K-5 (Full)

By LeslieHowell021

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When five mages emerge into the world of New York, they discover big threats that only they themselves can so... More

Rise Of The Mages (Part 1)
Rise Of The Mages (Part 2)
Mage Temper
New Friend, Old Enemy
Iron Donna
Reptile Brains
Beware of Sapphire
The Darkness
Nano Attack!
It Came From The Haunting Building
Mage or Monster
New Boys In Town
Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer and Sandra!
Lizard Terminator
Donna's Gambit
Enemy Of My Enemy
Kuro's Partnership
Sandra Returns
Operation: Detention Breakout
Showdown (Part 1)
Showdown (Part 2)
Mutation Situation
Invasion of the Bats
Follow the Ice
Sandra Unleashed!
Talia Gets Sonically
Target: Casey Jones
Samara and Destroy
The Good, The Bad, And Casey Jones
The Kraang Conspiracy
Rosa Galicia
Phantom Upgraded
Of Golem and Women
The Manhattan Project (Part 1)
The Manhattan Project (Part 2)
Accel and Mages
Donna's Nevermore
Newtralized and Nebulous!
The Wrath of Tigress
Legendary Kuraun
Project EVE
Vengance Will Be Mine
A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X
The Invasion (Part 1)
The Invasion (Part 2)
Deep Within The Woods
A Fierce Dagger
Buried Secrets
Invasion Of The Punkz Catz
In Dreams
Race With The Demon!
Powers of the Shagon
Spirit Journey
Return To New York
Wolf Hunt
The Crystal and the Luck
Battle For New York (Part 1)
Battle For New York (Part 2)
Casey Jones Vs The Underworld
The Witch Avenger
Clash of the Amazons
Meet Verona Salamander
The Deadly Bite
Mages In Time
Tales of the Mages
Attack of the Mega Shade!
The Venus Doom
The Fourblind Trap
Aliens Seen In New York!
Annihilation Earth (Part 1)
Annihilation Earth (Part 2)
Beyond the Majestic Universe
The Planet of Hegemon
The Crazy World Of Gerti
The Plant Mistress Jade!
Riddle Of The Ancient Sword
Journey To The Center Of Talia's Mind
The Lab of Mosaic
The War In Dimension X
The Ghostly Gaean
Trans-Dimensional K-5
Wrath of the Hydnora
The Evil Of The Witches Seven
The Ever-Lasting Battle
Earth's Last Stand
City At War
Broken Foot and Broken Shadow
The Saiba Lacerta
Mage Gangland
Fleura du Mal
Lady Shadestrike
Darkest Plight
The Power Inside Them
Kùbào VS the Scientists
The Tale of Tigress
Scroll Of The Demodragon
The Forgotten Mage
The Hearts Of Evil
End Times
When Worlds Collide (Part 1)
When Worlds Collide (Part 2)
The Wëather Witćh
Špirit Journëy
Thë Whitë Taišša
Lone Mage And Cubs
The Wasteland Warrior
The Impossible Desert
The Curse Of Saskia McTavish
The Crypt of Lucine
The Victoria Experiment
Monsters Among Us!
Wanted: Jinx And Crystallia
The Shadow Walks Again!
The Big Blowout
K-5: Loud House (Part 1)
K-5: Loud House (Part 2)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 1)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 2)
The Key To The Lost Treasure
The Jewel Of The Great Power
Legend of the Dark Son
A K-5 Christmas Caper
Mages Forever (Part 1)
Mages Forever (Part 2)
Upcoming Books

Panic at the Fortress

34 1 0
By LeslieHowell021

The K-5 quietly walked through the mist in an alleyway on a strange foggy night.

"Shade could be anywhere. Stay close, guys." Kirana said cautiously.

"Ugh. I'm already freezing from this frost." Ezra groaned.

"Plus, the frost coming from the mist can't accumulate unless it's freezing below zero." Ariana stated.

"Ariana, enough with the scientific stuff." Talia complained.

"And that's why you always known as the dimwit in the family, Talia." Camilla remarked.

"And I've found five hopeless mages with only less seconds to live."

Hearing Shade's voice echoing through the night made the five mages search their surroundings for any sign of the enemy. Talia felt her arms being seized by someone's grasp and looked at them to see a strong chain made of black energy coming from Lady Shade, causing the orange mage kunoichi to scream while getting dragged off into the fog that caught her older sisters' and younger brother's attention.

"Talia!" Ariana cried.

Ariana charged towards Lady Shade with her earth covered fists, but Lady Shade created a black energized whip to wrap the rocky fists together tightly and pulled the purple mage kunoichi close towards her. Lady Shade then delivered a powerful kick to Ariana face that sent her flying to the street unconsciously.

"Ariana!" Ezra shouted.

Ezra charged to attack Shade but the black mage dodged the attack and released a powerful kick to send the teal mage ninja into darkness.

"Ezra, no! Take her down, Camilla!" Kirana ordered.

"With pleasure!" Camilla shouted.

Kirana and Camilla charged forward towards the Shadow Clan leader as they raced on the opposite side of the alley to attack her with a punch from Camilla and a kick from Kirana. Lady Shade countered with a brutal three punch combo that sent the blue mage kunoichi flying to the ground away from her. Camilla aggressively dove at Lady Shade with her flaming fists until the Shadow Clan leader delivered powerful quick jabs to the red mage kunoichi's chest and sent her final jab that was strong enough to send Camilla flying into the darkness. Kirana could barely stand on her feet as she watched Lady Shade walking towards her with black energized steel claws with wide, terrifying eyes.

"Time for me to end your life." Lady Shade said. "Permanently."

Kirana didn't have any time to scream as Lady Shade swiftly attacked the blue mage kunoichi with a quick slash.

"Noooooo!" Sage cried, waking up from her devastating nightmare.

Sage took many deep breaths and tried to get control of herself from her nightmare.


As Sage walked out of the dojo and into the living room, she saw her five children taking their leave out of the fortress.

"Where are you five going?" Sage called out.

"We're heading out for our evening patrol." Kirana answered.

"No more patrol!" Sage declared harshly. "Last time you fought Lady Shade, you five barely escaped with your lives!"

"Mother?" Ezra questioned confusingly. "Are you alright?"

"Look, we know our battle with Lady Shade was unexpected, but we'll be ready next time." Camilla said confidently.

"And that's why you're staying here until you are ready!" Sage yelled with her narrowed eyes as her face leaned close to Camilla's scared face. "No patrol! No games! No spell casting! No rest! Only ninja training staring now!"

Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra quickly jumped behind Kirana in fear as they stared at Sage with shocked faces. They have no idea why their mother was acting strange, but they know that this week isn't gonna be much delightful.


After training for the past few weeks, the siblings were becoming exhausted from the lack of rest. They kept tiredly charging at each other and slowly blasted each other with their elemental powers. The more Sage keeps ordering her daughters, the less she's ignoring their tiring condition.

"Mother, please. I'm begging you. Can we please rest?" Talia pleaded.

"And let Lady Shade fueling her rage until you are all dead? I don't think so!" Sage responded harshly.

"Mother, we've been training for weeks with any sleep at all." Kirana said calmly. "We need rest. Look at us, we can't take anymore."

"Alright, you may rest." Sage agreed calmly.

"Thank you." Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra smiled happily as they fell to the ground with tiredness.


After a long peaceful nap, the five mage siblings had split up around the fortress in relaxation. Kirana was watching Battlestar Matrix and Camilla was chilling on the couch with her pet Samson in the living room. Samson jumped on the top of the TV with great reflexes and turned the TV off with his paw.

"Hey! Samson!" Kirana cried angrily.

"Sorry, it was his idea." Camilla said with a grin. "He really never like that show."

"That's because you two are so emotionally alike." Kirana said dryly as she rolled her eyes.

"Don't make me come over there and pound your face to the floor!" Camilla snapped as she stood up from the couch.

"I'll love to see you try, Camilla." Kirana said, crossing her arms over her chest.

Suddenly, Camilla got herself nailed in the face with a water balloon. Talia walked into the living room with a bucket of water balloons in her hands.

"Your Prank Queen has arrived, ladies!" Talia cheered.

Camilla got close to Talia's face with a dangerous look on her face.

"Oh, looks like I'm so dead." Talia gulped.

"I'm gonna kill you for that!" Camilla hollered.

Talia screamed helplessly and began running away from Camilla, who was chasing after her with blasting fireballs one by one.

All Kirana can do is watch her sisters running around the living room with a sigh. Ezra walked in with a sleeveless white shirt with blue gyms shorts and a towel on his head.

"Ok, what's going on? I was done with my shower." Ezra groaned.

"Typical sister stuff." Kirana said.


Meanwhile, the four mages visited Ariana's lab and saw their brainiac sister working on her latest invention that was covered by a large white cloth.

"You're still on that vehicle?" Camilla asked.

"Well, duh." Ariana replied. "I called them Turbo Karts. I've designed them with the right technology so we can each drive one with speed and acceleration."

"Well, I suggest that you got to find a way to relax without building gadgets all the time." Talia said, looking at the detachable kart blueprints in her hands.

"At least, we still don't need worry about Shade right now." Ezra said.

"We all have different ways to relax ourselves, Talia." Kirana said.

"Yeah, that's how I do." Ariana agreed.

"And this is how I do." Talia smiled slyly.

Talia threw a water balloon from her back to hit Kirana, who quickly ducked down to have the balloon hit Ariana right in the face. Ariana dropped her tools and snapped her neck side to side, walking close to Talia with an angry look on her face as her hands transformed into large rock gauntlets. Talia quickly made a run for it out of the lab as Ariana chased after her from behind.

"You better watch your back, Kirana and Ezra!" Talia announced. "Because you're next!"


Few minutes later, Sage's harsh training session kept wearing her children down. But that quickly ended when Casey stepped into the dojo.

"Guys, you're not gonna believe this." Casey said as he waved his phone in the air.

Everyone surrounded Casey to watch a video of the Wuju Twins' conversation on his phone. Norbit activated and walked over to watch with everyone.

"We're gonna visit Lady Shade tonight." Juli said. "She has a plan to destroy the K-5 for good."

"How?" Juni asked. "I mean, she doesn't even know where they live in this city."

"She believes that they lived somewhere that relates to metal connected by magic somewhere." Juli said. "That's all she needs to know to wipe them out."

Casey then turned off his cell phone and looked back at the mage family.

"As I feared, our home is no longer safe from Lady Shade." Sage said grimly. "She must be stopped at any cost."

"But how could we stop her if she's too strong for the five of us to handle?" Ezra asked.

Kirana's eyes narrowed when she sensed Talia's aura holding a water balloon in her hand from behind. She lifted her hand out and clenched it into a fist, causing the water inside the balloon to explode in Talia's hand without turning.

"Oh c'mon!" Talia whimpered.

"We have to go outside and find out what they're planning." Camilla declared determinedly.

"Camilla's right." Kirana said with a nod.

"Scary." Ariana and Talia muttered together.

"There's no other way." Kirana continued. "Lady Shade will plot a death surprise on us if we stay up here any longer."

"Then go, my children." Sage said sternly. "Find Lady Shade and stop her."

The K-5 nodded their heads and ran out of the fortress exit.


Later, the K-5 followed the Wuju Twins from their hideout to an abandoned decorated Neo-Gothic-style Roman Catholic cathedral church from the rooftop silently. The mages hid down on the edge of the rooftop on a lookout. Kirana crouched down on the far left, Talia crouched down between Kirana and Camilla, Camilla crouched down between Ezra and Ariana, Ezra crouched between Talia and Camilla, and Ariana crouched down on the far right. They all looked down the building area, which they believed to be Lady Shade's headquarters.

"So, this must be the place." Kirana whispered.

"You know, I've been thinking and maybe we're in over our heads." Talia said.

"What makes you think that?" Ariana asked.

"Oh please." Camilla snapped. "When did that ever stopping you?"

"I'm just saying after everything mother said is making usdo something drastic!" Talia snapped back. "And that frighten me."

"It's alright to be scared, Talia." Kirana said softly. "Even Camilla is scared."

"As if!" Camilla protested.

Kirana let out a smirk and used a hint of blue magic to tap the back of Camilla's head, causing her to spin around with a yelp. Ariana gave Kirana a thumb up with a smile, Ezra snickered silently, and Talia laughed under her breath. Camilla glared at the giggling Kirana with a growl.

"Your five should be." A deep seductive feminine voice spoke.

That voice made the five mages freeze as they turned around to find a thick black female humanoid made of fluid ink with a two white slanted eyes on her face coming from behind them.

"Scarlett!" Kirana gasped.

"Man, that mutagen really mess her up!" Talia said.

"You said it." Ariana agreed with a nod.

"Well, well, well." Scarlett said with a sinister grin. "Looks like I'm gonna have some fun."

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra summoned out their elemental magic in their offensive stances. Kirana charged first and summoned a stream of big water bubbles at Scarlett with great force multiple times, but Scarlett blocked the attack with her gigantic palm she enlarged slowly. Kirana quickly dodged by jumping in the air to deliver a swift kick as Scarlett swung her giant fists at the blue mage kunoichi, who went flying in the air and crashed to the ground back towards where her sisters were standing. Camilla charged forward and fired several fiery curved fire beams towards Scarlet, who quickly blocked the attack with her gigantic fist and used her other gigantic fist to punch the red mage kunoichi back to the ground next to Kirana. Ariana charged forward and summoned five long earth spikes that pierced Scarlett from all sides around the building. Scarlett growled and swung her gigantic fist at the purple mage kunoichi, who was able to dodge just in time but she was getting punched in the face by Scarlett's other gigantic fist that sent her flying into Kirana and Camilla. Talia ran towards Scarlett and created an enormous tornado to hit the ink mage mutant with great force. Scarlett's giant fists began punching the orange mage kunoichi, who was dodging them in supersonic speed until she got smacked into her downed sisters when one punch from Scarlett got her at the side of her face.

"Ha, you four weren't even all that challenging since I got a brand-new form." Scarlett said with a laugh. Her giant arms reverted to normal size and shaped them into long whips as she began stalking towards the mages. "Allow me to thank you for that."

"You forgot me, messy!" Ezra said.

Ezra summoned a bunch of lightning bolts to strike Scarlett, but she was able to dodge them and began to charge at the teal mage ninja. Suddenly, Ezra's hand began to glow teal and he used it to blind Scarlett.

"A mage with two powers? Impossible!" Scarlett growled.

Ezra summoned his lightning magic and kept fighting Scarlett.

"Okay, this is seriously hopeless!" Ariana exclaimed.

"Inque's just too strong for us!" Talia agreed.

"Inque?" Kirana asked, giving her youngest sister a confusing glance.

"Because she's made of ink, so yeah." Taila explained.

"Uh, girls. She's almost about to beat Ezra!" Camilla said as she watched Inque walking closer to Ezra with shocking eyes.

The mage kunoichis quickly went to Ezra and blocked him.

"Talia, smoke us out of here!" Kirana ordered.

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Talia screamed.

Talia took out a smoke bomb and threw it to the ground, enveloping the four mage kunoichi and mage ninja in a puff of misty black smoke as they disappeared out of Inque's sight.


Back in the Crete Fortress, the K-5 sat on the living room with disappointment. Talia and Kirana sat on the couch together, Ariana sat on the couch's armrest with her lilac touchscreen pad, Ezra sat on the other couch's armrest with his arms crossed, and Camilla sat on the floor in front of the couch with her arms and leg crossed. Sage, Norbit, and Casey stepped in the living room as they stood in front of the mages, who four out of five were looking up at them.

"We couldn't take down Scarlett." Kirana said sadly. "She's more quicker and stronger than the four of us combined."

"Yeah, with her new mutant form, she's just too powerful for us to take on." Talia agreed with a frown.

"So now she's Inque?" Ezra asked.

"Yeah, with her mutant form." Talia said.

"Maybe we need to relocate our new home." Ariana said, showing a page on Spain on her touchscreen pad. "We could live in Spain. Bull fighting is entertaining this time of year."

"No way." Casey said suddenly. "You guys can't just give up just like that. Ezra, Norbit, and I can spy on Lady Shade's meeting with her goons."

"Whoa, what?!" Ezra said.

"I don't think so!" Camilla cried.

"Nu uh!" Talia hollered.

"Not a chance!" Ariana shouted.

"Forget it!" Kirana yelled.

"I'm the only one who can do this. Ezra can do this too with that wicked second magic power of his and Norbit can help out with being a robot. Besides, what choice do we have?" Casey pointed out. "We can't let Lady Shade attack your home, so I'm going with Ezra and Norbit whether you like it or not."

"Will that satisfy your emotions?" Norbit asked.

"Sure." Ezra said. "Ok, I agree with Casey. We're going to spy on a meeting."

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Sage exchanged looks as they knew that they have no any other choice.


Later that night, the four mage kunoichis watched Casey walked towards Shade's hideout from the opposite rooftop with Ezra and Norbit following him.

"I don't like the looks of this." Ariana said worryingly.

"Me neither." Talia agreed. "But they can do this."

Casey looked up at the church with a smirk and began skating away into the alleyway.

"Wait a minute! What does he think he's doing?" Ariana gasped, looking over the edge of the building.

Casey began hopping on the up the building fire escape and started climbing up to the building rooftop. Ezra ran at full speed and jumped to the rooftops next to Casey. Norbit just race-walked over to them.

"He's so wicked cool." Ariana said dreamily.

"But what exactly are they doing?" Kirana wondered.

Casey let out a smirk and skated forward to leap himself in the air and landed on the church roof ledge safely. Ezra used his strength to toss Norbit to Casey, who caught him. Ezra jumped high and grabbed on the ledge. Casey quickly helped him up.

"And he sticks the landing!" Casey cheered in a whisper.

"Some luck." Ezra whispered back.

Then, Casey tiptoed quietly on the church ledge and took out his cell phone before walking through the stain glass window hole.

"Very clever, Jones." Camilla smirked.

Kirana took out her cell phone and put it on speaker, so that the girls can hear a familiar voice on the other end thanks to Casey's cell phone on speaker.

"Scarlett, you and the Wuju Twins will not mess up this chance." Lady Shade spoke over the phone. "One of my best Shadow Clan scientists have collected extremely rare machines found in Europe. These machines will have the perfect ability to destroy them once and for all. Now go and fulfill your mission."

Then, Kirana clutched her cell phone quickly.

"What machine is she talking about?" Camilla asked.

"I don't know, but we can't let Inque and the Wuju Twins use it to destroy our home." Kirana replied firmly.

"Then, let's get the boys out of there." Ariana said.

"No, we can't." Kirana said. "We won't put the boys at risk."

"Wanna bet?" Camilla asked, pointing her finger out at Shade's hideout.

The four mages saw Casey, Ezra, and Norbit jumping down on the building fire escape and landed on the ground in the alleyway safely. They also caught Inque and her crew walking past the alley. Inque stopped walking and turned her face to the alley, zooming her vision into the dark alley to see Casey hiding in magnified scale. Inque began looming over the shocking Casey and shaped her arms into long whips to capture him by the limbs. Ezra charged at Inque but he was knocked to a wall. Inque saw Norbit and charged at him.

"Oh no." Norbit said.

Inque knocked Norbit to a wall next to Ezra.  The four kunoichis quickly jumped down from the building they were standing on and landed on the street ground to find a black van drove away with a tied-up Casey and Inque strapping herself off the top of the vehicle. Ezra and Norbit got up and saw the van driving away.

"No! We're too late!" Ariana said. She turned to Kirana. "Kirana, what do we do?"

"Inque maybe powerful for us and we can't take her on, but we're gonna save Casey." Kirana said.

"And also our home!" Camilla added.

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Talia grinned.

"Yeah!" Ezra agreed. "You in, Norbit?"

"I am ready, Ezra." Norbit said.

"But how are we gonna catch them on foot?" Ariana asked.

"Who says we are?" Kirana said with a smile.


Meanwhile, the K-5 raced down the street in the Turbo Karts. Each Turbo Kart has a slightly more curved bodywork with a white bumper and a hood of different color palettes that matches the mage's custom color with anti-gravity wheels. The engine is on the back of the kart that is blocked with two circles on each side of it. Kirana sat on the blue kart, Camilla sat on the red kart, Ariana sat on the purple kart, Talia sat on the orange kart, and Ezra sat on the teal kart. Norbit was sitting with Ezra in his kart while wearing a helmet. The mages also wore black futuristic shield sunglasses that features a single rimless lens that is curved and has a molded nosepiece at the bottom. As the driver, Kirana accelerated the kart to pick up the speed.

"This is so cool!" Talia yelled with a smile.

"This is crazy, Kirana!" Ariana shouted. "The karts aren't complete yet!"

"These vehicles are incredibly enhanced." Norbit said to Ariana.

"I don't know if Ariana is right or wrong about this." Ezra shouted.

"You're sure about that?" Kirana shouted back with a smirk. "Now where's Inque?"

"Just around a corner!" Camilla replied, looking at the radar from her kart.

Kirana drove the Turbo Karts around the right corner of the street and finally caught up to the hijacked truck. Inque saw the K-5 and Norbit approaching towards the truck and commanded the Shadow Ninjas to attack them. Ariana put on a small grin and summoned arrows made of earth to fire them at the Shadow Ninjas on impact, sending the evil ninjas lying painfully on the street ground. As the K-5 continued pursuing their enemies, Ariana was able to read the name of the machine on the truck and quickly figured out Lady Shade's plan.

"Guys, this was Shade's plan all along!" Ariana cried. "This truck is full of Hassam! They are extremely dangerous microscopic insectoid machines that reacts violently to metal! If they get contact to the fortress, it will incinerate our home and our mother in seconds!"

"Then, we'll split up!" Kirana said firmly. "Ariana, you, Camilla, and Norbit save Casey! Talia, Ezra, you're both with me!"

"Alright!" Ariana, Camilla, Talia, and Ezra agreed with nods.

Norbit carefully walked to Ariana's kart and sat by her. Kirana pressed a green button in her kart, causing the Turbo Kart to detach five sidecars for the mages to drive individuality. The truck and the van drove off in two different directions, but the K-5 were able to keep track on the vehicles. Camilla and Ariana drove off to save Casey from the Wuju Twins while Kirana, Talia, and Ezra drove off to stop Inque.


As Ariana and Camilla have caught up to the white van, they drove up to the side of the van with smirks on their faces. Ariana threw a smoke bomb in the van to blind Juli's eyes and Camilla threw five small prong spikes on the ground to pop the tires. Camilla and Ariana have pulled to a stop, getting out of the Turbo Karts in their offensive stances. Norbit got out of the kart and stood behind Camilla and Ariana. The Shadow Ninjas quickly jumped out from the back of the van and charged forward to attack the mages, who had easily defeated them with their power combination attack. Juli and Juni slowly walked up to the mages for a sneak attack, but they got easily knocked out by Casey, who kicked the van door wide open after he untied himself.

"Nice one, Casey!" Ariana smiled.

"Cool karts, Ariana." Casey said with a smile. "Those are some wicked wheels."

"Yeah, the karts were my idea." Ariana giggled sheepishly.

Suddenly, the engines inside the Turbo karts just exploded.

"Yeah, they're not ready." Ariana sighed.

"Ariana, your karts can still be repaired." Norbit said. "It will require a lot of focus and mind thinking."

"We got that, Norbit. Thanks though." Ariana said.


As Talia, Ezra, and Kirana have caught up to the tanker truck, they drove up close to the truck and unleashed several small prong spikes on the ground to pop the tires. Kirana, Talia, and Ezra have pulled to a stop, getting out of the Turbo Karts in their offensive stances and charged forward against the ink mage mutant. Inque's polymorph strength and shapeshifting fluid had still proven to be tough for the mages. Talia created several blades of wind that attacked Inque, who stumbled back from that attack. Kirana turned around to see one Shadow Ninja stepping out of the truck and began throwing a deadly glass sphere that contains the Hassam inside out in the sky with fast reflexes. Kirana's eyes widened wide in shock when the glass sphere broke and the Hassam began swarming around on their search for the fortress, but that quickly made her remembered what Ariana just said earlier.

"Talia, quick! Let's create a bomb!" Kirana ordered. "And don't even think about throwing that water balloon!"

"Uh, what are you talking about?" Talia asked innocently.

"Don't play dumb with me!" Kirana snapped as she pointed her finger to the balloon that was hidden behind Talia's back. "I have water magic, remember? I can sense that water balloon since the beginning."

Kirana lifted her hand out and clenched it into a fist, causing the water inside the balloon to explode in Talia's hand once again.

"Seriously?" Ezra asked.

"I swear nothing can get past you." Talia said.

Talia joined hands with Kirana and they both concentrated on their magical powers.

"Bakudan!" Kirana and Talia chanted.

As Kirana and Talia casted, bright beams of blue and orange energy was released from the mages' auras and formed together to create a silver medium-sized bomb. Talia threw the bomb at the laser cannon, causing all the Hassam to fly towards the bomb in fast speed. As the Hassam began incinerating the bomb, the explosive weapon had detonated itself that took the Hassam with it in seconds. Then, Kirana waved her hands to manipulate water out of thin air and formed it into the shape of a massive pillar to strike the truck, the Shadow Ninjas, and Inque from below before summoning a stream of big bubbles from her hands that hit the enemies at great force.

"Great job with the bomb, Talia." Kirana grinned.

Suddenly, Talia exposed Kirana and Ezra with a second water balloon in the face.

"Oh yes! Told you that I'll get you!" Talia cheered.

"I have to admit, Talia. I did not see that coming." Kirana grinned surprisingly. "Although, I still have no idea where you keep those balloons with you."

"But there is one mage left to get wet." Ezra smirked.

Ezra swifted his hand at Talia and water got all over her face.

Then, Ariana and Camilla ran up to join their sisters.

"Well, looks like we missed the action!" Camilla smiled with a chuckle.

"Nice job on the Turbo Karts, Ariana!" Kirana grinned.

"Thanks, Kirana." Ariana grinned. Her happy face changed into a serious look. "But they're still not ready."


Meanwhile, Inque had returned to Lady Shade's headquarters. She had walked through the doors to see Lady Shade in her chair and approached her to kneel her knees down.

"They defeated you with karts and a bomb?" Lady Shade questioned with a growl.

"I know it sounds unreasonable, but I promise you it won't happen again, mistress." Inque explained quickly.

"Fine, but if you break that promise, your life will be very unfortunate." Lady Shade said threateningly.

Lady Shade manifested a large black energized spiked flail from her hands and hit Inque with it that sent her to the wall as an incoming punishment.

"I understand, mistress." Inque said weakly.


Back in the Crete Fortress, the K-5 sat on the couch with some victory pizza in the living room.

"My children, I owe you all an apology from before." Sage said as she levitated herself into the living room.

"For what, mother?" Kirana asked confusingly.

"For letting my fear of Lady Shade destroying all of you clouding my mind." Sage replied. "But you all have overcome that fear and made me proud. So, as for today, no training."

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra cheered excitedly. But Talia released a mischievous smile as she conjured up her last water balloon in her hand behind her back and got ready to prepare her throw. Unfortunately, Kirana beat her to it once again.

"Wait a minute." Kirana said irritatingly. "What happens if Talia throws her water balloon again?"

"Then, all of you will be training for a whole month nonstop." Sage replied. She turned around to levitate her way to the dojo. "Try all you want, Talia, but you outmatch a master mage like me."

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra turned to stare at Talia dangerously, making the orange mage kunoichi chuckle nervously.

"You are so dead!" Camilla shouted.

Talia made a run for it with a scream, but she quickly got tackled by her three older sisters and younger brother to the floor.

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It took them 5 years to be ready, to come back to New York and take back there home. Raphael was happy with his life, he at first wanted to be with J...
22.4K 388 27
When Weiss Schnee discovers four teenage mutant ninja turtles, she is forced to confront her past in order to save them from the Schnee Dust Company...