrogon was the only one who was rubbing up against her, which had caught Donnie, Ariana, Macey, and Norbit's attention. Casey immediately took out his hockey stick and hit the worm with it. But the baby alien worm's loud screech of pain had alerted the Kraang droids quickly.

"Kraang, we have been discovered in the place that was meant to be undiscovered." One of the Kraang droids spoke.

"Unleash the kraathatrogon!" The second Kraang droid ordered.

Casey, Donnie, Ariana, Macey, Norbit, and April stared down at the fully grown Kraathatrogon in terror as the giant worm loomed closer to them with a loud screech.

"I don't think I have a big enough hockey stick for that thing." Casey said.


Back on the rooftop, Tigress kept firing blades of burnt orange energy at Sage, who kept evading the blades with teleportation speed. Camilla, Talia, and Ezra were cheering for their mother while Kirana was using her small ice blade to cut off the chains. Sage smacked her white energized legs across the tiger mage mutant's face multiple times and delivered a series of quick white energized jabs to Tigress's chest.

"Know your place, you old fool!" Tigress growled.

Tigress charged forward at the white mage master and formed a burnt orange ball of energy to shoot it at her, but Sage easily dodged the attack and decided to finish the tiger mage mutant for good. Sage slashed the air with her hands and released a white crescent blade of energy at Tigress. Before the tiger mage mutant can strike again, Sage unleashed several powerful white energy beams that pushed Tigress to the edge of the rooftop.

"There is nothing you can do that I cannot counter." Sage said confidently. "It's over."

"Your skills are impressive, but you are destined to fail." Tigress said with a glare. "Now!"

With the shadow portal floating far behind the rooftop, Kuro held out a blowgun in his hands and fired a dart out of it. Sage felt the sharp pain from her neck and removed the dart only to stare it closely. Her eyes widened wide when she realized that it was a sleeping dart, making her collapse on her knees. The shadow portal hovered down to the rooftop as Kuro stepped out of the portal and walked over to stand over at Sage while Tigress was recovering from the battle.

"Shori." Sage gasped desperately.

After Sage fell unconscious on the ground, Kuro's eyes widened wide as he stared at the white mage in confusion.

"Kuro, please don't do this!" Kirana begged. "Sage is your true mother! You're our lost brother!"

Kuro looked at Kirana and back to Sage with deep confusion.

"I...I..." Kuro said. His hands glowed blazing black and aimed them to the captive sisters. "I'm so sorry."

Ezra gasped as Kuro was about to kill his sisters, but his hand glowed and caused the chain to turn to ash.

To Be Continued...

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