K-5 (Full)

By LeslieHowell021

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When five mages emerge into the world of New York, they discover big threats that only they themselves can so... More

Rise Of The Mages (Part 1)
Rise Of The Mages (Part 2)
Mage Temper
New Friend, Old Enemy
Iron Donna
Reptile Brains
Beware of Sapphire
The Darkness
Panic at the Fortress
Nano Attack!
It Came From The Haunting Building
Mage or Monster
New Boys In Town
Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer and Sandra!
Lizard Terminator
Donna's Gambit
Enemy Of My Enemy
Kuro's Partnership
Sandra Returns
Operation: Detention Breakout
Showdown (Part 1)
Showdown (Part 2)
Mutation Situation
Invasion of the Bats
Follow the Ice
Sandra Unleashed!
Talia Gets Sonically
Target: Casey Jones
Samara and Destroy
The Good, The Bad, And Casey Jones
The Kraang Conspiracy
Rosa Galicia
Phantom Upgraded
Of Golem and Women
The Manhattan Project (Part 1)
The Manhattan Project (Part 2)
Accel and Mages
Donna's Nevermore
Newtralized and Nebulous!
The Wrath of Tigress
Legendary Kuraun
Project EVE
Vengance Will Be Mine
A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X
The Invasion (Part 1)
The Invasion (Part 2)
Deep Within The Woods
A Fierce Dagger
Invasion Of The Punkz Catz
In Dreams
Race With The Demon!
Powers of the Shagon
Spirit Journey
Return To New York
Wolf Hunt
The Crystal and the Luck
Battle For New York (Part 1)
Battle For New York (Part 2)
Casey Jones Vs The Underworld
The Witch Avenger
Clash of the Amazons
Meet Verona Salamander
The Deadly Bite
Mages In Time
Tales of the Mages
Attack of the Mega Shade!
The Venus Doom
The Fourblind Trap
Aliens Seen In New York!
Annihilation Earth (Part 1)
Annihilation Earth (Part 2)
Beyond the Majestic Universe
The Planet of Hegemon
The Crazy World Of Gerti
The Plant Mistress Jade!
Riddle Of The Ancient Sword
Journey To The Center Of Talia's Mind
The Lab of Mosaic
The War In Dimension X
The Ghostly Gaean
Trans-Dimensional K-5
Wrath of the Hydnora
The Evil Of The Witches Seven
The Ever-Lasting Battle
Earth's Last Stand
City At War
Broken Foot and Broken Shadow
The Saiba Lacerta
Mage Gangland
Fleura du Mal
Lady Shadestrike
Darkest Plight
The Power Inside Them
Kùbào VS the Scientists
The Tale of Tigress
Scroll Of The Demodragon
The Forgotten Mage
The Hearts Of Evil
End Times
When Worlds Collide (Part 1)
When Worlds Collide (Part 2)
The Wëather Witćh
Špirit Journëy
Thë Whitë Taišša
Lone Mage And Cubs
The Wasteland Warrior
The Impossible Desert
The Curse Of Saskia McTavish
The Crypt of Lucine
The Victoria Experiment
Monsters Among Us!
Wanted: Jinx And Crystallia
The Shadow Walks Again!
The Big Blowout
K-5: Loud House (Part 1)
K-5: Loud House (Part 2)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 1)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 2)
The Key To The Lost Treasure
The Jewel Of The Great Power
Legend of the Dark Son
A K-5 Christmas Caper
Mages Forever (Part 1)
Mages Forever (Part 2)
Upcoming Books

Buried Secrets

49 1 0
By LeslieHowell021

On a bright sunny morning, the K-5, Norbit, and their cousins San and Mūn were up and ready to help Coral cleaning the entire house when she has assigned her daughters, robot friend, nephew, and nieces on each part of the job. Kirana and Mūn got the window cleaner, Camilla and Talia got the dusters, Ezra and Norbit got the vacuum, and Ariana and San got the mop. And Coral got the broom. The entire family got ready for their ultimate challenge yet.

"Everyone ready?" Coral asked determinedly.

"We were born ready." Mūn said with a smirk.

"Let's do this." Camilla said firmly.

With that, the eight mages and robot took off to clean up the house. Camilla was doing some dusting at the fireplace while Talia was cleaning the chandelier, Ariana was mopping the floor upstairs while San was mopping the floor downstairs, Kirana and Mūn were washing the windows, Ezra was polishing the bathroom while Norbit was cleaning the walls, and Coral was using the broom on upstairs and downstairs. After a few seconds, the house was sparkling clean in Olympic style. Then, Ariana retrieved a text message from April from her purple crystalline cell phone.

"Hey, guys. I've got a message from April." Ariana informed. "It's urgent."

"You six can go." Coral said calmly. "But back for dinner."

"We will." Kirana smiled before facing her younger siblings and robot friend with a serious look. "Let's go."

Ariana pressed a white clover button from her cell phone and the siblings and Norbit were instantly teleported to the farmhouse.


Just as the K-5 and Norbit had arrived their destination, they discovered a hidden open trap door that led to the basement.

"Whoa, check it out!" Ariana gasped, pointing her finger at the floor.

"A trap door?" Camilla said confusingly.

"I didn't know they had a basement." Ezra said.

"I detect the Turtles, April, Casey, and Macey are downstairs." Norbit said after scanning the area below.

"What do you suppose is down there?" Kirana asked.

"Maybe an evil zombie." Talia replied, jumping back behind Camilla in alarm. "Definitely an evil zombie."

"Only one way to find out." Camilla said.

"Uh, who's going first?" Ariana asked.

"Not it!" Camilla, Ariana, Talia, Ezra, and Norbit screamed.

Kirana groaned and walked down the creaky staircase with her siblings and robot friend following behind her. Camilla shined her electrical fist and Ezra shined his light hand all around the room as the siblings and robot explored the dark depths of the basement and found a Kraang Scout Ship buried right under the farmhouse! They froze in place as they summoned their elemental powers.

"Whoa. It's impossible." Kirana gasped sharply. "It can't be."

"It's a Kraang stealth ship!" Talia whispered. "And it's open."

"But how did the Kraang find our friends?" Ezra asked.

Norbit quickly scanned the ship to detect any danger, but found nothing.

"The Kraang is not here." Norbit said.

"But it appears that this ship has been buried here for years." Ariana said, taking a closer look to observe the ship. "What the heck is a Kraang ship doing under this house?"

"Only one way to find out." Camilla said boldly. "Come on."

Seeing the door of the Kraang Scout Ship already opened, the mages and robot stepped inside to learn more. The mages and robot walked through the Kraang Scout Ship with Camilla in the lead until they found their eight friends staring at a containment unit with a human-like figure sleeping inside.

"Oh my gosh! Is that what I think it is?" Kirana gasped.

"It is." Leo replied, turning around to see the robot friend and the mage friends. "But we have no idea who's inside."

"We have to get that person out." Vee said.

"She's right." Ezra agreed. "Time to open the chamber."

Ariana walked forward next to Donnie and examined the containment unit closely and carefully.

"Okay guys. Don't touch anything." Donnie said.

"Agreed." Ariana said with a nod.

"We repeat: Do not touch anything." Ariana and Donnie repeated, giving Mikey and Talia warning looks on their faces.

Mikey and Talia chuckled nervously and stepped back as they accidentally rested their hand on a button together that quickly activated the containment unit's opening.

"Mikey!" Donnie yelled at his younger brother.

"Talia!" Ariana yelled at her younger sister.

"Hehe, oops." Mikey and Talia smiled sheepishly. "We promise not to touch anything starting now."

Suddenly, the person in the containment unit started to open. As the smoke cleared out, a woman began to groan and stepped out of the capsule. The woman has short blonde locks, dark green eyes and wore a black shirt with a purple vest, a black skirt, and gold and bronze heals. She also has little blue and pink necklace around her neck.

"Mom!" April and Macey gasped.

"Mom?" Casey asked confusingly.

As Mrs. O'Neil struggled to move from her dizziness and almost tripped, Donnie and Raph caught her just in time before she could fall.

"Take it easy, ma'am." Donnie said.

"Hold on." Raph added.

Mrs. O'Neil looked between Donnie and Raph. Leo, Vee, and Mikey walked in front of her with friendly smiles.

"Mutants!" Mrs. O'Neil screeched.

Mrs. O'Neil ran away from the Turtles, but she tripped once again until Casey and Ariana caught her this time.

"Don't worry, Mrs. O'Neil, these are good mutants." Ariana said reassuringly.

"Except for Donnie. He's kind of jerk." Casey added.

"Yeah...Hey!" Donnie snapped.

"Where am I?" Mrs. O'Neil asked. "And how do you know my..." She stopped as she noticed that April and Macey were standing behind her with her eyes widened in surprise. "A-April? M-Macey? But-but how? Just a few days ago, you were only six years old and six weeks old..." She fell back with a faint and Casey caught her with his arms.

"Mom." April said.

Then, April began to faint and Mikey caught her quickly.

"Snap." Mikey said.

"Wait. I have to faint as well." Macey said.

Macey immediately fainted after saying that she had to and Vee caught her quickly.

"Oh, I think that went well." Vee said.

"You think?" Ezra replied sarcastically.


Later, April was pouring tea for her mother in the living room as Casey stood alongside her. Macey sat in Norbit's lap with a cup of tea in her hands. The Turtles stood next to her and tried to her to say hi, but Mrs. O'Neil turned away as she was still being freaked out by them. But Mrs. O'Neil saw the K-5 and waved gently at them when they five mages waved friendly at her, making April's mom less freaked out by them.

"Here you go, mom" April said, handing a cup of tea to her mother with a soft smile. "Just relax."

"Thank you, April. I'm still a little shaky." Mrs. O'Neil admitted.

Mrs. O'Neil took a deep breath and began to explain the story behind the Kraang scout ship to her daughters and her friends. She explained that the inactive Kraang ship had actually been where it is now before the farmhouse was built on top of it. One day, April's great grandfather ventured into the basement and came across the ship, accidentally awakening the group of Kraang within it in the process. The Kraang repaid April's great grandfather for their stasis reawakening by holding him captive and experimenting on his entire bloodline extensively, forming just the right combination of DNA they would eventually need to perfect their Mutagen and causing April to become valued by the Kraang after her birth as the Kraang came to realize that her modified genetic code should perfect their Mutagen. After Macey's birth, Mrs. O'Neil and Kirby O'Neil plotted to escape the farmhouse with her, but an army of Kraang arrived just in time to capture only Mrs. O'Neil instead. During the escape, Macey was almost mutated into a wolf but her father managed to rescue her. As Kirby drove off to New York City with April and Macey in the Party Wagon, Mrs. O'Neil was captured and put into stasis for a long time.

When the story was finished, everyone became silent for a moment.

"All these years." April said. "We never knew what happened to you. I never knew what to think. Dad would never tell us."

"Well, now you know and now we never have to be apart again." Mrs. O'Neil smiled to her daughter. Macey walked over to her mother and sister. Mrs. O'Neil looked around to notice that her husband isn't here in the house. "Where is Kirby anyway?"

"Kirby? Oh, he got turned into a wicked Kraang-headed mutant." Casey replied.

Quickly, Raph and Camilla elbowed Casey in the stomach to get him to shut him up.

"He's just kidding, Mrs. O'Neil." Leo explained quickly. "Kirby's, uh, on a Safari in Puerto Rico. He won't be back for a while."

"Yeah, what he said." Kirana nodded quickly.

"I'm just so glad to have my girls back." Mrs. O'Neil said gently.

Mrs. O'Neil pulled April and Macey into a tight hug as everyone are pleased with the happy reunion between mother and daughter. Well, except for Mikey. His intuition doesn't trust April and Macey's mom when he knew that something's not right with her.

"Is it me or does April and Macey's mom seem a little bit off?" Mikey whispered to Raph.

"Ha! Like you're one to talk." Raph smirked.

"I'm serious, dude. I got those ninja vibes, yo." Mikey said cautiously. "I don't trust her."

Mikey looked at Talia for backup, but Talia was staring firmly at Mrs. O'Neil with her eyes narrowed in awareness. She was beginning to feel something's off about April and Macey's mom as well. Mikey poked her shoulder, causing Talia to snap out of her trance.

"You too, huh?" Mikey whispered.

"Yeah, I don't trust her either." Talia whispered back with a small nod.


Later that night; April, Macey, and their mother are relaxed on the porch swing outside as they were gazing at the stars.

"Remember how we used to sit out here in the summertime and look up at the stars?" Mrs. O'Neil asked.

"Like it was yesterday." April said softly. "Macey was always sleeping in my arms and she'd always have that smile on her face."

April patted Macey's head and she smiled.

"Man, I missed out." Macey joked.

April laughed a bit. "But so much has happened. So much time has passed."

"And that's exactly what it is. The past. We're together again." Mrs. O'Neil said.

The family hugged each other.

"Oh mom." Macey said.

The family broke the hug.

"We can start over." Mrs. O'Neil suggested. "We can be a family again."

"If only dad were here." April said, looking up at the sky.

Mrs. O'Neil quietly looked straight at the bushes for a minute. Together, Mikey and Talia jumped from the bushes in front of April, Macey, and Mrs. O'Neil as they began to charge at April and Macey's mom. Mrs. O'Neil screamed and took a step back, but April and Macey stood right in front of Mikey and Talia as she was completely puzzled by the sudden, unexpected assault.

"Mikey, Talia, what are you two doing?" April yelled.

"Stop! Don't scare her!" Macey yelled.

"Get away from April and Macey! We're warning you!" Mikey demanded at Mrs. O'Neil.

"Or things will get real ugly around here!" Talia shouted.

Mrs. O'Neil became terrified for the assault and ran back to the house with a loud scream.

"Mommy, wait!" Macey called.

Macey ran in the house after her mother.

"What the heck is wrong with you guys? Have you two lost your mind?" April snapped, pulling Mikey and Talia back. "Don't bother answering that."

"April, wait! We can explain!" Mikey cried as he chased after April.

"Hold on, April! It's not what you think!" Talia shouted as she followed after Mikey.

April quickly ran back in the house to comfort her mother. But Raph and Camilla blocked Mikey and Talia at the farmhouse doorway. Mikey and Talia gulped as they know that it's not gonna be good.


In the barn, Mikey and Talia found themselves tied together to a chair surrounded by Donnie, Ariana, Vee, Ezra, Norbit, Leo, Kirana, Raph, Camilla, and Casey under the heat of an intense light.

"Michelangelo. You and Talia. Attacked. April and Macey's. Moooothhhhherrrrr?" Donnie yelled as he paced towards the orange masked turtle and the orange mage kunoichi.

"Yeah, what were you two thinking?" Ariana yelled angrily.

"Mikey, have you completely cracked your shell?" Raph snapped at Mikey.

"And have you gone insane, Talia?" Camilla snapped at Talia.

"But we don't trust her!" Mikey protested. "She's all kinds of wrong."

"You guys got to believe us!" Talia pleaded.

"Oh, just like the time tiny elves stole your nunchucks and replaced 'em with mozzarella sticks?" Leo asked Mikey with sarcasm.

"Yes!" Mikey answered.

"Or the time you and Ice Cream Kitty entered a breakdancing contest?" Vee asked Mikey with sarcasm.

"Exactly!" Mikey answered.

"Oh, just like the time someone stole your bowl of noodles to replace them with rope?" Kirana asked Talia with sarcasm.

"Hey, that was food napping!" Talia snapped.

"Or the time you and Pink Hallow entered a bowling tournament?" Ezra asked Talia with sarcasm.

"And that was for best friends night!" Talia snapped.

"Stop it, you two." Casey ordered with a glare. "Do you have any idea how much this means to April and Macey? If you ruin this for them..."

"Fine! If you don't believe us, we'll prove it." Mikey snapped.

"With or without you guys." Talia added angrily.

Mikey and Talia walked out of the barn side by side, knowing that they will have to solve the mystery on their own.


Meanwhile, Mikey and Talia walked themselves inside the farmhouse kitchen. They played around with Ice Cream Kitty as Mikey sprayed some whip cream on the feline ice cream mutant's head with a cherry on top, making Talia giggle playfully.

Suddenly the feline ice cream mutant started to hiss at the window.

Slowly, Mikey and Talia walked over at the window and saw Mrs. O'Neil walking away from the house and headed into the woods. Mikey and Talia looked at each other with concern.

"What do you think, Talia? Go after her?" Mikey asked to the orange mage kunoichi.

"Let's do this." Talia said with a nod.


On the roof of the Farmhouse, Vee and Ezra were playing "You've got a friend in me" with Vee playing her guitar and Ezra playing his flute. Suddenly, Vee and Ezra saw Mikey and Talia walking in the woods.

"Not again." Vee groaned.

"Should we go after them?" Ezra asked.

"I've got a better idea." Vee answered.

She grabbed a remote control and a flying drone from her room.

"A drone?" Ezra said.

"Donnie gave me this hunk of junk. So, why not use it now?" Vee said. "Ok, junk from Donnie, let's see what my brother is up to."

Vee activated the drone and it flew straight to the woods. Ezra grabbed the computer with a smile and Vee smiled back.


Mikey and Talia made their way out of the house and into the woods as they hid behind bushes so they won't get caught. They haven't noticed that the drone was following them.

Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Vee and Ezra watched the camera on the computer. Macey and Norbit walked in the room.

"Vee, there's something..." Macey said, but stopped as she noticed Vee and Ezra were doing something. "What are you doing?"

"Mikey and Talia are up to something and we're finding out what it is with the drone Donnie gave me." Vee answered.

"Ooh, I wanna see." Macey said.

"I would like to watch as well." Norbit said.

Macey and Norbit scoot over to watch. Ezra was squished up to Vee, that caused them both to blush.

Mikey and Talia finally spotted Mrs. O'Neil and watched her unscrewing the lid on a canister of Mutagen in her hands before kneeling next to a pond and poured it into the water. The drone was recording was Mrs. O'Neil was doing.

"Mom?! What is she doing?!" Macey said from the bedroom.

"She's pouring mutagen in the water!" Talia whispered. "We were right."

"Let's do this." Mikey grinned.

Mikey and Talia jumped out behind the bush with speed. Mikey wrapped his nunchucks around the mutagen canister and snagged it to the ground as Talia casted a spell to teleport the other mutagen canister on the ground into her aunt's dimensional home.

"Mikey?" Vee said in confusion.

"Talia?" Ezra said in surprise.

"You foolish welps." Mrs. O'Neil said.

"Don't try flattering us." Talia said.

"You two shouldn't have done that, Michelangelo and Talia." Mrs. O'Neil taunted, pulling a pair of scissors out in her hand. "Now you've made mother very angry."

"We knew there was something wrong with you!" Mikey said firmly. "You're with the Kraang!"

"Yes! I will capture both April and Macey O'Neil and take them to my masters." Mrs. O'Neil commented.

Mrs. O'Neil tried to stab Mikey with her scissors, but Talia released a sound force field from her palm to deflect it.

"Well, mom, things are about to get a lot worse." Talia snapped.

Mikey and Talia fight Mrs. O'Neil and the drone was still recording the fight.

"They're fighting Mom! I've got to stop them!" Macey said before she got up and ran out the room.

"I will go with Macey to assist her." Norbit said before he followed after Macey.

"Macey!" Vee called.

"Norbit!" Ezra called.

Ezra was about to get up but he saw something that caught him off guard.

"Vee, you might wanna see this." Ezra said.

Vee curiously went over and watched the computer with Ezra.

Mikey and Talia charged forward at Mrs. O'Neil, but she dodged their moves very easily that left two heroes very confused. Mrs. O'Neil grabbed Mikey by the tails of his mask and swung him into a tree. She then grabbed Talia by the roots of her hair and threw her few feet away into the bushes that knocked her out unconscious. Mrs. O'Neil walked up to Mikey, making him to back away against the tree.

"What are you really?" Mikey asked.

Mrs. O'Neil doesn't respond as she walked closer and closer to Mikey. Vee and Ezra reacted in horror to see the true Mrs. O'Neil. His horror scream woke Talia up from her unconscious state. Talia ran as fast as she can to find Mikey until she found him standing forward.

"Mikey! I'm so glad you're okay!" Talia smiled, running to hug the orange masked turtle around his shell.

"I'm fine, Talia." Mikey said with a smile. "There's nothing to worry about."

"But where's...?" Talia asked.

Talia paused as she sensed something's wrong with Mikey. She released him from the hug and examined him from top to bottom. Even Mikey's strange smile was freaking her out. Finally, she realized something off about him wide eyes.

"Wait a minute! You're not Mikey!" Talia exclaimed.

"What are you talking about?" Mikey asked innocently.

"I'm a mage. I was born with strong intuitive senses, so I'm not stupid!" Talia snapped.

"So you figured me out, huh? Very observant of you." Mikey grinned sinisterly. "Now I must contain you from my mission."

Talia's eyes widened in horror as she watched the fake Mikey transformed himself into something grotesque. Her scream was unleashed in the air, knowing that she can't escape from the monster. Suddenly, the drone had shut down for no reason.

"Oh no. No, no, no!" Vee panicked as she tried to start up the drone camera. "I can't get it back online!"

"Come on, we gotta warn the others!" Ezra said as he grabbed Vee's hand and they ran out of the bedroom.


Macey and Norbit were in the woods, looking for Mikey, Talia, and Mrs. O'Neil. Macey accidentally bumped into Talia and Norbit caught Macey in his arms.

"Hello, Macey and Norbit." Talia said.

"Hello, Talia. Where is Mikey and Mrs. O'Neil?" Norbit asked.

"They're not around out here. Let's go back to the Farmhouse." Talia said.

"But Michelangelo was with you." Norbit said.

Macey and Norbit secretly spotted the drone and saw that it was broken.

"Um, I think I can walk back with Norbit. We'll see ya behind us." Macey said.

Macey and Norbit attempted to walk away, but a pink tentacle grabbed Norbit.

"Oh no." Norbit said.

Norbit got dragged into the fake Talia and the Kraang Creature turned into a Kraang-like Norbit.

"Your turn, Macey." The fake Norbit said.

Macey attempted to run away but a pink tentacle grabbed her arm. The creature dragged Macey over to it and she screamed.


Back inside the Kraang Scout Ship, Donnie was researching through the cryogenic files on the laptop as Ariana was watching next to him.

"Hey, guys." Macey greeted.

Macey's voice surprised Donnie and Ariana at the same time.

"Whoa! You scared us." Ariana said.

"We're just looking over data from the cryotube's computers." Donnie explained, returning back to his laptop. "But some of these readouts don't make sense."

Then, April walked inside the Kraang Scout Ship.

"Donnie, have you and Ariana seen mom?" April asked.

"No." Donnie replied.

"Why?" Ariana asked.

"We sort of had a little argument earlier, and now she's gone." April explained. "Probably because Mikey and Talia freaked her out."

"Don't worry, April. I'm sure she's around." Macey assured with a slight creepy smile. "I'll send Mikey and Talia up to help look for her."

"No thanks, Macey." April said. "We don't need Talia or Mikey's help."

As April left the ship, Donnie and Ariana finally went back to the laptop until they both discovered a shocking secret about the true nature of Mrs. O'Neil.

"No, it can't be." Donnie gasped, turning to the purple mage kunoichi. "Ariana?"

"We got to tell the others." Ariana said.

Suddenly, Mrs. O'Neil stood up in front of Donnie and Ariana.

"Hello, Donatello and Ariana." Mrs. O'Neil greeted evilly.

"Ah! Wait, what happened to Macey?" Ariana said.

Mrs. O'Neil pushed Donnie and Ariana aside with great force. Donnie and Ariana watched as Mrs. O'Neil slammed the laptop to the floor to avoid the discovery truth from the others. Vee and Ezra ran in the stealth ship.

"Donnie, Ariana, Mrs. O'Neil has...!" Vee warned but stopped as she and Ezra saw the creature.

"Uh-oh." Ezra gulped.

Mrs. O'Neil's normal arms then transformed into long Kraang-like tentacles to grab the purple mage kunoichi, dragging the screaming Ariana inside the woman's body.

"Ariana!" Ezra shouted.

Mrs. O'Neil then shapeshifted herself into Ariana with white blank eyes and long Kraang arms.

"Join us, Donatello." Fake Ariana hissed slyly.

Fake Ariana grabbed Vee and Ezra with her tentacles. She tossed them in the chamber and locked them in. Vee and Ezra banged on the glass to try and get out. Donatello got up and escaped out of the Kraang ship, but one elongated arm grabbed the purple masked turtle by the legs and pulled him straight to her.


Minutes later, Leo and Kirana slowly walked inside the Kraang Scout Ship as they saw Donatello stood perfectly fine in front of the laptop screen. But they didn't hear Vee and Ezra trying to warn them.

"Hey, Donnie, uh, where's mom?" Leo asked.

"No one's here but me." Donnie answered quickly.

"We could've sworn we saw her come in here." Leo said.

"Mm, sorry, Leo. Haven't seen her." Donnie said.

"But where's Ariana?" Kirana asked. "I thought she was with you."

"She left with April." Donnie responded.

Kirana didn't accept the purple masked turtle's response that easily and quietly noticed the shattered laptop lying on the floor next to Donnie's foot. She knew that he would never really destroy technology like her sister Ariana. Kirana elbowed Leo's arm and signaled her eyes to the floor, making the blue masked turtle look down to the floor. Kirana and Leo nodded their head together as their ninja instincts took over.

"Okay, then. We guess we were mistaken." Leo said slowly.

"See you later, Donnie." Kirana said quickly.

As Leo and Kirana slowly took their leave, Donnie's eyes went blank white and suddenly sprouted out long Kraang arms from the sides of his body. The fake purple masked turtle thrusted his arms in Kirana's direction, but Leo quickly took out his Katana sword and slashed one of the incoming arms while Kirana swiftly cut the other arm with the icy sword she made from her palm.

Unfortunately, Kirana lost her balance and fell to the floor as she only caught a glimpse of the Kraang-like Donnie.

"Leo, you got to move!" Kirana said to Leo.

"I won't leave you, Kirana!" Leo said, kneeling down to the blue mage kunoichi.

"Just go!" Kirana said quickly.

Kirana got up and charged forward to attack the Kraang-like Donnie, but the fake purple masked turtle wrapped his elongated arms around Kirana and pulled her to him by force. As Kirana was struggling to break free, she let out a loud scream that caught Leo's eyes. Leo was standing still the whole time and lost his balance when he watched the Kraang-like Donnie shapeshifted into the Kraang-like Kirana. The capsule door opened a little and Vee managed to warn Leo.

"Leo! Go! Run! Get the others!" Vee yelled.

Kraang-like Kirana closed the capsule door again. Leo pushed himself to escape out of the ship and reached his way to the staircase, but his injuries slowed him down severely that caused one broken stair step to seal his fate. Leo turned around and the Kraang-like Kirana sprinted herself fast to him.


Ezra was still banging on the glass to try and break it. Vee got an idea and reached out her hand in the direction of the button.

"Ezra, step back." Vee said.

Vee used her powers to push the button from her mind and the door opened. Vee and Ezra quickly stepped out.

"Nice." Ezra commented.


Up in the living room, Raph and Camilla sat on the couch together as they are watching a Halloween show on TV until they suddenly heard Leo's screams coming from the basement.

"It's Leo!" Camilla exclaimed.

"Let's go!" Raph said.

Raph and Camilla immediately rushed down the stairs, where they found the blue masked turtle lying at the bottom of the stairs without his crutches. They walked Leo over to a chair and gently set him down.

"Bro, you okay?" Raph asked worryingly.

"I think so." Leo replied weakly.

"What happened?" Camilla inquired, looking around to notice that her older sister isn't here with Leo. "And where's Kirana?"

"Mikey and Talia were right." Leo explained quickly as he ignored Camilla's question. "April and Macey's mom really is a creature."

Raph drew his weapon and Camilla summoned her powers as they got into their fighting stance. They saw Vee and Ezra run out from the ship.

"Vee!" Raph shouted.

"Ezra!" Camilla shouted.

Raph and Camilla went to them.

"Sis, are you and Ezra ok?" Raph asked.

"No. The creature took Mikey, Macey, and Donnie." Vee said.

"It got Talia, Norbit, Kirana, and Ariana too." Ezra said.

"What?!" Raph exclaimed.

"Where is it?" Camilla demanded.

"Here." Leo said sinisterly as he stood up.

Raph, Camilla, Vee, and Ezra turned around to see that Leo had long Kraang arms and his eyes went blank white. Raph charged forward to the Kraang-like Leo, who quickly wrapped his elongated arm around Raph and took his other arm to slam the red masked turtle's face that send him flying to the wall. Camilla quickly charged at Leo, but the fake blue masked turtle dodged all of her electrical attacks in a nick of speed and wrapped his arm around Camilla's waist, sending her landing next to Raph.

"Whatever you are, let my brothers and friends go!" Vee yelled.

Vee charged at the creature but the creature grabbed her by the neck.

"Vee!" Ezra shouted.

Ezra charged at the creature but it grabbed his foot. Ezra summoned a teal dagger to cut Vee and himself free from the tentacles. Ezra picked up Vee in his arms and ran over to Raph and Camilla.

"Time to go." Raph announced to Camilla.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Camilla remarked.

Camilla held herself close to Raph, who turned to the Kraang-like Leo with a smoke bomb in his hand. Raph threw it down onto the ground when he saw his fake brother running to him. With a large purple smoke flash; Raph, Camilla, Vee, and Ezra disappeared.


Meanwhile; Raph, Camilla, Vee, and Ezra quickly ran outside and found both Casey and April seating on the bench swing in the front yard.

"April! Casey!" Vee shouted.

"Guys, what is it?" April asked.

"It's your mother." Camilla answered, still panting for breath. "Mikey and Talia were right. She really is some kind of creature, and she's done something to the others."

"She's got them!" Ezra added.

"No." April said. "No, you're all wrong."

"Aw, come on, guys! Not you too!" Casey shouted.

"She's not what you think she is." Raph growled.

"April!" Mrs. O'Neil called from behind Raph, Camilla, Vee, and Ezra . "April, I told you to pack your bags. Macey's already in the car."

Raph, Camilla, Vee, and Ezra jumped in front of April and Casey in their fighting stance.

"Stay back!" Ezra yelled.

"What did you do to my sisters and Norbit?" Camilla demanded.

"And what did you to my brothers and Macey?" Raph inquired.

"April, now." Mrs. O'Neil ordered sternly as she walked forward to six teenagers.

"I said stay back, mom-thing!" Vee shouted.

"Stop it, guys! Stop it right now!" April demanded, stepping in to stop her friends from attacking.

Suddenly, Mrs. O'Neil grabbed April by the waist and dragged her away from her friends.

"That's it. We're leaving now!" Mrs. O'Neil shouted.

"What's going on?" April asked, trying to break free desperately.

"I'm. Your. Mother!" Mrs. O'Neil shouted.

Mrs. O'Neil turned to April with a grotesque-looking face since she no longer had the normal human face, causing April to freak out.

"What the heck?!" Casey said.

"Let April go!" Ezra shouted.

Ezra ran forward and used his dagger to free April. Making her and Ezra run back to their friends.

Suddenly, Mrs. O'Neil transformed into large Kraang spider-like body emerging within her disguise form. She featured pink and blue skin around her body. Her face became a gooey pink Kraang-like face with big beady magenta eyes. Under her face, she has baby blue skin and large pointy ears with her hair pointed back. The creature has six massive long legs almost like an insect's. Featured on her back are six large sticking-up tubes that connect to her body with a crater. She loomed over the horrified April, Casey, Vee, Ezra, Raph, and Camilla.

"Move!" Raph ordered.

Raph, Camilla, Vee, Ezra, April, and Casey quickly ran to the barn as Mom-Thing chased them in the direction of the barn. Casey picked up an ax imbedded in a tree stump and dashed into the barn with his friends. They quickly closed the barn doors, so Mom-Thing can't find a way to get inside. Unfortunately, the blockade didn't stop the monster that easily when Mom-Thing came up through the ground, where she split her head into two.

"There's no way to stop this thing!" Camilla said pessimistically.

"Any options?" Vee asked.

"She was frozen when we found her, maybe we can freeze it again." April suggested.

"No, we fry it!" Casey said.

Casey slid underneath Mom-Thing and threw the axe at the electrical power box. The electricity inflicted some damage on the monster, but she quickly got back up again.

"Ok, that didn't work." Raph said.

"Now what?" Ezra asked.

"We just gotta hack it to pieces." Casey said.

Raph, Casey, and Camilla sprung themselves at the Mom-Thing, but they got caught in the massive suction tube as they were being pulled down into Mom-Thing's body.

"Camilla! Raph! Casey! No!" Ezra shouted.

Mom-Thing suddenly smacked Ezra to a wall and he was knocked unconscious.

"Ezra!" Vee shouted.

Mom-Thing then smacked Vee to a wall and she was knocked unconscious. April was the last one standing alone with horror.

"Vee! Ezra!" April shouted.

"April, we can be together." Mom-Thing said. "No more pain. No more sorrow."

April looked down at the Mom-Thing's stomach to see Mikey, Talia, Donnie, Ariana, Macey, Norbit, Leo, and Kirana's heads popping out with pure white eyes.

"Join us. Become one. One of us! One of us." The zombie Mikey, Talia, Donnie, Ariana, Macey, Norbit, Leo, and Kirana spoke mindlessly.

"You are not my mother!" April said, stepping back from the Mom-Thing.

April sprinted towards the barn door, but suddenly the suction tube latched onto her and picked her up. April was trying to resist the creature's pull with no effort at all.

"We will be a family again." Mom-Thing hissed. "It's all we ever wanted."

As that horror situation escalated even further, April released a loud scream that unleashed a powerful mental wave that immediately destroyed the Mom-Thing into a pile of pink flesh and slimy chunks of green goo. April collapsed herself to the ground along with her friends, who were standing up from the ground. Vee and Ezra groaned as they woke up and saw everyone.

"Guys, you're alive!" Ezra said.

"Thank goodness." Vee sighed.

"Are you guys okay?" April asked.

"Let me put it to you this way." Donnie said. "I'm pretty sure I swallowed about fifteen pounds of slime."

"You and me both." Ariana remarked.

"I feel like if puke could puke, it would be us." Mikey said.

Then, Mikey turned around and puked to the ground.

"Oh, poor Mikey." Talia giggled, patting Mikey on the shell.

"Thanks, April." Leo said.

"For saving us." Kirana added.

April smiled back as she held Donnie and Ariana by the shoulders.


Later, everyone went back inside the Kraang Scout Ship. Donatello and Ariana revealed the truth on what they found out about the creature to everyone.

"So, when Ariana and I downloaded the data from the Kraang ship, we discovered the creature wasn't really April and Macey's mom. It just had her memories." Donnie explained.

"So what was it?" Camilla asked.

"Some sort of early infiltration experiment that utilized a combination of Mrs. O'Neil's DNA and Kraang DNA, but it was way too dangerous." Ariana responded.

"So the Kraang put it in a deep freeze." Raph concluded. "It all makes sense!"

Leo and Kirana looked at April, who was sitting on the floor by herself. Vee and Ezra looked at Macey, who was sitting at the door to the stealth ship by herself.

"Guys, do we have to talk about this right now?" Leo said, bringing his two brothers and four mages in a huddle.

"April and Macey had been down enough as it is." Kirana said.

Norbit walked over to Macey and sat next to her. He placed a hand on her shoulder and handed her a lollipop.

"I am sorry about your mother, Macey." Norbit said.

"Thanks. It felt like an evil trick for someone to easily fall for. How long is it gonna be for the Kraang to keep hunting us? Maybe we can defeat them someday for good." Macey said, sadly.

"You won't be alone. We've got each other's backs." Ezra said.

Vee and Ezra offered their hands to Macey, who smiled and took them. Vee and Ezra helped Macey up.

"We're all family, no matter what we are." Vee said.

Macey smiled at her friends. She and her friends looked over at April. Casey walked over to April and sat next to her for comfort.

"April, you okay?" Casey asked softly.

"Yeah." April answered. "It just feels like I lost my family all over again, even if it really wasn't my mom. Maybe she really is gone forever or maybe she's still out there. Somewhere."

"You can't give up hope." Leo said, walking over to April and held out a hand to April.

"Trust us on that." Kirana said, holding out a water tentacle to April.

April smiled and took her friends' hands for Leo and Kirana to lift her up from the floor. Vee, Ezra, Macey, and Norbit walked over to April.

"And you haven't lost your family." Mikey said, hugging Raph and Donnie close with his arms. "Cause we are your family." Mikey also pulled Vee in the hug.

"You can say that again." Talia smiled as she hugged Camilla and Ariana with her arms. Talia also pulled Ezra in the hug.

April chuckled. Her friends are right. Even though her father is now a Kraang-like zombie and her mother's whereabouts are still a mystery, the Turtles and the K-5 are now her temporary family. Macey walked over to April and she wrapped her arm around her sister.

"And I want to say to my sibs." Mikey said, walking in front of Donnie.

"And my sibs." Talia said, walking in front of Ariana.

"We were right!" Mikey and Talia cheered, bragging their proof to their older siblings. "In your face! In. Your. Face!"

'Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up. Didn't you mention something about mutagen being spilled in the woods?" Donnie asked.

"Uhhhhhhhhhh, yeah." Mikey replied slowly.

"And didn't you mention something about you sending another canister of mutagen in our aunt's dimensional home?" Ariana asked.

"Yeah." Talia responded.

"Well, do you remember where it was?" Raph asked as he stepped forward in front of Mikey and Talia.

"Come on." Vee muttered.

"I doubt it." Camilla muttered.

"Mmmmmmmmmm..." Mikey and Talia said as they are trying to remember the exact location of the mutagen canisters. "Nope."

"Typical." Ezra muttered.

"Oh, no." Kirana groaned.

"You know what this means, right?" Leo asked.


Meanwhile, back to the other dimension, a band of cats walked around carelessly inside the bushes with the Mutagen ooze on their heads, unaware of the changes that will soon reach them...

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