K-5 (Full)

By LeslieHowell021

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When five mages emerge into the world of New York, they discover big threats that only they themselves can so... More

Rise Of The Mages (Part 1)
Rise Of The Mages (Part 2)
New Friend, Old Enemy
Iron Donna
Reptile Brains
Beware of Sapphire
The Darkness
Panic at the Fortress
Nano Attack!
It Came From The Haunting Building
Mage or Monster
New Boys In Town
Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer and Sandra!
Lizard Terminator
Donna's Gambit
Enemy Of My Enemy
Kuro's Partnership
Sandra Returns
Operation: Detention Breakout
Showdown (Part 1)
Showdown (Part 2)
Mutation Situation
Invasion of the Bats
Follow the Ice
Sandra Unleashed!
Talia Gets Sonically
Target: Casey Jones
Samara and Destroy
The Good, The Bad, And Casey Jones
The Kraang Conspiracy
Rosa Galicia
Phantom Upgraded
Of Golem and Women
The Manhattan Project (Part 1)
The Manhattan Project (Part 2)
Accel and Mages
Donna's Nevermore
Newtralized and Nebulous!
The Wrath of Tigress
Legendary Kuraun
Project EVE
Vengance Will Be Mine
A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X
The Invasion (Part 1)
The Invasion (Part 2)
Deep Within The Woods
A Fierce Dagger
Buried Secrets
Invasion Of The Punkz Catz
In Dreams
Race With The Demon!
Powers of the Shagon
Spirit Journey
Return To New York
Wolf Hunt
The Crystal and the Luck
Battle For New York (Part 1)
Battle For New York (Part 2)
Casey Jones Vs The Underworld
The Witch Avenger
Clash of the Amazons
Meet Verona Salamander
The Deadly Bite
Mages In Time
Tales of the Mages
Attack of the Mega Shade!
The Venus Doom
The Fourblind Trap
Aliens Seen In New York!
Annihilation Earth (Part 1)
Annihilation Earth (Part 2)
Beyond the Majestic Universe
The Planet of Hegemon
The Crazy World Of Gerti
The Plant Mistress Jade!
Riddle Of The Ancient Sword
Journey To The Center Of Talia's Mind
The Lab of Mosaic
The War In Dimension X
The Ghostly Gaean
Trans-Dimensional K-5
Wrath of the Hydnora
The Evil Of The Witches Seven
The Ever-Lasting Battle
Earth's Last Stand
City At War
Broken Foot and Broken Shadow
The Saiba Lacerta
Mage Gangland
Fleura du Mal
Lady Shadestrike
Darkest Plight
The Power Inside Them
Kùbào VS the Scientists
The Tale of Tigress
Scroll Of The Demodragon
The Forgotten Mage
The Hearts Of Evil
End Times
When Worlds Collide (Part 1)
When Worlds Collide (Part 2)
The Wëather Witćh
Špirit Journëy
Thë Whitë Taišša
Lone Mage And Cubs
The Wasteland Warrior
The Impossible Desert
The Curse Of Saskia McTavish
The Crypt of Lucine
The Victoria Experiment
Monsters Among Us!
Wanted: Jinx And Crystallia
The Shadow Walks Again!
The Big Blowout
K-5: Loud House (Part 1)
K-5: Loud House (Part 2)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 1)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 2)
The Key To The Lost Treasure
The Jewel Of The Great Power
Legend of the Dark Son
A K-5 Christmas Caper
Mages Forever (Part 1)
Mages Forever (Part 2)
Upcoming Books

Mage Temper

47 1 0
By LeslieHowell021

Under the dark night in the sky over the city, the K-5 stood on the rooftop of the building and looked out over the laboratory building to catch the Kraang as Ariana was peering through a telescope.

"Anything, Ariana?" Kirana asked.

"Not yet." Ariana replied.

Ezra was watching with Kirana and Ariana. Camilla was sitting on the ground with her eyes closed while leaning against the rooftop skylight with her arms folded over her chest. Talia was repeatedly poking her older sister on every limb in amusement, but Camilla finally grabbed Talia's finger and pounced on her in a head lock as Talia was yelping in pain.

"Guys, zip it!" Ezra hissed, turning to glare at his two older sisters. "We ninjas are on surveillance, so we're supposed to be silent!"

"We will until Talia says it!" Camilla said threateningly at Talia.

"Camilla is all wise and powerful!" Talia said as she rolled her eyes.

"And?" Camilla asked slyly.

"And she's better than me in every step of the way!" Talia added as she was gasping for air.

"And?" Camilla smiled, holding her younger sister down tightly.

"And I'm a lonely worm who isn't fit to live on the same planet as her because she's so amazing and I'm a dirtbag!" Talia continued.

"And?" Camilla grinned as she held her hard fire fist over Talia's head.

"And in the history of the universe there's never been..." Talia said quickly with a fright look on her face.

"Ok, that's enough!" Kirana snapped.

Camilla got off of Talia and walked towards Kirana with her bored look on her face.

"Look, we're wasting our time here." Camilla said. "It's obvious that the Kraang aren't going to show up."

"We just have to be patient." Ezra said.

"Trust me, guys." Ariana grinned confidently. "The Kraang are gonna break into that lab tonight because I have reliable Intel."

"Oh really? Intel?" Camilla smirked. "Because Casey told you."

Ariana looked a little bit embarrassed at Camilla's words.

"AKA her boyfriend." Talia smiled teasingly.

Ariana then glared at Talia with a sidelong look. Ariana formed a crush on Casey from the moment she saw him, but now her siblings are too aware about it for a tease.

"He's not my boyfriend, Talia!" Ariana snapped at Talia. She wasn't paying attention to Kirana and Camilla, who were exchanging grins with each other. Ezra just rolled his eyes in annoyance. "He's a boy who's a friend that got kidnapped by the same alien freaks who are gonna break in that lab and we're gonna stop them!"

"Or we could camp here in the cold for no reason at all." Camilla said sarcastically.

"What's going on up here?"

The K-5 stood around in shock when a teenage boy was coming out of the rooftop door. They recognized the boy from Roosevelt High. His name is Tony Hunnam. He was the school bully and captain jock of the football team who was known for always picking up fights with Camilla, who always wins them any time they make contact.

"Kirana! Ariana! Ezra! Camilla! Talia!" Tony sneered. "Are you guys in some kind of costumes? Halloween is here for the next few months!"

"No, Tony." Kirana said calmly. "We're just..."

"Like if this was any of your business!" Camilla snapped angrily.

"I don't know how are we gonna explain this to him." Ariana said as she raised her eyebrow.

"Me either, but he does need a complete memory loss." Camilla said, cracking her fists hard.

Just before Camilla was going to do something violent, Kirana grabbed her wrist just in time to stop her younger sister from causing trouble.

"It's not worth it." Kirana said firmly. "Let's go."

Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra turned to leave while Camilla turned away reluctantly with a glare.

"That's right!" Tony taunted. "Walk off, Camilla! You're always gonna be a hotheaded slum."

Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra froze and turned around to watch their temperamental sister building up the anger within her. Camilla halted and spun around to power up her flaming fists towards Tony.

"Hey! Watch it, Tony!" Camilla shouted threateningly.

"Oh no, I didn't know you have flaming punching gloves." Tony mocked playfully.

"Punching gloves?!" Camilla snarled angrily.

Camilla charged, but Ezra grabbed his second oldest sister as he was trying to restrain the red mage kunoichi.

"Camilla, don't." Ezra says as he struggled to hold his older sister back.

Kirana, Ariana, and Talia could see that Tony was enjoying the reactions he was getting from Camilla, but they quickly gave Ezra a helping hand in holding their sister back.

"Come. On. Camilla! It's. Not. Worth. It!" Kirana hissed.

"I'm not gonna take this from some idiotic skinny pain in the neck!" Camilla shouted.

On the street below, the Kraang were too busy loading unknown boxes into the van. But Camilla's loud yelling attracted the Kraang's attention. The Kraang followed the voice on the rooftop and charged into the building to attack their enemies with their alien tech guns.

"I swear I'm finished with you up and a piece of your mouth all that's gonna be left!" Camilla shouted as her eyes blazed in flames.

Suddenly, the red mage kunoichi was pulled back just when laser blasts broke out the warm-up fight between Camilla and Tony.

"Kraang droids!" Kirana gasped in alarm as she and her siblings released Camilla.

"Okay, now I'm seriously freaked out." Tony said in surprise.

"Thanks for blowing our cover, Camilla." Kirana said irritatedly as she summoned water out of thin air.

Summoning out their weapons with their leader, the four mage kunoichis and mage ninja eyed the Kraang droids, who powered up their laser guns and fired blasts at the girls.

"Scram!" Kirana commanded.

The girls scattered at Kirana's command and charged forward to attack the Kraang droids as the alien robots continued to fire their weapons at them. Each mage kunoichi and ninja had dodged out of the laser blast one by one and began to attack them swiftly, not aware that Tony was hiding behind the door with a surprise look on his face.

"Keep fighting, jock squad!" Tony smiled. "This scene is pure gold!"

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra turned to see the school jock standing in the rooftop doorway with a black cell phone in his hand.

"Girls, he got us on video!" Ezra said, freaking out a bit.

"Not for long!" Camilla said.

Camilla quickly ran towards Tony and tries to snatch Tony's cell phone away from him, but Tony slammed the door in front of him. But Camilla didn't stop and actually crashed her face directly into the door before slowly falling on the rooftop ground. Her siblings let out a "That's gotta hurt" look while Camilla got up and rubbed her head with a dizzy groan.

"Ha, I'm gonna make some money out of this!" Tony chuckled out loud for the siblings to hear.

To make matters worse, the police sirens alerted loudly from below.

"Uh, we got problem!" Ariana warned. "Police cars are on the move in thirty seconds!"

"Let's move." Kirana ordered.

"Wait, we have to find Tony and break his cell phone! And his face!" Camilla said angrily.

But her siblings were gone out of her sight. Camilla let out a growl and dashed after them to the Crete Fortress.


Back at the Crete Fortress, the siblings sat on the couch in a row in front of their mother after reporting their mission to her in the living room.

"Not only did Camilla alert the Kraang on your patrol, but you all got caught on video!" Sage said as she gave a scary glare at her children.

"Mother, he was the angriest, annoying guy in our high school!" Camilla said with a little desperation in her voice.

"And not you." Talia pointed out as she leaned towards Camilla.

With that, Camilla smacked Talia on the back of the head.

"Tony's insults are so stupid and annoying!" Camilla continued. "I mean, no wonder he became the football captain!"

"You're kunoichis and a ninja. You work in the shadows in secrets." Sage reminded, pacing in front of her children. "This becomes complicated if there is proof of your existence in high definition."

"Well, that's easy." Camilla said. "We know where that jerk lives. So, we'll go there and beat him to delete that video by force."

"And that's why cell phones used flash memory to..." Ariana said.

Ariana stopped her techno talk after seeing the dangerous glare on Camilla's face.

"Anger is self-destructive." Sage said warningly.

"And I always thought it was others-destructive." Camilla muttered under her breath as she rolled her eyes.

"Camilla, stand up!" Sage commanded sharply.

Scared, Camilla did as she was told and looked up at her mother in fear.

"I think somebody's in trouble." Talia grinned childishly to Ezra, making him hold in his laugh.


In the dojo, the three mage kunoichis and the mage ninja circled around Camilla while pulling back on their bow string. Each arrow was set with a black sticky punching bag-shaped object instead of an actual arrow head to avoid cuts on their skins.

"Evade the arrows." Sage said to Camilla.

"No problem!" Camilla said with a grin.

"Hajimé!" Sage said.

Talia, Kirana, Ariana, and Ezra each took turns on shooting their arrows at Camilla, who dodged all of them easily with a smirk on her face. Even Sage caught the arrow quickly when Ariana shot her arrow at her older sister.

"Yamé!" Sage called.

Kirana, Ariana, Talia, Ezra, and Camilla turned their attention to their mother.

"Again!" Sage ordered. "Except this time, Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra. Insult Camilla."

"Wait." Ezra asked in confusion. "Us Insult her?"

"Yes." Sage nodded.

"And she can't fight back?" Ezra asked again, unaware of Camilla's eyes widened in surprise.

"No." Sage said.

"I'm feeling good about this plan!" Ariana laughed.

"That makes two of us." Kirana smiled.

"Hajimé!" Sage commanded.

Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra held out their bow and arrows as they walked around Camilla carefully with their sly grins. Camilla eyed her youngest sister and heard her laughing sneakily as she knew that she'll be the first one to insult her the most.

"You move like a lazy sloth." Talia laughed tauntingly.

Talia shot out an arrow at Camilla, who dodged the arrow with a full split before jumping back up in her fighting stance.

"I do not!" Camilla shouted with a glare.

"And you always whining like a child." Kirana said mockingly. "Poor me. Nobody understands me."

Kirana aimed an arrow that hit Camilla's back, making the red mage kunoichi growl. In Camilla's opinion, her sisters actually don't understand her and they never will.

"And you don't keep up your thinking whenever we're doing new ancient Japanese skills." Ariana said with a smile as she pulled her elbow back.

Ariana shot out an arrow that also hit Camilla's back, making the red mage kunoichi angrier as she turned at her younger sister with a glare.

"And you're grouchy!" Ariana added.

"And cranky!" Ezra said with a grin as he shot out his own arrow at Camilla's face.

"Shut up!" Camilla shouted angrily.

"Aww, you talk so tough, but inside you're a scared little girl." Kirana said as she shot another arrow at Camilla's face.

"Who needs her mommy?" Ariana taunted as she fired another arrow at Camilla's back.

"And her teddy bear?" Talia added as she shot out another arrow at Camilla's face.

"What's the matter, sis?" Ezra asked mockingly. "Gonna cry?

Listening to her siblings' insults had made Camilla even angrier. One arrow hit the back of her head, another arrow hit the side of her head, the third arrow hit the other side of her face, and finally the last arrow hit her face right between her eyes that caused her to fall back to the floor and reluctantly accepted her defeat.

"Oh, man. I wish with this moment could last forever." Talia sighed with a satisfied smile.

"You know what? Forget this nonsense! This is stupid!" Camilla shouted angrily, getting up off the ground and on her feet with burst of extreme anger.

"Aww!" Talia groaned. "It was fun!"

Camilla turned around to face Sage with her back covered in sticky arrows as she ignored her youngest sister. The arrows fell off Camilla's head, making Talia and Ezra giggle under their breath. Camilla glared angrily at Talia and Ezra with a clenched fist, but she was focused on her mother's stern look.

"As a kunoichi, you must endure insults with patience and humility. You cannot be a true kunoichi until you master it." Sage said sternly. "You must get that video back. Using reason, not force."

Camilla stared at the ground with a frown, but she cautiously glared side to side just check if her siblings didn't see her feeling down.


Later on, Tony was talking to his best friends about the video he recorded, but neither of them believed him because they found the siblings super cool, especially Camilla despite her temper. All of the sudden, the four mage kunoichis and mage ninja jumped down in front of him, making him hung up the phone after he said that he'll call his friends back.

"Don't come any closer or I'm calling the cops." Tony warned, backing up from the mages.

"We're not gonna hurt you." Camilla said slowly.

"Then, what do you want, hothead?" Tony asked with a snap.

Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra watched Camilla cautiously to make sure that her suppressed anger doesn't get the best of her.

"Look, we both known that we got off on the wrong foot last night." Camilla said slowly. "And, well, we just want that video back."

Tony crossed her arms with a raised eyebrow. Ezra elbowed Camilla, forcing the red mage kunoichi to slowly form an innocent smile.

"Please." Camilla said.

"I'll do it if you could do something for me." Tony smiled slyly.

"And what's that?" Camilla asked with clenched teeth and her eye twitched for a minute.

"What could you want us to do for you?" Ezra asked.

"I want you to show me some respect." Tony replied.

"I can do that." Camilla grinned, crossing her arms over her chest. Then, her body started to engulf itself in flames. "Before I'll take your face and burned it for the..."

"Okay, Camilla." Kirana said quickly as she put a hand on Camilla's shoulder. "I'll take it from here."

Camilla turned herself away from Tony and crossed her arms angrily as Kirana turned back to the human jock.

"So, what do you want anyway?" Kirana grinned politely.

"I want Camilla to treat me with some respect for the rest of the school year or this video will be posted on the Internet." Tony replied as she waved the video in the girls' faces.

"Why do you want Camilla to do that?" Ezra asked slowly.

"Because I'm tired of her temper on me and it gets on my nerves." Tony responded. "Even, my friends like her better than me."

"Heh, he's got a point." Talia admitted.

"That's because you're a jerk!" Camilla snapped. She grabbed Tony by the arms and pinned him to the ground. "But I'm sick of being nice! You better hand over that video or so help me, I'll kick your football butt all the way to New Jersey!"

Unfortunately, Camilla's scream caught the Kraang's attention once again that made them drive their van towards them, but Kirana caught them at her sight in a quick second.

"Girls, the Kraang!" Kirana said, pointing out the white van driving directly towards them.

"Camilla, get out of the way!" Ezra shouted.

Camilla was about to punch the lights out of Tony, but she looked up to see the van heading in her direction. Kirana jumped forward and pushed them off the road just in time as the van sped past them.

"Let's do it!" Kirana ordered.

Camilla quickly formed a large ball of fire between her hands and threw it at the van, causing the vehicle to crash into a building wall.

"Heh, piece of cake." Camilla said with a smirk as she crossed her arms smugly. But she spotted the five Kraang coming out through the back of the van and started shooting out pink laser blasts with their alien tech guns. "Okay, I spoke too soon!"

The K-5 charged forward and began fighting against the Kraang droids with their own elemental powers. Tony slowly moved away from the fight and climbed into the back of the van to observe the alien tech inside with his wide eyes, but Camilla caught him at her sight and stomped her feet towards the van.

"You're not getting away from me that easily!" Camilla cried.

"Camilla, what are you doing? Get back here!" Kirana demanded.

"Camilla, come back!" Ezra exclaimed.

Camilla ignored her siblings and walked her way toward Tony as she cracked her knuckles real hard.

"You and I have some unfinished business!" Camilla snarled as she was moving closer to Tony, who was backing away from her in fear. "You better gave me that phone right now!"

Camilla spun back around to fight off against three Kraang droids with her fire punches while Tony stood there watching the whole fight as the van drove away with them in it.

"Let's get out of here!" Camilla cried as she held out a hand towards Tony.

"Forget it!" Tony snapped. "You're been on my nerves for far too long and now I'm not going anywhere with you!"

After Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra defeated all of the Kraang droids, they quickly chased after the van and saw their sister beating up the Kraang inside the van.

"Camilla!" Ariana shouted as she and her siblings ran right behind the van. "Get out of there!"

But Camilla wasn't listening to her younger sister as her mind focused on the human boy.

"Listen, Tony!" Camilla shouted, walking forward to grab Tony by his arm. "You have been an idiotic, selfish jerk ever since I first met you and I'm not gonna take insult from a dork like you!"

Suddenly, the Kraang droid grabbed Camilla by the arm and threw her out of the moving van, sending her crashing into her siblings and knocked them over to the ground. Then, the van got away with Tony inside with them.

After the van was gone out of their sight, the K-5 got up and dusted off their ninja clothing. Camilla turned to notice that her four siblings are glaring at her.

"Nice going, Camilla." Kirana said sarcastically.

"Me? What did I do?" Camilla snapped angrily.

"What do you think?" Kirana yelled. "You left the four of us in the middle of the fight to yell at Tony! We could've stop them, but thanks to your annoying temper, Tony still has the cell phone that's now in the hands of the Kraang! Now, how are we supposed to stop them?"

"Well, thanks for my trusted robotic dragonfly I've sent earlier, we can easily track them with my communicator." Ariana smiled proudly as she showed her siblings a small purple radar compass-like device in her hand.

"You placed a tracking device." Ezra said.

"Great." Kirana said. "We can follow their trail to their hideout. Nice, Ariana!"

"It's a gift." Ariana smiled.

"And then we kick some butts." Camilla grinned as she smacked a fist into her palm.

"Actually, we are going to kick some butts." Kirana said firmly as she stared at Camilla with a stern look. "You are going home."

"Are you kidding me?" Camilla snapped. She turned to Ariana, Talia, and Ezra for backup. "Come on, guys. Are we really gonna let Kirana lecture us like this?"

Ariana, Talia, and Ezra looked at each other in silence.

"Look, Camilla, Kirana's right on this one." Ariana said.

"You gotta to control your temper on your own." Kirana said. "Because if you don't, we can't trust you anymore."

"Sorry, Camilla." Talia said, sadly.

"You can get through it." Ezra added, encouraging.

As Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra went to chase the van, Camilla angrily stomped her fists on the ground and went back to the Crete Fortress.


Back to the Crete Fortress, Camilla was inside the kitchen completely mad and angry. How can Ariana, Talia, and Ezra take Kirana's side even though they always question about her leadership on every mission? Sometimes she wished she herself was never related to them.

"Who does Kirana thinks she is?" Camilla exclaimed angrily as she sat on the kitchen table. "So what if I've got a temper! I'm still the best fighter we've got! Also, my anger makes me a better fighter!" She turned to Samson, who was resting on the table. "You understand me, don't you, Samson?"

Samson hopped onto Camilla's left shoulder and licked his owner on the left cheek as a response.

"Yeah, I thought so." Camilla smiled.

"I understand you, too." Sage said unexpectedly.

Camilla looked at the kitchen door to see her mother standing there.

"Seriously, you gotta knock or something next time!" Camilla cried, jumping in fright a bit.

"Let me tell you a story." Sage said calmly.

"Mother, I'm not really in the mood for a story right now." Camilla sighed.

"Samson, lick Camilla's cheek if you're in the mood for a story." Sage ordered as she turned to the cat.

Samson licked Camilla's cheek again as a response.

"Very well. When I was a young woman, I fell in love with a man." Sage began.

"Oh, joy." Camilla sighed, sarcastically.

"Silence." Sage ordered, firmly.

Camilla quickly shut her mouth, so her mother can continue her story.

"His name was Caesar. Your father." Sage continued. "I love him very much until Burakkurōzu Rōzu wanted his attention for herself. One day, she insulted me in front of her. She called me many things. I've felt my anger rising in my body and I lost my temper. And later on, our rivalry was changed into hatred until Shade continued to finish me. But in the process, I've lost my beloved Caesar."

"But it wasn't your fault, Mother." Camilla said sadly. "Shade insulted you and you didn't have a choice."

"Well, I could have chose to ignore her, but instead, I let her anger me." Sage said calmly. She walked closer to Camilla. "And that's the choice that I made. What choice will you make?"

Camilla watched Sage walked away out of the kitchen, leaving her thinking to herself and knew exactly what to do.


Meanwhile, the three mage kunoichis and one mage ninja had followed the tracking device from Ariana's compass device to a stereotypical abandoned building as they stood against the edge of a wall to look around the corner at the building.

"We're here." Ariana whispered quietly.

"Are you guys sure we can really gonna do this mission without Camilla?" Talia asked.

"Not to worry, Talia. We can handle this." Kirana said.

"I don't know." Talia said, sadly. "It just feels that we're ready to become vulnerable without her."

Then, Kirana smacked Talia at the back of the head.

"Thanks." Talia smiled.

"Happy to help." Kirana grinned. "Let's move."

Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra quietly snuck inside the building undetected. They went through the maze of dusty box crates and cobweb spiders. Ariana, Talia, and Ezra followed behind Kirana as they hid behind the crates with their eyes staring wide at the massive tank full of mutagen inside. They also noticed the Kraang stood around Tony in a circle as the alien robots are plotting to use Tony as a test subject while the human boy was tied to the chair.

"Talia." Kirana whispered.

"I'm on it." Talia whispered back.

Talia summoned a light wind breeze to pull the chair that Tony was sitting slowly towards her and her siblings. Tony noticed that the chair was rolling slowly backwards and turned to see Talia was using her magic powers to save him.

"Don't worry, Tony. We're here to save you." Kirana whispered.

"Forget it!" Tony snapped, looking over his shoulder in surprise. "I'm not leaving with you guys! Not one way or another!"

Thanks to Tony's loud voice, the Kraang spun around and realized that the K-5 are rescuing the human boy as they powered up their laser guns and aimed them at the mage kunoichis and mage ninja.

"Stop the one that needs to be stopped." One of the Kraang said.

"He just couldn't shut up." Ezra groaned.

"Remind me one more time why do we have to rescue this guy?" Ariana said to Kirana, Talia, and Ezra.

As the Kraang droids fired pink energy blasts, the K-5 swiftly battled against the evil Kraang. Kirana launched a series of kicks with her legs engulfed in solid water in rapid succession to attack the first group of Kraang droids, Ariana approached the incoming droids by pounding her fists to the ground for a hail of rocky boulders coming up from the floor to attack them, Talia dashed forward to the next group of the Kraang droids and slashed them with high speed tornadoes, and Ezra charged forward to the last group of Kraang droids and electrocuted them with fast lightning strikes. During the fight, Tony was too busy trying to break free while being tied up into a chair that made him scoot towards the mutagen tank. His eyes widened wide when he caught a black spider crawling on his shoulders. Suddenly, one of the Kraang shot a pink energy blast at the mutagen tube and the glowing blue-green liquid substance poured onto the spider and Tony, causing him to scream out loud painfully and caught everyone's attention. The whole Kraang squad went over to check the noise and they all got thrown to the wall that made the Kraang aliens crawled away from their robot bodies.

Suddenly, a tall black spider mutant came out of the shadows. He has a slender figure with grey skinny arms and legs, four black spider legs with mutagenic appendages on his back, and two glaring yellow eyes. He walked threateningly in front of the girls, who were backing away slowly.

"I don't like the looks of that!" Talia said.

"Look at what did you four did to me!" Tony yelled. "I'm now a hideous freak and now you're gonna pay!"

"Let's do this, guys. The five of us could handle him." Kirana said.

"Okay, this must be a bad time to say this." Ariana pointed out. "But you sent one of us home."

"And right now, I wish it was me!" Talia whimpered.

"This is your fault!" Tony growled. "I'm gonna tear your faces off!"

"Alright, guys." Kirana said as she whirled the water out of thin air in her hand. "Let's show this freak who we really are!"

"Get him!" Ezra shouted.

Kirana charged forward to attack Tony, but the mutant spider used one of his spider legs hit the blue mage kunoichi aside that send her crashing into a bunch of dusty boxes across the room. Ariana ran towards the mutant spider and jumped up in the air to deliver a one-legged driving kick with her leg covered by earth as a deadly force down on Tony's head, but Tony's spider legs blocked the attack and threw the purple mage kunoichi away that made her crash into Kirana, who was getting up from the broken boxes. Talia attacked Tony's face with wide-arced wind kicks repeatedly, but Tony's spider legs knocked her straight to her older sisters. Ezra attacked Tony from behind with multiple hits with lightning rods, but Tony kicked Ezra to his sisters. Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra got back to their feet as they knew that none of the mages' attacks could outmatched him.

"Do you think those nasty spider legs could beat us?" Talia asked tauntingly.

Tony suddenly unleashed a giant orange triangular web to ensnare the siblings together inside and swung them around in overhead circles several times before finally slammed them into the ground. Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra groaned painfully as they got up and quickly noticed that the floor was beginning to crack around where they're standing. They screamed as they fell to the floor below and landed on a platform sealed with mutagen under them.

"I totally did not saw that coming!" Talia said with a groan. "We're no match for Spider Fang!"

"Spider Fang?" Kirana snapped as she and her younger siblings got up from the floor.

"You know, because Tony is a spider with fang-like teeth." Talia explained. "So I thought..."

"We get it!" Ezra said in annoyance.

Tony jumped down to land in front of the four mages and roared at them.

"Playtime's over, fellas." Tony said loudly. "It's extermination time!"

"Wow, I should've known this guy has an ugly side!"

Spider Fang, Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra looked up to see a familiar mage kunoichi standing on top of the opening platform from above.

"Camilla!" Ariana and Talia yelled happily.

"Camilla! You're back!" Ezra said in relief.

"Glad to see you, sis!" Kirana grinned. "Come and join us!"

Camilla jumped off from the opening platform and landed in between the mutant spider and her mage siblings.

"Well, well, well! It's the hotheaded magic girl with the nasty temper!" Spider Fang said mockingly as he looked down at Camilla.

"And it's the stupid loudmouth jock who's about to get his butt kicked by a girl like always!" Camilla countered with a smirk.

Spider Fang unleashed a flurry of berserker punches at Camilla, who swiftly dodging on each punch that were coming in her way. Kirana, Talia, and Ezra stood their ground and watched the fight as Ariana gazed down at the floor with fright.

"Uh, let's not fall in this tank." Ariana said, looking down at the glass floor with a vat of the mutagen swirling slowly below them.

Back to the battle, Spider Fang shot out numerous web balls directly at Camilla. But the red mage kunoichi dodged each one in a nick of speed and unleashed a barrage of flaming punches against Spider Fang, who took the hit without any sudden reaction. Spider Fang got up and stared slyly at Camilla.

"So, the hothead thinks she can stop me." Spider Fang taunted. "What's that, girlie? You too afraid to fight me off your ashy hands?"

Camilla glared and shut her eyes to take a long breath, ignoring the spider mutant's taunts and using the wisdom she has learned from hearing about her mother's past failures. Suddenly, Camilla's eyes opened and she let out a smirk. Darting forward, she delivered a brutal barrage of vertical spinning flaming kicks at Spider Fang while rising into the air and hit him with an axe kick that knocked the spider mutant down onto the ground.

"That's some move, Camilla." Spider Fang admitted in surprise as he was getting up from the ground.

"But that's the thing, Tony." Camilla grinned as she watched her siblings jumped down behind her and she cracked her knuckles real hard. "We're mage ninjas!"

Then, the K-5 charged forward to attack Spider Fang. Kirana gathered the full force of her magic energy in her palms and released an omni-directional sphere of water that hit Spider Fang anything inside of it, Talia attacked Spider Fang with five wind backflip kicks, Ezra darted forward and performed a lightning powered roadhouse kick straight at Spider Fang's face, Ariana lunged forward and launched a powerful rock-covered kick hard at Spider Fang, and Camilla unleashed a sudden barrage of fireballs in high and low directions that burned Spider Fang on impact. At his defeat, Spider Fang watched Camilla crushed the cell phone with her combat boot to destroy the evidence of the K-5.

"No, my phone!" Tony yelled as he found himself surrounded by the K-5. "You guys are going to regret this!"

With that, Spider Fang took his leave by crawling up out of the building. Then, the mages followed him up to the rooftop, where they saw him jumping from building to building before vanishing into the night. But they quickly left the hideout before the police could arrive on the scene.


Back at the Crete Fortress, the four mage kunoichis and mage ninja are chilling coolly on the coach in the living room with cans of soda in their hands. Kirana had a blue raspberry soda, Camilla had a strawberry soda, Ariana had a grape soda, Talia had an orange soda, and Ezra had a blueberry soda.

"I know a nice memory wiping spell that'll be great for Tony's boys during their football practice." Ariana said, before taking a sip of grape soda.

"Let's just hope that's the last time we see that jerk." Ezra said after he took a sip of blueberry soda.

"Good work, Camilla." Kirana said with a smile. "I just wanted to say..."

"That I've learned my lesson about my temper?" Camilla replied with a grin. "I did, but it still makes me a better and strong fighter."

"Yeah, Camilla." Talia said mischievously. "You're not bad...for a hothead buffalo."

Camilla released out a sly grin and handed her can of soda to Kirana before tackling Talia to the floor and seized her in a headlock, making the orange mage kunoichi recite that Camilla is the best fighter and powerful in every possible way. Kirana, Ariana, and Ezra smiled as they watched Talia flapping her arms helplessly.

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