K-5 (Full)

By LeslieHowell021

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When five mages emerge into the world of New York, they discover big threats that only they themselves can so... More

Rise Of The Mages (Part 1)
Rise Of The Mages (Part 2)
Mage Temper
New Friend, Old Enemy
Iron Donna
Reptile Brains
Beware of Sapphire
The Darkness
Panic at the Fortress
Nano Attack!
It Came From The Haunting Building
Mage or Monster
New Boys In Town
Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer and Sandra!
Lizard Terminator
Donna's Gambit
Enemy Of My Enemy
Kuro's Partnership
Sandra Returns
Operation: Detention Breakout
Showdown (Part 1)
Showdown (Part 2)
Mutation Situation
Invasion of the Bats
Follow the Ice
Sandra Unleashed!
Talia Gets Sonically
Target: Casey Jones
The Good, The Bad, And Casey Jones
The Kraang Conspiracy
Rosa Galicia
Phantom Upgraded
Of Golem and Women
The Manhattan Project (Part 1)
The Manhattan Project (Part 2)
Accel and Mages
Donna's Nevermore
Newtralized and Nebulous!
The Wrath of Tigress
Legendary Kuraun
Project EVE
Vengance Will Be Mine
A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X
The Invasion (Part 1)
The Invasion (Part 2)
Deep Within The Woods
A Fierce Dagger
Buried Secrets
Invasion Of The Punkz Catz
In Dreams
Race With The Demon!
Powers of the Shagon
Spirit Journey
Return To New York
Wolf Hunt
The Crystal and the Luck
Battle For New York (Part 1)
Battle For New York (Part 2)
Casey Jones Vs The Underworld
The Witch Avenger
Clash of the Amazons
Meet Verona Salamander
The Deadly Bite
Mages In Time
Tales of the Mages
Attack of the Mega Shade!
The Venus Doom
The Fourblind Trap
Aliens Seen In New York!
Annihilation Earth (Part 1)
Annihilation Earth (Part 2)
Beyond the Majestic Universe
The Planet of Hegemon
The Crazy World Of Gerti
The Plant Mistress Jade!
Riddle Of The Ancient Sword
Journey To The Center Of Talia's Mind
The Lab of Mosaic
The War In Dimension X
The Ghostly Gaean
Trans-Dimensional K-5
Wrath of the Hydnora
The Evil Of The Witches Seven
The Ever-Lasting Battle
Earth's Last Stand
City At War
Broken Foot and Broken Shadow
The Saiba Lacerta
Mage Gangland
Fleura du Mal
Lady Shadestrike
Darkest Plight
The Power Inside Them
Kùbào VS the Scientists
The Tale of Tigress
Scroll Of The Demodragon
The Forgotten Mage
The Hearts Of Evil
End Times
When Worlds Collide (Part 1)
When Worlds Collide (Part 2)
The Wëather Witćh
Špirit Journëy
Thë Whitë Taišša
Lone Mage And Cubs
The Wasteland Warrior
The Impossible Desert
The Curse Of Saskia McTavish
The Crypt of Lucine
The Victoria Experiment
Monsters Among Us!
Wanted: Jinx And Crystallia
The Shadow Walks Again!
The Big Blowout
K-5: Loud House (Part 1)
K-5: Loud House (Part 2)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 1)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 2)
The Key To The Lost Treasure
The Jewel Of The Great Power
Legend of the Dark Son
A K-5 Christmas Caper
Mages Forever (Part 1)
Mages Forever (Part 2)
Upcoming Books

Samara and Destroy

34 1 0
By LeslieHowell021

In the Crete Fortress, the K-5 were having a peaceful time for themselves. Ariana was working on developing retro mutagen in her lab, Camilla was chilling in her room with her pet cat Samson, and Talia was playing a video game in the game room while Kirana and Ezra were watching over the orange mage kunoichi's shoulder with a smile on their faces.

It didn't took that long when Talia was quickly lost to the final boss battle.

"No!" Talia cried dramatically. "Are you kidding me?! I was so close on beating the high score!"

"Yes, you have." Kirana smiled. She pushed her youngest sister away and took the game controller in her hands. "Now, watch how a real champion handle this."

"Come on, Kirana!" Ezra cheered.

That's when Camilla came out of his room and headed into the game room with Samson sitting on her right shoulder.

"Talia!" Camilla yelled, holding a horror-themed comic book right into Talia's face. "You need to stop getting pizza stains on my limited edition comic books collection! It took me eleven years to get these every year on our birthday!"

"Chill down, sis." Talia scoffed. "Those books are so outdated anyway. I know just the spell to clean it for you."

Talia took the comic book from Camilla and began casting a spell to clean up the comic book, but unfortunately that spell backfired when it made the pizza stain covering the half of the printed book. That made Camilla angry even more. She placed Samson safely down on the couch and then hit Talia upside the head with her clenched fist, not noticing that Samson was secretly enjoying it.

"Camilla!" Ezra yelled.

"You're such a screw up, Talia!" Camilla yelled.

"Relax, it's just possessions, Camilla." Kirana said calmly while still eyeing on the game she's playing. "Why would it even matter?"

"Oh, excuse me! What about your precious Battlestar Matrix collections?" Camilla snapped. "Or how about you stop sticking up for Talia all the time and see my point of view for a change?"

"I get that you're very upset as usual." Kirana said, still focusing on her arcade game. "But like our mother said, material possessions are only..."

"No! I don't want to hear it anymore!" Camilla roared, shutting off the game in outrage. "I'm tired of every single one of you four! Because whenever one of you mess things up, I got to do something about it!"

"Get out of here, Camilla! Go take your anger somewhere else!" Ezra yelled.

"Oh is that so?" Camilla growled.

Camilla was about to punch Ezra but he stood his ground. Camilla noticed his stance and couldn't do it. Camilla walked away from her siblings irritably, leaving Kirana and Talia stunned for Camilla walking away from hurting Ezra.

In the lab, Ariana was still working on a retro mutagen, but of course it's hard to concentrate when she can hear Camilla's loud annoying rampage.

"Can Camilla please just cool down for a minute?" Ariana whispered in annoyance as she was stirring a blue liquid inside the beaker.

Phantom stood next to Ariana and held out a purple potion towards the her before turning away from future work.

"How could I make a retro mutagen with Camilla exploding all the time?" Ariana said.

Ariana poured one drop of purple potion into a blue liquid beaker. It suddenly turned into navy blue and the beaker started to shake as it was creating a chemical reaction.

"Uh-oh." Ariana gulped.

Suddenly, several bursts of colorful light came flying out of Ariana's lab and began flying around the fortress to hit everything in plain sight, which had immediately caught the other four mage's attention as they watched the blasts heading in their direction.

"Hit the deck!" Talia yelled.

Kirana, Talia, and Ezra jumped over the couch as they quickly conjured up a magic force field to protect themselves. Camilla was searching for a place to avoid the blasts, but she noticed that Samson was looking scared on the couch in the opening.

"SAMSON!" Camilla screamed.

Camilla ran as fast as she could and successfully caught Samson from the incoming blast, causing them to roll across the floor into the kitchen together. Samson meowed happily on Camilla's stomach, making Camilla smile in relief as she patted her cat on the head.

"Okay, I totally did not see that coming!" Ariana coughed as she walked out of her lab. "Everyone okay?"

Kirana, Camilla, Talia, and Ezra moved out from their hiding spots as they looked around to find the entire living room a total mess.

"Uh, duh!" Camilla snapped, moving straight into Ariana's face. "We're not okay!"

"What's going on here?" Sage demanded as she entered the living room.

"Easy, Mother." Camilla explained in a heat of anger. "Ariana almost blew us up...again! Also, she nearly hurt Samson!"

"Camilla, I'm really sorry." Ariana apologized. "I know how much Samson means to you, but..."

"Zip it! Your apology won't work on me this time!" Camilla snapped as she walked past Ariana and retrieved the mutagen canister in her hands. "I'm holding this for safekeeping until the mad scientist is ready to work on real progress!"

"What?! Camilla, be reasonable!" Ariana said. "That's my last container of mutagen, you know!"

But Camilla ignored her younger sister's logical reasons as she locked herself in her room.


Inside Camilla's room, it had bright red wallpaper and lots of red-colored furniture with a hint of neo goth style.

"This is pointless." Camilla grumbled. "We should be out there fighting crime and finding more mutagen, but all they would to do is to sit around and play silly games. You understand me, don't you, Samson?"

Samson meowed in agreement on his bed and Camilla collapsed onto her bed and stared at the ceiling.

"I wish I was on my own." Camilla said with a sigh. "I'm so sick and tired of this team."

Camilla's alone time didn't last long when Talia opened the door cautiously.

"Uh, Camilla? You still mad?" Talia spoke.

"What do you want, Talia?" Camilla demanded.

"Mother wants you to help us clean up the living room." Talia replied.

"Not a chance!" Camilla snapped as she got up from her bed. "Let Ariana clean up her own stupid mess!"

"Well, if you want to tell mom that, feel free to tell her." Talia countered.

"Fine, I will tell her that." Camilla said as she pushed Talia away from the door and stormed out of the room.

After Camilla slammed the door behind her, the mutagen canister fell over the guitar case and the ooze inside began to pool out on the floor. Samson stared down at the mutagen and became interested in it with curiosity.


In the living room, Sage and the four mages were casting magic spells to clean up the mess. Camilla entered into the living room and she wasn't too pleased by her mother's request.

"Mother, this is totally unfair!" Camilla yelled. "Ariana created this stupid mess! Why I have to help?"

Ariana glared at Camilla and rolled her eyes before getting back to cleaning up the mess.

"Let me make a wise suggestion, Camilla." Sage said calmly.

"Don't bother, mother!" Camilla snapped. "I'm tired of suggestions! None of your so-called wise suggestions could possibly suggest..."

That's when Sage poked one of Camilla's pressure points, causing the red mage kunoichi to fall hard to the ground with a paralyzed, twitching look on her face.

"How about you sit and mediate for a while?" Sage suggested.

Ezra quietly laughed at that moment.


Back in Camilla's room, Samson began licking the mutagen on the floor and exposed himself to the substance. Then, he felt himself changing in a new transformation. He was now a humanoid figure with razor sharp claws and a long tail. Now that the mutation transformation was complete, Samson opened his neon green eyes as the ooze was coursing through his veins.

After that, Samson collapsed onto the floor while trying to catch his breath.


Because Camilla refused follow her mother's request for mediation, she went back to her room with fury.

"So what if I got the bad attitude! So what if I'm the rebel of the family!" Camilla complained. She kicked her door open with pure rage and slammed the door behind her. "They're so impossible that they just don't get it!"

Camilla stomped inside her room and noticed that the broken mutagen canister spilled all over on the floor with wide eyes.

"Of course they don't." A rough feminine voice spoke from the shadows. "They will never understand you. Unlike me."

Camilla quickly got into her fighting stance. A humanoid figure walked out from the shadows and stood in front of Camilla. It was a female mutant cat. She has the same body figure as Camilla with black fur, short curly black hair, and gold cat-like eyes. She gave the red mage kunoichi an innocent smile on her face.

"No way!" Camilla gasped as she couldn't believe what she's seeing. "This can't be! Samson."


In the living room, the three mage sisters and one mage brother had finished cleaning up the place. Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra jumped onto the white couch with heavy sighs.

"Okay, now I'm feeling awful." Ariana said with a frown. "If I haven't paid more careful to my work, Camilla wouldn't be mad at me."

"Look, it's not your fault." Kirana said softy.

"Camilla just needs to learn to control her insanely bad temper." Ezra agreed.

"I still think mediation is a best option for her." Talia said.

Suddenly, Ariana's mutagen tracking compact went on in alarm as Ariana stared at the location of the next canister.

"Hey, guys! My tracker has picked up another canister." Ariana reported. "Luckily for us, it's very close from below."

"Alright, you three gear up." Kirana ordered. "I'll get Camilla."

"Better you than me." Talia smirked.

"I'll go with her." Ezra said.


Back in Camilla's room, Samson's mutation had boggled Camilla's mind. When she adopted Samson as a small kitten, he has been a sounding board for her inner thoughts and feeling. But right now, he has changed into a teenage girl standing right in front of her.

"I...I...This is amazing." Camilla said as she was still shockingly surprised over Samson's mutation. "I still can't believe this is happening, Samson."

"Um, Camilla, I'm a girl now." The female Samson giggled. "I've been a girl ever since you found me on the streets. Samson is no more. Just call me Samara for now."

"Samara? Sounds perfect." Camilla said with a smile. Then, she began to wonder in a slight panic. "But how am I gonna tell the others?"

"Simple. Just tell them you got a new partner who knows the exact meaning of being a tough warrior." Samara replied in a relaxed tone.

"A new partner?" Camilla echoed.

"Just you and me." Samara said. She walked towards Camilla and placed her hands on top of her friend's shoulders. "We'll be the ultimate ninja team."

"That would be amazing." Camilla smiled.

"We'll crush our opponents. We'll fight evil together." Samara grinned proudly. "No one can stop us."

"That's what I'm talking about." Camilla smiled in agreement. "You totally get it. You always did."

Suddenly, Camilla and Samara heard a loud knock banging at the door.

"Hey, Camilla?" Ezra called through the door. "Are you there?"

"Stay down." Camilla whispered to Samara, who nodded her head and ran quickly under the bed. She then opened the door to look at her oldest sister and younger brother. "Sup?"

"We've got a mutagen canister mission." Ezra informed. "We need you on deck."

"Just go without me." Camilla said. "I'll catch up."

"Okay, because we're not waiting." Kirana said sternly.

Camilla closed the door and Samara crawled out of the bed.

"Don't worry about your siblings, Camilla." Samara said. "We can find the canister on our own."

"Heck yeah!" Camilla smiled. "But if we were gonna find it, you need to find your powers."

Samara smiled at those words and watched Camilla taking out her spellbook to search for a power-giving spell. Camilla placed the book down on her bed and aimed one hand at the confused Samara.

"Denki." Camilla chanted.

At her words, a stream of electricity cackled out from the palm of Camilla's hand and began swirling around Samara until it zapped throughout her entire body. Then, Camilla casted another spell to give her feline mutant friend a brand new look. Samara was wearing a gray catsuit with a black shoulder holster and a black arm band with a pouch on her shoulder.

With Samara geared up, the mage and the mutant made their way to the city rooftops and went on the search to find the mutagen before the other four mages, thanks to Samara's sense of smell on finding it.


Meanwhile, the three mage kunoichis and mage ninja moved across the city rooftops.

"Mutagen canister, straight ahead!" Ariana reported.

"Yeah, there it is!" Talia called.

Ariana, Talia, Ezra, and Kirana spotted the mutagen canister laying in the street below.

"Sweet." Ezra said.

"Looks like we can do this without Camilla after all." Kirana said.

Unfortunately, a teenage pizza delivery boy drove up on his cycle and mistook the mutagen canister for an energy drink as he strapped the canister to the back of his vehicle.

"Oh great." Ariana and Talia groaned.

"Now what?" Ezra asked.

"Don't worry. I got this." Kirana said reassuringly.

Kirana jumped down to grab the mutagen canister right out of the boy's hands, but she wasn't the only mage trying to grab the mutagen. Camilla was also hopping down to retrieve the mutagen canister. As the delivery boy drove off, Kirana and Camilla crashed into each other. They both watched the boy driving out of their sight before glaring at each other.

"Hey, what do you think you're going?" Camilla yelled. "I had it all under control!"

"That doesn't excuse on how you were late, Camilla." Kirana snapped. "Also, you and control don't go in the same sentence."

Ariana, Talia, and Ezra watched their older sisters arguing on the rooftop from above.

"Are they gonna argue all night?" Ariana groaned in frustration. "Hey, quit arguing for once! The canister's getting away!"

"Well, I don't know about you, but I think we're gonna see a brawl-out battle between the two right now." Talia commented. "I bet you twelve bucks if Camilla wins."

"Twelve bucks?" Ezra asked. "For an argument?"

As Talia and Ezra was too busy watching the fight between Kirana and Camilla, Samara was moving through the shadows and approached Ariana from behind as she dragged the purple mage kunoichi off into darkness.

"Fine!" Kirana shouted as she turned back to hop back up to the rooftops. "I'm going after it myself! You're on your own!"

"Fine by me!" Camilla shouted back. "Good luck handling a pizza delivery boy on your own!"

Camilla jumped back on the rooftop to find Samara was nowhere to be seen.

"Samara!" Camilla called out as she looked around the rooftop. "Where are you?"

"Camilla, I'm here!" Samara smiled as she landed in front of Camilla. "I just need a breather."

Camilla began to notice that Ariana's metal mask crashed in her fist. Before Camilla could ask about the mask, Talia and Ezra ran up to their older sister and ran next to Samara. Ezra skid to a stop as he saw Samara but Talia ran over to Camilla.

"Camilla! Ariana went missing! She was right behind us...!" Talia shouted in a panic. She was blinking a few times and turned to get a clear look at Samara. "Oh my! Another kunoichi?"

"Do you wanna explain, Camilla?" Ezra asked, with narrow eyes.

"Calm down. It's Samson." Camilla explained. "Well, it's Samara now. She got into the mutagen."

Talia and Ezra widened their eyes in shock.

"Dudette, this is too much process!" Talia screamed as she was clearly freaked out from Samara's appearance. "I'M FREAKING OUT!"

"Camilla, you shouldn't have taken that canister from the lab." Ezra said.

"You said it yourself, Camilla." Samara said sinisterly. "We don't need these mages. We got to finish our mission now."

"But what about Ariana?" Talia cried in fear. "We have to find her."

Camilla glanced back and forth at her friend and her siblings until she made her decision clearly.

"Sorry, Samara." Camilla smiled softly. "My siblings always come first, no matter what."

That made Samara feel irritated for a second.

"Then, let me make your choice easier for you." Samara said with narrow eyes.

Samara grievously slashed her electrical claws into Talia's face, causing the orange mage kunoichi to crash against the pavement and lying on the ground scarred from her face. Ezra quickly charged at Samara but he got knocked into the wall by a single punch to the gut. Camilla stood motionless in fear and tackled Samara away from Talia and Ezra with a quick kick.

"Samara, what are you doing?!" Camilla demanded.

"What do you think, Camilla?" Samara snapped. "I don't want to fight you, but I will if I must."

Samara moved forward to attack Camilla with her electrical claws, but Camilla threw a ninja smoke bomb to blind Samara's face. That made Samara screamed in pain long enough for Camilla, Talia, and Ezra to escape.


Meanwhile, Kirana was having an unfortunate luck on going after the mutagen canister herself. She watched the canister falling off the pizza boy's bike and ended up being collected by a roadside stand salesman, who mistaken it for strange antique lava lamp. Kirana jumped off from the rooftop and hid behind a nearby trash can.

"I need to get close enough to grab it." Kirana thought. "It's time to play disguise."

Kirana casted her magic to alter her kunoichi clothing into a crystal-blue long-sleeved short dress and navy blue ruffed ankle boots. She walked over to the man and approached casually towards the canister. She immediately hid behind the alleyway and watched the salesman selling the canister to a little boy and his mother in front of her shocking eyes.

"You have got to be kidding me." Kirana groaned. She casted a spell to change back into her kunoichi clothing. "Now, I gonna find another way to get the canister back from that kid."


Camilla moved across the rooftops in search of someplace safe with Ezra while carrying the injured Talia on her back until they spotted an injured, beaten Ariana leaning against the side of a nearby rooftop. Camilla gently placed Talia down next to Ariana and Ezra was shaking Ariana by the shoulder to wake her up.

"Ariana." Ezra spoke. "Are you okay?"

"What attacked me?" Ariana muttered in pain. "She was like Camilla, but more tougher, meaner, and angrier."

"It was Samson." Camilla explained. "But her name is Samara now. She got into the mutagen canister."

"Say what?" Ariana moaned. "That girl was Samson. Too freaky."

"Come on." Camilla said. She helped Ariana on her feet and carried her younger sister on her back with her superior strength. "We have to find Kirana and bring you back to the fortress."

Ezra was carefully looking out for Samara, who just found them from behind on the nearby rooftop.


Meanwhile, Kirana tracked down the little boy and his mother back to their house. She found the boy pouring the mutagen into his cup and knew that it was no time for camouflage. She immediately exposed herself by breaking into the house and freezing the cup out of his hand with a blast of ice. The little boy and Kirana exchanged looks at each other. Kirana looked at the boy with a heavy gulp in her throat, but he obviously wasn't afraid of her due to his young age.

"Do you want to play with me, lady?" The little boy asked politely.

Kirana sighed in relief and looked at the boy with an innocent smile.

"Um, I'm sorry, little boy." Kirana responded. "I really need to grab your lamp and be on my way."

Kirana reached for the canister, but the little boy quickly grabbed it and held it tightly.

"I'll scream if you go, lady." The little boy said threateningly. "And I'm not afraid to alert my mom too."

"Oh boy." Kirana thought with a groan.


Back on the building rooftops, Camilla kept carrying Ariana on her back while Talia and Ezra were still keeping on a lookout for the dangerous feline mutant. Unfortunately, Ariana's tiring exhaustion made her slowly fall to her knees on the ground from Camilla's back.

"I can't make it." Ariana said weakly. "I'm too weak. Go on without me."

"We're not leaving you." Ezra argued.

"No mage left behind." Camilla said sternly. "That's our code. Now let me help you on your arm."

Camilla conjured up a dark red soft cloth over Ariana's arm, leaving Talia to keep a vigil for Samara.

"Talia." Kirana called out from a nearby alleyway down below. "Talia, I'm down here. I need your help."

"Kirana?" Talia said confusingly.

"Down here." Kirana whispered again. "Hurry."

Talia immediately went down into the alley to see her oldest sister in the shadows of the alley.

"Man, am I glad to see you." Talia beamed. "You won't believe what happened. There's another kunoichi."

"That's funny." Kirana said. Her shadowy form stepped out to reveal herself as the smiling Samara. "I find it totally believable."

It was too late for Talia to react as Samara lunged forward in quick speed and attacked the orange mage kunoichi into the shadows, causing Talia to scream out loud for help.

Camilla and Ezra immediately heard Talia's scream and went out to search to find Talia until they saw their heavily wounded sister hanging from a building in chains. Camilla jumped in the air and rescued Talia back on the rooftop as she was relived that her youngest sister was still breathing. Ezra went over to their side and widened his eyes at the wounded Talia. With the emotion of anger rushing through her veins, Camilla could feel strange energy pulses flowing throughout her body.

"Why are you doing this?" Camilla demanded.

That's when Samara appeared in the air and knocked Camilla away from Talia before landing on her feet. Ezra charged at Samara but he got kicked to the ground and became beaten up.

"Because the others hold you back." Samara replied. She moved forward toward Ezra with a sly grin across her face. "Limit your potential. You don't need them. Besides, there's no turning back from your decision."

"That's enough!" Camilla yelled.

Samara turned around to notice two red heart birthmarks appeared on Camilla's fists, building the red mage kunocihi's strength and power as she watched Camilla walking toward her in a mix of shock and surprise.

"I won't let you hurt them!" Camilla shouted.

"I'm not here to fight you, Camilla." Samara said reluctantly.

"But I want to fight you!" Camilla snapped. "You're not Samson nor Samara. You're some kind of cruel, monstrous freak!"

Samara screeched and moved away from Ezra before charging forward towards Camilla in a heat of battle. Samara and Camilla came out punching each other in rapid speed until one kick from each other clashed with brute strength.

"We could have been a great team, Camilla." Samara said firmly. "But you're a fool. Just like your worthless siblings!"

Upon battling Samara, Camilla quickly found herself greatly outmatched by her cat friend, who just revealed that she had observed her training for years and had learned most of their moves. Samara easily took the upper electric hand at Camilla in the brawl, knocking her mage friend out cold. But just when she was about to finish Camilla off with a lightning claw, three mages quickly jumped to their sister's aid as they grabbed hold on Samara's back and tried to wrestle her away from their older sister.

"No!" Talia cried.

"Leave her alone!" Ariana screamed.

Samara grabbed the mage sisters with her electrical claws and electrode both of them before slamming Talia and Ariana to the ground into a pile against the base of a billboard.

Ezra went to Camilla and helped her up. Camilla slowly regained strength to get back in the fight despite her bruised body. That's when something extraordinary happened. That even caught Samara, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra's attention. The heart-shaped birthmarks from Camilla's palms had replaced flames into electrical energy. Camilla's eyes lit up as she knew that this was her new power and her emotion was driven to the control of her powers. Camilla clenched her fists and delivered many powerful electrical bolts at Samara, who went flying to the nearby door behind her.

"Samara!" Camilla yelled, getting into her boxing stance. "You see? That's what real friends do! They stick up for each other! I rather be with my siblings than you any time, any day!"

Samara had enough. She got up and extended her claws as she went charging towards Camilla as the two delivered several quick electrical punches while leaping onto each rooftop. Ezra was worried about Camilla, so he went to help her against Samara.


Meanwhile, Kirana sat down on the floor towards the little boy and played his Battlestar Matrix action figures with him. She was actually having a great time. Who knew she shared her favorite show with a seven year old kid?

"Can I ask you a question, Miss Kirana?" The little boy asked.

"Sure." Kirana smiled.

"Are there other more cool ninja girls around like you?" The little boy questioned curiously.

"No. Not really." Kirana replied quickly with a chuckle. "Just me. The one and only imaginary ninja girl."

Then suddenly, Camilla and Samara came crashing down through the roof with their hands locked in a deadly battle, interrupting the unexpected play time between Kirana and the little boy. Kirana and the little boy stopped for a minute and gazed at the fight with wide, shocking eyes.

"Camilla?" Kirana spoke.

"Kirana?" Camilla grunted. She stared at the little boy and the Battlestar Matrix action figures on the floor. "Playing...action figures?!"

With Camilla distracted, Samara took the advantage to send Camilla crashing through the wall back out into the city with brute strength. Ezra jumped in and saw Kirana and the little boy having playtime.

"Where in the world have you been?" Ezra asked, confused.

Kirana saw her younger sister in danger and quickly grabbed the mutagen before rushing after them out of the house with Ezra.

"Next time, I'll bring my action figures!" Kirana promised with a grin.

"Bye, Miss Kirana!" The little boy smiled with a wave.


As the two mage kunoichis fought each other with combat speed and strength, Camilla moved her hand in a circular motion around her body to create eight rings of electrical energy from her and sent them flying toward Samara at full force. But Samara's claws were crackling with electricity and extended her arms in the air for electrical slashes raining forward from her hand to attack Camilla at brutal force. Camilla was breathing hard and created a large snake made of electrical energy to send it toward Samara, who formed a disc of electrical energy and threw it towards the electrical snake before sending a mass of great electricity which exploded on Camilla.

"It's over, Camilla. You've lost." Samara declared as she cracked her knuckles hard. "Besides, we're one and the same."

"We're nothing alike!" Camilla snapped as she got up from the ground. "You're pure evil."

Samara hissed in rage and charged forward to release out multiple bolts of lighting towards Camilla while delivering quick but powerful electrical punches at her, causing the red mage kunoichi to become weak and unable to fight back as she collapsed on the ground. Just when Samara was about to beat Camilla again, Ezra threw a teal energy ball at Samara before Kirana intervened the battle by jumping high in the air and knocking Samara back with a quick kick to the face before turning around to help Camilla on her feet.

"So what's with the new kunoichi?" Kirana asked.

"Long story." Camilla replied.

Ezra then looked behind Kirana and noticed Samara running towards them.

"Look out!" He shouted.

But it was too late for Kirana and Ezra. Samara pounded a knockout blow that sent the blue mage kunoichi and teal mage ninja crashing to the nearby glass ceiling.

"I've been wanting to that to you for a long time." Samara giggled with a sadistic grin.

Camilla hopelessly watched the scene as if it quickly sent the large amount of anger on edge.

"That's it." Camilla growled between her teeth. "It's over."

"That's right, Camilla." Samara agreed. "We're not like the others. They're weak, but we are powerful. Our anger makes us stronger."

"Anger?" Camilla thought in confusion. Her eyes lit up in realization when she recalled what her mother had done to her. "That's it!"

"No, it doesn't." Samara smirked.

Before Samara could attack with a swift punch, Camilla immediately dodged it and poked the pressure point on the feline mage mutant's muscle. Samara began to tumble while stunning to the ground, which gave Camilla enough time to cast a rare spell on her.

"Waru Memori Kesu...PERMANENTLY!" Camilla casted.

At her words, a globe of glowing red energy formed between her hands and split into several streams that were shot toward Samara, which has made contact with her mind. Samara screamed loudly as the spell busted out of her mind after destroying the mutagenic effect inside her mind forever. Once the spell was complete, Samara shook her head and went up to Camilla.

"Thank you, Camilla." Samara smiled.

"No problem." Camilla smiled back.

The two walked over to Kirana and Ezra and helped them up as Ariana and Talia slowly walked over to join them.

"You guys alright?" Camilla asked.

"I want you to apologize about what I did earlier." Samara apologized sheepishly.

"Apology accepted, Samara." Ariana grinned weakly.

"Samara?" Kirana questioned confusingly.

"We'll explain everything later, Kirana." Talia groaned weakly.

"But for now, let's go home." Ezra smiled.

"Sorry, although we all will be one great team, I've decided to hit solo on the vigilante job." Samara said with a small smile. "Next time, I will be there to help you against crime and scumbags."

With a wink in her eye, Samara waved her friends good-bye and swiftly hopped off the building rooftop. Camilla ran over the side of the building only to find Samara vanish out of sight. All Camilla can do is smile hopelessly for seeing her friend someday again.


Back in the Crete Fortress, Sage brewed a few healing potions for the injured Ariana, Talia, and Ezra in the dojo. Now, Talia returned to her arcade game challenge with Ariana, Ezra, and Kirana watching on either side.

"Guys, I'm not gonna make it!" Talia panicked as she was pressing the control buttons. "I'm not gonna make it!"

"Up! Down! Down! Down!" Kirana smiled.

"Lasers! Use the laser beam!" Ezra cheered.

"Come on, Talia!" Ariana grinned. "You can do it!"

But Camilla was crouching on the floor against the wall as she was worried about Samara plaguing through her mind. It didn't last too long when Sage approached to her and noticed her problem.

"Camilla, do you know what I do when I miss my loved ones from the past?" Sage asked.

"No." Camilla replied with a frown.

"I focus on the friends I am surrounded by in the present." Sage responded.

Camilla turned her head to her siblings and knew that she must toss away her grief and enjoy what she has now. A loving family, safe and alive.

"Thanks, mother." Camilla smiled. She got up and hugged her mother before joining them. "Hey, guys! I wanna get a turn!"

"Sure, Camilla." Ariana grinned.

"The game's all yours, girl." Talia smiled.

"We know you miss Samara, Camilla." Kirana said sincerely.

"It's okay, Kirana." Camilla grinned, ruffling Ezra's hair and placing her arm around Kirana's shoulder. "As long as we're together, no one can stop us."

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