K-5 (Full)

By LeslieHowell021

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When five mages emerge into the world of New York, they discover big threats that only they themselves can so... More

Rise Of The Mages (Part 1)
Rise Of The Mages (Part 2)
Mage Temper
New Friend, Old Enemy
Iron Donna
Reptile Brains
Beware of Sapphire
The Darkness
Panic at the Fortress
Nano Attack!
It Came From The Haunting Building
Mage or Monster
New Boys In Town
Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer and Sandra!
Lizard Terminator
Donna's Gambit
Enemy Of My Enemy
Kuro's Partnership
Sandra Returns
Operation: Detention Breakout
Showdown (Part 1)
Showdown (Part 2)
Mutation Situation
Invasion of the Bats
Follow the Ice
Sandra Unleashed!
Talia Gets Sonically
Target: Casey Jones
Samara and Destroy
The Good, The Bad, And Casey Jones
The Kraang Conspiracy
Rosa Galicia
Phantom Upgraded
Of Golem and Women
The Manhattan Project (Part 1)
The Manhattan Project (Part 2)
Accel and Mages
Donna's Nevermore
Newtralized and Nebulous!
The Wrath of Tigress
Legendary Kuraun
Project EVE
Vengance Will Be Mine
A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X
The Invasion (Part 1)
The Invasion (Part 2)
Deep Within The Woods
A Fierce Dagger
Buried Secrets
Invasion Of The Punkz Catz
In Dreams
Race With The Demon!
Powers of the Shagon
Spirit Journey
Return To New York
Wolf Hunt
The Crystal and the Luck
Battle For New York (Part 1)
Battle For New York (Part 2)
Casey Jones Vs The Underworld
The Witch Avenger
Clash of the Amazons
Meet Verona Salamander
The Deadly Bite
Mages In Time
Tales of the Mages
Attack of the Mega Shade!
The Venus Doom
The Fourblind Trap
Aliens Seen In New York!
Annihilation Earth (Part 1)
Annihilation Earth (Part 2)
Beyond the Majestic Universe
The Planet of Hegemon
The Crazy World Of Gerti
The Plant Mistress Jade!
Riddle Of The Ancient Sword
Journey To The Center Of Talia's Mind
The Lab of Mosaic
The War In Dimension X
The Ghostly Gaean
Trans-Dimensional K-5
Wrath of the Hydnora
The Evil Of The Witches Seven
The Ever-Lasting Battle
Earth's Last Stand
City At War
Broken Foot and Broken Shadow
The Saiba Lacerta
Fleura du Mal
Lady Shadestrike
Darkest Plight
The Power Inside Them
Kùbào VS the Scientists
The Tale of Tigress
Scroll Of The Demodragon
The Forgotten Mage
The Hearts Of Evil
End Times
When Worlds Collide (Part 1)
When Worlds Collide (Part 2)
The Wëather Witćh
Špirit Journëy
Thë Whitë Taišša
Lone Mage And Cubs
The Wasteland Warrior
The Impossible Desert
The Curse Of Saskia McTavish
The Crypt of Lucine
The Victoria Experiment
Monsters Among Us!
Wanted: Jinx And Crystallia
The Shadow Walks Again!
The Big Blowout
K-5: Loud House (Part 1)
K-5: Loud House (Part 2)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 1)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 2)
The Key To The Lost Treasure
The Jewel Of The Great Power
Legend of the Dark Son
A K-5 Christmas Caper
Mages Forever (Part 1)
Mages Forever (Part 2)
Upcoming Books

Mage Gangland

17 1 0
By LeslieHowell021

Outside the city, two young women sprinted across the rooftops as they are trying to escape the Amazons. One woman has blue hair that is a few inches above her shoulders and blue eyes. She wore a blue skintight leotard with dark blue embroidered vest and dark blue combat boots. She also has a pair of black fingerless mechanized biker gloves. The other woman has long green wavy hair that is tied up with a ponytail with two large dark green balls and green eyes. She wore a green skintight leotard with dark green embroidered vest and dark green combat boots. She also has a pair of black fingerless mechanized biker gloves. A blue-haired woman was carrying a black suitcase in her hand while a green-haired woman was lashing green energy cords as combat-like whips repeatedly at Mala and Samara. But the women ended up getting pinned down hard to the ground by Amber's giant ears through her fast reflexes. Verona landed over to the women and took the suitcase away with her tail. Samara and Mala caught up to the others.

"Whoa, this is a lot of weird stuff." Silver said as he opened the briefcase to look inside.

"What do you want with this stuff?" Samara asked.

"We're not telling you anything, kitty cat." The blue-haired woman snapped.

"Our lips are sealed." The green-haired woman said with a glare.

Whitman suddenly turned visible next to Amber.

"That's where I come in." Whitman said.

Whitman lifted her pair of wrist bracelets to plug two black USB cables at the women's foreheads, accessing information analyze their minds until her eyes widened wide in shock.

"No way! They're carrying secret blueprints to an engineer to build weapons specifically designed to destroy...mages." Whitman said sharply.

"That's right." The green-haired woman said with sly grin on their faces. "Every mage in this city is going down."

Suddenly, a young woman arrived on the other side of the rooftop. She has long straight red hair and red eyes. She wore a red skintight leotard with dark red embroidered vest and dark red combat boots. She also has a pair of black fingerless mechanized biker gloves. She held out two small bombs made of red energy in her hands and threw it to the ground that spread out dark red smoke around the area, making the Amazons cough hard to the ground.

"Trick or treat, freaks." The red-haired woman said. "The nerve bomb only works on mages, even if they are mutants as well. Ladies, let's roll."

"You got it." The two other women said with nods.

With that, three mysterious women escaped from the rooftop. The Amazons got up from the ground once the smokes cleared and found the trio gone out of their sight.

"We have to warn the K-5 before they use those weapons to wipe out mage kind...forever." Mala said to the others.


In the Crete Fortress, Talia, Ezra, and Ariana sat on the dojo floor to watch Kirana and Camilla sparring each other with Sage observing the spar in front of the large tree. Kirana and Camilla kept blocking each other's magic attacks until Kirana kicked Camilla back with a swift kick.

"Oh, that was great. Finally, you have a way to push my buttons the right way." Camilla grinned.

"Don't do it, Camilla." Kirana warned.

"Go on, take another swing. Show me what you really got, sis." Camilla challenged.

Camilla charged forward to attack Kirana with fast punches. Kirana dodged various punches from Camilla and blocked the fists with her legs in an upside-down motion. Kirana had enough and used her legs to throw Camilla away to the wall. Camilla got up and grabbed her older sister that made Kirana gasp as she landed her on the floor. Camilla began cartwheeling through the air that made Kirana quickly block the attack with her arms. Kirana pushed Camilla away and quickly somersaulted forward to wrap both of her legs around Camilla's neck, punching the red mage kunoichi rapidly and jumped off to kick her to the floor. Camilla glared and got back up on her feet as she zoomed forward and performed an upward sweeping kick that knocked Kirana to the floor. Kirana blocked Camilla's rapid punches again with her arms.

"Camilla, stop!" Sage shouted as she ran over to her older daughters and pushed Camilla back. "That's enough!"

"What's matter, Kirana? Scared of having fun with a real fight?" Camilla challenged.

"No, I'm scared you've been getting more hostile that made you pull away from the team, that's why!" Kirana snapped as she stood up and walked up to Camilla.

"That's because none of us are pulling punches out there, that's why." Camilla said angrily.

Before Kirana could snap back and Ezra could calm them down, Sage held out a hand between her two daughters.

"Teishi." Sage said. "You both are sisters and your main goal here is to train as master kunoichis."

"Mother, you got to stop sticking up for Kirana and Ezra all the time." Camilla groaned as she rolled her eyes. "I'm the only one who takes training seriously while everyone is always goofing off all the time."

Talia and Ariana glared at Camilla as they got up and stood on either side of Sage.

"Don't even try putting your drama on us, Camilla." Ariana snapped. "You really need to stop acting like no one appreciates you and get a new source in your life."

Talia nodded her head in agreement while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Fine!" Camilla yelled angrily. "Then, I'm outta here! Have fun fighting crime without me!"

"Camilla, wait." Ezra said, but the red mage kunoichi didn't turn around.

Talia, Ariana, Sage, Ezra, and Kirana watched Camilla taking her leave out of the dojo. Only Sage sighed heavily in concern.

"So, how many times has she quit the team this time?" Kirana asked as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Twenty eight." Ariana replied with a scoff.

"Ariana." Ezra warned with a glare.

"You have a brilliant mind, Ariana, yet you see a fire and try to put it out with gasoline." Sage said to Ariana.

Ariana turned away from her mother's words, knowing that Sage was right as always.

"You are growing up fast and you must be more mature." Sage continued as she walked up in front of Talia, Ariana, Ezra, and Kirana. "One day, I will not be around to see your future."

"But mother, you've made it through the worst of the worst out of all of us and we're gonna make sure that nothing can..." Kirana said.

"All life can't be permanent, Kirana." Sage said. "You cannot expect anything to last forever, even your own family."

Then, the mages heard a meow sound and looked to see the Amazons in the dojo.

"Sup, ladies." Samara greeted.

"Mala." Talia said as she ran up and hugged the fox mutant.

"Good to see you, Talia." Mala grinned as she hugged Talia back.

Talia turned to face Verona with a huge smile.

"Hey, Verona." Talia said in surprise. "You joined the team?"

"Yup, they totally love my fighting style." Verona said.

"Thanks to me." Amber smirked.

"Hey, Silver." Ezra said with a smile as he walked over to high five Silver's hand.

"Nice to see you too, Ezra." Silver said with a smile.

"So, what brings the Amazons here?" Ezra asked as Kirana and Ariana stepped up to the Amazons.

"We really need your help, Mages." Samara said.

"We've uncovered plans to develop mage-hunting weapons." Dr. Whitman explained. "I have just discovered that Onyx Isley wants to take control of the city ever since Shade has vanished."

"And the only thing that stands between her and her goals are us." Kirana said.

"We need to take down Onyx and her team before she takes us first." Samara said.

"Ariana, can you track Camilla down in the Magnolia Cycle?" Kirana asked Ariana.

"Yeah, I'm on it. I owe that hothead an apology anyway." Ariana replied.

"I'm going with her." Ezra declared.


At the secret warehouse, a beautiful woman sat down on her throne chair in the main room. She has long, wavy glossy black hair with two bunched up buns at the sides of her head, large ice-blue eyes, and crimson lips. She wore a small long-sleeved black cropped top with ivory stripes, glittery ivory pants, and black high heels. She also has a pair of black fingerless mechanized biker gloves. She was already making plans to wipe out all the mystics clean in the city.

"I see you found the artifact I was looking for." Onyx said, looking up to see the three mysterious women walking up to her.

"One of the best artifacts in the world, Onyx." The red-haired woman said with a smile. "It will increase our own abilities tremendously."

The two other women brought up the black suitcase on the table and the fourth young woman walked in the room to the suitcase. She has long pink hair that goes down to her upper thighs and pink eyes. She wore a pink skintight leotard with dark pink embroidered vest and dark pink combat boots. She also has a pair of black fingerless mechanized biker gloves. She opened the suitcase that obtained five colorful gems that six-rayed-star effect shimmers over the surface of the stone.

"So, what's our next move, Onyx?" The red-haired woman asked.

"Find me one mage alive out there and bring that mage to me." Onyx ordered. "So, we see what makes them tick."


Outside, Ariana rode on the Magnolia Cycle and Verona sat in the back to hold on to the purple mage kunoichi tightly. Ezra sat in the extra seat buggy on the side with a helmet on his head.

"How are we gonna find her?" Ezra asked.

"We should be able to find Camilla with her K-Phone signal. I just need to find a stronger signal." Ariana said loudly.

"Is your sister always this furiously angry?" Verona asked.

"You have no idea." Ariana and Ezra replied.


As for Camilla, she was blowing off steam on a building rooftop about what happened back in the fortress.

"Sick of them making me the bad guy all the time. Better off living by my own rules." Camilla growled.

Suddenly, Camilla heard the sound of blasting coming from a nearby alley and she moved to detect Onyx's enforcers robbing a bank. The enforcers were a group of four women wearing a shiny long-sleeved black shirt that exposes the midriff with dark grey cuffs at the end, shiny black shorts with dark grey cuffs on the hips, a pair of black fingerless mechanized gloves, dark grey ankle-length high heel boots, and a black butterfly-shaped visor on her face.

"Looks like I'm gonna have some fun tonight." Camilla grinned.

Camilla suddenly heard her K-Phone ringing inside her belt and took it out to receive a call from Kirana, but she hung up as she was still upset over what happened back in the fortress.

"I'm fine on my own." Camilla muttered.

Camilla jumped down to land her feet next to the black van.

"I can tell you ladies really love getting kicked hard." Camilla said with a grin. "Gimme all you got. Try and break me."

In quick seconds, Camilla overpowered four masked women easily and stood in front of a jumbled pile of defeated women. Ariana instantly drove up to Camilla.

"Sis!" Ezra exclaimed in relief. "Thank goodness we found you."

"Care to explain what you're doing here, Camilla?" Ariana asked.

"Not like you have any interest." Camilla retorted as she walked away from her younger sister.

Ariana slowly drove her Magnolia Cycle next to Camilla.

"Look, Camilla, I can throw a crazy tantrum sometimes too, but you can't just turn your back on your team." Verona said.

Camilla rolled her eyes with a groan and stopped walking that made Ariana stop.

"Forget it. I don't care what you say. I'm out of the team and this time for good." Camilla said with a glare.

"But Cam...!" Ezra spoke, but he got ignored once again.

Then, Camilla walked away from Ariana, Ezra, and Verona.

"Oh, this is serious. She sure wasn't like that since she quit other twenty-seven times." Ariana pondered.

Ezra elbowed Ariana's arm, making her let out an 'ow!' as she held onto her arm.

Camilla walked away out of the alleyway and into the street until she unexpectedly saw a small orb of pink energy from above. She looked up to see the pink-haired woman firing the pink energy orbs that hit the Magnolia Cycle, overturning the vehicle to the street sidewalk and set it on fire.

"Ariana! Ezra! Verona!" Camilla exclaimed with shock eyes.

Camilla looked back to spot three more women on the rooftop with their mechanized biker gloves ready.

"So, the robbery was a set-up. They lured us into a trap!" Camilla gasped.

Ariana, Ezra, and Verona got up from the ground near the flaming Magnolia Cycle as they ran over to Camilla.

"Camilla, they're equipped with mage-hunter mechanical gloves." Ariana said.

"Say what?" Verona asked in shock.

"So, that explains a lot." Camilla said. "Let's show them what we're made of."

Ariana and Ezra looked at each other and thought of the same idea. They both held hands and Ezra focused his magic to fuse with Ariana into Patricia.

"I'll help back you up." Patricia said, determinedly.

Camilla, Patricia, and Verona sprang themselves to the rooftops as they charged forward to the four mysterious women. The green-haired women started lashing green energy cords at Camilla, who threw a black smoke bomb at the ground that covered the entire rooftop. The four women were having trouble seeing past the smoke. Camilla, Patricia, and Verona was able to take down only three women out through the black smoke. But the blue-haired woman spun herself in rapid speed around the area to blow the smoke away. Three other women got back up and continued to fight the mages. Camilla was getting blasted multiple times by the red-haired woman's red energy spheres. Verona saw that and moved to the red-haired woman from behind, but she got hit by the green-haired woman's green energy cords that sent her flying to the ground. Patricia looked back to see Camilla was still getting blasted by the red-haired woman.

"Camilla!" Patricia shouted.

As Patricia started running up to help her older sister, she got hit by the blue-haired woman's swift kick and laid on the ground unconsciously.

"Well, that was fun one until it lasted." The blue-haired woman complained.

"Onyx did say to take one mage. I'd say take the fusion girl for the road." The pink-haired woman said.

"Yeah, because we already finished this one." The green-haired woman agreed as she looked down at Camilla with a sinister face.

"Let's also take her too for extra." The red-haired woman added as she looked down at the unconscious Verona.

The pink-haired woman trapped Patricia and Verona in a transparent pink bubble and the four women took off. Camilla slowly lifted her head and opened her eyes to look down as she watched her fusion sister and her friend being captive by the women.

"Oh, no." Camilla muttered sadly.


Meanwhile, Kirana pushed the doors open and walked through the main room. Talia, Samara, Dr. Whitman, Amber, Silver, and Mala followed behind the blue mage kunoichi. Two of Onyx's female enforcers pointed their gloves at the mage team, but Whitman fired one dark green laser beam at one woman with her wrist bracelet and Samara delivered a swift kick that sent the other women to the floor.

"Onyx, we need to talk you about this." Kirana said with a threatening tone.

Kirana threw a triangular "Mages extinguished" sign in her hand.

"It's strange that mages are so much like humans in appearance." Onyx said with a loud chuckle.

"Look, we're not here to fight. We're only here for a truce." Talia said with a glare.

"But if you don't accept our truce, we'll make you." Kirana added threateningly. "There are more strong mages in this town, not even your mage-hunter gloves can handle."

"You don't get it, do you?" Onyx said as she got up from the chair. "We're not leaving until this mage freak problem is solved in this city."

Mala hissed dangerously and Talia pressed her hand on the fox mage mutant's chest.

"Don't worry, Mala. Kirana's got this." Talia whispered assuredly.

Suddenly, the iPhone began ringing that caught Onyx's attention and she picked up the cell phone.

"Hello? Oh, really? Thank you." Onyx said. She hung up her cell phone and turned back to the mage team. "One of your mage sisters is down, but the other one is now mine, so is your brother along with that your lizard pal of yours."

"What?!" Kirana and Talia gasped with a shout.

"Ezra!" Silver breathed out in shock.

"You will pay!" Mala growled as she was being pushed back by Talia.

"Now, I'll let my ladies have some fun with you freaks." Onyx said with a wicked smile.

With a snap of Onyx's finger, four mysterious women came out of the shadows and stood in front of the mage team.

"Hello, my name is Ana." The pink-haired woman introduced.

"Hi, I'm Marie." The blue-haired woman added.

"I'm Carmen." The green-haired woman spoke roughly.

"And I'm Serena." The red-haired woman finished.

"Let's have some fun!" The four women spoke together.

The four women lifted their mechanized biker gloves and began firing energy spheres at the mage team. Kirana, Talia, Samara, Mala, Silver, and Dr. Whitman scattered out of the way as they attacked back at the four women. Onyx grinned as she started to levitate in the air with her rocket boots that made the mages look surprised.

"Love to stick around, but gotta fly!" Onyx said.

"Grab her!" Kirana ordered.

But the mages got pulled back by the four women's blasters as Onyx flew away to the exit doors. Serena, Ana, and Marie kept giggling as they ran out of the exit while Carmen kept lashing green energy cords at the mages. Mala grabbed the two mage kunoichis with her tail and moved out of the way, allowing Dr. Whitman to blast the cords with two dark green blasts from her wrist bracelets. Each cord exploded one by one that gave out grey smoke. When the smoke cleared the room, the mages turned to see Onyx, Ana, Serena, Carmen, and Marie are gone.


The Amazons and the K-5 gathered together inside an abandoned lab facility as they looked down at the map of New York City.

"Onyx's got a stronghold at the warehouse apartment in Brooklyn. No one gets in or out." Samara explained.

"If she holds any valuable weapons including the captives, that's where they will be." Mala added.

The facility door creaked open and everyone looked to see Camilla bruised all over her body.

"It's Camilla!" Silver gasped.

"Camilla!" Kirana and Talia shouted.

Kirana and Talia quickly ran up to Camilla as they sat their bruised sister down to a chair.

"Whoa, Camilla. You okay?" Talia asked. "What happened?"

"I'm so sorry. I led them right into a trap. I didn't know." Camilla said sadly as she was trying to wipe the tears out of her eyes.

"Hey, it's okay." Kirana said, putting her hand on Camilla's shoulder. "We're a team. We cover each other's mistakes and we will get them back."

"Then, we have to move fast." Camilla said. "It's only a matter of time before Onyx can use Ariana, Ezra, and Verona for her experiments."


At the warehouse apartment, Patricia and Verona are tied up on the couch in tight spider-like threads as Onyx and her henchwomen stood in front of the mage captives.

"Now that we have the captives, let's begin dissecting them and see what makes them tick." Onyx said.

"No way that's gonna happen while I have a good punch up my sleeve." Patricia snapped sharply.

"Oh, heck no! Let us out of here!" Verona said frantically as she was struggling to break free from the spider threads.

Marie and Carmen pulled out blue and green energized scalpels front their mechanized biker gloves. Patricia glared threateningly and Verona started to shiver in the spider threads.

"We're doomed, Patricia." Verona whispered in fear to Patricia. She turned back to Marie and Carmen, who were walking an inch closer to them. "Hey, can we discuss this like rational girls?"

"Wait a minute! You don't have to do this. Why can't we just leave each other in peace and you can never see our faces again." Patricia stammered.

Carmen grabbed Patricia's face, making the purple and teal mage fusion yelp.

"I didn't mean that literally." Patricia said nervously.


Outside, the Amazons ambushed Onyx's female masked guards. Samara hissed and delivered swift kicks at two women. Mala growled dangerously at the incoming group of female masked guards, who were firing energy lasers at her. Amber rammed them one by one while swinging her large rabbit ears at them. Five more masked women charged forward to Samara and Mala, but they all got blasted easily to the ground by Silver.

The noise caught everyone's attention inside the warehouse apartment. Carmen released Patricia's face and looked out the window.

"The mages found us, Onyx!" Carmen exclaimed.

"Use the upgrades Ms. Baron sent you to take care those creeps once and for all." Onyx ordered.

All the masked women groaned in pain as Samara, Mala, Silver, Amber, and Whitman stood with triumph smiles on their faces.

"Heh, that was easier than I thought it." Mala said to Samara.

"This fight isn't over yet, Mala." Samara said, pointing her finger to the rooftop.

Samara, Mala, Silver, Amber, and Whitman looked up to see the four women jumping down from the rooftop and landed their feet on the street ground.

"Oh, no." Silver said, in worry. "It's the freaky ladies."

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Serena grinned.

"Your real opponents are ready to give you a show of a lifetime." Ana added.

"Bring it on!" Samara challenged.

Carmen summoned a baseball bat made of green energy from her right mechanized biker glove and began firing rapid barrage of green energy balls in a baseball style. Mala, Samara, Silver, Amber, and Whitman ran out of the way as each green energy ball started exploding on the ground. Mala jumped towards Ana, who was releasing a strong flurry of flower petals made of pink energy from her gloves at the fox mutant that send her falling to the ground. Ana, Marie, Carmen, and Serena were unaware of three mage kunoichis sneaking into the warehouse apartment above them as they didn't know that the Amazons are merely the decoy to allow the K-5 to infiltrate the hotel and save Ariana, Ezra, and Verona.


Kirana, Camilla, and Talia made their way inside the building hallway. Kirana used her magic to open the door and the mages entered inside the warehouse apartment to see two masked guards. Patricia instantly dropped her purple and teal force field that protected herself and Verona when she saw her sisters.

"Right on time!" Patricia exclaimed happily.

"Hurry and get us outta here!" Verona yelled.

Before the masked women could strike with their mechanized gloves, Kirana kicked one of them with her blue psychic energized leg while Camilla punched the other with her red psychic energized fist. Talia created a long chain made of orange psychic energy and tied the knocked-out women up tight. Talia, Kirana, and Camilla turned around to face Onyx.

"Let our friends go!" Kirana demanded.

"You mages won't stand a chance against me." Onyx said.

Onyx pressed a button on the remote and the TV turned on behind Talia that caught the five mages' attention. They watched Ana, Marie, Carmen, and Serena firing their weapons at Samara, Mala, Silver, Amber, and Whitman.

"My team is winning against your beast squad. No one can take them down." Onyx said.

"Then, I guess it's just you and us now!" Talia retorted as she and her two older sisters summoned out their psychic energy magic.

Onyx smiled cunningly as she began firing waves of pure dark energy at the mage kunoichis. Kirana, Camilla, and Talia jumped out of the way only for the waved to destroy the TV and everywhere else around the room. Kirana and Talia tried to blast Onyx away with their psychic energy beams while Camilla used her psychic energy magic to break the spider threads to free Patricia and Verona.

"Thanks, Camilla!" Patricia exclaimed as she and Verona got up from the couch.

"Patricia, you and Verona help the others take care of Onyx. I'm gonna help the Amazons!" Camilla said.

Camilla kicked the window open and jumped out, leaving Patricia and Verona jump into the battle. Talia got blasted by Onyx's dark energy waves and Kirana got kicked by Onyx's swift legs, but Patricia hit Onyx with her purple and teal psychic energy magic and Verona hit Onyx with her long tail.


Meanwhile, the Amazons are having trouble with Ana, Marie, Carmen, and Serena outside on the streets.

"It's over for you freaks!" Serena yelled with a grin.

"Hey, ladies!"

Everyone looked up to see Camilla standing on the warehouse apartment above.

"You want me, come and get me!" Camilla yelled as she summoned her psychic energy magic from her hands. "I'm ready to have some fun with you four!"

"Finally, someone who knows how to take on a real challenge!" Carmen shouted with a smile.

Ana, Marie, Carmen, and Serena started their rocket boots as they flew up to Camilla, who ran away from them. Ana, Marie, Carmen, and Serena landed on the ground as they began firing powerful energy blasts at the red mage. Camilla ran around the rooftop to dodge the blasts at her sight.

Whitman, Samara, Silver, Amber, and Mala looked up to watch the fight from below.

"Let's help our girls out!" Samara ordered her team.

Amber grabbed her teammates tightly with her giant rabbit ears and sprang high in the air to deliver fast swift kicks at the four women, making them fall down to the ground. Amber then landed next to Camilla and dropped her friends on the ground with her giant rabbit ears.

"You're gonna pay for that!" Marie whined.

Ana, Marie, Carmen, and Serena continued firing powerful energy blasts from their mechanized biker gloves. Whitman fired eight dark green energy lasers and Silver fired two ice shards to hit the mechanized biker gloves, destroying the women's' weapons with perfect shots. Samara and Camilla ran up to attack the women with several fast punches, leaving Mala and Amber to hit them with two kicks that knocked them over the edge of the rooftop. Ana, Marie, Carmen, and Serena screamed out loud as they fell from the rooftop and landed their backs on the street ground with painful muttering.


Back in the warehouse apartment, Onyx was slowly overpowered by four mages. Verona slammed Onyx to the floor multiple times with her tail, Kirana gathered intense psychic energy in her palms and then released a blue stationary concussive blast at Onyx's chest, and Talia delivered four high-damage orange psychic energized somersaults to Onyx. All the attacks slammed Onyx to the wall that left Patricia to make her move. Patricia sprang in the air and held one purple and teal psychic energized flower shaped kunai that hit Onyx's one rocket boot.

"No!" Onyx shouted.

The damaged rocket boots started to rocket Onyx away from the mages. Onyx began bouncing around the room and then bursted through a wall that sent her flying into the distance with a loud scream. Talia, Verona, Patricia, and Kirana had stepped towards the wall to watch Onyx flying into the night sky. Patricia unfused back into Ariana and Ezra.

"Dang." Talia and Verona said slowly.

"Yes! We did it!" Ezra cheered. "That was the best fight as Patricia ever."

"Wow!" Ariana said with a chuckle. "How disappointing. I had my hopes for this woman, but that fight was definitely not much of a workout."

Kirana blinked slowly and held out her hand that made Ariana give her oldest sister a high-five with a smile, before the purple mage kunoichi got caught in a hug by Ezra that caused her to hug the teal mage ninja back.


Back in the Crete Fortress, the Amazons were finally relaxing to enjoy some quality time with the K-5. Verona was skating around the living room with wicked moves. Amber, Whitman, Silver, and Samara gathered to watch Mala playing video games on the TV screen. But Mala hissed childishly as she lost the game, leaving her teammates to laugh. Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra sat on the couch with soda in their hands as they watched their friends having fun.

"I'm just glad you're okay, sis." Kirana said with a smile to Camilla.

"I'm sorry that I got so intense when we were sparring earlier." Camilla apologized.

"And I'm sorry that I pushed your buttons, Camilla." Ariana apologized, putting her right hand on Camilla's shoulder.

"Okay, enough apologizing. It's makin' me all soft right now." Camilla said, pushing Ariana's hand away from her shoulder.

Ezra sighed and gave Camilla a quick hug.

"Do hugs help?" Ezra asked.

Camilla chuckled with a smile and ruffled Ezra's hair. Kirana and Ariana exchanged glances as they rolled their eyes with a smile.

"It goes to show that you can never let anger separate you." Sage said as she levitated herself in mid-air to her three daughters and younger son. "But I'm proud of you to learn from that, Camilla."

"Thanks, mother." Camilla grinned.

"Pizza's here!" Talia called out as she walked past Sage with a couple of pizzas in her hand.

"Finally. I'm starving!" Whitman said with a smile.

"Yeah, me too!" Amber agreed.

"Get it while it's hot!" Talia said as she threw a pizza pie in the air out of the pizza box.

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Mala shouted with a smile as she got up and ran for the pizza.

"Oh no, you don't, Mala!" Verona grinned as she skated over to the pizza.

Mala and Verona both caught a bite on the pizza together in their mouths.

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